So when we take Washington, which building/s do we symbolically raze?

So when we take Washington, which building/s do we symbolically raze?

Like, call me soft but I don't wanna pointlessly destroy any historical artifacts or buildings, as evil as DC is.

The IRS building

Everything but the post office, just like the British did.

You would be shot if you tried, dumbfuck smashie. The building is valuable and can be used for all sorts of different things.

The national monument
Every war monument
The White House

no, it can only ever be a symbol of the american state.
That's what it was created for, and that's what it does.
You want to make it in to a homeless shelter or a potato dispensary?
You can do that, but it will remain a symbol for reactionaries to rally for. A virgin princess to rescue from the commies evil clutches.
It burns.

American here.

Please don't ISIS my capitol.

Its one thing to raise the red flag on the white house and maybe smash some statues and portraits of the SITTING president but please don't destroy shit like the Washington monument and the Lincoln memorial. You will be exactly like the absolutely retarded red guard in China that smashed and burned all the ancient statues and scrolls or Isis when they blow up temples. Its just historical revisionism and as a historian at heart I die a little inside whenever I see historical shit get destroyed for no reason.

Not to mention a lot of really left wing Americans romanticize our past and love our spooks so doing this will earn you more enemies than friends. The best thing to do is just to co-op these symbols and position yourself as "finishing the job the founders started"



It would be a stupidly easy way to get backlash.

I agree, It's the same reason we don't demolish antebellum plantation mansions.

Yeah you're soft.
soft in the fucking head.

I say we set American flags on fire, raise them up on the poles, and let them incinerate over all the city skylines of the United States.

Assuming the post-revolutionary political structure take a radically different shape than that of the current American model, I'd assume that the White House might be done away with as a symbolic "cutting off the head" of the seat of former power (removing all relevant historical artifacts before doing so mind you). I'd assume everything else would probably be left alone/re-purposed though.

Nobody is likely to touch the Lincoln memorial: it's a powerful symbol of emancipation that is (barring the fact that it was undertaken as part of our history as a bourgeois democracy) compatible with the building of a socialist society and, to a lesser extent, mythos.
The Washington monument on the other hand has always struck me as being rather tacky, so to hell with it.

Plus it juuuuust doesn't quite line up with the White House and the rest of the mall.

the shite house and the capitol. the rest can stay

I don't think you understand the American mindset. Most of them would see this as a personal attack.

Americans love continuity, the more direct lines you can draw from the founders to your own movement the better. Preserving the white house is purely optical but optics matter when you are dealing with people as spooked as Americans.

I'm telling you guys smashing this stuff is a bad idea. These things are immortal god totems yo these people. THEY WILL COUNTER REVOLUTION JUST BECAUSE YOU KNOCKED A TOWER OVER IM SERIOUS!!

Who else reckons the capital should be moved to New York? You know, a city with actual character.

Not to mention the white house is basically a fortified bunker complex with secret tunnels and billions of dollars of secret shit in it why would you waste all of that?

I would literally rather die than live in new york

Funny thing is I am an American. We should just distribute quotes from Zinn's Peoples History of the United States and woke 'em up.

Given like 2 generations that might work but we have to work with what we got.


I cri I evry tim.

The White House would be a useful command and control center, because it is full of communications equipment and optimized for INFOSEC.

The capitol can burn.

The Lincoln Memorial can stay. Lincoln was based.

The Washington Monument could be painted red.

Thats a beautiful shot.

ops, bad spelling

The more I read about Lincoln the more I realize that had he ever been given the opportunity to read the literature he would have been some kindle of anarchist or another.

Believing in the supremacy of labor and all that jazz.

we need to mix in American iconography with communist one's

That's not in DC. The main one is in New Carrollton, MD.

Honestly because of the nationalistic character of the U.S or old the American flag would probably be stolen from the government and repurposed to represent the rebels. At the very least the new flag shouldn't shouldn't incorporate hammers and other explicitly communist iconography since Americans associate that with foreign powers. It would have to be something new. Sell Americans socialism but don't call it that.

Smash anything involving the Vietnam and Korean wars. Hide away any pro capitalist artifacts. Smash anything major and people will be up in arms. I suggest framing it like finishing the job of the founders with a better understanding of who are the tytants like said

Lad, the only hipster parts are North Brooklyn and southern Manhattan. Also there's like no smog. What do you think we are, LA? Have you ever even seen a photo of ny, let alone be there? The air is fine

You have a point with no trees tho

I live in middle Tennessee and I have visited NY. We actually have an ecosystem so I know what fresh air smells like. NY does not have fresh air, you just don't know what it smells like. Come to the Smokey mountains and then tell me NY has no smog.

I was sick the whole time I was there because of the air.

You realize the Vietnam war memorial has thousands of people visiting it a week and there are still millions of Americans alive who served in Vietnam right?

Why is "leave the monuments alone" so hard for you people?

New Yorker here.
Tbh I feel like it should stay in dc. Dc only appears like it doesn't have character because of the media's fetishized interpretation of it focusing on the government and what not. I feel like if a true left gets in power, there should be a focus on the character of the actual city of dc, in a way that focuses more on the dc and the people in the city to suggest the people of dc are in power now, rather than the political elite.

Maybe we'd be able to clean up the smog if we had a planned economy working in peoples interests?

Never said we had the cleanest air, smog my interpretation of smog is the shit you see in the photos of Chinese cities with big black clouds of the shit over the cities and people literally have to walk around with masks

Well, it probably would be impossible to co opt the message of the Vietnam war, so what do you suggest instead? Leave it up in disrepair?

Publicly apologize to the Vietnamese we killed with agent orange and all the war crimes and move on. Maybe throw Henry Kissenger in prison finally. But we can never in any way suggest that we are insulting or disrespecting the dead or they will lose their minds.

China smog is often 5 times higher than the chart even goes so comparing yourself to them isn't saying much.

Like I said, that's just my interpretation of smog, literal clouds.

I just see the air as typical urban unclean air.

Speak loudly into the microphone your targets and intentions. Thank you.

they are important, that's why you build them. They need to be transformed or if that's not possible destroyed. They can not just be left alone.

I agree that monuments dedicated to the people should be left alone. Especially soldiers. A soft re-branding is enough, a pack condemning the draft and highlighting the bad treatment vietnam vet got. making them victims of imperialist politicians, rather than heroes of the war.

Kissinger needs to stand in front of a international trial, and then be executed by artillery.

Bourgeois culture must be destroyed in its totality.
No Plato to for your children to enjoy!

This. Destroying history is going full Mautism/ISIS. It attracts the support of no one except the autismos doing the smashing.

I can't believe nobody's suggested the Pentagon yet.