Holla Forums becomes tolerant after a Livestream of a killing of an elderly black man


Other urls found in this thread:

books.google.com/books?id=OVNeNLcDD2cC&pg=PA221&lpg=PA221&dq=botswana witchcraft accusations&source=bl&ots=rIsX1FFNX1&sig=bOQcvIi2Flx1nNUlDIEqyhsm3ac&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiu8a7IsavTAhXDr48KHWzVBwgQ6AEIPTAE#v=onepage&q=botswana witchcraft accusations&f=false

I'm sorry user but I don't want to step into a cancerous cesspool

I don't want to even look at the cancer that is 4/pol/

Who killed him and why? Was it political or just a random psycho?

This is fucking hilarious, 4/pol/ has actually succumbed to the reddit normalfag menace.

You should, even if only to see responses to the first reply.

Niggers get a pass when they stop being dangerous and babboon like (usually their 70th birthday).

that fucking video ruined my chill sunday

Holla Forums isnt actually racist. what a surprise. its almost like Holla Forums fell for the meme

Time to start using this flag, nazi-kun

What happened?

Video here:
>>>Holla Forums9729729

Love it

So much for the intolerant right.


kek, just admit it was never about racism, it was just about ur feels

Holla Forums isnt white. Holla Forums just does whatever pisses off people more inshallah

Pretty much.

What exactly did you think "race war" entailed?

So just being retarded on purpose?

It means paying niggers to scram back to Africa and cutting their welfare packages. It doesn't mean indiscriminate killing.

4/pol/ was always just normies pretending to be natzees pretending to be ironically natzees pretending to be normies pretending to be unironically natzess that in the end actually end up converting stupid people to fascism.


exactly. of course there are some that actually fell for the meme. on Holla Forums and Holla Forums.

making fun of black people is hilarious though.

fascism is a meme

your flag indicates otherwise

Sure before 2015 I can believe it but not anymore
Good little classcuck
Lazy humor is so sad

will someone answer this

4pol is slightly more balanced with idiots coming in thinking the 10 year stormfag presence is just a gag. 8pol is outright top-down propaganda where all free thought is banned. no surprises here.

nah, why wouldn't 4chan support trump?? trump is the ultimate troll m8

i wanted trump to win just so politics would be more exciting

Literally feels > reals
But then again A C C E L E R A T E

you can't be underage to post here

He's right though, Trump's presidency is much more entertaining that Hillary's would be.
Don't be such downers.

yeah standard neocon policies straight out of the clinton playbook, wow so exciting.

Holla Forums really stretching that "we hate niggers, not black people" rhetoric today eh

only if you're historically illiterate

im sorry your life is so shit that you spend all day posting about how shit capitalism is.

the unbearable edginess of cheering the death of a random old fart walking home with his groceries just screams CIAniggers. It's their exact modus operandi.


I bet you actually believe that


ironic shitposting is still shitposting

It's about the person, seeing him flip-flop is funnier than seeing Hillary flip-flop because for some retards from imageboards people it comes out as a surprise he's not a God-Emperor.

the fucking spacing on that text around the circle makes me so much more angry than it should.

kys tho :7)

true, liberals had more of a sneering smugness and refusal to even examine obama's crimes. that's not very fun.


shitty fanfic like the holocaust
tell me about the masturbation machines

I feel really bad for that old dude, he was just walking home on easter sunday only to get shot by a psychopath.


pol was always tolerant.





I went there and people are pretending Holla Forums's all ironic shitposting like this is Holla Forums in 2006. Next thing they gon have niggerday instead of caturday or some shit.

you're all retards

Remember that 4/pol/ are the people who nuked /lefty/.pl , those people are redditors, muh capture the flag didn't suddenly make them real anons, hell, most of the job was done here. ( >>>Holla Forums )

4/pol/ is reddit-tier


sincerity is the new counter culture


Fuck me…

Journalists are going to the wall when the revolution comes.

I feel especially hopeless when I see things like this
How can the socialist revolution succeed now that we're become empty black voids masquerading as people?

theres nothing wrong with feeling sad at the death of an innocent man user


always been like this

It's never been like this before now we have cameras and the internet and stuff like this is becoming it's own profitable venture


We're actually being raided. Past two weeks have been an absolute cancerous mess. First they tried to force the meme that North Korea isn't hell and that Pyongyang is a reflection of the whole country even though there's like 12 cars. Now this.

who's raiding you

Back then you could be a serial killer and have people make poetry about you that would be studied for centuries.


ah yes, the idiots who worship a frog god named kek because memes are rational

Strayans and Britbongs mostly. I'm in one of their discords. Keeping logs and enjoying the fuckery really. When I want to make an actual thread it is rather inconveniencing honestly tho

The cross culture people are a threat to us all

we make r/socialism melt down on the reg.cross posters are more of a Holla Forums problem

It's yet to hit here because you're not constantly fucking with everyone and making the news and shit. It is a high cost to pay but it was funny along the way

so Holla Forums is the_donald?

