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I love laughing at leftoids and antifascists too but this is just awful, OP.

I wish I could say that you'll one day look back and cringe. However, it would probably be a lie. Read a book about economics and look around. Maybe you'll finally understand what is happening to the world.

any reccomendations?

this type of content is ridiculously popular by any standards, nothing the grassroots left puts out even gets close in terms of popularity. instead of just cringing at it we should try to analyse it and find ways to counteract it. This strain of right wing ideology claims the mantle of skepticism and liberal enlightenment rationality, but doesn't care about associating with literal fascists or throwing people off helicopters. LARPing as captain america makes stuff easy for right wing propagandists. Its ridiculous for the left to claim the mantle of patriotism and the inherent decency of american values. Remember, captain America punched communists too during the cold war.

i like the song
also, OP, we are against IDpol

Is antifa IDpol?

Chris Ray Gun is a 90 lb little bitch with twig arms

depends on the group

Reading list thread stickied.

do anyone knows the propaganda they are paroding on the 1:57?
i know i saw something like that before

Makes you think.


antifa is not a political movement, but an antipolitical movement. It's doomed precisely because it tries to save capitalism from itself.

letfypol is antifa

Anybody not using a board name with forward slashes is a faggot

please stop posting

fucking this

Any book which explains how production for selling, banking and mortgage works should do. Looking at the problems caused by the accumulation of money, and those who wish to profit at the cost of human lives, culture and nature is what should keep us busy. Not that some fat liberal bald women called someone a nazi.
For some recommendations, I have a mix of theory focused books and more entertaining books.
Das Kapital. First as tragedy, then as farce. The Next Revolution. The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money. The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism. Debt: The First 5,000 Years.

Media is prime psy war terrain, if we aren't winning, someone else is. 'Left leaning' media descended into self congratulatory content for the liberal class and their interests, without doing much to actually help the less well of in society.

Have a (you)

Nah it's important that these kids go all-in on the Trump train so that his betrayal will sting them hard.


And what does this matter? Are you thinking about becoming his personal trainer and life coach?

the average member of those right wing 'atheist'/'skeptic'/'gamer' communities seems primarily driven by spite and resentment towards the spook of 'the sjw' the archetypal 'intersectional' campus activist. He is ready to support anything as long as he thinks it has a chance of somehow aggrieving or 'triggering' the spook. How did the 'sjw' become such a powerful marketing tool with an appeal over such wide demographics? seriously, the spectacle of 'sjws' and the triggering thereof has become a multimillion dollar industry drowning in web video revenue, an industry with its own star system: Milo Yiannopoulos, Gavin McInness, Lauren Southern, Sargon of Akkad, Cernovich, etc. Why is the 'sjw' so hated? what is it in the 'sjw' that resonates so deeply with many consumers?

SJWs became a stand-in for "the man." In a way MAINSTREAM METEOR man is right. Reactionaries have been largely successful in co-opting anti-establishment sentiment and using to fuel anti-liberal policies instead. However Trump's ascendancy is threatening that, which is why antifa is now the new big bad and Trump is no longer mentioned. So basically we are back to square one with "muh freeze peach" being the primary target of this "movement" rather than "muh Trump."

Many of the 'skeptics' seem to be otherwise apolitical or low info, more interested in 'nerd culture' brands or gaming. also, there's the emphasis on 'classical liberalism' and its values, like 'free speech', 'meritocracy', 'political neutrality' for example, all things that only ever existed in their imagined golden age of liberalism. That's somewhat more interesting. The liberal class sees itself as a sort of bulwark against a society of dumb hicks inevitably bound to descend into barbarism. But in reality the liberal class is loud, but relatively powerless, always ends up bowing down to high finance, procedures, institutions and the military industrial complex.The only thing standing between us and fascism is the decency of a few people who read the new york times if they are boomers or any of the flavour of the month 'woke' content farms if they are younger. Some within 'the left' have internalised elements of this ideology to varying degrees. It's really easy to spin an effective counter-narrative by portraying the liberal class as an all powerful, censorious, cultural marxist elite.