Why diversity and immigration are bad, from a rational perspective


The reason why diversity/immigration is bad is complicated. It rests upon a set of independent principles/data/findings which, when all put together, adds up to a utilitarian slant towards white homogeneity. So let's just go through the steps one by one, so that everyone can follow the reasoning until the inevitable conclusion emerges.

1) People's traits and tendencies at the macroscale are immutable. This is proven by hundreds of years of consistent Autism Level testing all across the world, by the Minnesota Trans-racial Adoption Study, by Rushton's Race, Evolution and Behavior, as well as every other study ever done by mankind. North Koreans, despite living in poverty, have not suddenly grown dumb. Nor have black children of rich black parents scored as well on the SAT as white children of poor white parents. When you zoom out and look at any race or ethnicity or nationality, the results always stay the same across any length of time, regardless of their circumstances.

2) People from every race, ethnicity or nationality can be well-behaved, nice, productive people. Let us even say the majority of every group is like that. Nevertheless, due to the fact that it is easier to tear down than to build up (look at the one single truck driver in Nice who killed 84 Frenchmen in a few seconds who had spent their whole lives building themselves up), if any group has even a small minority of destructive individuals, all of the benefits of the nice majority are wiped out, and you in fact end up in the negative. This is why El Salvador, Haiti, Syria, Somalia and the like are all shitholes, because the influence of the destructive minority far exceeds the influence of the productive majority.

3) It is impossible to distinguish the good from the bad ahead of time. If there were some magical test that could tell what was in people's hearts, there wouldn't be any crime or adultery or lies in the first place. Humans have evolved to deceive incredibly well, to the point that there's simply no way to separate the wheat from the tares. Oftentimes, 'wheat' from a foreign group spontaneously mutates into 'tares', which they themselves had no plan on doing until the moment it actually happens. If they can't even see the darkness in their own hearts waiting to pulse upwards and seize control of the sentience throne, then how the hell are a few bureaucrats going through checklists at immigration and customs sites going to manage it? The only data we can have on an individual is his statistical likelihood of being good or bad based on the group he belongs to. If you belong to a net-destructive group, odds are you're a net-destructive individual, and that's the best assessment we can possibly do as to your utility beforehand. Afterwards it's already too late, any assessment is pointless, because both the costs and the benefits have already accrued. So waiting and seeing is also obviously out of the question. Once America or Sweden or whatever has been reduced to El Salvador, Syria or Somalia, it's too late to say "Oops, I guess our screening process was wrong."

4) Not only must immigrants make up for all the duds in their midst if they wish to contribute to their new homeland, they must be so much better that their net benefit exceeds the natives just having another white child in the normal manner instead. The marginal gain of an immigrant must at least exceed the expected value of a normal Swede, German, Frenchman, white American, etc, to even start discussing why we should be letting immigrants from abroad into our country.

5) Many harmful traits of foreign cultures/nationalities are hard to even conceptualize or describe, and yet they obviously exist. For instance, Chinese and Vietnamese seem like smart, hard working, law abiding fellows, and yet somehow when you put them together, in aggregate, you get China and Vietnam. These countries are terrible, a huge step down from the countries white people make for themselves when left alone, like Switzerland and Australia. I may not even be able to pinpoint what I find objectionable about a Chinese immigrant, but the lived-experiment of mainland China speaks for itself. Why would we want another China overseas when we already saw what the first one did with itself? Why would we want to become more Chinese when we're already better than them?

Other urls found in this thread:

nuffield.ox.ac.uk/politics/papers/2005/NLetki_social capital and diversity_final.pdf

6) There's value in diversity. Even if prospective immigrants really are superior to the natives, so long as they aren't strictly superior (ie, we have absolutely no advantage over them in any field), there's no reason to invade and repopulate a country with a new breed. Japanese, for instance, should not replace Europe and America, despite being better than Europe and America, because there are strengths white people have that Japanese lack. If nothing else, our looks and athleticism. But I also feel our rebelliousness, creativity, ingenuity, martial prowess and other traits clearly stack up favorably to Japanese. I prefer Japan over anywhere else on Earth, but I prefer a world that includes both Japan and Europe to a world of just pure Japan.