I'm ok with this.


Porky will unite liberals and trumpets under 🍀🍀🍀civic nationalism🍀🍀🍀

Expect this. At least porky will bash the fash for us.

We have the concept of alienation, which helps explain things like this.
And at this point, things like this aren't even often done for money, we've gone beyond that in the first world.
Now people do them for fun.

shit I just watched the video

Literally I don't hate Africans I'm just afraid of them, til they're well into their AARP membership.

More exciting would be you living in a Black, Hispanic or Muslim neighborhood.

How is 8/pol/'s response different from 4/pol/?

All jews must die. Niggers just stay in Africa.

>>>Holla Forums9729729

i am hispanic and do live in a hispanic neighborhood.

How can anyone think like this? How can they be so repulsively sociopathic? Even transhumanist ancaps aren't this nonchalant when it comes to human life. This is satanist-tier edginess.


i'm tellin ICE

We have basic human decency unlike this board that was celebrating old white guys getting beat up by antifa cucks last month.

that's why you spend all your time posting about how blacks aren't even human, right?

fucking hilarious

I fucking hate this world

Holy shit is that Vegan Gains?

The vast majority of 8/pol/ are mentally ill

Age is irrelevant and said "old white guys" want the government to kidnap and deport millions of innocent people out of their homes.

I dunno man I'd say there's a lot of racists on Holla Forums.

its Jeb Bush's son

Actually that's my dad

If the government actually did that there'd be so much anger I'm very sure there'd be revolution
Imagine 10,000 ICE officers forcibly removing people from places and deporting them

lmao yeah its not like Holla Forums wasn't celebrating the girl with dreds at berkely getting punched…

There's literally nothing wrong with killing antifa. Are you antifa?

Nothing wrong with killing autistic fascists either

Don't worry dude the dweeb who punched her was a five foot five manlet
So much for the masterrace

pretty hot.

But I'm not autistic :^)

It turns out that he was taking out his rage on the world over gambling debts and estrangement from his ex and mother. Democrats won't touch gambling because muh taxes (or, having already been paid by Sheldon Adelson for Israel support, they're tied to the rest of his business), idpol types won't touch it because that would mean upsetting Indians, and the Indians won't touch it because White porky has made their economies reliant on Indian porky.

When will we team up with the religious right to finally abolish this plague upon the working class? I know that Adelson and the other casino Zionists would have to go first, but what else is needed to raze that most purely porky of porky industries to the ground? Indian revolution in Oklahoma and the Dakotas? Working with the vegans and dog lovers to free the greyhounds? Liberating Area 51 and inviting the aliens to blow up the Vegas Strip? Poisoning the mint julep supply at the Kentucky Derby and then reappropriating the horses for glue coops?


Nigger Supreme Gentleman Elliot Rodger goes on killing spree and somehow you manage to blame it all on whitey. That's some liberal tier logic. Are people not accountable for their actions anymore? Might as well blame it on guns, racism, capitalism, porky, society and the system. Something tells me, if the perp was white, you wouldn't be looking for excuses. Him going off the rails, is only his fault.

This exactly why you dumb faggots never actually fix or change anything

I saw the thread on 8/pol/ about the killings. It's just full of the sociopathic "Dead niggers are good niggers, I hope he kills more". There was also a thread I saw yesterday dedicated to genocide methods against people who are mixed race. I feel disgusted by the fact the people who actually operate this site allow this, and that we have to share a site with these pieces of shit. It isn't even satirical at this point…

>brutalize defenseless women for poor taste in headwear bash le fash XDDD
Unironic anarkiddie pearl clutching always gives me a sensible chuckle.


>literally the entirety of ameri/pol/'s worldview is a convoluted expression of fear of being killed by angry black men

No. I'm pointing out blatant hypocrisy. Fuck neetsocs, and fuck that obvious r/soc rapefugee waving his anarkiddie flag.

Yeah, you're totally being provoked, Holla Forums

It's not like you actively seach for things to be outraged over.

whatcha doin paul

The root cause- 80 I/Q nogs living in a civilization built by white people, for white people. You're the ones who won't ever fix anything. You broke it and now you're clueless how it happened. Do you really think the second amendment was written with giving weapons to blacks in mind?

Are you going to tell me you relax around blacks?

Why not?

You've ruined this place. Congratulations.

