A Temporary Truce

Holla Forums here, while we have radically different ideas of how the world should look, we both recognize that things have to change, we need revolution. Neither of us can do it alone, so why not join together and take down the system? Nazis and Commies fighting together to take down the bankers and the kikes. How about it Holla Forums? We can kill each other when the war is over.

You did this last time.

"Sure, I'll get on board with you faggots to take down the bankers! What's the worst that could happen?"
t. Gregor Asser

Holla Forums's already sold themselves off to the bankers and alphabet soup when they fell for the trump meme.

That isn't really Holla Forums, that's Imkampfy and his army of paid off shills.

why are you even here? obviously we're not interested or we'd be there.
just go back to your own board. why do you faggots infect every fucking board with your autism?

This board is compromised ffs.. Every post this week has been from a nazi or a socdem trolling as a federal agent.


And it was mutually beneficial for a time, no?

sure thing kiddo. you're welcome to stay and learn a thing or two.

the content is created by the users and if the userbase hadn't been divided by shitposting we would have the same tools of "weaponized autism" that Holla Forums does


Give me a couple repdill webms. I'm always open to new information, I've yet to ever be convinced by any of your material, though. My current stances that might align with yours are that the cops have got to die, I was a fan of the Dallas shootings, the banks need to burn, and the meat and dairy industry needs to be torn apart.




I'll go look into Richard D. Wolff's works. But what I want to know is why Holla Forums allows deeply triggering and problematics into their movement? I will never join a movement that attempts to punish white men for being white men, and I've interacted with plenty of those people.

Word filters? Nice way to ruin legitimate discussion, hotpockets.


So I'll try to say it without getting filtered, why do you allow a n t i white people who believe that white men should be punished into your movements?

It's for the memes, fiendo. And /leftpol/ is probably the most anti-idpol place on the internet.

The people you speak of inhabit reddit. Visit any of the famous so called left boards, then come back. Ask yourself honestly if there is any difference.

There is no fixed left. What group? This isn't some STALKER tier monolith you fool.

We hate the tumblr/reddit sjw shit more than you do friendo


If there are any good mods out there, ban everyone in this thread including me

constructive user

Stop associating liberals with leftism.


"The Jew" in the mind of the anti-Semite is the personification of the perceived ills of modernity: rationalism, finance capital, cosmopolitanism, etc.

As such, the nationalist's attack against Jews is actually a part of a broader anti-modern ideology, and inherently incompatible with anything leftist.

Read Zizek

as long as everyone knows what the wordfilter actually comes out to all it really does it make things really funny. and let me tell you, straight up nazis talking about how triggering things are is HILARIOUS

another load of shite, just like 30% of what zizek says


only thing you can take down is your fucking pants when you're about to shit yourself in fear of advancing red guards on the horizon

there will be a day when all of you nazi scum will be against the wall crying like a little cucks you are


I swear you tankies jerk off just as hard as the Holla Forumsacks do over the day of the ropevolution

The "SJW" types are no different from Holla Forums, you're both just being manipulated to draw attention away from economic issues. There can be legitimate identity-related issues of course, but those aren't the same as screeching about muh privilege or da jooz or whatever- things like women's suffrage were legit issues, while crap like "manspreading" and such is not.

Word filters have been a thing since the days of "roody-poo" and "weaboo" and the like

I'll be honest with you. If you don't see the point in what Zizek says 100% of the time, you are probably spooked and don't understand what he is talking about. It is a common knowledge for people who understand Hegelian dialectics that liberalism, as an ideology, cannot maintain itself and will always degrade into reactionary conservative movements. The liberal act of romanticising minorities, even when there are clear problems with said minorities, will give rise to reactionary forces, such as neo-nazis and the alt-right, who will collect the members of society who want to remove minorities because of these problems. Where the screeching we hear from liberals against nazis in an attempt to silence them will only amplify this transition. When Zizek says that we should not feel safe, he means that we actually should try to get rid of the horrors. Not try to mask them with excuses or fake news and act like nothing is happening.

Yeah no. Capitalism has to go.

Yes, I am sure that the fascists will cooperate just fine and would never stab us in the ba-

Just ask for an "Authoritarian Front", it's shorter.

Since no one else is giving a very straight-up answer because it's Holla Forums, this is the place where all the anti-identitarian leftists (actual socialists, true Marxists and anarchists) have come to escape them. They're a cancer destroying the whole thing and erasing the legacy of class struggle and anti-authoritarianism.

Why would they come to an anonymous board where you're rated on the basis of your post's content and within specific threads alone instead of an arbitrary, contrived namefag identity? It's anathema to them.


