We need to take this opportunity, Holla Forums has taken multiple kicks recently

We need to take this opportunity, Holla Forums has taken multiple kicks recently.

To the armchairs comrades, shill like the revolution depended on it, go to 8pol, go to 4pol, spread the good word, end the idpol

Other urls found in this thread:


You won't end the idpol. If you want them on your side you need to show that socialism is the only thing that will save the white race. And that capitalism is the driving force behind it's destruction.

Besides. Both Holla Forumss are eating themselves at this point.

Remind them that it's national SOCIALISM not national WALL STREET BANKER FINANCE CAPITALISM

no let's not do anything, they are collapsing as we speak anyway let it run it's course please for once

tfw when leftcoms don't even into armchairs any more

its like super orthodox jews on the sabbath but every goddam day of your life

you're being a retarded opportunist again, Holla Forums will screencap this thread and claim that we are subverting and shilling against their precious Drumpf when they should just BTFO themselves organically

this thread is a false flag anyways

Someone was going to make this thread. It's beyond ironic if people claiming to be genuine Not Socialists support a guy that #1 promised not get involved in Syria besides attacking ISIS and #2 was motivated to do so by his Jewish daughter and son-in-law.

This is everything he campaigned against and they believe in.

for once I agree with the leftcom, trying to kick them while they are down will only hurt not help. They killing themselves off and it's probably better to leave them that ways. Hell most of Holla Forums has denounced trump now and they are starting to split themselves politically.

Whoever posted this I give them a 10/10.

Mods plz delete false flag post

Like pottery

nah, they are alone and helpless without their cuck ideology, we need to show them the real way, fill the void

What do you have against Holla Forums? Does another board with a different opinion really bother you that much? What happened to freedom of speech? I'm a libertarian but lean more left, I just don't understand this vendetta you have against them at all.

Same vendetta Holla Forums has against us, to be honest


hey wait a second guys lets give it a chance, if we attack it for its opinion where just as bad as it is.

Personally, I really don't like ethnic cleansing, and also I don't like capitalism, so I don't get along with people that want to combine those two things. There is also the "kill all leftists" helicopter thing that makes it hard to get along.

I don't think freedom of speech means you have to like everything. And especially when the people in mention want to commit genocide.
They should be allowed to have their own opinions, but at the same time you have to stop them before they commit the genocide.
So you punch them if they get to loud and start doing marches and stuff. That way they go home, and there is no genocide or ethnic cleansing or what ever.

It doesn't mean you should try to take away their free speech because you don't agree with them though.

Not even close to the same thing. A meteor is an inanimate object. Every time I look at this board, you people demonize people from the other side.

Yup. You don't agree with them, clearly, so that means they have to be destroyed from what I see. I just think it's a bit extreme.

I've went on there a few times, I don't see anything against you, just against Hebrews.

What the everloving fuck has freedom of speech to do with this.

okay, alternate phrasing.
THESE PEOPLE LITERALLY WANT ME DEAD for a variety of reasons. I'm sorry I'm not polite and coddling enough to people who would be happier if I died because of they way I've been since I was born among other reasons. I'm not gonna sit back while thes fuckers discuss just how to make me and others like me suffer.

Freedom of speech is the worst fucking meme that Americans spread online. There are so many, but it is decidedly the worst.

They don't call us the most hated board on 8ch for nothing, user. We were placed dead last during the hack recovery.


Hey rabbi whatcha doin?

Lol.We barerly have any discussions about theory anymore and you want to attract new people?

I've made 2 threads about UBI but nobody seems to care altough it is going to start being implemented in a few years.


come on, now

I haven't seen any "kill the leftists" on there the times I've looked at it though, so I don't understand where you're getting this from. I've seen a "kill all the fascists" on here before. Either way, saying a group of people should die due to beliefs is wrong, but I still strongly support free speech. I think if you don't like it, turn off your computer or put down your phone for a little while, not like they're doing it in person.

I'm aware, but I've only seen things in /sudo/, not Holla Forums

lol come on

but thats exactly what """national""" socialism is

Yeah but what you don't want to do is give them a common enemy. When the Russian revolution broke out the Germans intentionally didn't launch an offensive on the Eastern front because they didn't want to give cause for whites and reds to unite. If leftypol shows up then they may put aside their differences.

