Melenchon has lost. Press F to pay respects

Because of his lost and Macron's likely win next month, all frog leftypolers must vote for le pen to spite the neoliberal establishment.


Other urls found in this thread:

Democracy is an illusion

Le Pen can get 90% of the popular vote and she'll still lose because the elections are fake and Macron is the chosen puppet.

Why won't the center left just go away?

Hello where is the proofs?

Accelerationism, as the name implies, would be accelerating capitalism, so the accelerationist candidate would be an unapologetic capitalist shill signing every international trade treaty and sucking EU's cock, not the one opposing them


The EU needs to be destroyed. It is the epitome of "capitalism with a human face." It's so good that even actual leftists can get tricked into supporting it.

leftypol would rather macron win and have more neo liberalism than have Holla Forums be happy

Fucking yes. J'allais déja non-ironiquement voter Le Pen pour l'effet nihiliste-precipitiste, mais, pour tout les vrais gauchistes, voici comment Jean-Luc peut encore gagner..

Accelerationism is a meme that doesn't work

This. To advocate acceleration-ism is to hope that capitalism destroys itself. It's clearer now than ever that accelerationism will have capitalism ruin the entire planet and nothing worth saving will be left.

Looks like democracy has failed once again
Time to start up the tanks

Should have Bernie Sanders effect after they're stuck with some other retard for 4 yrs.
I mean, he probably would have been a shitty socdem, but people will always wonder what might have been.


fuck off with your accelerationist meme shit


b-but we don't have any…

Yeah lets vote fascism! That will show em!

Fuck off Holla Forums.

Voting left leaning fascists is still not accelerationism. VOTING NEOLIBERALS/LIBERTARIANS IS.

Is visa free travel worth literal fascism, EUfag?

you're that desperate, Holla Forums ?

ill tell you what, i'll always be against you, no matter what.

still better than communism

Last year I would have supported LePen to fight neoliberalism

But I have honestly had it with the magafags and the frogfuckers, I can't bring myself to do anything that would appease them. I know it's betraying the bigger picture, but I harbor such hate against them I just can't do it.

Le Pen is neoliberalism though. That's the whole point. These reactionaries cannot upend the neoliberal order.

he's full right economically

cheeky leftcom

Can you tell me of all the revolutions caused by choosing social democrats? I can't. The US is in the state it is because FDR saved capitalism from itself. Accelerationism may not work, but reformism is even worse.

On the contrary, can you tell me the places where class consciousness has risen by making conditions worse for the left?

I'd rather kill myself than vote for tankie scum.

Yeah, I can get behind Le Pen.


Leftist are to simply not vote.

Conditions aren't worse for the left just because they aren't in government. And either way, this is how it must play out eventually. Eventually workers will be working more for less, and all the reforms will be gone out of "necessity". They call it austerity now. Look at Greece. Worse conditions didn't make people more class cucked. It had the opposite effect.



- le pen wins majority vote

- lenin emerges from tomb, kills lepen and macaroon

- melenchon wins

Just submit to us, the true leadership of the working class.
Radicals belong to the mass graves of last century.


Succdem day of the guillotine when

Accelerationism Is Crashing Capitalism By Its Own Internal Forces, Not Through Electoral Horseshit.
An Accelerationist Politician Is One That Strenghtens Capitalist Exploitation, Not One That Tames It, Not Whoever The Media Says is Further "Right".

Still, Le Pen is probably the correct pick for Holla Forums because of Assange and NATO.

But that retarded logic the cure for cancer lies in implanting more tumours until the person dies, taking the cancer with them.

And for the Muslim problem, which if left unmitigated, will result in a fascist backlash.

right, because a change in economic system typically results in death of the ENTIRE fucking population.

We got a genius over here

I don't care if it's retarded or not, it's what the word means.
Le Pen is NOT accelerationist.

Le Pen will bend the knee to establishment forces like Trump. All of that is just rhetoric. It's better to have her as leader to avoid a fascist backlash later on.

this is also a valid point.

But most importantly, to watch liberals melt down

It's a better point that the accelerationism meme, at least it's backed by historical precedent.

The only valid position is:

You are not getting easy vote out of disgruntled leftists. Fuck off, polip.

Jesus, somebody get those braindead newfaggots out of here.

Did Melenchon propose UBI too?
I've only read their platform now and Hamon actually seems a lot more reasonable than Chon, despite being less edgy regarding the EU, NATO and everything.

The World's 6th biggest economy implementing Basic Income would set a major precedent. Shame really.

UBI would just keep porky afloat for a bit longer

I really hope most of this board is not old enough to vote.

Most of us are burgers, aussies, or anglos. Don't fret.

Burger here, I can vote.
But I don't vote based on retarded ideas like Accelerationism.
I'd rather not have the socioeconomic system I live under violently fall apart, I'd rather replace it if possible.

I literally want to strangle all accelerationionists right now

Also fuck off Holla Forums, we're not here to shill for nazi fucks on your behalf.


