Political Correctness Hurts The Left More Than The Right


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And the only people it truly benefits are liberals in the short term and fascists in the long run (because just as they advocate a photonegative of liberal idpol from the start, they easily take on the character of a photonegative of liberal political correctness).

This is the first space truly free of political correctness in all its forms that I've seen.

Now, how do we fix this given what we know about it?

This. Of the LSCs, the Liberals and the Mainstream Cons are protected from dissident speech, don't realize they are inasmuch farm animals are "protected" from the outside world. In reality they are being prepared for slaughter, their arguments dulled because their opponents are just other versions of mild LSCs. We and Fashfucks are in an interesting position because we both know there is a fence, and instead of tearing it down Fashfucks can manipulate it to their own advantage.

Ultimately, I don't think we can do the same. Alinsky tried some tricks to corral bourgeois Liberals into Marx, but it wasn't enough. We need to break down both the Liberal conception of "muh freezpeach" and "safe speech"/political correctness.

we need a solidarity that transcends reified 'authentic' identities but also the shallow liberal emphasis on negative rights. The left needs to stand unambiguously for freedom, even if it means completely overturning the existing order. Since the 60s, the left has taken on a for the most part defensive role. Last traces of utopia where swept away for good by postmodernism and the fall of the ussr. The adoption of the discourse of progressive identity politics by certain sectors of the establishment has not resulted in anything but purely cosmetic changes: the reality of war, capitalism, and the state remains as brutal as it ever was. The only idea of liberation we have is that of success within the same system that is destroying us.cultural liberals are the ineffective hall monitors of late capitalism, the people who think that if they just scold people enough they might see the light, become decent enlightened individuals and maybe learn to code as well. Liberals are not really those in power, but rather among those involved in maintaining the current facade of power. Their brand of cultural hegemony has become widely discredited, the absurd spectacle of 'woke' popstars and consumer brands is associated with a world order people hate and want to see destroyed. That presents a huge opening for the right, but also for the radical left. Liberal culture and the liberal idea of progress are dead and where probably just illusions all along.

But what do I actually do? Political language is just so screwed up and dysfunctional and landmined here in the Bay Area/Silicon Valley. Any sort of -ism besides little-known ones like syndicalism result in some sort of prepackaged response being thrown at you. Even if you don't mention them, they come back to bite you. Advocate for a new, better world based on "employee ownership and management of firms, face-to-face democracy, and production for human use", and you get a spiel from a self-righteous liberal about the USSR and how it was a noble attempt but a flawed one because of "hyooman naytoor" and should therefore be discarded a priori.

What the fuck do I do? I haven't taken this perspective in whole before, but is right, fascists are succeeding because they can manipulate the ideological constructs of modern political life to their own ends, while we're forced to bang on the outsides of the towering machine. If we are ever noticed, we don't have an intelligible position of our own from the liberal perspective because we don't fit into the staged play of identities and are therefore pigeonholed into its recesses.

Forgot pic

I understand why people mock the fair trade coffee thing, but what's the alternative you propose?

We have to tap in into people's alienation first and foremost. Feels will always trump reals, and the evidence and arguments will always fail when confronted by emotions. The economics, statistics, and complex philosophy will do nothing in an exchange with others that are completely unaware about our goals. Connection are the real key to success.

I have studied (a little) sociology and psychology, still liberals with arts degrees tell me this shit all the time with a know-it-all attitude like they have fucking PhDs in the same disciplines, and economics to boot.

imo we should build parallel democratic structures that can help people in their daily lives without having to rely on the state, that goes for security as well. People have to see results as well, material results. maybe through occupations or appropriations of stuff, mutual aid societies, something that can create a community but is not based on race or religion but in socialist principles.

I feel like this is right, but I'm not sure what to go with in determining what feels to target. The right is already onto this, with Mercer and Bannon's AI which won the 2016 election for Trump.

I mean that these people aren't even open to the idea of envisioning a new society in any way. Our work ahead of us is far larger than simply showing people what we actually believe in, even if that is necessary and would help greatly. We must decisively prove that there is no alternative to building a new world beyond liberalism right now, as it's either that or humanity's death. It sounds shrill and hysterical, but it's true.

