
did it happen? was it stalins fault ?

is what the west say mostly true?

Other urls found in this thread:


Kulaks deserved it.


here you my dear user


Did people die? Yes. Are the ridiculous numbers accurate? Absolutely not. Was it intentional? No. Did the Kulaks really hordes grain? Yes.

No, why would it be his fault? Not baiting but asking seriously.

Did Saddams army threw newborn baby on the floor in Kuwait?

Further information: espressostalinist.com/the-real-stalin-series/famine-of-1932/

it's his fault because he had a secret weather machine

I mean he tried to clone humans with gorillas to have supersoldiers

There is nothing beyond malicious Stalin


Mods please fucking ban this guy already. Sage.

why did you respond without saging

and then type sage in your post

nevermind didn't know it was board-specific whether or not it showed up

Holodomor happened, the Kulaks were just proletarians who inherited land and were unwilling to submit to fascist bolsheviks who hijacked and destroyed the potential of the russian revolution. Tankies will tell you they deserved it because they were counter revolutionaries but the real counter revolutionaries are bolshevik tankie scum.

Yeah no. It's important to counteract bourgeois propaganda every day with vigilance.


Everytime a kulak died an angel got its wings

If you weren't retarded you'd know that my gripe is with the OP who almost everyday posts inane questions over topics than have been discussed to death, sometimes being retarded enough to post threads on topics that are already being discussed. This is classic sliding behavior, take something that might catch interest, post it to distract people away from important things, then leave the thread.

Well, this is why we need IDs.


Stop sliding. A thread did not deserve to die for this.

If you think a peasant who has enough land to have their own horse, a plow, some oxen, and maybe enough money to hire their extended family to work the land constitutes a capitalist – well I don't know what the hell to tell you – you're just a retard.

Indeed we do.

Go back to Reddit.

Then call that a fucking petty-bourg, not prole.

Fuck of back to >>>Holla Forums with these shit threads, at least make something useful with them.

You want to call people who lived in near abject poverty, who just happen to have a tiny scrap of family land, petty bourgeoisie? Go right ahead, be my guest, but just know – this is why the Left cannot connect with actual proletarians because they are god damn idiots lost from the real fucking world.

No, you retard. Don't moralize economic relations.

Besides your noble peasants tried to starve out the cities because they hated the city folk because urban industry was subsidized

So no Kulaks you mean


If a member of the petty-bourgeoise starves to death, that doesn't mean that a few years ago they weren't petty-bourgs.

Can we get some sources in this thread that arent from tankie.com or kulak.net

The website itself isn't the source. Read up the stuff they have on there yourself.

Suddenly I have an idear how I could get enough prrrrofit$$$$ to afford this

You right-wing leaning parasite, you expect me to sit here and listen to your drivel?

Like the Holocaust this also did not happen.

The Kulaks hoarding grain claim is true but it does not deflect the blame from the Stalinist Government.

If you create economic conditions that result in the hoarding of supplies because you've created an incentive structure in which getting rid of those supplies may lead to your long term starvation then you can't really blame the individual kulak too much for their actions.

Not saying "MUH market makes it okay" but just killing loads of Kulaks rather than actually addressing the problem is why Stalin did Holodomor

This. What matters is what actually happened. A whole bunch of people died unnecessarily, and the state power of Soviet Union could have prevented or at least done a lot more to prevent it. Crying about the evil character of kulaks is idealism.

Wtf this is important for leftist because muh 100 gorillionz argument.

Did it happen ?
Was it Stalin's fault ?
Not really as Stalin did not have weather controlling powers granted by the Frankfurt School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
What do you fucking think ?

The thing about the holodomor is when people refer to it one of 2 things are happening.
1. they know literally nothing, heard the USSR had a famine, and assume it was because of the system it was under.
2. they know it was a famine that was out of the country's control but blame communism for trying to make everyone equal and only giving what little food they had out in small portions so that it'd be fair.
Either way they are uniformed, the reason why it's focused so much is because "communist" nations have a tendency to have famines one way or another and they equate that the system itself rather than anything actually surronding the event.