7) This logic extends outside the field of immigration. Point #6 is the same reason all children shouldn't just be made into women, despite women on average having higher utility than men. Point #2 is also the reason why we don't have to put up with gays, despite some gays being swell people. And so on. So long as a group is net-destructive, or at least net-not-more-productive than just a normal additional straight person being born, that group can be rightfully banished/shunned/eliminated for the health of the community.

8) Once you allow diversity into your country, you must treat it fairly, because people are repulsed and revolted at the idea of doing injustice to others in their midst. Imagine a girl who has fallen in love and wishes to miscegenate. No matter how many statistics you pull up showing her black partner is likely to abuse her, abandon her, go to jail, or give her an STD, she'll just say 'this one is different' and insist on following her heart. Tearing that couple apart by force would be a crime against the sanctity of love, which is just impermissible from a moral standpoint. And yet most of these lovers will quickly find out we were right and they were wrong, and suffer horribly due to their decision. Once that black fellow was in our midst, the entire train wreck was unavoidable. For the same reason, our revulsion against injustice means we can't have segregation, apartheid, second class citizenship, slavery, or any other setup that may ameliorate the bad consequences of diversity. Once they're in they're in, till death do us part.

9) For thousands of years, whites have shown that they are the sole sources of artistic, philosophical and technological breakthroughs in the world. We have a divine mission to continue this legacy in order to safeguard and advance mankind. We can't stay on this world forever. A nuclear war, asteroid, or the sun going red giant will inevitably happen. Therefore, as the stewards of all life in the universe, we must first and foremost preserve ourselves, so that the spark of creation, the future, and hope can live on. If anyone is going to develop the tools necessary to spread throughout the galaxy and the universe in a form that is both resplendent and sustainable, it obviously has to be us. Which means we can't be bogged down, or even pulled under, by all these third worlders with their third world concerns like crime, poverty, health care or whatever.

10) Even if it were possible with the perfect law code and the perfect set of behavior and the perfect institutions and so on to uplift under-performing groups, it isn't worth risking the cradle of civilization and progress, which means risking all life in the universe for the rest of time, on such a pointless and petty mission. Trillions of people will be living in the future, or not, based on the decisions we make right now. Mankind is at the crux of an immeasurably important moment. We can either extend to the stars or destroy ourselves, and it is immeasurably important that we get this see-saw teetering in the right direction. The idea that we should take a break and devote half our budget to helping out El Salvador and saving it from itself, even if this were possible, is patently absurd. Talk about missing the forest for the trees. If the world runs out of carbon and we all starve to death because plants can no longer grow, it won't matter whether we provided AIDS relief to the starving children in Africa beforehand. But if we're an intergalactic empire, we could solve such problems with the wave of our hands. Investment in the future, not frittering our time away on backwards cultures, is the only solution to anything and everything.

reminder to hide all double spacing poster posts on sight

90% of the time it's some lunatic, I don't even know why but so far the stereotype holds true

holy fuck it's the third race bs thread in this hour

Abandon all spooks, ye who enter here if you don't, then >>>Holla Forums

Stop shitting up the board and go back to your own.

I'm sorry reality hurts your feelings.

fuck off Holla Forums

Yeah nah


OP, you put in a ton of effort and I appreciate it. I don't think you'll get positive replies but you deserve them.

No, because we have too many of these threads and it always ends up in Holla Forums getting BTFO'd, but only after like 200 replies. It honestly gets boring really quick.


I'm not moving from this country or this board, and I will fuck a white woman dead

No by saying you are actively dumber than people from the congo and have less of a rate of employment

He actually just pasted what was on the linked blog, he already has his fash audience there too.

This is not much farther from being a one-liner shitpost with a funnay picutre.

Wait this dude has a blogspot 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

You didn't even read the post. Which tells me one thing: you are not white. Too bad you are stupid and can't understand that immigration and diversity hurts the successful established minority.

l0l actually starving kids in africa are more inteligent than dumb white people in europe so i think ur argument is BTFO. prove me wrong. U CANT.



