Welcome to the Big Union. How wobbly are you?

Welcome to the Big Union. How wobbly are you?

I've been going to their meetings and events, but I don't have like money because I don't have a job, so I can't pay the membership fees to join up and become a card carrying wobbly :(

Are you a straight, white male?
If so, I doubt the modern IWW would allow you to join anyway.

I'm a transwoman so I got that covered ;P

so far my local branch ain't full of SJWs actually, if anything a lot of them are Workerists

I once went to a strike organised on Twitter instead of working.

Yeah, so?


U-uh step right this way sir!

I sleep with a Eugene Debbs plushie and my iPod is all Joe Hill.

considering the industrial worker is no longer the face of the modern day proletariat, i see no need for the IWW

Why doesn't the IWW unionize silicon tech bros?

why would it

cuz i'm one and i want to help unionizing my workplace and raising class consciousness

ATT stands for American Telephone and TELEGRAPH

the acronym is more important than what it actually means at this point

and do what

good question. what's the point of living?

I live in the Bay Area. Nothing but idpol.

Unions=Labor Aristocracy

And why is that a bad thing? The workers are entitled to what they create.

Cops are labor aristocracy.

We are in the epicenter of liberal capitalism in the US comrade. They've actually created a situation here where the left is a bigger threat then the right

Can't join. The bylaws prohibit politicians from membership.

I sometimes wonder why I managed to break free and others didn't, and then I remember that it was because I was miserable with work and didn't care about politics and had always been a loner. Then I saw Bernie's platform by chance, and stuff began to click. It seemed… human. Fast forward a few months, and I'm reading ansyn literature while shaking my head as people talk about John Oliver making fun of Trump and about how we need to become cyborgs to compete with AI because social Darwinism (now this is pure ideology!) and generally having the attention spans of toddlers. I initially tried gently prodding them into class stuff, but I got the reaction which I think we've all received from liberals.

Do we have to wait until these people become so alienated from each other that the misery of their pointless jobs becomes unbearable for them like it did for me and the idpol facade gives way to leftism? Do we have time for that before capitalism destroys the whole world?

Yours or theirs? Are you a member of a political party? Do you believe that your position is better served in government vs in the one big union?

I'm interested. I want to get involved in organizing in the restaurant industry. Most of my comrades kinda look down on them, but every wobbly I've run into have been great.

How do the wobblies plan to seize political power as the current crisis deepens?

Holy shit, this is exactly what's happened to me over the last like year or year and a half. I've tried to talk to coworkers about how shitty our lives are *because* of our work, but nobody seems to get it, so I just don't really bother talking about it, so I'm just sad and drink beer and browse this site.

Modern unions are a glorified arm of management which play a key role in subduing workers' struggles

Hey, at least we have newfags coming over to our side as a result of their experiences in the first place, much as liberals would like to portray leftism as a purely academic relic of the past.
As things get worse, more people will come over, and things will always get worse in the extreme long run.

I'm so wobbly that I recognize the IWW died in the 1920s and LARPing as a wobbly nowadays is pointless.

IWW's. And I am in a party because entryism.

That's pretty wobbly.