Your thoughts on this Holla Forums?

Your thoughts on this Holla Forums?

over-orthodoxy, i love it

no shit.
Fucking identity politics I swear.

The fuck are the other cases? Leopards?!

humans vs orc

fuck the horse shoe theory is real, but its based on idpol

TIL Islamic slavery don't real.

Yes but also
Caste systems are good

My thoughts are you should stop going to leddit regardless of your politics. /r/the_donald and /r/socialism and everything in between are just different flavors of cancerous

They probably consider them white

Only white people can be religious extremists.

Yeah, let's split

I'm almost impressed by how completely wrong someone can be.

this pleases porky

i want someone to beat me with a chair with such force that i'm thrown around a room, without leaving any long-term or visible injuries.

Man I wish this was a false-flag, but it just feels too real even though it's so fucking absurd and cliche. Postmodernism is the worst thing to possibly happen to philosophy.

And why the fuck does a radical liberal individualist describe xerself as part of the most authoritarian, anti-individualist sect of Communism?


Likely referring to Christianity even though for it's first 500 years its biggest centers were in MENA.

MENA is white.

closed as soon as recognized the format

stopped right there
sounds like new age bs thats again prioritizing everything above class struggle

Not to mention the biggest pools of Christians nowadays are Africa and South America.

MENA's whitness is like Schrôdinger cat.

fucking SJdubs


'fluidity of identity' is clearly appealing to like gender fluidity bullshit and then linking it to being like trans wealthy, what is this shit? just because you are allowed to wear a skirt in your squalid two room flat doesn't mean the rich are going to allow you to suddenly have a decent quality of life

leftypol: lol paranoid schizophrenics



Your point?


Capitalism exists. No one denies it. Blaming some Jewish mafia or NWO is not even close to the same thing. Also, reread the wiki article you skimmed on what "affirming the consequent" means.

Jews exist. No one denies it.

You have a deep and valuable understanding of capitalism, please tell us more, you dumb libshit.

It's the motte and bailey you people pull all the time, capitalism is simply the fact that there is private property and wage labour, and then it becomes a name for anything and everything, the hivemind behind the most paranoid conspiracy theories.

So does every other race. Your theories presuppose a coordinated mafia of a specific one

holy fuck stop referring to stupid fallacy fallacies
like that proves something instead of actually arguing, arguments are supposed to be rhetorical not scientific

No, they propose a system of institutionalized jewish power.

A system, you see. So it's totally not a conspiracy theory because systems aren't conspiracies.


Name those institutions without naming obvious institutions of capitalism

Prove that the fact that there is a market makes everything else only a holographic projection of this fact.

Capitalism, as an active agent, does not exist.



no, that you be breathism. we all breath, you see.

capitalism doesn't want communism. to stop communism, it will therefor make communists look dumb. you are therefor, an agent of capitalism because you serve it's interests.

Holy shit guys I think this guy's brain is actually melting. You've taken the trolling too far this time

Who unironically call themselves that? I mean most Pomos i interact with deny they are ones.

Postcolonialism is a disease of the mind.

This guy is basing his essentialism on pretending that history began at the colonial period and that places like Abyssinia, Ottoman Empire, Mongol Empire, Chinese Empire, Japanese Empire, Aztec Empire, etc, don't real. I

I just want to know if I count as oppressed or not, I'm a white male but I went to prison for something I didn't do and now I have literal PTSD

Ur a fukin white male

Honestly the idea of "fluidity of identity" being some secret weapon against the system and that the system "depends on rigid identities" is just so fucking stupid I swear it must come from some occult group of tumblr commies. Any hierarchical system ultimately doesn't give a fuck about the identities of the people in the hierarchy, only if a group or individual is capable of exploiting another. That's why everything ultimately comes down to class because class is literally your position in the hierarchy. Being a black demifemale or a fucking white male might affect what your position, i.e. class is, but it is not what causes you to be exploited or capable of exploitation, it's whatever your position in the hierarchy is.

I can tell you where it comes from…


Man, what I'd give to be a Fed infiltrator during Occupy. Imagine how fun it'd be to start bitching about lack of representation and a need for a progressive stack and see how everything fails apart because of you.

Not really sure what you mean by that.

Forgot to quote you.