It seems like almost everyone on Holla Forums disagrees with idpol...

it seems like almost everyone on Holla Forums disagrees with idpol, can anyone who is a proponent give a concise reason why they support it, or share links to some lit on the subject?

Other urls found in this thread:

It's cancer

Multicultural idpol is a useful tool in bringing world communism and peace between nations. Other than that i really dont care about it.

Idpol is the cultural marxism of Holla Forums, a container that unifies the triggerings.

Not surprising, since most people here are alienated neets who lack identity and personality, so they instead identify as workers, a non-identity that suits their emptiness.


gr8 b8 m8 i r8 8/8
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*and ski colour

Underrated post.

There is no such thing as "cultural marxism". You're thinking of radical egalitarianism.

what does that video have to do with idpol? BIID is a real thing

Nothing, it's an entertaining schizo webm for a shit thread.

People here sometimes think I'm pro idpol when I oppose bigotry
But then again, nazbols don't need to wear a flag

I have a feeling that nobody exactly knows what idpol even is.
Is it fighting for rights of minorities or women, like abortion or right to adopt? If not, where does fighting for rights end and idpol begin?
Or is it only tumblr stuff like male muh privilege and snowflake genders? Or only liberal idpol as in more female porkys?
Hell there's even a thread saying Bill O'riley getting fired for sexual assault allegations is idpol.

Depends. Are you being accused of this for opposing bigotry, and being ideologically consistent (calling out all bigotry equally wherever it's found, regardless of the sex/phenotype of the source) or "bigotry" by specifically targeting europeans/whites for your scorn, despite the fact that they show the least in-group preference out of any other ethnic group?

I don't think anyone with a triple digit lQ is going to think you're "pro idpol" as long as you're being 100% consistent in your anti-bigotry stance.

There's a definite difference in liberal idpol and idpol in the context of socialism.
I don't think Holla Forums opposes antiracism or antitransphobia as long as it exists in the broader struggle for proletarian liberation.

Who is this semen demon?

Steven Joseph.

His music is shit, but he makes some great short videos.

Realizing and acknowledging the hardships and additional suffering certain minorities face under capitalism is a good thing, but they all have to be analyzed in their relationship to the powerstructures of the capitalist system.
Otherwise you come to ridiculous conclusions that e.g. people like Oprah Winfrey or BeyoncΓ© are "oppressed" while a white homeless heroin junkie is not.
Idpol liberals care more about feelings than a rational analysis.

Do you have a source for that?


Sorry for deleting the post. I thought the other part of it might have gone too far. You got the good bits, though.

Tumblr and Twitter's liberal culture is fucked.

I just don't get how some people on this board say they are anti idpol but will embrace nationalism. Nationalism is the most common form of idpol by far, and arguably the most cancerous.

eh, I would say it is on a par with institutionalized religion

Spooks are a hell of a drug

Except we're not blaming the failing of everything in the world on idpol, saying the world would be perfect without this "outside invaded", but we're criticizing it's prominence within the so-called left communities.

Idpol is when,afor example, a homosexual says "As a homosexual …". There is a difference between "being homosexual" and "being a homosexual", specifically the fact that your sexual orientation constitutes a part of your personality and tries to fill the void one should feel when one asks oneself "who am I?". The answer is never your name, your sexual orientation, your gender, your nationality, etc. All these things are what they are, nationality is nationality not an identity. Just like with the question " what's the meaning of life", you know something has gone wrong when you're asking youself about your identity.

This is of course understandable, since they are oppressed and marginalized and so on, but the " true liberation" would not normalize the identity, but destroy it. Think about it, how many people identity as a heterosexual, a white person, etc. The percentage is far lower, since they are not marginalized, and they don't have to manifest these attributes. But there are stoll people who do have a "white identity", for example white nationalist fearing anuddah shoah, which is equally IdPol. So fighting for the rights of marginalized people is in some sense idpol, but it is the struggle to liberate them from the necessity of the identity - I'll admit that we sometimes neglect the first part (other times rightfully, eg. with radfems or extreem black nationalist), but IdPol'ers neglect the second one even more.

Because i have nothing with common with people from other countries and i don't wanrt to live in a standardized world.

Why hell should the lack of Nation states created a "standardized world"? People can still have local customs, just the way they do within the national, with or without nations creating artificial boundaries towards other nations or forcing relations within the nation. Why should a south-Bavarian feel more of a connection with someone from Bremen than someone in Austria, just because they're both German. If you're against "standardization", you should be against nationalism!

You're that πŸ€πŸ€πŸ€guyπŸ€πŸ€πŸ€ from that left nationalism thread a few days ago, aren't you?

Alright then, but don't pretend you aren't an idpoler, because you are one whether you like it or not.

It depends on how you use idpol. I am not necessarily against idpol itself, but rather the way it currently exists.
Most humans will prefer to associate with people similar to themselves, people who share their identity. Trying to get rid of this behavior completely is close to impossible. Leftists who are against identity politics are quick to denounce every form of idpol they encounter without even considering how this specific form of idpol relates to society itself. From what I have observed so far, there are certain kinds of idpol that can actually benefit us. Such a kind of idpol of course has to exist alongside class struggle without undermining it by putting identity over class. Current forms of idpol, be it white nationalism or third wave feminism, fail at exactly this point. If we want to stop the cancerous effect this kind of identity politics has on the left, we need to promote an alternative form of identity politics beneficial to our cause.
Just waiting for people to drop the things they are passionate about all over sudden is delusional. Identity, and therefore idpol too, will never disappear.

It's never actually the "identity" they share, but a certain feature, hobby, history, interest, etc. This is projected back and remodeled into a "identity", but they aren't. Identities, the way IdPol treats and thinks them are products of oppression snd marginalization. If we want to use these for us, we have to liberate the "Identity" from the Identity, see
