Now I know you guys hate discussing majnstream American politics but there's more than a few Americans on this board so...

Now I know you guys hate discussing majnstream American politics but there's more than a few Americans on this board so I guess why not

Where do we go with the current landscape? the rosa killer despooked the socialism word for many people but i see a lot of mainstream democrats hate him with a passion even if he's just a milquetoast succDem. And many on the right wing basically thinking he's Lenin 2.0 How do you effectively convince Americans that socialism of any kind is the answer to their problems? I'm talking real strategy
InB4 rants about bougie democracies

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Wew lad, are you actually politically involved or is this just a hypothetical?

Do what the Wolff is doing and kee awooing.

It's whatever you want it to be

The democrats need to go.
If they go a new, further left party would take the spotlight.
Most likely the greens, since they are the next most established party the average Democrat could support.
That being said, it will never happen. America is fucked and there is nothing we can do to get them to see the light.

Tell me again about how republicans fought for trans bathrooms in the 70's.

We're talking about the economy, dipshit.


the pic doesn't


The pic does though
Compare Nixon and ford to Reagan bush and the tea party on the economy

The left and right are a facade that ultimately has no meaning.


Why was it spread then genious? Oh, I know, it was a massive conspiracy to lower birth rates.
I'm not shoehorning this change in my ideological perception of the world at all, it is tested fact that every change that has ever happened in the world was the jew's idea.

Nothing in human society is "natural" as humans are creative beings which rationally interact with the world.
Culture is just a pretty complicated thing to measure and predict.
Pretty contradictory too since the things we use to measure and compare culture are the product of culture themselves.

because the people who think being a woman solves their issues are the same type to fall for leftist ideology, with other leftists jumping in because not doing so means patriachy, ogyny, phobia and isms that they aren't.

Okay? Why should we fight that?
Why not let the degenerates castrate themselves?

Not to mention it's usually right-wingers who whine about female muh privilege but whatever.

The Holla Forumsroach cant speak proper english, and is probably nonwhite.
Why am I not suprised
Once more, the pic is about economics. Noone gives two fucks about anyones feels over tranny bathrooms.

Because make a paranoid-schizophrenic ideology out of their castration complex that overtakes universities, media and culture, making them dysfunctional and dragging other poor sods down with them.

The pic isn't about economics.

do you actually believe this ?

lots of words, very little logic.

So trannies result in leftism( which is paranoid-schizophrenic)? Even though leftism has existed long before trannies were medically possible.

Why and how? and what? are trannies necessary for leftism to overtake universities media and culture or is leftism responsible for trannies overtaking universities media and culture? If leftism is the cause then what is the end goal of trannies?
At what? and how? Most millionaires today are pretty socially progressive, what are people becoming disfunctional at? giving people a function is a pretty disgusting fascistic notion anyway.
Other poor leftists coerced by pc into trannying themselves?
Again, wouldn't culling those weaklings form the gene pool be good in the long run anyway?

no matter how much the media universities and culture go dysfunctional there will always be ubermensh who see past their lies over at westboro baptist church and Holla Forums, and those people don't use condoms.

There's a mutual attraction, reinforcing each other.

How? Through the ideology that produces things like gender studies, queer studies and the like, poisoning minds with a paranoid-schizophrenic worldview that detests anything and everything that isn't either it's own, or coming from non-white people. Why? Because it connects with already present leftist ideology as a base and gives the paranoid-schizophrenic a place to exercise their power, it fits, it reinforces.

If we're going to have a cull, it should be done effectively. Like you don't cull diseased farm animals by dropping napalm on the village, you don't cull society by wrecking it.

Don't ask stupid questions that try to make my post seem absurd by rephrasing it in questions that don't follow from them.

Nothing followed from your post, you just dumped a bunch of substantives with no relation to each other.

Yeah, but you already conceded up there that it has nothing to do with economics, so who's gaining from all of this if it's done by competitive private companies and not by government parasites?
So philosophers in a civilization that was build by philosophy do philosophy, and that philosophy shapes society to - do more philosophy?
kind of like the enlightment thinkers hated censorship and paternalism because they were targeted by censorship and paternalism, or how Nietczche and the existentialists hated bourgeois rationalism, it's almost like all ideas seek to propagate themselves, not specifically anti-wuhite cultural marxism.

You mean through violence, but for that you're going to have to justify for the cattle their own extermination, that's a pretty hard thing to do, although you're free to try.
Why not let natural selection do its thing gradually through the free market? Are you afraid of the results because you recognize the rightfully powerful all throughout history tend to not to care for your arbitrary conceptions of goodness and serve their own interests instead?

By letting capitalism break itself.

Rent-seeking parasitical SJW's.

So. So, so. I'm not interested in the "so" rhetorical cheap shot, address what I say, don't frame them as truisms or absurdities that I didn't state.

You forget the "or non-white", this is crucial here, for it shows they don't actually believe what they preach, or they would apply their supposed standards to non-whites as well, they would find islam far more p.roblematic than most game developers being white men, they wouldn't be such staunch defenders of islam.