You've never been around so called "blacks". You're entire view of people of color is cherry picked articles, and videos on the internet.

Not a good idea.

I'm telling you that your conscious, rabid fixation with them is fucking bizarre.

It's true.
It'd be pathological even if it were grounded in reality.

Count yourself lucky that where ever you live negros are a non issue.

I've fucking been to majority-black areas, and I don't mean the rich ones like in Maryland. In integrated areas, people of different races living in the same area is normal and not usually thought about. Most people of any race are normies.

If you know them, and they're good people, of course, why wouldn't you? If you don't know them, treat them as you would any other unknown, potentially dangerous person, regardless of phenotype; be alert (within reason), and mind your surroundings. Also, start carrying. When you're confident in your ability to quickly respond to any physical threat with overwhelming lethal force, you'll worry far less about how brown the people around you are.

Can't be worse than what I went through as a white kid growing up in Baltimore. Turned me into a cynical little shit by the time I was in the fourth grade, those schools were a fucking zoo.

Driving through your small, otherwise white town's ghetto on your way to work doesn't count. There are a lot of good black people, but you aren't going to find them in majority black areas.

Why you wearin that flag?

Never had a problem with the ones I met. The fascists I've met though, they act like a rural stereotype and they make me look bad through association.

This is the autistic screeching and comical, baseless accusations I was referring to.

As in actually walking through them and seeing neighborhoods where the majority of people were black. It wasn't quite a bad neighborhood, but most stereotypical ghettos are a small, destitute part of a larger city; even in Detroit there are a few livable areas.

Not exactly baselesss to say you don't know what neoliberal means.
Not baseless to say /anarcho/ and /0040/ were always better.
Not baseless to say you whined about a generation like it matters.

why do leftie whites lie all the time about poor blacks and how they're totally safe? I grew up poor and around them. They're fucking animals.

> >>>/anarcho/
n1x pls go

I like n1x, he unbanned me from /anarcho/ after the previous owner banned me.

I think you may have noble intentions, so I'm going to hold back a bit, but that is exactly the type of thing that hollywood liberals do when they "walk among the savages" in brazilian favelas, south african slums, ethiopian villages, etc for a couple of hours (with heavily armed security conveniently just out of view of the cameras), and then they fly back on their private jet and talk about how they truly understand the plight of the poor through mouthfuls of caviar.

You don't truly get it until you've lived it. It's a completely different world.


Keep on mistaking tankies for a completely different type of capitalist from what they are.

What does this have to do with anything? The Holla Forumsyp view of blacks is so completely asinine that this Hollywood liberal example shouldn't even happen. It's that retarded.

You were responding to a neetsoc and claiming that you understand what it's like to be around blacks because you've taken a casual stroll or two through a majority black area. This is the same as limousine libs taking a stroll through some third world village and claiming they understand those people. You don't get it, and that's okay. It's better that you just be honest admit you don't get it rather than pretending you do when you're arguing with someone who you disagree with from an ideological perspective.

According to white nationalist logic, I should have been raped and beaten at least several hundred times by now. Ergo, my experience is enough for this argument.

You're basically saying that unless you go around literal criminals and then fail to be criminalized, you can't say black people are okay because you haven't yet been criminalized because blacks are obviously criminals. This is circular reasoning, you stupid nigger.

If you lived there over a month that would have happened if you didn't segregate yourself in your house and drive to shop/work in majority white areas.

Go back to reddit, sick of seeing this bullshit. Fucking prove it for once you cunt. Protip: You can't - because it's someone else's opinion you've nabbed.

So they wait until I rent property until they gangbang me?

what did he mean by this?

He basically admits that liberals are the same as stormfags except they pity nonwhites instead of resenting them.

The WN argument would be that you're statistically more likely to be raped/beaten/murdered by walking through a black neighborhood than a white neighborhood, and they will happily bombard you with CDC, DOJ and FBI stats to support that viewpoint. Walking through the black neighborhood without getting raped/beaten/murdered does not disprove this statistic.

To look at it from another perspective, say you're playing Russian Roulette. There are two revolvers sitting on the table. Both have five chambers. The first revolver has one cartridge, and 4 empty chambers. The second revolver has 2 cartridges, and 3 empty chambers. Statistically, you're more likely to pepper the walls with your brains, blood, and skull fragments with the second, rather than the first. But let's say you picked up the first, and instantly shot yourself. Or say you picked up the second, and were able to pull the trigger three times and still survive. That does not disprove the fact that you had better odds with the first gun.