So why not collaborate until we've rid ourselves of the non-white infestation. You have to understand that identity politics is NOT going away until we've dealt with the race problem, right?

The Internationale will be the human race.

but user, we've had idenitty politics for hundreds of years, even within homogenous countries

True. So why add fuel to the fire?

The race problem, meaning the conflicting interests of different demographics, is wholly a product of capitalism

The lesson here is that we should adopt universalism instead of particularism so as to not alienate any proletarian

Before the nigger plague it was the Irish plague.
If it weren't for muzzies, there would be another scapegoat for there need to be a scapegoat to explain why things aren't perfect under a supposedly perfect system.

racism as it was formed to its modern logic in the late 19th century grew out of liberalism and its need to explain persistent exploitation and inequality in a supposedly equal society.
The american "white european" identity that has somehow landed to Europe also is absurd from a historically literate European point of view. Do people honestly think that these nativist, chauvinist nationalists will join hands in brotherhood if the "muslim invasion" or whatever pressing external or internal enemy is defeated?

No. "Inclusivity" has nothing to do with it. Our theory and program must be universal in order to fundamentally solve the real conditions of social life

Oh, that's a load of garbage and you know it.

Universalism is precisely what got us into the mess we're in today. We adopted these ridiculous notions of cultural-relativism, and neglected our own culture in the process. The problem is non-whites either a) don't care for; or b) don't have the intelligence to adopt a universal approach. The smarter ones among them think we're batshit crazy to let them walk all over us the way we do, but are happy to profit from our stupidity. How do you propose to deal with that?

The objection to potato niggers was on religious grounds: Catholic vs. Protestant. Demonstration enough that is tough to integrate people from a different religion, let alone different religion AND different race.

Except cultural relativism is the opposite of Universalism you fucking retard.
How can you consider "one standard for all" on the same plan as "every group get his own special snowflake treatment"

We don't get to decide fam. As much as I wish, we aren't a vanguard of the wider left. But we do our best to purge SJWs here.


Yeah, the stuff about their skull shapes is on religious ground. I mean everyone knows religion works like Wakfu

Fuck. Off. You are nothing like us. We don't need you.

The approach of viewing "humanity" as universal, abstracting away the differences between race, clearly hasn't worked. Because the people being imported don't share the same views, and just carry on with their own. Again, how do you propose to solve the problem and make these people conform to you universal view?

Brüder, warum du mich getötet?

How am I going to explain to new comrades that I'm allied with some nut who thinks pic related runs the world?

"Humanity" is not a well defined thing. We don't assess society as revolving around the intrinsic characteristics of people in the first place, let alone assert that these are in some sense fundamentally all "the same."
By "universalism" we mean studying the objective conditions of social life, meaning production, socially necessary labor time, and property relations. We don't mean studying subjective phenomena and playing pretend that they're objective or universal.
The idea is that things which exist independently of human consciousness are more fundamental than, and give rise to, things which don't. I'm sure you would agree, you can have things like genes without a concept of race, but not vice versa. So too is it with the whole of society.

I would rather die than fighting side by side with nazis!

Shit like >>>/n/535870 happens precisely because Western people gave up on universalism and follow your. logic.
Your only difference with them is that you are louder in the "not in my backyard" attitude coming with that.

The problems coming with relativism are solved with ruthless rejection of double standards.

You dont want to take down the system.

And here we've come full circle. In order to accept that your societal vision has merit and is worth participating in, a person must have the intelligence to reason WHY he ought to be participating, why he must abandon his existing worldview. Unless you're willing to accept an authoritarian model, bending the newcomers to your will, there is significant high-level reasoning one must go through in order to "opt-in" to your system. You do see how your vision becomes increasingly difficult to realise the more we replace whites with low-IQ 3rd world peoples?

Western people didn't give up on universal view of race - just look at the numbers of whites that still believe, regardless of the evidence presented them, that "all races are equal" and the the majority non-whites will take on our values if we're just "nice enough" to them and "show them the way". The shift to racial identity politics occurred not because whites gave up on it, but because demographics shifted far enough such that the non-whites were given a voice. That, and our racial enemies in the media have been actively agitating for the eradication of whiteness and whipping minority groups into a frenzy.

Fascism only exists to preserve capitalism.

into the trash it goes

Yeah, communism the society totally requires that everyone be ideologically communist from a scholarly standpoint, just as the neoliberal subject ardently studies the intellectual justifications for neoliberalism.
No. Emancipation by rearranging the objective conditions of society has the interesting property that it's independent of individual value systems and personal qualities. I thought I just got done explaining this.