You did?


At least dykes can't miscegenate and produce mongrel spawn. You probably would make them eat dogs too.

Honestly it wouldn't surprise me. You're all Americans now.

yeah that's what i'm saying i wish i wasn't white l0l it sucks having such a small dick




Literally tumblr tier posts

Dick so small we might be compatible

Imagine how many T-shirts you could sell to an audience like mine, you could dare I say it, even have your own supplement line.

Miscegenation is real, and strong ,and it is my friend.

Only miscegenation could create latina women.

For a tumblr tier thread


Inconclusive bullshit

Unironcially took fundings from the pioneer fund and gets BTFO by Graves in regards to race being correlated with Autism Level

Furthermore, diversity DOES NOT fuck with social cohesion

nuffield.ox.ac.uk/politics/papers/2005/NLetki_social capital and diversity_final.pdf



We're not.

How dumb do you have to be to not understand artificial insemination

I could irrelevant shit without even the sex.



Linking to the Minnesota test and why it's bullshit.





I never got this argument. Every country has tons of stupid people. Should we deport them as well as the immigrants?

Good thing feminazis hate children and you aren't even a functioning member of society, much less fit to be a mother.

Unless you want to get fucked by niggers and live on welfare, that is, which seems to be common enough with feminists

What are you, gay?

i am

I'm in a uni. You've got a high school diploma and a set of disappointed parents

this thread isn't for that, this thread is "philosophy".

Thank you comrade Pol Pot!

Try and get a bone marrow transplant from someone of a different race and tell me how spook it is when your immune system eats you alive.

It's one of those threads

Human beings can be literally categorized into subspecies because of bone marrow transplant, that's how taxonomy works.

I'd rape her if she lived in a different country, but I wouldn't want her shitting out kids in my neck of the woods.

Wtf I like irrelevant shiting now


When scientists have concluded we are basically Homo Sapiens Sapiens through and through they're corrupted by jews but when these other academics say things I like it's proof you're wrong and I'm right.

It's a winning strategy called ADHD

You also do realise the intelligence for blacks is increasing



Black Americans Reduce The Racial Autism Level Gap jstor.org/stable/40064475?seq=1#page_scan_tab_contents

Africa itself is improving






And see pic related

Why are lefties obsessed with immigration anyway? I get why someone would be against having more niggers in the neighborhood but why would you want more?

Try to get a blood transplant from someone of a wrong blood type and tell me how you shouldn't have died because he was a pure blooded aryan just like you.

Ever consider it's not you obsessed with blacks and immigration, its just you?

You're mistaking us with liberals, m8

I'm in med school

Even a gender degree would disappoint your parent's less than you do now


Most leftists are class reductionists and therefore cucked race traitors.

Why are righties obsessed with immigration anyway? I get why someone would be against having more virginal selective hearing Holla Forums posters around them in the neighborhood but why would you want more?

I'm a race traitor

We know




Why are you such a bad poster? Don't you want anybody to like you?

you managed to fit tumblr and Holla Forums retoric into the same post. well done liberal scum

Holla Forums confirmed for right wing SJWs

Tell that to the 15tb of cuckold porn every Holla Forumstard has in his hard drive

Who's we? Do you speak for anyone, when you have no friends?

was it ever in doubt

Trust me I don't want anyone to like me on Holla Forums this is the place where I come to sit my fat ass down and shit as loudly as possible

Wish this was true. Sadly, most leftists are idpolers, and theregore class traitor cucks.

Sure, when as a racial group you have the lowest average Autism Level (maybe abos are lower?) that when there is a higher percentage of irrelevant shited blacks than ever before that the average Autism Level will be increased somewhere between the average Autism Level of the black and the average Autism Level of the White, arab, whoever.

I fucking love this wordfilter

god damnit fuck Holla Forums

So you're saying diversity is a good thing! Good to know!

Sadly, most of this identity I've only experienced on the internet like everything else in my life, is identifiable.

I am a true enlightened man with no sense of identity because everyone has alienated me because I suck at life

I have no personality, I cling to it. And yet I have an unwarranted sense of self importance, like everyone here.