Now the problem with stats like these, especially when dealing with people, is that they're only useful to a point, and are not a replacement for judging people on an individual basis, and always being cautious around people you don't know. Maybe you move to a rich white neighborhood because statistically it's more safe, and the next day you get your guts spilled by a former CEO who just got fired, decided he had nothing to lose, and wanted to become a spree killer. Maybe you'd have been better off living in the low-income neighborhood. This is the limitation of statistics, but that doesn't mean we can't apply them in some measure in our day to day interactions to improve our odds, just don't go overboard.

Good blacks tend to flee majority black areas.

That's true as well, the soft bigotry of low expectations is alive and well.

He's not wrong. You won't like my perspective on this, but all humans are inherently tribal, I'd be anarcho-primitive if it wasn't so retarded. If you'll follow my line of reasoning axiomatically all human behavior is shaped by attitudes which is in turn shaped by genetic, social and economic factors. In not knowing the crucial determining factors for attitude (you probably cannot stand it from an ideological basis) you denny yourself the ability to accurately model other socioeconomic kin groups.

As for the liberal/stormfag dichotomy you have that backwards, stormfags are liberals who resent racial minorities instead of pitying them.

are you trying to tell me something I don't already understand lol. "good blacks" were annihilated as a social class by democrats with social programs and "rights"

You do realise it was white people who passed those rights, and there were white people who supported it?

I also wonder why there are also black people who vote republican?

Could it be perhaps that one """race""" of people don't think alike?

WNs are also paranoid idiots that don't know how statistics work. If they did, they'd probably notice how violent and property crime has rapidly been decreasing, and promptly disregard said federal statistics as Jewish lies.
You're also a condescending idiot if you think I can't tell the problems they have to deal with, anyone with basic critical thinking skills is aware. Rightists are simply cowards that are too used to living in bubbles to deal with people that aren't raised without serious life problems and a fixation on decorum.


hello, fellow white people


Yes, ypipo can do bad things too. Thinking about the World in a white and black dichotomy is limiting. You seem pretty spooked lad.

>accusing me of dunning-Kruger

Did you even bother reading my link? My point was that all retards think everyone thinks like they do, because they are too stupid to even imagine different viewpoints.

Twitter screenshots are now considered a meme? You're behind times, Moyshe.

You're doing the same thing you accusing me of , I don't make it a habit of mine to listen to hypocrites. You can either discuss in good faith or continue ruminating alone.

I don't assume everyone things like I do, actually. You are making bold assertions of fact that you can't possibly hope to substantiate.

You're tossing dice basically. Every time you walk around in a majority black area it's a gamble. If you're just going in for a quick stroll a few times then yeah sure luck can be on your side but if you actually live in it then you'll see some real diversity.

Most of the white lefties who claim to live in ethnic neighborhoods live on the edges and do not in anyway participate in life there.

Literally all of life is a gamble, bad things can happen to you at any time. I could die of an undiagnosed congenital defect at any moment and there is nothing I can do about it; probability doesn't mean shit when you're dead. Your pursuit of a hegemonic society is naive at best and schizophrenic at worst.

We are not liberals.

Not an argument. Not that you had one to begin with

Morality is for the weak.


what can't I hope to substantiate? That biology has a real and perceivable impact on behavior and attitudes between distinct populations?

nominalists are all the same; autistic screechers, every single last one.

unsurprising, you lot are pussy fascists lol

It does… but you choose not to believe it when it concerns people of the same race. Strictly speaking, true biological equality does not exist anywhere, even between identical twins (epigenetics). Human biology is extremely complicated and easily manipulated.

You are not a realist, you are a creationist that thinks there are a handful of groups of magically identical people instead of everyone being magically identical in general.

My ex girl friend was African
Jokes on you, you miss out on booty

Where did I say liberals? Can you not read?

Also if your argument against doing dangerous things is that bad things happen I don't really see why you aren't a basic bitch capitalist.

No we are not, since we are above violence and political suppression.

No, not a creationist fam. I agree that all men are not born equal, but genetic inheritance is not completely random. I don't think eugenics are the way foward, but there is no choice but living in a dysgenic or eugenic World.

From understanding how epegentics control short-term population attitudes I've begun to understand how fucked we are, the best we can do is hold things together while we come up with some technological solution

I was trying to explain how bad you are at assessing risk. I'm not black, so it's not statistically likely that if I am murdered, the perpetrator will also be black, and even this is ignoring how murder is rare relative to the US total population.

What fucking idiot told you that human society is dysgenic? If society is thriving, then people being born and having kids are fit to live by definition. Intelligence scores are still going up in most places around the globe while medical science is closing in on solutions for hereditary disease.
If anything the real issue is technology making class conflict permanent when the bourgeois start giving birth to superhumans with unnatural talent.