What about the endless helicopter memes?

has nothing to do with freedom of speech. of course they should be allowed to post and say what they want to each other, and its our freedom to say we are violently opposed to people who advocate genocide

I'm not talking about dying because I'm a leftist you dickhead. I wasn't born a leftist, you aren't born with a political ideology. you shouldn't underestimate the diversity of leftypol and assume everyone is exactly like you, that probably being a white guy in his early twenties who jacks off to the thought of how above it all he is. I'm not going to tell you my race or sexuality or whatever because the point of this post isn't I'M angry it's that alot of us are and for good reason.

just leave them be, they're getting gulag'd when the revolution comes

It was in germany, it's not in Best Korea

Are you winning, OP?

Holla Forums here, came from the "we are being raided" cap someone posted. You guys realize we are socialists right? We just disagree on the globalism part. I hate capitalism just as much as you, this isn't how people were meant to live.

What did he mean by this?

forgot shitposting flag

nationalist/pol/ believes in borders and a degree of protectionism. Making shit in the west instead of shipping jobs out to China.

Meaning I don't support the international aspect of leftism apart from wanting cooperation between similar nations and am very against immigration.

Fuck too early I meant this. Didn't mean to spam your board

No you just want a strongman daddy figure to look up to that gives you a good jerb and the ability to make jew/nigger jokes in public

I have some doubts considering 90% of Holla Forumslack Nazis I argued with turned out to define socialism as "lel free shit".

What do you think socialism is?

So you're a nazbol?

Holla Forums might have been somewhat sympathetic to the socialist side of Not Socialism in the past, but it isn't now.
Nowadays it's all about shilling for Goldman Sachs and whatever the neocons come up with. 1% tax cuts, etc. (Or at least was till a few days ago)

Trump was never socialist. This whole personality cult is what is destroying Holla Forums and about to cause another exodus if the mods crack down on it.

Having a competent absolute leader is very tempting, the masses are too easily misled for democracy to work.

Unfortunately that's how it turns out without a strong national spirit motivating people to do their best for their country. In a demotivated and nihilistic material society like ours people see nothing wrong with getting provided for "according to their need". In a healthier society it would help uplift those that need help however.

Never change /leftycucks/.

I'm Not Socialist, I think the idea of class cooperation for the greater glory of society is better than class warfare and resentment provided by bolshevism and Marxism.

You know we were really pissed when he appointed them to his cabinet right? We decided to give him benefit of the doubt and see what happened. Now we see and are abandoning him en masse.

no but the point , there ideology is all fixed up in the differences(identities). To put them aside is to put aside the whole ideology. When that is done, all that remains is the over arching identity, the identity of the proletarian, and glorious revolutionary communism

Cute word filter

I never fail to under-appreciate just how retarded you people are. Half this board didn't even fall for Bernie Sanders or other mainstream politicians with leftist talking points who are a dime a dozen in the West.

Dumbasses even Hitler came to power relying on the support of an actual political party with loyal cadres who he then put in charge of the state apparatus to restore German power after he became Chancellor.

Trump is a billionaire piece of shit, who was shilled by factions within the Republican party the Kushner family and Roger Ailes. All he did was throw some basic bitch populist right wing conservative speech out there and he became the great god emperor saviour of Western civilization and then when in power he put in all the old neocons and Goldman Sachs executives and Big Oil in top positions and a neo-con nigger called "Mad Dog" because he had a cool sounding nickname that wallmart shoppers thought was pretty cool, he is surrounded by people worse than Obama who control the flow of information and all the top posts in all the military and intelligence departments which Drumpf didn't even lift a finger to at least reform who feed him bullshit daily which he can't verify and is to retarded to even want to verify

Mind explaining?

That's when the working class is supposed to really enjoy getting cucked by the oligarchy because they are all one big happy family in one big happy nation and anybody questioning the oligarchy is doing so at the behest of the kikes and foreign enemies to the nation

National = Global.
Socialism = Oligarchy.
National Socialism = Global Oligarchy.

This post has been brought to you by the newspeak committee.

Big brother is always watching.

Daily Reminder that Orwell was Libertarian Socialist.

We never thought he was 100% our guy but in him we saw a way out of the corporatism and corruption of the past century or so, so we took a chance. The God Emperor stuff was election memes that some apparently took to heart.