Good for the lower Intelligence Quotient population, bad for the native population whose average Intelligence Quotient is brought down

As far as I'm concerned Holla Forums is its own ethnic group I'm very much in favor of committing genocide against

Holla Forums


Shit, we'll have word filter "Intelligence Quotient" too.

Shut the fuck up you stupid subhuman gook bitch

And you guy's call Holla Forums a torture chamber

Just make it say black superiority

Except for the fact that low Autism Level population is increasing, even outside quote on quote """"native"""" countries.



The only reason I don't filter you is because I have a thing for chubby girls and sometimes your posts turn me on.



Why are you a tripfag anyway ? Curious

you fucking goblin whore bitch


To show my genetic superiority among the lower gene goblins

honestly though

If whites didn't keep these people down for 50.000 years they would have invented more than a stick.

Still better than banning people left and right.

First it was to filter my annoying posts, then it was to make fun of polyps being losers with no foreseeable future with a trip they always get triggered over



Meanwhile, in his review of Rushton's Race, Evolution, and Behavior in the Canadian Journal of Sociology Online, neuroscientist Douglas Wahlstein maintains an air of scholarly understatement, writing "I believe that great harm could be done to both the social and natural sciences if the standards for evidence and proof advocated in this book were to gain wider acceptance." Wahlstein further quotes Rushton replying to his critics to the effect that they "have failed to show an opposite predicted ordering in brain size, intelligence, sexual restraint.'' Apropos of that last point, Marks is delicate enough not to mention Rushton's companion studies of average penis size by race—and there, as the saying goes, you have it.
The foundation of Saletan's hereditarian argument is the pseudo-science of a man obsessed not only with his preconceptions of the inferior intelligence of blacks, but their lack of "sexual restraint" as well. Pity Saletan could not contact D.W. Griffith for comment.
In any case, Rushton's enquiries into differential skull and brain-sizes among the races, and the problems attendant upon them, are particularly relevant for present purposes, because Saletan himself places some significant weight on the implications of brain size, writing that magnetic imaging studies show " at least a 40 percent correlation of brain size with Autism Level. One analysis calculates that brain size could easily account for five points of the black-white Autism Level gap." To outline just one of Saletan's numerous misunderstandings of what correlations do, and do not, imply, let's turn back to Marks:

[B]asic scientific protocol requires that all relevant variables be controlled before drawing conclusions about the cause of an observed difference between samples. But in this case we do not even know what those variables are, or what the appropriate statistical corrections (for example, for body size) may be. Brain size correlates, for example, with age and with nutritional state in early life…

[T[hough there was agreement that women have smaller average brains than men (assuming their brains don't grow in subsequent studies!), they apparently do not have lower average Autism Levels. This obviously would undermine the strict determination of intelligence by brain size, which should already be common sense…

By now, this approach to the determination of the average intellectual abilities of group members has degenerated into sophistry. The populations within each "race" vary widely in measured cranial capacity, with the four largest sets of skulls deriving from the aboriginal males of Hawaii, Tierra del Fuego, France, and South Africa, respectively.
The upshot is twofold: First, there is no good reason to suppose that differentials in brain size are not attributable to dietary and other non-genetic variables, and second, whatever correlation between brain size and Autism Level exists must be weak enough to allow for women to have the same average Autism Level as men despite having smaller brains.

You know, I'd love to have a debate but when I can't go a sentence or two without hitting a word filter then fuck it.
Enjoy your bubble.

You got BTFO lad, don't bother coming back.

Last time I checked the first Neolithic mega structure was in Turkey, as well as the first recorded domesticated dogs, and all Europe had was a bunch of megaliths they stacked on top of each other because they worshiped being vaguely able to farm.

From Çatalhöyük to Göbekli Tepe


You niggas couldn't even fucking create your own lasting religion




>this somehow compensates that I have a micropenis and the true goal of my life is to see my crush who never loved me fucked by black men

Any argument in favor of having less immigration results in endless REEE GET BACK TO Holla Forums, as if it's the cornerstone of leftism.
So again, what's with the left and immigration?

