Why are you doing this Holla Forums...

Why are you doing this Holla Forums? we are trying to kick these fucking redditors of our board because they are fucking cancer, and you guys are making it harder because these gullible retards think everyone is a shill and they won't leave, why do you hate us so much? don't you understand we already know we made a mistake and we are paying the price? Fuck you

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Holla Forums is like twice the size of Holla Forums. We cannot really subvert you guys. Also it's your own goddamn fault for getting all friendly with reddit.

because you are cancer too, user

I just made a mistake man, i didn't know this retard was a jewish puppet, what the fuck i was supposed to do, there was no way out

They were supposed to be contained in reddit, they kept coming, we don't know what to do anymore. They are so fucking cringy, i hate them more than leftists

Holla Forums gets blamed for any post to the left of Mussolini so it's more your own fault for the constant boogeymanning.


Literally best timeline.

Everything is going to fucking implode eventually, and WW3 might actually happen, this is bullshit

That sounds like a self-made problem.

Honestly? This current 3d chess claim made more sense than most of the previous ones, you guys are just desperate to jump off the Trump-train to be anti-establishment and self-pitying again instead of throughly enjoying the win.
The TrumpenReich is far from over, although Kushner is a major obstacle.

That's what redditors are, gullible retards, I mean I feel sick

We didn't do shit. The redditors are using us as a boogeyman to attack you.

They keep posting these Discord screenshots that are supposed to be a group from Holla Forums, any clue?


Not really, most of us that are angry about this still believe that Trump can do good, but Kushner is following his own agenda, along with the other jews

Maybe it's time for a little introspection and to consider maybe they're the natural consequence of your beliefs instead of an aberration? Maybe you should consider real life doesn't work like lord of the rings fanfiction?

Nah, who am I kidding. You guys will keep LARPing and treating politics like a game with mascots

Sadly the_donald is our bastard child, all of this started with that stupid kek thing that caught on so much with the normies, that was a mistake that is costing us so much right now

Isn't that from the fake lefty discord Holla Forums set up? I'd imagine commies are pretty low down on the list of people to put effort into shilling for.

This is some meta shit
You can quell dissent by creating a false flag of a fictional outside force pretending to be dissenters
Then any actual dissenters in the community can be immediately labeled as outsider shills

That's the fakest shit I've ever seen. Stop being a gullible retard

Well, this just brings more questions

which fake lefty discord? so they are just shitposters

I have no idea, a group of them likely did it inside a discord group of their own or even another 3rd party might be involved.

Currently Holla Forums has been occupied with problems of it's own such as a BO who wanted to move us to bunkerchan (eceleb cancer site) despite the fact that most of us wanted to stay here.

While I disagree with your political views I somewhat hope you can remove the redditors but once they are in they are extremely hard to remove.

Just stop for a moment and really think for yourself, jesus. Do you think it's a "narrative" that the Iraq war is a fuck-up? Does it really take immense shilling to tell people "hey maybe this is fucking retarded let's not repeat?".

Who's more likely the shill? The people scheming to get people on the side of fucking Israel or the people, both left and right, who are saying this helps no one but military industrial complex (and who gives a shit whether they're run by "jews" or "porky", it's shit either way)?

ooh, so close. He's a capitalist. That's why he acts that way.

You have more in common with a working class jew than with a white capitalist, user. The capitalists have convinced you that the Jews are the problem or the Mexicans are the problem or the Muslims are the problem or literally anybody else but the capitalists.

But when you work 8 hours, who takes 6 hours' worth of the value?
The capitalists.

When you're hungry, who says they'd rather let food rot than give it to you?
The capitalists.

When you're homeless, who says they'd rather see a house empty than let you in?
The capitalists.

Gee, I wonder why there are all these redditors are coming from? Why is there so much reddit on Holla Forums?

I don't know, some fuckwit has been spamming a discord with thousands of liberals in it here for days, and I've seen Holla Forums talk about honeypotting people using it, I just assumed it was the end game of that. It stinks of Holla Forums pretending to be leftypol. I would say it's a safe bet to say the majority of people here dislike Clinton more than Trump, because we want to see the decline of the stagnant neoliberal consensus and Trump serves this better than Her.