Why did you escalate things to murder? Also the murder rate of whites in black majority areas is higher than blacks relative to population.

I don't think you understand how examples work.
Keyword: relative. It'd be extremely statistically improbably if they were not disproportionate because material conditions are not uniform across the United States, a country where population density and composition is highly inconsistent.

It's my own observation, modern Liberal society is dysgenic. Single motherhood, daycare, rising mental unwellness ect ect

This video sums up my thoughts:


This whole video and your posts are nothing but a childish unwillingness to admit, even to yourself, that your personal feelings are not facts and that maybe, just maybe, your preconceived notions are wrong. Holla Forums abuses the red and blue pill analogy to no end, yet they are as unwilling to go down the rabbit hole as anyone else.

Humans may be irrational and biased, but this doesn't mean they don't have the capacity to try to form what is at least a reasonable attempt at an objective and fair opinion instead of eight minutes of butthurt rambling by some narcissistic edgelord that goes to great lengths to ignore how the sciences work on a basic level simply so he doesn't have to entertain the idea that his vague negative feelings about society aren't a law of the universe.

did you even watch it lol

I googled "Biohistory" and got typical paleolibertarian nonsense.

Into the trash it goes. Extirpate thyself post haste.


neck ya self ya dumb cunt

Really? You don't even know what that link means but think it proves I am a hypocrite?

I looked further, because your link seemed funnier than I assumed it'd be, and it turns out that "biohistory" is the ramblings of a lawnmower salesman that got kicked out of academia (the same academia that tenured the race-and-I Q researchers, mind you) because he was a massive crackpot that injected his personal biases into an asspull deterministic theory of history based on a failure to understand how biology or scientific rigor work. So, pretty much what I expected it'd be.

the only one that oughta neck himself is you

come and say that to my face poof

What kind of sad argument is this? He openly fucking admits that he only became an entrepreneur was because, despite holding a doctorate in history, no university would hire him because his work was full of blatant falsehoods, bad methodology and a transparent political motive.

hmm funny how communists look down at whom they suppose to be lower class based on their own prejudices

Somebody needs to make a Holla Forums-ball out of this. I would, but I'm lacking the template.

Bonus points if it's made entirely out of quotes from Holla Forumsyps

Exactly my point. You lack the mental capability to form a meaningful opinion on anything, everything is a matter of interpersonal drama to you.

you're the one taking it personally

Got any real evidence against my point?

Everybody a gangster 'till it time to do gangster shit.

Yeah, I engage in discussion in good faith and you bring nothing

next pls

Bullshit, all you do is find lame, borderline-conspiratard excuses to dismiss my arguments.

Colour me suprised

proofs? You were the one who suggested that academia kicked out people that disagree with them lol


You're a fucking idiot.

please, we both know how fractious academia can be, he's hardly unique in this regard. Maybe your epistemology is off fam

woah it's almost like Holla Forums isn't actually racist, they just hate people who act like niggers

don't relax around anyone TBH

Yeah, I'll just forget about unironic stormfags and NEET-socs who ask "why are subsaharan africans so retarded" on our board?

race realism isn't racism

Race realism has always been part of racism.
It's just rebranding.


Diet and genes. Persistence hunting doesn't require or drive the need for higher Autism Level selection. They're emotionally stunted as well which is why a mother accusing her son of being a witch and helping a mob kill him isn't out of the ordinary there.

Fuck off, Holla Forumsyp.

You mean a bit like how you accusing us or white people not thinking like you of being jews?


But you do have a point in where a lot of prominent deeply triggering and problematic so called whites do turn out to be jewish by some coincidence like Tim Wise.





So what you're a SJW now? Makes sense, you get as easily offended as they do.

And why should this matter in the slightest?

The entire basis of general intelligence is that it is always an advantageous trait, period. Not to mention the absolute lack of empirical evidence to support a causal link between race and intelligence, despite the fact that people have tried to find one, and the mountain of evidence suggesting that non-genetic influences on biology as well as environmental causes like education are a much more adequate and straightforward explanation for racial discrepancies in I Q.



It's not though when mates who exhibit better endurance/strength are the ones who are prized in persistence hunting societies. Also education has nothing to do with Autism Level.

Not to mention that those who disturbed the status quo in african societies would be the ones who would be accused of being witches and either be murdered or have their possessions taken. In such a society higher levels of Autism Level would be a detriment since it would mark an individual as being outside the norm and thus a threat to the community.

Cut the virgin pseudo-evopsych talk and think critically for a moment. What matters is whether they are mentally and physically capable of even surviving. You cannot reproduce if you are fucking dead, so obviously the humans that survived were the ones that were more fit to thrive. This is how selective pressure works.