NatSoc socialism isn't about the memes of production or whatever, it's about society working together for the common good. It's not primarily an economic or theory, it's a worldview with economic elements. It's about changing the culture of society back to the idea of a mutual struggle of the people working together, each according to his ability. The lowest peasant to the highest industrialist is giving their all for each other, since they are all belonging to the same people and share in the benefits. Few know about the great men and women behind the scenes in history, they just know which societies were great. Early Rome is a good example of a positive national culture where even the elites were working for the greater glory of Rome, made possible by the great efforts of the proletariat for their country.

Holy shit.

And yet the moderation spend considerable time pruning any criticism of him and the people surrounding him.

What is happening right now shows how many people on Holla Forums were fed up with this.

wow what a plan! at this point it would be better to just merge and actually do something outside of internet and stop daydreaming about your socialist utopia.

all those aristocracies were slave states with Patrician families owning all the land ruling in the senate for hundreds of years with half the population being slaves and the other conquered tribes and only a minority of whom are citizens and less than 1% of which are actual ruling famillies. You won't be part of that ruling class you will get cucked and delude yourself that this is beneficial like you did until yesterday when Trumped showed his true colors because you appreciate form, emotion and bright colours and Hugo Boss uniforms and cool Nordic SS runes over substance

Even nazi Germany had an ideology based on expansion and exploitation of conquered territory defending against an enemy this is not a class enemy but a foreign enemy

Here's the NSDAP ideology in a nutshell :

A group's capability to draw the distinction between friend and enemy does not require, Schmitt holds, that the group already possess a formal organization allowing for rule-governed collective decision-taking. A people, thus, will have an existence prior to all legal form as long as there is a sense of shared identity strong enough to motivate its members to fight and die for the preservation of the group. And as long as a people exists in this way it is capable, through its support, to sustain a sovereign dictatorship exercised in its name

Schmitt realizes, of course, that it is possible for people who are not willing to identify in this way to be legally recognized as citizens, and to live law-abidingly, under the norms authorized by some positive constitution. Liberal states, in Schmitt's view, have a tendency to fail to distinguish properly between friends and enemies, and thus to extend rights of membership to those who do not truly belong to the political nation


Socialism is inseparable from the means of production. How can you speak of a nation working together towards a common good when the lowest ranks are practically servile slaves living on a subsistence wage with no property of their own? That is what frequently happens under capitalism, even if the servile class has been outsourced.
Making sure that workers enjoy an independent standing within the system is vital towards achieving socialism. This can be done by emphasizes communes and cooperatives over large scale conglomerates.

Regardless, I invite you to read into Communalism, I think you'll find it of interest.
Basically instead of a managerial class you have the workers mange their own communes. Rojava has show that it works in practice.

You know you hear about every single one in a media frenzy right? And that far more white people get shot by police but nobody cares? Also idk what the pink U pill is supposed to be. This picture does show one thing right: you think in terms of materialism and economics only on the top image, while we care more about culture and spiritual health of society as shown by the filth on the tv in the bottom image.

According to your definition of socialism, any economic system can be "socialism" if there is some abstract "cooperation" between the classes "for the greater good" present. As such the feudal peasant and noble "working together" would be socialism despite the feudal bonds, serfdom and all those things being present. Same for a capitalist system, which would become "socialist" if the abstract "values" are somehow changed even if you retain commodification, wage labour and all abstract concepts fully exclusive for capitalism running around.
I almost feel bad for the corpses of Asser brothers.


stop shilling your meme ideology

Yes that's what I'm talking about when I reference everyone working together for their own mutual benefit. The Volkish spirit binds those of different classes together because they are all the same people, with shared successes and failures. Introducing foreigners kills this sense of community and is part of why society has turned alienating since the introduction of multiculturalism.

Sounds interesting, I agree an industrial system with replacable and interchangeable workers is bad for people and they should have the ability to be self sufficient. I guess that's what is meant by means of production.

Yes that is correct. Hierarchy and stratification isn't inherently bad as long as the people on top have the best interests of the whole in mind. When we refer to socialism we mean in regard to social/society.

I don't agree with their nascent idpol and retention of dialectical metaphysics, but they're less of a meme than the rest of us atm.

muh worker owned means of productions. Or 'things that can never happen'.

I just realized you guys don't have id's here, how can anyone know who's saying what or is it just a cacophonous mess all the time?