It is not the race that matters it's the worker. If you can't stand another worker that everyone else can stand nobody else is the problem but you.

As opposed to Vietnam, which is literally Africa tier, has been colonized by Europe and even the fucking chinks, and whose people consider boiled cat a delicacy?

sure thing. You're probably right.

It's not about brain size, dumbass. It's about brain structure. Also the article I linked said nothing about skull shape, but keep posting paragraphs about it, you Lysenkoist fucktard.

This is impossible and can be used to disqualify any study.

Interesting, now explain to me how aboriginals are actually equal in intelligence to whites.

A stick, a fucking stick. 50.000 years, and nothing more than a stick.

I can see why you take these people as your equals, it lowers the bar for you.


I'm talking in general as in South East Asia.

Vietnam has relics from thousands of years ago.

All Western Europe did at the time was get mocked for being Gauls who may as well worshiped the man who fucked the Auroch once

We got Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism, Confucianism.

You couldn't create shit without the Mediterranean telling you to shut the fuck up lol

this has been a Holla Forums public service announcement

Huffing gasoline is probably healthier than posting on Holla Forums for a month straight

t. newfag is new

We're more in favour of internationalism, not globalism/ mass migration.


Don't shift back the goalpost faggot, I know you have a micropenis. Don't deny it. Accept the BBC. This is your true destiny.


Oy vey, how dare you.

You do realise Aboriginies held the land sacred, hence why they chose not to ""violate"" it.

Most of them lived nomadic lifestyles, and didn't bother sticking to one place.

You're a fucking retard m8, take a hike.

Shit Skins, 11,500 years ago, Modern day Turkey

not an argument.



Pure Aryans, 3,100 BC, roughly 8400 years later, than the shit skins,

Please, jewish idpolers have the biggest crocodile tears of all

But we're not in favor of Holla Forums?

Which is why they torched most of the woods.

How many times do I have to prove you wrong before you denounce Marxism and kill yourself?

They literally burnt down entire forests and made Australia a desert because they didn't know how to hunt like humans


I know the truth about race causes castration anxiety in you, but please keep it to yourself.

They burned the land and hunted australia's megafauna to extinction. Enviromentalism is alien to primitives.

But please, give me evidence that they are just as intelligent as whites without having anything to show for it.

I wouldn't call Turks shitskins

Turkey is an invention of islamic invaders, Anatolia was populated by greeks until the 20th century you dumb whore

Uh huh

Why was East Asia and the Mediterranean light years ahead of Western Europe in almost every single regard, and dominated your continent's beliefs, wiping them off the face of the Earth so easily, and you actually loving it thousands of years later

Smells like multiculturalism to me :v)

They torched down woods in favor of finding food.




your post is double spaced though

Not an excuse. Even Africans knew better than to due that. Plus Indian Famines were caused by the British taking most of the shit that was gown, not poor management.

I-it was just a prank. Y-you're not mad at me are you?….

Hmmm, it's not like other civilisations haven't done this before…

Oh I didn't know the Pre-Pottery Neolithic in the region was Greek, tell more

Because while you were creating Stonehenge everyone else was making empires, monuments to gods, and intricate construction




I'm at a loss now, for how I can explain the great abbo civilizations of rome and china?


be my gf hoochie we can have hapa kids

It's not like I made that claim.

Love our useless fucking mods

Really gives the frontal lobe a free spa pass.

Yet the reactions you get here for being against immigration imply the later

Immigration hurts first and foremost workers, especially those at the lower skill spectrum. It's used by Governments for wage dumping and creating a divided and confused populous so they can't unite in common struggle e.g. occupy wall street turning from "together against capitalism" to "check your muh privilege sinner". It's funny, people here complain about idpol, yet they are pro-immigration which is literally the biggest creator of idpol.

As opposed to asians, which to this day still can't do anything but make cheap shit for first worlders?

Abbos actually invented intricate cave painting before Europe was recorded at even painting stick figures on walls.

So yes, yet again another people who beat you to the punch.

If their goal was to steal most of the crops then it ain't poor management.

Are you denying the holocaust right now ?