Le ebin "form of social organization" = "ideological support for that form of organization" category error ecks deee

I love the idea of alliances, but it would just be "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" which, once the temporary alliance has defeated the enemy, both sides start killing each other to take control.

Both Holla Forums and Holla Forums hate many of the same things when it comes to sjw-ism, muh white muh privilege (which is basically white man's burden in reverse), different test scores for different races to apply into college should be abolished, etc. But we radically differ in the root cause of this garbage. We think the system is fundamentally flawed, with capitalism eroding actual culture, by making everyone into Wall-E style consumers, never going outside, never singing local folk songs, never partaking in socialization, always consuming, never stopping. We could lead a revolution and Holla Forums would be busy busting out tape rulers to measure the angled trajectory of everyone's noses to check for Ashkenazi traits. We don't care what the bourgeoisie look like, they are all equally the enemy. We could even say for the sake of a hypothetical argument, that every single person of the Jewish faith has a predisposition of hording money and using that money to influence others, that is only possible through capitalism. It's impossible to horde billions of dollars and conduct super-PACS in our proposed systems, and anyone that tried to do that would be labelled a traitor and a counterrevolutionary.

Lol. Rubbish. If you reject the authoritarian approach, then you are reliant upon the cooperation of the people to keep the system in place, meaning that EVERYONE must be ideologically invested in perpetuating it. Without that personal investment the system falls apart, because individuals don't care enough for it to override their "individual value systems and personal qualities".

There are other forms of investment besides ideological. Like short-term rational self-interest. Your claim is also demonstrably false in the first place (again, see capitalism)
I'm having to repeat myself an awful lot here

The forces keeping capitalism in place are authoritarian.

Which proves my point, yes.

Fuck off it does. Capitalism perpetuates itself because the forces that run it are authoritarian; there is no requirement that everyone be ideologically invested. Explain how your non-authoritarian, fully cooperative communist system maintains order without everyone being ideologically invested enough to override their own value systems and personal qualities.


It's very tempting. The wealthy aristocrats dominating our politics should be facing a united underclass in a populist revolt, not scattered resistance from isolated malcontents. The more divided we are, the easier we are to control. The things we are divided on - LGBT issues, abortion, and other progressive talking points - are used as a feather in the cap of rich bankers and industrialists who do not actually care about these issues. Ultimately, we Commies and you Alt-Right types share a common platform of labor unionism and representation for the proletariat. Right there, that's how we know you're not actually Nazis. Hitler hated unions.

Did it ever cross your mind that the evidence you provide is quite shaky at best?

Get bashed fash

I think leftypol would need to smarten themselves up a bit first.

I mean in their ideas and their appearance.

The mods and culture here really make no attempt to weed out SJWs. There was a very long period when we had multiple anfem posters who shit up every single thread with id-pol, and very little action was taken against them. Even now half the threads are debates between tumblr-tier feminists and sensible leftists.
I wish Holla Forums was actually the bastion of the anti-idpol left that it claims to be, but it isn't.

which fucking board are you reading? literal nazis with their autistic essentialism get off lighter than any whiff of idpol, as seen in this thread.


Haiti. Zimbabwe. South Africa.

Three formerly prosperous nations under white rule that immediately regressed into the poverty and chaos typical of African societies once blacks got into power. That's just a coincidence, though, and nothing to do with the inability of blacks to maintain a standard of civilisation equal to whites. They are clearly our equal in every conceivable way.

If you want to top idpolers, at some point you have to engage them.

thank fuck, I thought I was the only one that noticed. At any given time there's at least one Holla Forumsack's autismal fucking rambling on the front page, with seemingly the entire board's population coming in to fill the thread with retarded shit that isn't just an uniterrupted series of 'fuck off's all saged.

Pick your goddamn game up, posters. We've got proper shit to discuss on this board.

Both nazis and feminists get treated as legitimate posters who are worth engaging in debate. Yes, people argue against them, but I quite often see equal numbers of people on both sides of an argument.
From what I've seen of Holla Forums, anyone trying to start a discussion about female representation among the right would get banned instantly and receive 20 replies laughing at them. On Holla Forums the same post would turn into an enormous thread with a bunch of posts defending the OP and saying, "yes, id-pol is bad, but we still need more women in prominent roles in the left".

No, you just ban them. It's really that simple. If we want to engage them we can go to their sites and shit those up. We don't need to let them shit all over our home. How the fuck are we supposed to organize anything when our home is functioning as a drop-in center for every liberal and nazi shitposter out there?

Mmaintaining hegemony is idpol too.

If you engage them in their home you're the one being banned. I'd say allowing them to come here at least help some in gaining experience in arguing against them.

>>>Holla Forums
Fuck off.