We also say that in regard to society, but we actually investigate how the economic system works and influences us, our values and the way of thinking. As such we actually see that eg. globalisation is not caused by the wrong "values" born out of thin air, but by the capitalist economic system, which needs it like fish water. There IS a reason why colonialism was spearheaded by the slowly born capitalist class(trade companies) and why proper globalisation started only happening after capitalism(based on expansion) replaced feudalism. All of that has root in the commodity production which requires continuous expansion into the new areas/markets to maintain itself, something that capitalism is built upon. And something you apparently wish to preserve.

we are properly anonymous and it doesn't detract from our conversation until invaders invade and even then we get on pretty much fine.

Fancy that, almost like leftists are capable of higher forms of organisation or something

People always have been the foolish victims of deception and self-deception in politics, and they always will be until they have learnt to seek out the interests of some class or other behind all moral, religious, political and social phrases, declarations and promises.

That volkisch spirit is now binding r_Donald's together in a glorious support of Trump's bold cruise missile attack on Syria, Trump sure showed that he isn't a cuck to Putin and the Chinese by killing 7 conscripts with 59 cruise missiles.

That same Volksich spirit led Germany into a war for lebensbraum in the East with the intention to destroy or enslave the subhuman races for glory and profit which lead to the Destruction of Germany, the German people and the cucking of Europe by American led globalist neo-liberalism to this day.

The thing with nationalism you is that there isn't a nationalist international, it's all purely Darwinian interests of the "nation" controlled by the ruling class, Trump and Putin may both be nationalists but the interests of their ruling class are diametrically opposed inevitably leading to conflict.

Small little provincial shitholes will be cucked exploited and/or destroyed no matter what retarded provincial nationalist delusions they had, by the dominant hegemon and if the hegemon has that good ol Volkisch spirit then they will get rekt without even all the liberal lube that we've become so accustomed to.

It's like the Schmidt overview I linked to maintain that class cooperation ala Rome and Nazi German Schmidt argues you have to keep attacking a foreign enemy until world conquest is reached and if you run out of enemies they must be invented

I definitely agree with the unsustainability of endless capitalist expansion, I prefer sustainability and autarky.

That sort of spirit binds similar nations together. It's not like it was Germany versus the world, many other nations big and small joined them in brotherhood. Even nonwhite ones. Look up Nazi African and Arab allies, everyone knows Nazis highly respect Japan and Hitler himself said their culture and history are superior to Germany's, many smaller "provincial" European nations also joined the alliance like Croatia, Finland, and Estonia.

you guys are doing a shit job

Yes, Orwell was a Totalitarian Oligarch.

You can't talk about not wanting the economic expansion and yet wanting to preserve the capitalists, thus worker-capitalist relation of wage labour, thus market economy, thus production for profit which in turn always necessitates economic expansion to sustain itself.

Finland ditched Germany once shit went south for Germany and negotiated with Stalin. Estonia was believe it or not split 50/50- between communists and nationalists at the time and had red partisan insurgencies and Generalplan Ost intended for Estonians to be a second class citizen status race just a little above slavs Croatia was a little shithole that emerged as puppet rat state cannibalizing on the corpse of Yugoslavia after Germany attacked Yugoslavia

Also Long term Hitler viewed Japan as an enemy

"There's one thing Japan and Germany have in common; both of us need fifty to a hundred years for purposes of digestion: we for Russia, they for the Far East"

- Hitler


" These clashes are the only evolutionary possibility which will enable us one day, now that Fate has given us the Führer Adolf Hitler, to create the Germanic Reich. They are the necessary condition, for our race, and our blood to create for itself and put under cultivation, in the years of peace, (during which we must live and work austerely, frugally and like Spartans), that settlement area in which new blood can breed, as in a botanical garden so to speak. Only by this means can the Continent become a Germanic Continent, capable of daring to embark, in one or two or three or five or ten generations, on the conflict with this Continent of Asia which spews out hordes of humanity"

It's all alliances of convenience much in the same way that Saudi Arabia is allied with the United States because it has nowhere else to go and Russia and China aligned together because they are facing a greater mutual threat

The capitalist economy is also hilariously the cause of all the things Holla Forumstards dislike like sexual deviance, third wave femenism, shitty Hollywood movies and mass produced rap because Capitalism strives to eliminate all barriers to expansion one such barrier was outdated Christcuk Paternalism which had to make way for much more profitable ventures in sex drugs televised violence and rock'n roll just like it was in based Pagan Rome leading to the state abandoning it's enforcement of Christian morality

Unless you are a jew they don't want you dead. If you are a jew, well mayne you can be a Gobels and then they will make you an honorary arian.