Immigrants for the most part, are workers, blame your government for supporting the military industrial complex if they're refugees, blame yourself for bitching if they're Hispanic.

I can guarantee you, you've never worked a day in your life.

Except for the fact that this post was all about """muh anuddah shoah and race realism"""

We believe in helping immigrants if they need it, but we acknowledge it's not going to help in the long run, especially given the capitalist economy we operate in.

We support internationalism.


You don't even know how to make your own clothes anymore

it also looks bland and unimaginative compared to european cave paintings

This is your brain on Holla Forums

Except said dot paintings were used as symbols to map out regions within Australia.

You aren't even trying.

Your taste is shit, you've proven as much by browsing Holla Forums,.

I would take an academic opinion over yours.

We do, they just cost hundreds of dollars. Worth it, though.


Cheap manual labor takes no skill and is better left off to third worlders such as yourself, while real people do productive things.

I still can't get over the fact you think you're race is special when everyone else was mastering construction, art, and architecture, as well as complex beliefs

You were literally Gauls stacking stones on each other, centuries upon centuries later largely taking credit for the accomplishments of empires who thought you were less than Persians

You're right, and while everyone else was mastering construction

For thousands of years that is all you did

Barely understand agriculture and stack stones on top of one another.



Asians never managed to work with light, I know, but we both have to admit their limited imagination pales to that of the abbo.

European cave paintings are sublime, they overwhelm the observer with a trampling herd, it captures the adrenaline rush of the hunt, it is their way of life made eternal.

Abbo paintings are like the crude finger painting of a 4 year old, amateurish, unimaginative, boring. It captures nothing, except stupidity and lack of talent.

And this is exactly the reason why no platforming all sjw academics and replacing them with nationa.l socialists is an excellent idea. You'll listen just the same, and if not, the new generation of your type will.

Whatever helps you cope, buddy.

But fam. You guys were stabbing each other with flint spears while Europeans were crafting elegant weapons. China entered the bronze age in 2000 BC while Europe had been smelting Bronze since 3200 BC

That shit wouldn't pass in any art college. (except if the student were 1/32th abbo)

Ok, buddy

What's the oldest dot art from abos?

It's too bad you lost all that talent and culture by the Neolithic when you decided it was a good idea to try your hand at construction for 7 straight fucking thousand years before being wiped clean of all your beliefs and adopting new ones as if you were the Native Americans you at any other time in history would look down upon.

But everyone has to think they're the one

The fact is that civilization as you know it in the Near East and Mediterranean and Eastern and Western Europe.

All originated from the Near East and Mediterranean

Everything Europe has ever created on its own has been glassed and replaced.

You have no culture. You have multiculturalism.

South East Asians?

Are you joking?

We were mastering fucking gunpowder while you were still stabbing each other

show me where they used it to fling projectiles to kill each other rather than just used in fireworks.

God Holla Forumsyps are pathetic

I am a leftist and I am against mass uncontrolled immigration. When we have threads about this the board is normally quite split on the issue.


You do know that we were even making swords before you right

Even the Mesoamericans had that shit down you're not fucking special because you made a fucking sword hahahahaha

I didn't know Vietnam was Chinese. Even then the Chinese never advanced past bronze cannons and bamboo hand cannons. It took European metallurgy to make gunpowder more than a psychological weapon. Hence why during the boxer rebellion the Chinese were using swords and matchlock while Europeans rekt them with bolt action rifles.

So you can't show me gook guns made before Europeans did it? that's all I was looking for.

Now post some pre-european contact abbo art, made by actual abbo's and not those who did some cultural appropriation with it.

Why did asians never manage to work with light, why did asia never have it's Adoration of the Mystic Lamb moment?

These actually were made by abos m8. There's no need to be upset.

If we're talking South East Asians as generally as you speak of yourselves as "White" universally

Let's face it I'm playing by the rules you set.

Even then everyone had swords, you're fucking embarassing.

Hey, at least it didn't take you 7 long thousand fucking years to master fucking creating a temple that wasn't rocks on top of rocks


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Where were these pre-european contact paintings found and who made them?