I have plenty of work to do, i will have to coordinate with some anons i know to get something up

Good luck with that bunkerchan exile too

Most of the richest persons in the planet are jewish, Capitalists and Jews are two sides of the same coin user, this idiot was supposed to be our weapon, and it was used against us

That is exactly what these redditors just don't understand, but they are being such idiots, its insane

No you all are fucking useful idiots to the fucking T

If you see a jew with a super powerful weapon come after you, is it safer to

A) Get rid of the jew and leave the weapon laying around?
B) Get rid of the weapon so no one else can use it on you after he's gone?

You're assuming that Jewish capitalists fuck you over because they're Jewish. That's your problem.

Now think about why a white capitalist would promise you salvation from the Jewish capitalists, only to fuck you over the same way.

They don't fuck you over because they're Jewish. They fuck you over because they're capitalists. It's what they do.

feels good tbh

It turned out to be that way, we were played

Get rid of the weapon, if i leave it around. other jew might try to use it, but right now we don't have much choice

What i meant is that every single capitalist want to fuck us over, since plenty of them are jewish, they might as well be the same

Ok, and our side is your only hope of ever seeing them out of power. Otherwise, good luck watching your movements be subverted time and time again by neocons with slightly different branding

Until someone gets rid of the capitalists/powerful jews, your model is bound to fail, because they will fuck with it as much as possible.

Right, but even if 80% of the wealthy capitalists were rich, only killing them off would leave you with 20% of the same problem, which is just as much of the problem as 100%. You've just reduced their numbers, but they don't fuck things up by being numerous, they fuck them up by owning everything.

/r/the_donald is the important nexus of MAGA shit, and Holla Forums is the irrelevant, follow-on bitch.

You are an irrelevant fart, unpleasant to smell for those trapped in the elevator of Holla Forums, but unheard and ignored by the rest of the world. A tiny ass fish who moved to this shitty puddle because 4chan was too big of a pond.

JEWISH. I meant to say Jewish. Fuck.

We created them, they became bigger because actual normal people joined them, now they are just mindless followers, nothing else

So you've never met a single, solitary white person you don't like? Really? Come on dude, even you don't believe this shit. Eventually, with this mentality, some dude could and will fuck you over just because he slid out of the right vagina for you, even though he's just as big a piece of shit.

Let me put it to you this way. If we're trying to take down Soros along with the Kochs, we're worried you guys are going to throw a fit with the latter.

Goes to show how similar they are, all of them should be erradicated before we can actually stop being screwed by them, otherwise they won't leave us alone

But remember, the poor Jews get fucked over just the same as the poor whites.

What is it with Holla Forums's obsession with Jews? It's called Capitalism, not capitalist-mism. If you don't change the economic system but only remove the people you don't like, some others will simply take their place. The very nature of capital and the commodity fetishism it brings will always creates exploiters and exploited.

If we don't take them out they will try to intervene when anyone tries to change the system, it has to happen

This is the worst false flag I've ever seen how do you people even fall for this

It's part of how the systemic propaganda is planned. At a base level, try to convince everyone nothing is wrong. Beyond that, if something is wrong, try your best to make sure it's an identity issue instead of pointing at the real systemic causes (which is where the idpol idiots of both sides come in)

Then when anyone gets beyond that and starts questioning the system, they're labelled a loony or, if they're dangerous enough, just straight up murdered.

Pretty sure the Jews are going to intervene more when it comes to killing all the Jews.

Just stick around here and join the Nazbol gang if you're adamant about sperging out over jews

Once we kill them they will not bother anyone any more, its a step that we have to take

If they are gone, we can finally change the system that has been fucking us for so long

Might hang out for a while later, knowing both sides helps me to think rationally, right now i have to help as much as i can to get rid of reddit on Holla Forums

Oh, I see. You are merely pretending to be retarded.

Fair enough, if I'm going to have enemies on here I'd rather they be people with actual convictions and know there's a problem in society instead of fucking brainless bootlicking scum just looking for a new neocon daddy


Because you supported a reddit candidate.
It's like replying to tripfags. You keep feeding them with replies and then you wonder why they won't go away. Only this trip is that huge ass faggot named Donald J. Trump

That is why i'm doing my best to find out a way to kick the_donald out of Holla Forums, we can't even discuss properly about Trump because of them, opposition is good because it helps develop better ideas, Holla Forums is fucking cancer now

Just like you created meme magic, peepee frog, baneposting, and everything else that you shitwads pretend to have created.