Hitler hated the cultural imperialism of Hungary erasing the German culture in his birth place, but who knows what he would have done in the future. Each nation above all has its own interest in mind and I'm not going to pretend he was perfect. Modern nationalists have moved beyond the old paradigm of ethnic conflict. You might have heard the sentiment "no more brother wars".

Heck, you've seen how we reacted to America attacking Syria, a nonwhite country. We're largely antiwar at this point.

Isn't that antithetical to the whole "natural = good, ingroup preference = natural, ingroup preference = good"-logic? How do you explain the changed attitude to the 'traditional' Franco-German competition and wars from a traditionalist idealist perspective?
Or are you American and the only context for racial nationalism is the whites vs nonwhites dichotomy that landed to European nationalism only very recently?

International law doesn't give a fuck about your cultural nations.

Yes, I'm American but what I've seen recently is that united white attitude in Europe growing with the increased exposure to diversity, see Russia offering land to homesteaders sick of modernism in Europe, Hungary taking in political refugees from West Europe, expat Poles joining nationalist groups in the countries they live in.

Europe is diverse, you idiot. Britbongs see Poles how Poles see Muslims.

Law has no moral standing, it's just words on a piece of paper. Communism is illegal in America but people still hold those ideals and think they are good.

Starting a gigantic war because your fee-fees say so is not very moral.

Britbongs are subversive cancer nearly on jew tier, but english nationalist groups like National Action and others are largely composed of Poles. The nationalists are more accepting of them than normal brits.

No I haven't. For one Trump is the closest thing to American nationalism you can have the rest of it is some variation of Dixie Nationalism, and ethnic La Raza BLM tier nationalism, or the muh consitutshun isolationism shit peddled by Infowars or white nationalism which is purely an American phenomenon born out of pathological nigger fear. The aut-right is a powerless American meme movement born out of alienated liberals like Richard Spencer and a horde of fedora gamergaters who want to make nigger jokes play their retarded video games with titts some of whom actually google'd and internalised the material after libshits called them a nazi troll.

In Europe nationalists agree on one thing that is to end the EU and to each pursue their own separate interests ask an average Le Penn supporter what he thinks about America.

Russian Polish and Ukrainian nationalists all want to murder fuck each other.

Korean Nationalists hate Japanese nationalists and support the DPRK nuclear programme and view Korea as one nation divided by kikes from America.

It's all a retarded clusterfuck.

Did you see the part where Holla Forums is chimping out about one missile strike against an Arab nation? What part of that is wanting to start a massive war?

You really cannot see the logical paradox here?

Holla Forums is stupid and never knows what it wants. Nazi Germany was quite coherent.

Holla Forums is chimping out because they are powerless and hate the American establishment winning, the American establishment is so foreign to their interests that Holla Forums will actually support Putin blowing shit up in Ukraine and Syria because they see Putin as an underdog standing up to the American establishment which is seen as the big bully in world affairs

They are mostly nonwhite burgers so they love the American establishment, what they hate is the intangible joo boogeyman that they cannot really mentally articulate in a way that can be ascribed to real world politics.

top kek
can't wait for the US to backstab kurds, so that you Bookchin shills shut up at last
and this time, there would be no MLs to blame for your own fuck ups

They can care less about Arabs, mostly it's because Trump is starting to show himself for being another neocon that will spend fighting another war on terror for Israel rather then being America first.

The American establishment, which is heavily influenced by jews, wants war for corporate profits and territorial ambitions of israel. See the Yinon plan

Go back to tankie twitter.

oh, sudden amnesia
nevermind that your lot celebrated the fall of Soviet Union
eye for an eye

The establishment is controlled by jews

Funnily enough the American establishment and Trump is America first. The American way of life is dependant on maintaining a network of foreign vassals and military bases that acts as markets for the muh privileged interests of American corporations, sales in American goods, defence equipment and most important of all conducting global trade in the American dollar, re-investing profits from that trade back into American banks and treasuries that keeps the party running for America, this system is all backed by a massive fleet and standing army, if said system is challenged by a hegemon vassal states begin to flip and America like the Philipines, they begin to Flip like Turkey and Gulf states looking to China as a place to invest in and Russia to buy military equipment from which forces America to lose a whole lot of free money adjust the printing presses leading to internal instability and decline in quality of life

Sure thing fam.

