Have we done a thread of these yet? What do you think of this test?

Have we done a thread of these yet? What do you think of this test?


Jesus these questions are so terrible. I'm a fucking communist, asking me questions about how "the government" should administer to things or whatever carries with it a whole raft of assumptions that I find totally illegitimate. How can you set up a spectrum with 'equality' on one end and 'wealth' on the other? I advocate for a society in which every person has free access to the total social wealth of society. It is 'equal', yes, but each person would also made Croesus look a scrub. 'Peace' and 'might'? Peace between what? Might against whom? If I advocate for the complete dissolution of the very concept of nation states, how does a question about 'national defence' make any sense to me?

We're supposed to be leftists here. Revolution entails breaking out of the artificial strictures, the built-in 'practical' limitations placed on us by the capitalist system.

It's shit.

I did it. It called me a DemSoc (am a Leninist) and a feminist I know did it. She was called a Social Liberal. And even less proggressive than me, who's anti-feminist.

I like how you have to like drugs and shit to become "progressive" with the science symbol

dude weed lmao

it says I am a Democratic socialist

just kill me now

this is mine

Is this even an Ideology?

wew lad.
I don't even know anymore.

don''t have to like drugs to not want to imprison addicts

what have i become

It never asked me if I thought the state was a temporary structure that had been captured by the proletariat, or that the reason I wanted military power was for defensive purposes against neighboring imperialist, capitalist countries.


its the iron fist of fascism

fight me


Interesting.. The ideology match definitely isn't as accurate as the axes

fuckin fascists

It's the iron fisting of fascism, by communists.

Definitely favor liberty over Authority, but no capitalism?

Hey buddy, that's a nice militarily decentralized Anarcho-Communist society you've got there.

It would be a shame if I…

This is completely retarded.

user, please elaborate.

What's there to elaborate on? Like he said, it's completely retarded.

I swear there's like a contingency of tankies on here who only use that flag because they're libertarians who want to kill people without repercussion.

What would you suggest as an alternative? The Might versus peace represents the persons ideal to keep peace as opposed willingness to use force for resolution, the Authority versus liberty represents the importance of maintaining civil liberties interest as opposed to the need for government/state involvement to keep order in society… At least thats how I see it. So elaborate by telling why its stupid or what images and words would you use instead….


This test sucks ass.

This is autistic. Needing an algorithm to tell you what your political views are is some next-level normie faggotry. I'm expected better of you Holla Forums. Read a fucking book; god damn.

I'm pretty sure it's just me.
I'm a Dengist Accelerationist.
I'm just afraid that anarkid co-op fetishism, bookchinite localism and fascistic populism will dismantle capitalism before it's made FALC feasible and could lead the world into turmoil.
I'm also pretty wary of all non-marxist socialism since they generally lack philosophical rigour so I'm more comfortable counting on the Chinese Communist Party to lead the global proletariat than waiting for some american to build a new movement from scratch (possibly with CIA infiltration too).

Come at me

Charge your fucking phone


More axes haven't brought any more clarity to these kinds of tests. In fact this one is probably among the worst I've taken.

based result

Would I thought I'd end up with less points on the progress scale. Oh well.



Also that seems retarded as usual.



shite test



Yeah this was a bit of a messy quiz but you can't expect every normie quizmaker to adopt Marxist principles of state lol

It also combines "I should advance the interests of my economic class" and "I should advance the interest of my ethnic group" into a single question. Check your anti-rich muh privilege, you intolerant sinner!


rate my result


The problem with the might/peace and liberty/authority axes is that I don't think the two sides are mutually exclusive.

The ideal society would be one which was ruled by an all-powerful artificial god which commanded astronomical power (both military and industrial) but only used that power to protect the freedom and safety of the people in its care. Human society would be both peaceful and libertarian, but large scale decisions would be made unilaterally by god and anyone who tried to start a war with us would become the living embodiment of regret.

Economic Axis: Egalitarian

67.3% 32.7%

Diplomatic Axis: Dovish

36.5% 63.5%

Civil Axis: Liberal

64.5% 35.5%

Societal Axis: Very Progressive

18.1% 81.9%

Closest Match: Social Liberalism

Really makes ya think

0/5 its shit.

Its made by americans for americans.

The questions are a shit

my ass

what about your ass?

I was completely upfront about being an insurrectionist and it told me I'm a socdem

but i voted for Trump

Why do people create this stupid tests?

To make money with ads.

There's a lot of nuance/context that's missing from many of the questions where it could go either way, but overall, pretty average as far as those shitty political tests go.

You certainly shit the bed with that one, didn't you.

the only problem is progress in science

Next time put a fucking link in the OP

polite sage

the link is in the picture…

As opposed to the Statue of Liberty, who also stands for America. The country that takes the liberty of bombing other countries without repercussions.



r8. I guess I misunderstood some statements so I have too big "wealth" scale

B-but I'm a statist

brb bout to kms

this makes memecompass look scientific. wth is with the questions at the end that imply raising the condition of the poor is equivalent tribalism to racism? it's like a hillary partisan that cries about berniebros made this

wtf is up with your results OP?


not a bad quiz tbh

Ey gaiz, r8 my results.

if I ever catch you posting here again I see to it that you're first against the wall

lmao tbh fam

this :3

"Oppression by corporations is as much, if not more, of a concern than oppression by governments."

spooky af



my man


Very nice.

does this make me a smashie?

Here's mine

Am i progressive enough, lads?

you are like a child


Are you really a socdem?

Either way you're a cool person.



I'm ok with this.


all political compass type quizzes are like this and its retarded

explain urself



pure ideology, first question

What is meant with oppression here?


a false dichotomy

pls no bully


That was a weird test

The test was better than the thread had me to belive, but seeing the other results, what's the difference between libertarian Docialism and Communism. I like the latter more because there is no association with that Youtube guy.




here's mine. what's the diff between lib com and lib soc?

fuck forgot to attach

why dosen't the questions for this shitty test load? is it just me? Reeee


It should be the symbol for freedom surely.

Also wealth being diametrically opposed to equality.

Spooky as fuck quiz in any case, Sargon tier in terms of sophistry.

This test is a spooky spook

I'm okay with this.

Not really surprised.

Fascist coming thru… oh wait, I- nevermind

tfw I'm actually a state socialist and it said libertarian communist



It told me that I was a libertarian socialist, which I already knew.

all of these suck

this isnt a big surprise

DemSocs are fine, SuccDems are cancer


Hippity hoppity, fuck your property

Who the fuck writes these quizzes and when can we gulag them?

Can Holla Forums make one of these quizzes that isn't complete shit?


unsurpriingly, im an anarcho-communist

How did this moron arrive at the raised fist being a symbol for "authority".



Realistically it looks like the only two things that matter on the test are where you fall in terms of Economic and Civil for the end result

meh it has the same question for capitalism and fascism so its fair to me

pure trash


It works for some people, I guess?

I think it'd fall apart pretty bad for authoritarian socialists who still believe in equality etc. It seemed like the questions taking you to force and authority were kinda right-wing in their wording, if I recall correctly.