We know, we made a huge mistake, we can try to fix it, but we need to reclaim our board first


You didn't create shit bitch you're from reddit

Don't go full retard there, if you are going to spout shit without saying why you can fuck off


in case you're confused how you should deal with tripfags

The frog died in 2011 you just reused everything to such a degree everyone old left and went on twitter and elsewhere and grew out of chans while you wasted away like fucking smeagol and engaged, or really, are just as young, as the people we all used to mock religiously and laugh out.

You are cancer.

I don't care if you commit suicide.

Stop being obnoxious.

Shit, i guess Tripfags are cancer everywhere, thank god they can be filtered

Everyone should trip

You're the only one who should trip, and break your neck when you hit the ground faggot

You're the only one who should trip, and break your neck when you hit the ground faggot

Let's face it, he got you there.

Monkey sees monkey does, like clockwork tripfag.


Let's face it, he got you there.

Monkey sees monkey does, like clockwork user.


Everything he said about globalism made me think he could be useful, i was wrong

Also you guys actually use emoticons here? kind of ew

You reap what you sow stormweenies.

That discord was made by reddit liberals. No joke.

I guess maybe burning the entire field and getting a new one might be the best option here

So its literally liberal redditors helping the_donald redditors so they can stay? holy shit its worse than i thought, we have to purge Holla Forums

We also have a problem with redditfags (however it is not as bad as your T_D problem) ever since the catgirl banning on /r/socialism lead a quite a number of them to come here.

Reddit in its entirety should be nuked, i fucking hate them so much

The problem is Chans are dead and twitter is where everyone worth a shit who used to post on Chans moved.

You are surrounded by the social detritus of the world.

Trump was literally the perfect solution to the political problem at the time. He made the people complacent, and allowed the government to fuck Americans even harder. Why the fuck would you trust a capitalist to have morals?


Holla Forums in all of its iterations needs to be purged. I'm tired of semi-literate nazis everywhere I go.

It's to the point where I just want to watch the fuckers burn and savor it like they want to watch everything else burn.

Yeah it gets tiring. I'm not sure how any Holla Forumstard doesn't tire of it

And we fell for it like children, i know, we fucked up

I know you might hate most of us, you might hate me too, but nazis are really necessary, they are the only chance we have of getting rid of a big portion of the capitalists, otherwise they will keep fucking everyone

Holla Forums was good when they wanted everything to burn. Before they started wanking about muh RaHoWa muh dotr muh huwhite rayce.

I do agree that they are leaking too much, but since being nazi is considered as bad, some retards feel special by making everyone know they are nazis

hahahahahhahaha fucking kill yourself nobody will ever love you

No, they're counter revolutionary cancer.

They don't perceive the Capitalists. They only perceive his middle management lackeys, particularly the ethnic and jewish ones. All porky has to do is switch the last few decades new Jewish hires out for WASPs and watch the pogroms burn down revolutionary elements. They've done it many, many times.

No our best chance is destroying completely the means of industry, mechanical/global transport and electrical infrastructure. This will both remove the power of capitalists and the government and reduce the human population to sustainable levels.

you're going to overdose on all those spooks

We can identify them all just fine thanks. Even in this normie approx. none of the jewish ones are skipped over


I have to disagree then, i think that we need to get rid of the people with the power, before we can even try to change the system

What do you think we're trying to do


That's what you did

lowtax was right.

Yeah, and it led us to having a complete retard in power, i know, i can't apologize enough

To be fair a large amount of capitalists in "huwhite" countries are Jews. But this isn't a conspiracy, it's natural as they specifically inbred for intelligence and have better relations with each other than "huwhite" due to being a racial and cultural minorit and the nature of their culture. Holla Forums has sour grapes, they basically want to be gigajews except they gas everyone not "huwhite" and in their cult. 😂

No they aren't. 85% of the power elite in the angolosphere are WASPs. Jews are middle class managers and professionals who make up a subset of the power elite because there is some upward transition within the middle class.

The people give the power through inaction. The power will accumulate like scum on a pond even if it is removed. The people must be removed, they must be made unable to form nations larger than those of 12th century Europe.

15% is quite a large amount when Jews are 5% of the population, though it's nothing like Holla Forums makes out it is significant.

I was honestly not expecting to spark actual political discussion, I guess i'm too used to deal with the retarded the_donald faggots

I wish you faggots complained like this when /r/coontown and friends flooded in after being deemed to cancerous for Reddit.

Jews aren't 15% you dingus. WASP is white anglo-saxon protestant. Non-WASP includes anything that doesn't fit all of those. Catholics, non-anglos (ie Frenchies), and anyone else.