Is there a way to get some authority that they trust to say this kind of stuff or at least agree with it? I feel like some conservative personalities might be open to mutualism if we avoid giving it a leftwing veneer. I actually don't know where to even start with dye-in-the-wool "left" liberals like Bill Maher and John Oliver - all their spooks are internalized and the only things they really believe in are identities and paeans to capitalism as a meritocracy. All these authorities tap into their alienation to get profits by blaming it on the other side. They don't explicitly care whether what they spout is Porky ideology or not - it just is when left to its own by virtue of the dynamics of the system. Turn them into our loudspeakers to get to the feels of the people, and we can get somewhere.

So utopianism? We can do better than that and at least give our structure-building a scientific basis like Proudhon.

Plus, we have to convince someone to join us in the first place. If we can't undo the Gordian knot of idpol or somehow slice through it, all our organizational ideas, tankie or anarkiddie or armchairist or whatever, are meaningless.

Capital has become supremely good at managing and quashing dissent through idpol, thus undoing the basis of leftcom's ideas. Change will only come with action, opportunistic action with a single coherent theory behind it all. Whatever we use to dismantle liberal idpol must also simultaneously lay the foundations for self-organization of communities to prevent their fall into fascism as an "alternative" to liberalism's idpol.

There should really be no trade in coffee. It only grows in specific places and to ship it across the sea is 1. wasteful and 2. promotes slave labor regardless of how many brands promote "fair trade" since their consumption and commodification of the lifestyle is what promotes coffee drinking in emerging countries like China or India who do not give a shit about said slave labor.

answer is unironically memes. spooks is btw a terrible meme for trying to convince people of something.

So close Holla Forums, so close that you that reflexively dodge the sledgehammer and dissociate the Name into a word that is in all aspects the name except the definition with which to dodge upon.

You're the one deluded about the logic behind this though.

Imagine you uncover a group of cannibals, and to your horror, you discover that they are Jewish. Your observation makes you an anti-semetic pariah, now there are two things you could do to save yourself, pretend that they don't exist or say that this is the foodist system at work, and that people eating other humans is not anything they could be named for but instead a nameless expression of the fact that people eat.

I mean yeah I get that. But I've read a lot of history and I just keep seeing jews fuck shit up over and over. I look in popular culture and its jews promoting this degenerate shit over and over. I was a bit into academia (anthropology) before I left and it was jews behind all the degenerate shit there too.

Jews were vastly overrepresented in the bolshevik revolution as well and they were the ones who pushed the anti russian policies that saw people getting purged just for owning 20% more land than other farmers and shit like that.

Also in 2nd grade I met my first jew who couldnt drink milk and I got scolded by the principal for making fun of him.

Then why are you the pariah, when people who present the same sort of logic, logic that even goes much further and deeper, are esteemed academics?

Because they target it at whites. This is what makes the "white supremacy" meme so ironic, if it were true, it would be them that would be treated as jackbooted pedophiles, academia would be filled with theories of intrinsic jewish supremacy that went further than any of hitlers deliriums.

This however, presents an opportunity, if the stigma can be broken down, slowly eroding through memes and continual questioning, than the logical base for the realization is already there.

mensheviks were twice as jewish though

Except in this case, the group of cannibals is far more diverse wider than Jewish, and somehow you conclude that cannibalism is the result of Jewishness, even tough most Jews aren't cannibals.
Also love how the cannibal metaphr evoke sacrifice to dark gods and mystcal shit.
So to FTFY more, you mistook organ trafficking for cannibalism.
And as a result, lucrative rotten business keeps going because the traffickers don't even have to bother character assassinating the witness for he's doing that himself.

"but most aren't" is irrelevant, we could then just as well say that the aztecs had no connection with human sacrifice because most didn't cut out hearts, and that in some other place human sacrifice also took place.

I've never really bought the white supremacy belief. I grew up amongst poorer whites so I can't really see anything inherently noble in us. I just dont think people or even I myself can see beyond tribal loyalties which are race based. I honestly really like other cultures. Arabic poetry from back when they were the center of knowledge is great. Shame about the mongols lol

jews are oddly a very divided people. I really just can't understand them.

You know what they say, history is written by the winners.