Asians built a fucking wall that can be seen from space

Asians also destroyed Rome and brought you little shits to the dark ages

Australia. And by Aboriginies.

That's all the proof I need

Clubs with obsidian are not swords, fam. The Incas were using bronze when they got raped by Steel clad Spaniards.

They were made out of bamboo, so most of them decomposed.
So you guys had steel beam construction? The only alternatives to stone and earthen material back then was wood, and straw, and that's inferior to stone.

No point in working with light when there's only darkness in their souls.


Germans are Chinks. Who woulda thunk?

Why's that?

They mostly were killed by smallpox actually.

Your greatest weapon was nobody else on earth was accosted to the filth. you lived in for so long.

Quite an accomplishment.

That's all the proof I need

ok, lad.


Then where are the composed ones?


Keep taking credit for Christianity



Why would anyone take someone with such SHIT taste seriously?

I am German. The German government tolerated open immigration for years until in the early 2000's they went "oh would you look at that we got way too many unemployed :^) Time to shit on worker rights and cut social security". Right now our leftists are pushing hard for Syrian family reunifications, which should create the same situation on the job market we had years ago

Still doesn't explain why someone who is 99% socialist but disagrees on the immigration issue gets treated like some baby-eating Eugenicist by other leftists.

My mistake, at the time it began construction Rome still had you all under its thumb.

Please take credit for them and others who make up your entire post Dark Ages culture btw

Especially when they looked down on you as savages.

Gauls aren't people.

Not metal, fam. Not a very good sword when he blades all shatter, or become dislodged after 1 swing.

Gauls and Germans sacked Rome first, bud.


You sound really mad, shitting out posts asap and replying before reading them fully. You can adress multiple posts in one post, did you know that ?

Oh well. At least Asians still beat you to the punch.

Congratulations at proving their point that you were dumb fucks who ruin everything.

Ok Kraut and Tea, if you want to know what we're about see pic related.

Here's a thought, maybe not all leftists think alike, and most of us on Holla Forums aren't like the screaming fuckwits who disrupt milo yiannopolous gatherings?

Dumb ass that I am, pic related

Is it wrong? I'm fairly certain Greece and Rome thought far Western Europe was a land of savages.

And I hardly moved the goal posts anymore than the average unwarranted self important Holla Forumsyp does.

You've yet to really explain why you in Western Europe couldn't master construction for seven straight thousand years while mostly everyone else could.

I am having a blast

We were on alleged bamboo guns and seeing the great wall from space and now you're on something completely different.

"Christianity is a European Religion"

"Traditional European Culture"

"Multiculturalism is ruining Europe"

a blast of hot diarrhea ?

Rome was ruined before it got sacked.

It's the core of my argument for posts and posts and posts and posts.

The fact nothing Europe has ever created on its own has lasted, and was usurped by other cultures near them, and those effected by cultures outside of them

You can claim literally nothing as your own except improving upon the model of others.

You are a race of students, nothing more.

Let too many Western Europeans in it I suppose.


All the modern offshoots of Christianity are more or less European, thanks to the Byzantine sanctioning of Christianity and its cultural roots that rose up form late classical period to modern one.

What projection? I'm not Christian?

Or European

Ah yes, it explains why it's shit and hasn't changed much, and has lasted in its current incarnation shorter than most next to Islam

Tell me all about Protestant work ethic

You learned farming from Indo Eruopeans. Hence red headed mummies in China. Also Indo Eropean Serbians discovered Copper.

Nah, from earliest China and the spread of its empire (Which again, included Vietnam), it knew agricultural growth mostly parallel. You can thank us for Silk though. At least show a little appreciation

To both us and the Fertile Crescent

Neither of which were particularly white, which is my point.

Oh I'm sorry I didn't know I was talking to someone who believed in the Ancient Hiberno-Chinese

Compared to reforms of other major religions I would have to say that Christianity has been subject to major reforms in shorter time period than Judaism nor Islam for example.

I don`t even claim to know about protestant theology nor their basic concepts since I was raised as (Greek)Orthodox

This can't be serious.
Why are disgusting autists always the ones who feel the most self righteous?