Picture it as a pyramid like this:

-Old money trust fund socialites have hundreds of millions if not billions individually
-They utilize firms to manage their trusts
-Those law/financial firms shop out investment to other firms
-Some of the management of those smaller financial firms, but very few of the white-shoe firms, are Jewish
-The money goes to make more money by squeezing energy from the worker
-The lion's share of it goes to the old money fucks off in the Hamptons
-The middle managers fight for pieces of the scraps

Now here's where you get lost as fuck: you follow this chain up far enough to see the middle managers, and the minute you see a name that sounds Jewish you freeze up and shout "that's our guy, get him!" Your bigotry blinds you.

Imkampfy aka CIA bans evil bad thinkers who question Holla Forums

But I'm not even the Holla Forums guy I think Jews are pretty cool people 🤔

You responded to me as though you were, so I assumed it was so.

I'm the Holla Forums guy, as i said before i just disagree, i will take the capitalists thing with me from our short debate (if we can even call it that)

this is terrible LARPing

So I've been reading some threads on this board for the last couple months, you seem alright, I just want to get some things straight.
Everyone here hates SJWs and identity politics, where they hate and shame people for being white, a man, straight, or a combination of those 3, yes?
And you all also think that the problems present in society are more an issue of money than anything to do with race, right?
Maybe gommies are alright.

nigger please, how can you fall for this shit, you dont make fucking powerpoint presentations if you are trying organize a group shill numbnuts, even the dirty pinkos around these parts arent that blatantly autistic

Pretty much

fucking faggot pol mods are constantly banning my VPN IPs in fits of impotent rage, the stuff they ban people for is pretty ridiculous although usually its meta bullshit, funniest one was probably the guy that kept getting banned for claiming /pol mods were anti-reading

pretty much you dirty nigger, thats a semi decent summary, obviously there are some fucking looney tunes around these parts but thats kinda the gist, most societal problems are sociology and class based, and an important caveat is that a lot of these problems have been kept alive on purpose because they function as control mechanisms

Idpol is to us a matter of elevating problems related to individual identity over fundamental social and economic issues, particularly when it serves no useful purpose. We can't stand that, and the examples you list certainly count.

Money is important, but we also criticize the idea of private property (which has a specific meaning) and the relationship between laborers and those who live off of them, which is seen as a product of the economic system. There is a lot of disagreement as to how to fix things.

Good luck getting T_D off Holla Forums.

Okay thanks.

Discord is a joke, and no-one here respects people that use it.

That's not even our discord, stop feeding his delusions

I knew it. The r/the_donald flyover (who think Holla Forums has always been like it was a month ago) would eventually have to fight Holla Forums's old guard.


Does that mean this is Holla Forums's Waterloo?

How is one side of a coin supposed to be a weapon against the other side of the coin you fucking retard.

Why would anyone on here would talk like this.
This has a better chance of being some COINTELPRO shit than it does being from here.
God you guys really are gullible
Also at least recognize that Holla Forums hates us enough they will and have created false flags to pin shit on us

Yeah, this shit can only go on for so long. Either Holla Forums become unironic republicans or the nazis retake their board.

Let's face it, it's already happened.

No, we just follow what Robespierre did aka Reign of Terror part 2 Prole edition

Nazis literally supported Capitalists too and are Idpol idiots

Maybe gulags really are necessary

>went on twitter and elsewhereprobably suggesting |||Facebook|||
never ever


The greentext, surprise box, all lower case and macro make your opinion completely irrelevant, sorry.

Imma go kill myself now…


Who are you quoting?

What's the deal with holocaust denial too? Shouldn't they be proud of the holocaust instead of denying it if they were actual nazis? I always wondered about that.

Tell me about it…

Relevant edit.

First learn how to properly type and use punctuation before shitting on emotes, lad.

I just said they I thought they were ew, leave my posts alone.

Back the fuck off?!?!?!?

Judging by your comment you haven't killed yourself yet, so i don't see how you supposedly paid the price yet.

Soon enough a nuclear bomb will end my life faggot, i will live until that day

Like 10% of the worlds billionaires are Jewish and 35% of America's. Jews have outsized influence but most of the richest people are not jews and like 75% of jews aren't even millionaires.

Holy whit where

Nice job outing your bot idiot

what am i looking at here

is this ironic shitposting, is it reddit, is it halfchan?