I obviously ment the white supremacy theory, you know, the theories in which replacing white with jew would make you a criminal in most european countries and a psychotic nazi in the U.S.

You probably don't like other cultures, you like it's visuality, when we are linguistically closed of from something, we see. We see costumes and rituals, we hear music and poetry, we taste food and drink. We like it because we experience it as something that enters our world as a thing, not as a world of itself in which we have place. This is why weeaboos are obsessed with japanese stuff, not with actually living as a japanese person.

I love how you ignored the "cannibal" group wasn't entirely Jewish either.
I love how you keep hammering down occultist imagery when a rational approach is more relevant.
Keep being the tool that delay collapse of the statu quo by associating contestation of it with lunacy.

No, not entirely, the aztecs had a multi-ethnic empire with others peoples also practicing human sacrifice. Thanks for the note, we now to have rewrite the anti-aztetic history books that associate this with the aztecs.

Bill Nye the science guy is rational. The rational are reasonable, the occult offers a look beyond the reasonable, unrestrained by it's pietisms.

Great posts by The Ethical Nazi

Don't weasel you way out faggot.
You came up with discovery of Jewish cannibals, adress what i said and don't move the goalposts with muh Aztecs.

Plus using middle age civilization as a model to understand the world of today is deluded.
The development of the production changed not only our lives but our minds. You will never came back to good ol' times no matter how hard people are autistically screeching about it.

I want to see judaism gone. Erradicated. Shamed into nothing, discontinued, vanished. It has always been a blight on humanity, and it infected the other abrahamic religions.The only ethnic clothing and appearance that repulse me are the traditional orthodox jew ones. I think zionists are genuinely the worst people on Earth, as the others who are capable of such savagery are at least impoverished and ignorant. Judaism. Is. A curse.

Yet since I'd be willing to symphatize with an ethnic jew should he shirk and reject his culture like he should, I am a jew lover. Since I think judaism is but the root of a horrible weed that has grown into something monstrous over the years that transcends my personal distaste for kikes, I am ignorant and naive, just like they're telling you you are in this thread. Thinking that diversifying their trickery into other races is a horrible idea that would solve nothing and keep their brand of control alive, or even denounce this attitude in non jews and you will be branded as a useful idiot and so on.

Just give It up, Holla Forums. You will never hate jews enough for them.

Thought Holla Forums was doing the whole we won't ban you for unpopular opinions like they do on Holla Forums thing.

Least all my posts didn't get deleted like they usually do.

yes, good untersmench, come to my free range grazing grounds :^)

*rubitty rub*


jesus somebody fire that retard

Wait what, why aren't I banned a trillion times if that's a thing? Must be the nazi flag.

9 weeks? What the fuck?

That stopped being a thing, in what, mid-late 2015? Once we started to really get going in PPH, being "respectful" of all viewpoints (explaining to someone why they're wrong for the benefit of both them and anyone else who may be reading that shares that opinion) largely went out the window. With that came the "fuck off back to Holla Forums" purging, which perfectly mirrored Holla Forums's "fuck back off to Holla Forums" hotpocketeering, resulting in both Holla Forums and Holla Forums being closed-ecosystem hugbоxes. I really do miss the good old days where I could get into heated debates with neetsocs without that 98% chance of the thread being deleted mid-argument, resulting in them going back to Holla Forums all smug, thinking that they won the debate because the hotpockets intervened and shut it down.

I'd wager it's less the about daring to mention the juice, and more about the second one. I'm not going to go into more than that.

mods should all be gulag'd, tbh

Coffee is grown in the regions where it can best be grown at quantities needed to supply the entire world, while the people producing the coffee have a set of basic material needs met
and can acquire additional goods and services in return for the work preformed by them to provide the rest of the world with coffee.

Wrong and also stupid

I just want some transparency and consistency. Uncensored board logs, public ban messages for all bans, bumplocking shit threads instead of deleting them (unless it's actual spam), and a strict set of rules with specific ban lengths for different violations. I've been asking for those things for over a year now, though, and it has thus far fallen on deaf ears, so I can't see anything changing. Polite sage for being somewhat OT.

Word of advice, r/soc: lurk for a few months and absorb the board culture before jumping in with overtly hostile shitposts.