Macron isn't even a fucking SocDem, you idiots. Melenchon is a SocDem - Macron is just a liberal.

You can say the same about the 8 hour work day.

Still doesn't mean that it was a bad thing to achieve.

ubi is shit

melenchon wanted workers councils

goodnight my sweet beautiful prince

I agree - not because of accelerationism, but just because of spite.
I said the same with Bernie - if not Bernie, America better vote Trump. Neoliberals in notionally left-wing parties are the biggest cancer there is.

Uh, yeah. Neoliberals generally don't like fascists. (Though fascistic regimes that impose chicago economics get a free pass - see, it's liberty!)

And as we all know, accelerationism doesn't work.

They can try. If they fail, hopefully if fosters even more disillusion to the point where people realize they have nothing to lose. (They don't even own their chains, those are property of Serco. There's a hefty fine for damaging them.)

Allende. :^)







Actually, given how integrated that order is (and how weak the post-2008 economy is) a major country pulling out (even if it collapsed it's own economy in doing so) could make the whole house of cards come crashing down.


( ° ʖ °)

Not only did Melenchon not win, but now the media is still trying to take him down because he refused to endorse Macron. Apparently he's now a tool of the right wing. It's really staggering to me how little awareness they have, even though it shouldn't be.


When did he ever say he wanted workers' councils? The interview in Jacobin with his economic adviser sounded like standard SocDem to me

You got one more person who has more votes

Rosa killers

Fucking Hamon couldn't just drop out and tell everyone to vote Melenchon.

WTF, I love Brexit and Le Pen now

That's what we call Posadism

Saving the ones you like is Hoxhaism-Posadaism

Remember when people said that voting for Trump over Hillary is a good idea because at least it goes against the establishment? Yeah? Then don't.

Too bad, I was hoping he'd win so when he inevitably turned out to be a boring center-left politician like Syriza some of the pretend communists on this board might wake up and become actual communists.

Not really, isn't there that fun fact that Apple could move it's production operations out of China in 3 days?

Le Pen has her own party, she's not a pawn in someone else's game. She wants France to have an independent foreign policy instead of being NATO's unthinking body, she promissed to give Assange citizenship. If you want to blank your vote sure, but Macron has absolutely nothing to give us, his stances on Civil Liberties are much worse than hers.

Acelerationism is just a shitty meme.
"I support right wing but ironically so it's cool" no shit you are just a right wing.

I'm still not noticing anything in this world worse than what I expected if Hillary had won.
Well, except the emboldening of /r/thedonald.

But could apple shareholders swallow the fact France was now unable to buy iPhones? (either by policy or by poverty.) Could McDonalds swallow their expected profits in Europe going to hell because the exchange rate crashed?

That's the real question.



I really, really hope Le Pen wins. She will, without a doubt, fuck shit up real good.

She will suck the dick of Parisian porky as soon as she will push the doors of the Élysée. His father was a neoliberal during the Reagan years. They would just put more cops in the streets and force us to worship spooks, but change nothing to the economical situation.
Macron will win anyway. If you are French, abstain and retreat into apathy until the next social movement.

i want Le Pen to win
since after everything goes down in flames
we can finally start on building our utopia



Leftyfags, so much theory crafting. Unite with the broadest number to defeat the greatest threat.

Which fucks Imperialism harder: Le Pen or Macron?

As of now, Macron has the EUs leash and will perpetuate the rot of the EU. Le Pen will try to leave the EU but will probably get controlled. But it will cost the EU to get her under control and create more resentment among her supporters who will try to find a better option.

Let the plebs decide, and don't waste your time.
Vote for Mélenchon supporters in June if you are in a region where it's worth it (i.e. not PACA)

good, don't fall for false dilemmas

I hope lepen gets beat the fuck out in the 2nd round then gets a ebola and dies


The problem here comes with the definition of socdems and what's at stake.
an actual socdem is unambiguously preferable to a quasi-fascist, but a quasi-fascist is preferable to a third-way neoliberal.

you always have to ask yourself, are you voting for a Harold Wilson, or a Tony Blair?

Fascists come in through voting.
Communist revolution comes in through a coup.

I've been waiting for this thread

What do you prefer, nationalist Le Pen or neoliberal Macron? Or is it C) abstention?

Abstention might be retarded, it might be what has created this situation, but what to do from here on?

Does that mean you chose Macron over Le-Pen?

I'll cast blank. I saw it is comptabilized during the election thread.
Imo it is a better indication of "i don't agree with both" than just abstention which can also be "i don't give a shit"

This. She's way better than Trump. Le Pen will make France look like a 3rd world country very fast.

Can't wait to string you traitors up lad

D) blank

this was made by a Holla Forumsyp kek

I'd stay home and secretly, maliciously, hope LePen wins out of pure spite towards liberals.