If people with low I Qs were too stupid to live, they wouldn't have been born to begin with.

based word filters

So I should just forget about the people in Botswana and Thomas Sankara.

You literal retard, you think that Africans all think like this? You're a fucking idiot trying to sound smart.

So they were like literally every primitive human society ever?

you act like this is only an African phenomenon.


Different environments provide different stresses. The stresses in subsaharan africa were ones where hunting was done over a dozen hours and the tribe often moved as well. Not to mention of course the intertribe warfare and slavery that would occur. I don't really understand why you think you need a high I Q to physically survive. Animals are surviving just as well without much intelligence.

The vast majority of Africans believe in witchcraft and magic at least traditionally and even Islam has had problems getting rid of the belief. The belief in witchcraft is still quite common in Botswana as well so I don't know why you brought that up.




Native Americans had twinspirits or w/e for the gay natives. But due to the different stresses the amount of murder being done by witch accusations was much higher than anything they did. The less resources an environment has the more strict a culture is in stomping out those who go against the status quo.

When did I say that? But it is true that Africans have practiced the whole accusing people of being witches on a few magnitudes higher than even the bad times in the west like the Salem trials. Accusations of witchcraft are a daily matter even in medium sized cities.

Also I may be a Nat Soc but I did study Anthropology and still maintain a great interest in other cultures.

Haven't read the whole thing and the article already admits that it's in one district. Not the entirety of Africa.

You structured your sentence accusing Africa of ALL being participants of witch craft and yet there are those that don't.

Fucking hell youre retarded.

??? You're sounding pretty delusional man and it's obvious you have very little understanding of the cultures of Africa.

That's also the statement that you're obviously greatly misunderstanding.

that's like saying you hate women because they are different

The unicef report is great reading on what is a fairly common belief practiced across Africa.

A lot of witches are thought of as being born as such and there is a common belief that they has a black organ in them that is a witch organ which is usually attempted to be dug out while they're still alive. They were doing this before Christ our lord was born so it may be one the first form of human ritual murder.

Again, we just established that 1. Not all Africans partake in this

2. You've yet to refute anything from Thomas Sankara

3. You decide to bring witch craft right the fuck out of nowhere

Again, you're a retard.

Witchcraft and the ways societies dealt with it was very much a crucial part of the way of life in most African cultures. It is pretty fascinating that colonialism couldn't stamp it out.

Furthermore, again this is rare in Botswana, and limited to a few districts, and this is coming from some Blogpost.


I guess I should just conveniently forget about the African countries (like Botswana) in which witchcraft isn't as practiced?

It seems that higher HDI African countries have less witch craft in it, so why you even brought it up is a mystery to me


Is America not a christian nation because there are non christians in it? That's the asinine argument you're trying to make. I expect a little better here tbqh. Honestly I thought it was a joke at first but it seems you actually think this is a good argument.

America isn't a Christian nation you dumb shit idiot asshole

As opposed to you stating low HDI African countries practicing witch craft and using a literal blog as your proof?

Fuck off.

Except for the fact that the majority religion of these countries is either Muslim or Christian. It is true that witchcraft is practiced but not to the point where this is FULLY mainstream.

You know nothing about Africa if you think Christian or Islamic belief is enough to stop belief in witchcraft.

The majority of religion in Africa is Islamic or Christian you fucking retard, but please go on about more """muh witch craft"""




culturally it is and it is impossible to refute that

I linked a 60 page UNICEF report about it

I'm sure European countries would know exactly how you feel.


You know how religions often have to combine local beliefs with the overall beliefs to convert someone? This is how witchcraft has stayed alive in Africa even with the adoption of Christianity and Islam. If you knew anything about Africa you'd know this. Honestly I'm embarrassed for you. Also it's wrong to think of how witchcraft has been culturally practiced in Africa as a religion. It's not really anywhere compatible to what a Westerner would consider a religion.

Like you do know that Christmas is not the day that Christ was born right?



It's okay to be uneducated about witchcraft as practiced by Africans. Most whites are. Read some Evans-Pritchard.

Lol, the old 'cultural Christianity's bailey. Get fucked nat cuck

Belief in witchcraft and shamans goes back to the dawn of our species though. They've found shaman tools dating back before the first migration.



Oh so you admit that anyone regardless of race can act irrationally based on faith.

Excellent! Now fuck off


Belief in witchcraft is actually entirely rational based on the belief system.

Also I was saving this till now but Christian churches are often the ones who are party to child witchcraft accusations. What a twist huh

Then why are you making a big deal out of it you autist?