I take it you're not into being capitalists' cuckboy anymore?

epic metaphors fam
only this time there are no MLs to snatch your eggs

which is a concoction created by former socialists and hyper reactionary monarchists

nazi germany was a project created by wall street and industry. it wasn't an organic political movement which is why its never occurred anywhere outside of corporate influence ever.

Missed this post in a sea of (you)s, sorry. I said before I'm into autarky, I don't believe exchanging goods for money requires endless expansion. If by capitalism you mean international finance and all the bullshit of modern systems then you're right I don't support that. I guess I should use the word commerce rather than capitalism? We don't really talk about economics much so I'm not familiar with the implications of the vocabulary used.

Yeah seriously fuck off. I was too young to remember the fall of the wall, and now I'm responsible for the collapse of the SU?
Inept bureaucrats destroyed the SU, not me.

And to claim Bookchin or Ocalan are responsible is similarly ridiculous.

It sure must suck to live a willfully ignorant life.

if you happen to be the resident Nazi, mind commenting on ?
that is what I mean by you being American, the notion of some common European racial nationalism is absurd from this side of the Atlantic.

And who has the money? Almost half the 1% are jews despite them being less than 2% of the population.

The mafia is largely controlled by Sicilians. Not all mafiosos are Sicilian, and certainly not all Sicilians are part of the mafia, but it's ridiculous to say the mafia doesn't have a distinctly Sicilian flavor and influence.

There's a difference between cultural chauvinists like skinheads or whatever is going on in clusterfucks like former Yugoslavia and former Soviet satellite states, and nationalists with actual racial awareness. Most people are stupid and we definitely have our fair share of imbeciles. But it's not necessarily born out of hatred or fear of others, it can simply be born from a love of yourself and your larger racial family. Europe has a long history of ethnic conflict which creates animosity between nations but we are all still the same race.

no, you retard
learn to read

I got scolded for celebrating the inevitable fall of rojava
but anarchists themselves celebrated the fall of SU

No one has any illusions about having a revolution through the internet. I still think its worth it to recruit Holla Forums many of them are pretty good at making memes and the are autistically dedicated to influencing interntet culture in their desired direction.

Having anti-capitalist, anti-idpol agitprop on the internet is useful and will facilitate organizing in real life. Even if we just had a larger group pointing out misconceptions about socialism on the internet it would be useful.

Out of spite? Seems pretty sad.
We're also not anarchists, so I don't know what you're getting at.

You need to look up the Brothers Gracchus or even what Caesars reforms were there was absolutely class conflict some of Romes greatest historical figures were populists who benefited the plebeian class.

Check this out youtube.com/watch?v=_IO_Ldn2H4o

yes, modern left is sad

you're a subspecies of anarchists


is this american stats? I've seen 40% in america, 10% globally out of billionaires. Either way what's the point? you remove the jews like the good nazi you are and are left with the rest of them and nothing has changed apart from some arbitrarily motivated massacres or peaceful ethnic removals or whatever your flavour is. Capitalism is going to capital, with or without jews.

This is what I mean. Your construction of race is essentially American. The pact between European nationalists like Le Pen, Orban and Petry is on the level of Molotov-Ribbentrop in terms of sincerity - should they succeed in pushing over their common enemies of EU and the 'muslim invasion', they'll be at each others' throats in no time.


You're retarded. Read his work.

Ok so you're a white nationalist. Explain to us how white nationalist interests are going to be advocated for in a country like the United States. Will you just tell 40% and growing of the citizen population that they should go fuck themselves and that this is a white country now? I always wanted to know this about moderate stormniggers. Where does the political correctness end? So the state sends a memo to all of society giving white autists the ok to call women inferior and weaker than men with no repercussions, to say that niggers have lower on average I.Q's and can't hold a proper job, to say that Mexicans are invaders and racially inferior after we gas all the jews that is. I doubt that even the most Trump burgers have this shit in mind when they think that the PC has gone way too far

its 30-35% not 40% at all which is 1/3 not 1/2 of the billionaires in america and its only 15% of gglobal billionaires which is roughly 1/6 of the 1% in the world. Whites by contrast control over 50% of wealth in America and over 1/4 of global wealth. Jews are not the richest ethnic group, Indian Americans and then northwestern europeans are

Naw leftypol is basically a place for liberals to complain, and 90% of the complaining is about Holla Forums because the existence of people who believe they are better off in facing life in groups rather than alone perturbs than to no end.