The abstention rate increasing from the usual 20% to 30 or 40% would still be meaningful and a proof that people are disillusioned with this shit. Blank votes are only 2% at most, basically as significant as an Asselineau vote.
As far as I'm concerned, I would need to travel hundreds of km away from I live to vote, and I don't want to give any form of approval to Macron or Le Pen.
If the French in majority want the perpetuation of the neoliberal hell we are living right now, or make the world burn under a neo-Pétainist spectacle, let it be so. I will just intensify my long-term suicide with booze, overpriced cigarettes and paracetamol-laced codeine pills whatever happens.

How come votes aren't ranked to begin with?

Le Pen and Macron don't even carry between them 50% of the popular vote. It's now best of the worst for everybody else now.

It's barely better than regular first past the post.

Are you me ?

It goes to show, that 20% of the French electorate would prefer a criminal leech on the public purse than a communist.

This is why he lost.

Those 20% are the very core electorate of LR. They're even more fanatical than Le Pen's voters.

Ahaha. No

Is this what they call irony?

How hasn't this faded into the same tier of memedom as THANKS OBAMA yet?
Please tell me that cartoon is satire

Accelerationist should just fucking kill themselves. Bunch of fucking hobbyists with no real struggle.

i thought Russia would like a Eurosceptic

That is cool but not something we should starve for

Who is still voting for Fillion? Jebus.

Old shits. Hell they're the only people voting for the UNR. I don't know if they'll be around 5 years from now but they sure as hell won't 20.

Wrote stuff on the paper ? Void.
2 papers of the same candidate ? Allowed.
2 papers of 2 different candidate ? Void.

You can't just cheat the elections, but you can cheat the lists or, at worst, the transmission of results, and since private polling companies have the right to access it it's hard to do

Give him a break, he's probably a burger.

Jesus, my english

The urn is completely transparent and designed to make it obvious if two envelopes are dropped at the same time

And protest votes. And center-rights.

They would this is a Macron comic about evil Le Pen.

If Macron voters picked their second choices who knows how the election would've turned out? Melenchon voters would've gone Hamon and Macron, Le Pen voters would've gone Fillon and Macron, Fillon voters would've gone Macron and Le Pen, Hamon voters would've gone Melenchon and Macron, and Macron voters well shit who knows. In a sick way I feel like RCV would've made his coronation even more inevitable. It's like how the British Glibdems were trying to get people to embrace AV so they could be everyone's second pick.
If we go by who would get eliminated first, Cheminade's a non-factor and a wild card, I feel like most people's second choices who voted him would be like Godzilla or something there's no way anyone took this guy seriously. Arthaud, Poutou, that's +1.7 Melenchon. Asselineau and Latalle are +2.1 Fillon. Dupont is +4.7 Le Pen. Hamon is +6.4 Melenchon. Either Fillon or Le Pen get eliminated here, which would probably be decisive. Lots of Le Pen voters would go Melenchon over Fillon whereas Fillon would be about half and half between Macron and Le Pen and leave Ol Boy in the dust. Of course that's just a prediction in an unpredictable race, there was a lot of protest voting going on and a lot of Macron and Le Pen votes would've gone to other places if they weren't voting strategically.


You can't cheat the elections


A year ago I would have called you a Holla Forums shill.. But its probably the only way forward. The center left is basically colluding with the far right at this point and the best case scenario that we can possibly have right now is for the fascists to get elected and then start lighting fires under asses.. It sure fucking seems like them getting elected is the only way to get people to want to fight back.

I dont think antifa ever had as much support in America as it does now. And Ive never seen so many on the left researching how to acquire firearms and training

I think you are wrong. The El Khomeri law was kinda written by Macron. I don't think his neoliberal program will be totally accepted by the population.

So how likely is it that PS won't exist a year from now? Any opinions from frogs? I can't tell.


The futur is uncertain. Valls and his supporters want to create a new party, leaving the key of the party to Hamon and his. From there, I don't know. It would be wise of Macron to keep it alive but only on life support so it won't be a threat but as the same time it would weaken FI


How the fuck has Mélenchon lost when the election hasn't happened?

Wow I thought the French would be the last people to use electronic voting machines.


If La Front Gauche get the 20% that Melenchon did (and considering he will campaign for them, and he ran for them last time, they prob will get at-least over 15%), they will wreck shit up, since neither FN nor EM will get a majority.

Also, Macron wants to continue along the lines of La Loi Travail: which will cause a load of protests over the summer. Now who could lead these protests with the support of the unions? Oh yes, Melenchon.

Vote against fascism, for neoliberalism shall continue to collapse. Light our torch of the dying figure the present order, and stamp out the false fires that will oppress in different ways.

Only a few of you called it out. Christ, too many new users. Sage, report to mods & move on. If you want to talk Melenchon then make a genuine thread to counter it & redirect posters to it.

Does he have a loft bed?


I actually read that and felt like an idiot for not getting it.

Pierret Le Pen based situationist NEVER FORGET

Yeh okay Trumpet accelerationism is retarded

But it literally is tho look

Nobody ever says the last one


Just get here?

1917 Russia.