Note how it says less common in Islam. WEW

Some guy made the argument that belief in witchcraft was rare in Africa then used a country where it's pretty common. Also socially witchcraft accusations have always been to maintain the status quo in a society as well as cut down the number of mouths to feed that comes from the culture of persistence hunting that was how life was in subsaharan Africa. I've only went on with this since it seems that many of you whites here have no idea of life in Africa so I thought I'd enlighten you. You're welcome.

God you're delusional

Since you kept making a silly argument that I only linked a blog it seemed pretty clear to me that you didn't read the article so I was kind enough to post parts of it here.

ummm isn't that the plan to get rid of all the porkies?????


no, you change the system you moron

forgot my sage

We can read the articles lad, there's no need for you to sperg

And change the system.
Again, the best you can do is provide a blog post of a guys trip in Botswana, a MAJORITY Christian country


Now again, what the fuck does religion have to do with this? Make a consistent argument

The porkies will let you do that???? Why do I know more about this than you do lol

Since you kept making a silly argument that I only linked a blog it seemed pretty clear to me that you didn't read the article so I was kind enough to post parts of it here.

No they don't. Thats why we're leftists user, because unlike you we realise that 'race'' is not the main factor for problems, it's the system and the people running it

Actually I linked that part of the paper here. I'll requote it for you.

Again the Unicef Article makes clear that this is happening in Botswana as well. I mean I could link you more articles but would that really change your mind? It's clear you know very little about the culture there.


??? But he just made the argument that you were not going to get rid of anyone to change the system.

I linked you a 60 page UNICEF report about Children being accused of witchcraft that goes into how this also is common in Botswana and that the churches in Africa have adopted witchcraft culture as their own as well. It's really not hard to know if you knew a fucking thing about Africa lol

No I didn't, learn to read.

Botswana named in UN witchcraft report

books.google.com/books?id=OVNeNLcDD2cC&pg=PA221&lpg=PA221&dq=botswana witchcraft accusations&source=bl&ots=rIsX1FFNX1&sig=bOQcvIi2Flx1nNUlDIEqyhsm3ac&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiu8a7IsavTAhXDr48KHWzVBwgQ6AEIPTAE#v=onepage&q=botswana witchcraft accusations&f=false

Botswana: Confession of a Witch

who are you quoting??? no one ever said anything about all the porkies besides you

And the article I linked said its still a majority Christian country, not witch craft exclusively.

There is literally no mention of Botswana in CONTEMPORARY Africa.

Fuck off

==Witchcraf: A Human Rights Conflict Between
Customary/Traditional Laws and the Legal
Protection of Women in Contemporary SubSaharan Africa==

involving witchcraft accusations have been reported in countries such
as Cameroon, Botswana, Nigeria, and Mozambique, to name a few.

wow looks like this is pretty normal in Botswana who would have thought

are you fucking retarded?


In Africa Christians can and do accept witchcraft as a real thing.




Fuck off


So Islam is the path and light? No wonder hitler loved it so much.

I'm pretty sure they arrest people for sorcery in Saudi Arabia so not quite.

That's the point I was making you retard


holy shit this nazi is clearly below the I Q level he accuses other races of having

unironically, if africans aren't dumb, then why are they so dumb?

Yet again, it doesn't go into the VARIED forms of witch craft or Islam for that matter.

Again, it's almost as if third world conditions has resulted in the radicalisation if people!


Are you mad a Nat Soc knows more about Africa than you do? LOL


How exactly is race a spook when there are obvious physical differences between races?

Are dog breeds a spook?

I ain't reading all that shit nigga, convey your knowledge or don't post.

Except you purposely misinterpret the evidence and result to blogs to prove your point. Just like any other Holla Forumsyp.

Africa has always been under third world conditions and before colonialism had it even worse. I feel that you trying to say that Africans were for tens of thousands of years were radicalized is really fucking dumb but there you go redditspacing again so w/e

Is UNICEF a blog now?

No this is a commonly held belief by anyone who has studied anthropology. Most Africans culturally believe in witchcraft because shockingly enough they do not treat it as a religion in the way the rest of the world views religion. This very well might have to do with belief in witchcraft being much older than any form of religion. Christian or Islamic faith does not rid one of belief in witchcraft because witchcraft is seen as part of daily life. Read a fucking book dude lol


Ok lad

Again, your UNICEF blog mentioned nothing about Botswana and the ones that do are either isolated incidents or take part in districts.

Again, fuck off

Aside from the continuum fallacy, that all seems to support the existence of race.

Then proceed to read the sources linked lad.

I've read them before my man. And using loci you can always determine a persons race. Providing they aren't a mongrel.

Sure you have


??? Can you not read. Do you think UNICEF is lying about this????