Have some redbulls.



As if Holla Forums reads any theory.


On the deeply triggering and excellents. I think there is some repeated info in the first two.


First, stop replying to the wrong posts.

We have endless fucking experience arguing against them. Every thread on the fucking board is an argument with liberals or nazis. We might as well rename it /arguewithshitposters/.

Keeping ideological opponents out has worked out so badly for Holla Forums, hasn't it? They are only the hub of the entire alt right.

If anybody even bothers to look at these.
Why are you here?

Holla Forums is exactly the board you're looking for. There is no hegemony there. Everyone is free to post whatever they like.


I'm just saying intentionally avoiding putting women in high places is just as much idpol as it is to intentionally put more women in high places. To equate this with chaos is an interesting thing of you to do.

Maybe that is why they are successful?

Simple, you do stuff irl rather than with your anonymous friends from imageboards.
Chans fucking suck when it comes to anything other than its actual purpose of discussion, so they cannot be a vehicle for changing the world, but merely a fuel for the individuals browsing them.

That is not something that belongs here. Infographics in general do not belongs here unless they're being made here with the intention of being posted elsewhere.
It should be consistently pushed that nobody on Holla Forums should get their opinions or education from chans themselves and should not rely on any images posted here. It should be unthinkable to bother clicking an mspaint infograph with cartoon characters explaining why the ess jay dubyas are protecting the bankers. Find better sources.

So you're not replying to anything I wrote but instead decided to get angry at something you imagined?
Refusing to discuss [x] is not the same as supporting [not x].

While we're at it, let's talk about what color underpants leftists should wear. If you don't think that's a good thread then you're clearly a nudist!

I ask myself the same question every day. Holla Forums is total trash. It's like a political version of Holla Forums, but somehow even shittier. I have to wade through 1000 posts to find a single good one, and then I get to see retards like you ignore it.

Well when idpol comes into conflict with idpol, do you really consider it best to just let the idpol of either side win out, or would you rather build an alternative to both that works within your own organizations?

That's a Holla Forums quality post whatever the content of his stupid pictures is.

Leftists are not permitted to wear underpants. Choosing a colour would imply oppressing the other colours, and that is simply unacceptable.

Fuck off you uppity little faggot. They should have been posted immediately when he asked for webms instead of people posting uninformative shit like and spamming Richard D Wolfe at him causing him to leave. The infographics were produced here specifically to answer the question he asked, you're just a stuck up fuck trying to hide behind a board culture of intelligence which both doesn't exist and you don't even possess yourself, and like every other AnNil exist only shitpost and make retarded statements.

Do you see something I do not?

That's a good tactic. Try to discourage people from spreading ideas in an easily digestible and popular format and instead insist on an approach you know will deter 90% of potential viewers. They obviously train you well.

Then give him webms. At least webms are kind of a reasonable thing to post and can have good shit, or you could use your words.

You mean talking to them and just telling them your ideas yourself in a convincing way? That's always an option, you don't need infographics unless you're being a lazy shit or so outnumbered it's basically a shitposting contest like on half/pol/ and you need something to bring attention to your actual post. Just posting infographics is shit tier posting.

Oh look, good posts.

capitalism is authoritarian, however not in the way we may think. It can control us through physical means (ie. property rights, land enclosures, etc) but the vast majority of its authority exists in the subconscious realm. Like it or not, the majority of us are actually very ideologically invested in this system, every time you work hard at your job, every time you fantasize about large swaths of cash, you are unknowingly acting as a disciple of capitalism. This can manifest itself in benign forms like I just mentioned, or more "humorous" forms, like recently I learned of the existence of /r/physical_removal, which can be summed up as a collective of house Negros hell bent on defending massas property.
Even your actions in this thread can be classified as a kind of unconscious defense of the current system. Your posts discussing needed "ideological uniformity" in the new society implies that we would be adopting an ideology from a kind of objective, ideology-less starting position, when this is obviously not true. From the stand point of the nature of man Communism, if anything, is much close to an "objective reality" then our current system. I wish I could link you to a webm of the sniff man talking about this, but unfortunately I am no good with webms. Maybe if you ask nicely another comrade might hook you up.

But to conclude; It would be wrong to view Marxism as some Utopian set of ten commandments for the new world that require some kabal to establish and enforce, but, instead, it should be viewed as a logical critique of our current state of affairs (capitalism) on which a new world can be based (socialism). It does not ask of man some complete change of his nature, but instead excepts our need and requirements, and proposes a better way to see them met.

Fuck off, stormfag. Your ideology and the spread of ones here are fundamentally incompatible.

Just keep focusing on idpol like you always do. We're pulling your strings anyway.