Their totalitarianism isn't "kind of like" enlightment thinkers or nietszche (or maybe they are, seeing nietszche was a whiny bitch who saw oppreshuns in every nook and cranny too, you could even say that sjw's combine marx and nietzsche to complete the paranoiac worldview), or ideas in general, ideas in general do not state that they are total, that everything needs to exist inside of it, that everything is political.

The environmental agency doesn't need to do so, if I see the necessity of a cull, then we are already past the stage of offering justification to it's subjects. I don't however, I don't believe in a slow cull of the vulnerable by an ideology that wrecks bodies and minds either, no matter how sick and feeble these minds might be, I'm arguing against that, I don't want autistic children trapped in a network of fetishistic therapists that push them to bodily mutilation.

Why am I supposed to provide the reasoning of absurd alternatives you propose for me to follow?

You're an ahistorical faggot if you don't recognize how Universalism and enlightment values were very much total when they arrived, it's the reason there was a civl war in the United States, Britain and a Revolution in France.
they're not affected by non-whites, it's also common sense that you're more capacitated to change what has been ascribed as belonging to you than what belongs to others, we're all entitled to our own preferences and standards, and so we change them, changing the preferences and stardards of others requires authority which most people don't have.
Not to mention that degenerate western liberal culture has been actively exported to the third world for most of the 20th century and currently now.
You're arguing with a massive strawman right now

Browse >>>Holla Forums , or >>>Holla Forums , you're not defending the status quo, you're fighting cultural marxism, which is the status quo. The personal is more political to you than it will ever be for the average clintonite (assuming you share ideological ground with the people i mentioned), since you're fighting our current corrupt and degenerate and schizophrenic society, you're not a concerned citizen, you're a warrior of truth.

Okay, so you're trying to defend the "natural" ways but don't believe in social darwinism or in competitive society, you're just some dumb librarian trying to keep your brand of culture alive in a society which couldn't give a shit about it.

Could you go jerk off somewhere else?

A shift to fighting to criminalize using the wrong bathroom - from, well, not doing that - is actually a pretty significant move rightwards.

That's not what total in the sense of totalitarianism means. Indeed, totalitarianism is inseparable from the enlightenment, but is is not the enlightenment in itself.

It's not common sense that SJW's who see sexism, ogyny, ism and archy everywhere would be staunch defenders of islam, a religion which is tantamount to all those things, while rallying against game developers mostly being white men. It would be like environmentalists being staunch defenders of the deforestation of the amazon and instead focusing their efforts on people who spit gum on the streets.

When I talk about degenerate SJW's I don't talk about couples holding hands.

Yes, you are.

>Browse >>>Holla Forums , or >>>Holla Forums , you're not defending the status quo, you're fighting cultural marxism, which is the status quo. The personal is more political to you than it will ever be for the average clintonite (assuming you share ideological ground with the people i mentioned), since you're fighting our current corrupt and degenerate and schizophrenic society, you're not a concerned citizen, you're a warrior of truth.

I'm assuming this sentence was supposed to be multiple ones, it is garbled and seemingly random.

You complain about the strawman, yet here it is again, the "so". Social darwinism or competition don't mean that SJW's should be given free reign, that would be like saying that a lion should not maul the hyena that steals his catch because the hyena doing so is part of the same natural selection as he is. Social darwinism does not state "sit back, ignore, be silent, for to have selection you need to exclude yourself from the process and leave it to others" to the contrary.

And keeping a brand of culture alive in a society that doesn't give a shit about it, isn't that exactly what tankies do, for who cares anymore for marxist-leninist revolution apart from a handful of ideological trogdolytes who are a laughing stock even among their marxist kin?

SJWs aren't totalitarian in the actual definition of the term either, you claim they're totalitarian because they're concerned with every aspect of daily life, and in that aspect they're not alone, most religions operate like this, and there are examples of secular philosophies too, as I mentioned the crusade against slavery in the USA.
They aren't, do you think it's the heritage foundation bringing girl schools to africa or Bill Gates and πŸ€πŸ€πŸ€((SorosπŸ€πŸ€πŸ€)) cultural marxist ngos, what about russia? which does punish people for holding hands? who are the ones subverting traditional values there?
Game developers being mostly white men affects their daily lives, genital mutilation doesn't.
This is happening right now. Europe are cutting their emission down to nearly nothing while china is dying of lung cancer, because europe is powerless over China's environmental policy, as sjws are powerless over the saudi's social policy, how hard is that to get?
You're arguing for virtue signaling instead of viable local solutions.

Who cares at what exact decade did western civ go down the drain?
I say it was planned marriage.

Nah, I think it's fine, I went through the effort of decyphering this , it's only fair that you do it too.

State-planned social darwinism sounds pretty arbitrary.

Yep, I'm mostly a former tankie, a former leftist almost. Which is why I hate reactionary nostalgians.

Going to sleep now, I'll reply tomorrow.

Pure ideology. Observed reality establishes that the reverse is more prevalent.