In the present day, not in 2007 you retard.


Then he made them into lampshades and soap and using the cost savings bought a giant masturbation machine that jerked off men to death.

Oh WEW lad

Do you really think a cultural belief that dates back tens of thousands of years stopped in a decade?

Jesus that's reaching when was the last witch burning in Europe?


I've read Lewtonin's Fallacy and the rebuttals before.

It's obvious race exists.


Chief Justice of the High Court of Botswana Maruping Dibotelo fears for his life after a demonic sigil was sent to his office casting a death curse on him.

The visceral fear of witchcraft and sorcery which has plagued the Botswana High Court for some time escalated into a demonic panic last week following an arcane letter giving the Chief Justice 14 days to step down from the bench or suffer a hex death.

The demonic sigil was packaged as a pagan feretory complete with a decomposing lizard and a malevolent letter written in what seems like a scary umbilical-noose typeface stating: “This is imported witchcraft it is powerful and effective, you must step down within 14 days after reading this message otherwise you will die a slow painful death like this reptile.

The letter further states: “Let us cross our fingers if you do not believe it u evil man u have victimized a lot of people your position which you did not qualify in the first place (sic).

“You used to despise your predecessor just because he was Kalanga. Shame on u! What about your own daughter who is madly in love with another Kalanga, would you disown her (sic). Indeed the Chickens have come home to roost.” (sic)

The case has been reported to Borakanelo Police Station in Gaborone who have launched an investigation into the creepy hex death threat.

Borakanelo Police Station Commander, Assistant Superintendent Moagaesi confirmed that they were investigating the curse-casting threats against the Chief Justice, but could not disclose details saying the investigating officer handling the case was out of the office.

The Botswana judiciary has for more than two years been rocked by an ugly fight, complete with macabre stories of witchcraft.

Twelve Judges of the High Court signed a petition two years ago stating that the Chief Justice occasionally claimed that his traditional doctor had warned him that his colleagues were bewitching him and was confident that the omens of this would be clear in the coming rainy season when lightning would strike with catastrophic effect. They threatened to reveal even more sensitive material behind closed doors.


Get ready to play deconstructionalism now.


meanwhile in the richest country on earth

Welcome to Holla Forums friend, we knew you'd come around one day.






Why would I bother, it's obvious it taught you nothing.

why is this thread still not bumplocked?









Holy fucking shit this thread. Also Porkies get out.

unlike leftypol, amirite? ;)

its funny that 8/pol/ is too young to even remember. i was permabanned for telling them the truth about their own history.

Then why aren't you killing Je.. erh I mean |||porky|||?

been there done that

Well, blacks seem to be the only ones livestreaming murder and rape for likes on facekike, so I'd say thats not human.

Whether or not a poster can summarize them is irrelevant to the actual arguments contained within. Just because someone can't accurately explain how the law of conservation works, for example, doesn't make the law of conservation wrong. So if they hand you a book and ask you to read it to understand why it's true, but you decide against it to remain willfully ignorant, then that's your fault. It takes a special kind of ingrate to condemn someone who tries to help you. Like yelling at a firefighter who just pulled your ass out of a burning building because he didn't rescue you fast enough.

being unable to explain something is proof you don't understand it yourself.

why should I read a book you clearly haven't?

irrelevant shitING IS BA-

kek forgot about word filters

Am I missing something? Where does Holla Forums become tolerant? That whole thread is just everyone calling him a nigger or saying "he's probably wasn't as bad as other niggers."

So you can become better than you interlocutors?

So you can catch them out on the off chance that the readings they've provided don't support their assertions?

Because reading is an adventure, and learning is Important?

I'm hit with a huge feeling of absurdity and surrealism every time I see photos of Andrew Anglin.

Here it is, the man with thousands of followers, the one who argues for the genocide of all the "lesser" races, of people who hold views he doesn't agree with, and who is always going on and on about honor and tradition and all that claptrap.

He looks so vulgar, so common, so crass, the kind you would find in any north english city. Not even money could fix him. He's short, slack jawed, wears low quality clothes, is overweight and engages in degenerate behavior such as paying southeast asian prostitutes and getting drunk with cheap beer.

I would at least understand if he was some kind of sheltered misantrophic aristocrat. But what if someone like /him/ doing advocating eugenics and genocide on inferior people? I wish nazis would look at themselves in the mirror.

This reminds of the time Holla Forums doxxed a prominent alt-right youtuber and it was discovered that he had the yellow fever, particularly Thai traps.

Turned out that guy was actually doxxed by the alt-left. Look it up.

nah you are a bullshitter.

At least white supremacists make a distinction between niggers and black people. Black supremacists just despise all white people.