Not sure I agree with the fascist quasi fetishistic sensibilities, but I hate jews as a culture and a religion too, even more so than the shills for other abrahamic religions (the triangle of evil: USA [christians], Saudia Arabia/Turkey [Islam] and Israel [judaism]. I'd kill all the kikes that are porkies and lobbyists, and since there's a lot of them, I guess that is a good thing for you. All the zionists too. I'm sure Holla Forums opposes them as a consensus too.

Just don't protect the porkies that aren't kikes and we should get along fine.

I'd only ally with the nazis if Asser was in control

we don't want your $$$nationalist$$$ faggotry. fuck off Holla Forums

in practice, Holla Forums would kill jewish workers while leaving white bourgies alive

Holla Forums proves once again they're useless

you would rather fight against the working class because they're raycis instead of uniting with them and destroying exploiters

jewish workers? like what? jews are the ultimate bourgeois

I'm aware, and that would be bad, if there were more poor and working class jews around. WW2 got most of those.

Lurk more, sodomite.

I'd be fine working with nationalists as long as they're willing to put the interests of proles first

Nazikid intellect, everyone.

Hardly any.

Isnt leftypol all about being against SJW bs? Theres plenty of us around were just shouted down into silence.

Even if that was true, you'd still be leaving a ton of white porkies alive and go on a pointless murder spree against black and brown people who are undeniably workers.

Except you don't detroy exploiters. You just swap their ethnicity and call it a day.

A jewish guy working a retail job. A jewish doctor. A jewish engineer. A jewish academic or journalist(primary targets). Thoses are the kind of guys you will be busied with while genuine Jewish capitalists either buy their honorary aryan badge or leave the country with their capital.
What the fuck do you think bourgeois means exactly?

ever saw a jew worker in a factory? they're fucking leeches. they only ever worked at propaganda (hollywood, newspapers, universities) ..that's how they remain in power, blacks fight whites, whites fights asians.. while no one looks at jews. go say in public anything negative about a jew and see what happens. the jew owns your brain.

whats the alternative? be a nationalist to exploit your own people? why even fight then, you can already do that now.

white porkies need to be killed and their wealth distributed to the people. give back some to the poor blacks too so they can set up a business in their own country. the only contact between races should be done for tourism, trade or research.

why would they still be jews then? the jew uses his identity to subvert.

they will be hunted like they hunted nazis. who will guarantee their capital when for example china tells them to come in china and then the chinese just seizes all the jew owns because white countries won't intervene anymore to protect the jewish wealth

I mean there have been plenty of examples of nationalists fucking over the proles and what not

Cool, so the only thing between me and the barrel of a gun is someone deciding that certain European countries aren't white enough or the discovery that I have some small-percent non-white heritage. No fucking thanks. And I'm not sure why I'm bothering explaining this to Holla Forums considering we've all seen your demographics.

So tell me again what we have in common? You just want more delineated capitalism

Well, in your defense I'd say you're not TOTALLY misguided, that's nice of you. Interaction between races or cultures, however, would not be the embarrassing, debt-paying savagery that it is now if it wasn't for economic reasons. But I do agree self-proclaimed jews/saudis and criminals have to go, or not be accepted at all. There's that.

You fucking sheltered basement-dweller. I work in a warehouse fulfilling online orders, and I know at least three of my co-workers are Jewish. Yes, there are Jewish proles just like there are proles of any other race.

In your mind, Jew = Capitalist, but in the real world that is a reddit-tier opinion.

they can do whatever they want in their own countries. communism, capitalism.. whites should stay the fuck out of it.

? all european countries are white

it's either united to destroy the current system or fight against each other while jews and white porkies continue like always

wat. I thought Jewishness was an ancestry thing to you guys?

Is Turkey white? Is Greece white? Are Slavic countries white? Are the Irish white? Are Italians white? Don't pretend that this shit is a clearly defined thing

sicilyniggers have no place in the Republic of Padania that's for sure

These guys should start browsing Holla Forums.

If I won't even ally with the left wing of capital what makes you think I'll ally with its right wing?



Is this North Korean critique of capitalism?

I don't think I'd ever see a day when my OC would actually be relevant. To quote Sargon:

Oh fucking hell

you've betrayed your own socialists, why would anyone trust you?

Material self-interest, mostly. All proles share a common interest in retaining the full product of their labor. once that's attained, a backslide into prvate ownership of the productive forces is harder than the shift to socialism was in the first place.
"Authoritarianism" is merely another mechanism of aligning short-term self-interest of the masses with existing property relations, and there's no clear, hard and fast distinction between what is and is not "authoritarian"
