Take the red pill

What did they mean by this?

Holla Forums is a """""""""""""""""contrarian board"""""""""""


A lot of such people are rather young, and thus don't understand the long historical struggles that surround them. And so when they see women and minorities gaining, …, idk something, in Liberal society, and they are told that they are the oppressors, it seems as issue for them and that they live in a society which is against them. So red pill, in their perception bubble, is rejecting that reality.

I'm in Law School and another student genuinely believes all this shit.

He told me how he believes that the increase in "degeneracy" (he actually said fun) in western culture is the direct result of granting "more rights to women and minorities."

Fug, he actually saidπŸ€πŸ€πŸ€degeneracyπŸ€πŸ€πŸ€

some other are just angry and scapegoat women and minorities.

What's hilarious is that previous societies were just as fucking decadent if not even more than our current one. There was never a perfect, pure moment in human history.

No dude, the Greeks were well known for being straight dudes all around. Just like in the statue on my twitter profile.


Had another student unironically tell me that sex before marriage is wrong because America is a "Christian nation" founded on biblical principles. The irony that the founding fathers had fuck tons of mistresses (Benjamin Franklin even wrote a book on how to best select a mistress) and many of the raped slaves was apparently lost on him.

supposed gains for women and minorities are loudly celebrated by a capitalist system desperate for moral legitimacy, it is corporations who have taken the mantle of social progress. actually, people have been doing worse across the board, but that's supposed to be irrelevant because Goldman Sachs hired one black woman to sit on their board of directors. The alt right will always win if you are arguing within the logic of capitalism, they see a world of ruthless zero sum competition, while liberals muddy the waters with weird quasichristian humanist principles that are directly inimical to capitalism.

Never forget Aristophanes used gayness as a source for comedy, though.

The fact that a bunch of high class people were pedos doesn't… .. wait.. .is there a tradition in human society of pedo high class?

he isn't.

Calvinist work ethics + sex repression is the best way to control a population.

Why was Calvin such a stain upon Christianity?

so is premarital sex right outside the us?

step up nigga, you'd go white if you saw what real high class pedophilia is.

well yeah, I stopped myself short of actually saying that they were improving in any meaningful way

There's a distinct tradition of those in positions of power and authority opportunistically abusing those subject to them. This abuse disproportionately happens to children, since they're less independent and therefore more likely to end up subject to potentially abusive authority.

Calling pederasty child abuse is retarded anachronism.


Why Holla Forums thinks being 'redpilled' is a good metaphor for seeing past political correctness is beyond me. A cursory glampse at the matrix shows how stupid the metaphor is. You'd think something written by two trans women and spoken by a black man would be completely rejected by Holla Forums/

Ayy completely forgot about this one. It's pottery

Its a direct reaction to refugee crisis. They must grow out of it.


Because the blue pill allows you to distance yourself from reality. If you take the blue pill you ignore what Morpheus told you because you're afraid, you prefer to remain ignorant. That's the reasoning behind it. It's not the power of the red pill as it is that of the blue one.

Holla Forums has no qualms about coopting stuff to their benefit, and they share this sentiment with most right wingers throughout the last century. i don't know why but the only leftists who saw how this is crucial for propaganda are the situationists.

Lol I love how that doesn't even add up no matter what logic you use, even discounting the fact that "degeneracy" doesn't mean anything except Things I'm Too Close-Minded To Understand. They know it's ridiculous on some level.

I can't believe people believe that crap. I guess separation of church and state doesn't refer to doctrine, but to the ruling institution of a church as well, huh?
What did he actually say about the raping slaves thing? Did you tell him how many were deists?

Lol should've said it to his face.

i've had to chech i wasn't browsing pol

Why does that matter? How leftist is homophobia and witch hunt sexual fantasies?

Because it was full revert to judemode monotheism