What about workers meaning the owns of the production is impossible? In the era of subsistence farming and cottage industry people owned their own means of production in a sense. The irony is you Holla Forumsyps think your free thinkers but you're so blinded by ideology you can't see outside of the capitalist mode of production.

Wow tankie good job. You are clearly extremely well educated with a good grasp of history and political theory. You have been repeatedly BTFOing people this thread.

you must be new here, or you don't know what words mean. probably both.



Ironically, its the new people here who've turned it into this. Look at the front page, pol, pol, pol, pol, pol, trump, pol. If its not that, its identity shit. You invited reddit here, did you think they would not come?

The point isn't to kill the rich, it's to remove subversive, corrupt, and traitorous elements that harm national culture. Mainly jews do this, as all as gentile traitors like hillary, et al. I don't care if people make wealth honestly, I despise those who do it without contributing any value like bankers and wall street traders who skim off the top of people producing actual value.

Believing people are inferior doesn't mean you have to hate them. I don't hate children or animals despite their obvious shortcomings. Many, but not all, countries were far better off under western imperialism with regards to standards of living, healthcare, science, law and order, infrastructure, etc.

Thanks, I'll watch it tonight when I get home

That's the idea. And with regard to your comment implying hatred of women, women are biologically different from men, but they have their own strengths and weaknesses and I don't think they are inferior, just different. Both male and female play vital roles in society. Many gamer gate Holla Forumsacks do seem to bitterly hate women, however that is their personal opinion, not part of Nazi principles.

You can believe in markets and not capitalism. Capitalism has a specific connotation which includes a parasitic and politically powerful class who makes their living by extracting rents and exploitiing peoples labour power.
Try watching this series of videos:
If it piques your interest read this book:

Sure, the front page:
So where's the identity politics again?

The best way to cure nazi idpol is to date a black, hispanic, asian or non white girl.

That way:

1.- You get ouf of the basement
2.- Your life improves because you're interacting with a human beint that isn't Holla Forums
3.- You find out people isn't as bad as you thought in your years or decades of solitude
4.- When you have sex, you channel your death impulse into sex energy, cumming inside her in an act of sublimation, and so on and so on.

Sex cures the nazi.

Jews are not 1/2 of the 1%, they are around 35% billionaires in the USA. Over 70% of Jews are not even millionaires. Why would you have a problem with powerless poor jews, the ones who cause problems are bankers, industrialist, and the media class. They will all get whats coming to them in the social revolution there is no need to target working/middle-class jews who are potential comrades.

Capitalism is capitalism, no matter who is doing it. Capitalism works on its own logic irrespective of "subversive, corrupt and traitorous elements" - you could even say it causes these elements. Adorno from the Frankfurt School of witchcraft and wizardry made crtitiques of capitalism based on the fact that it d.egenerates culture into a commercial apparatus. This is of course in direct contradiction with the race-essentialist axiom of the nazi so I don't expect this to convince you or anything.
This webm (that I just lifted) should clarify what ethno-nationalism is like outside of the USA.

And that's why your shitty system will never work. Even Hitler sold out to the jews. Will you stop being an idiot already and realize that the problem isn't the people, it's the system itself?
lmfao get a load of these spooks

Alright tuff guy, give me an example of subversive jewishness. And no bullshit abstracts, give me concrete example of how a jew used judaism to subvert a certain situation at a certain time to a certain group of people. Let's hear it…

You don't need to do shit. Holla Forums is a shake and bake, they brought to much attention to themselves just like Chanology creating every 14 year old gloating he's part of "anonymous"

Let them do their own damage. They can only embarrass themselves more by doubling down.

Tenemos que cogerlos toos

To survive on the market, the capitalists must reinvest the surplus created from selling stuff into their companies in order to remain competitive against other capitalists. The survival strategies are reinvestment into your own capital, limited by the resources on the given area, or expansion into the other markets, a thing contradictory to the autarky. So you're guaranteed that the capitalists of hypothetical autarky WILL try to get rid of it sooner or later in order to expand onto the other markets, gain surplus and stay afloat on the market.
This is also the same reason why globalisation happens.

That's what I dont like, kind of tried to articulate it in this post

I slowly became a Nazi over the course of a few years while dating a Vietnamese girl. Never dated a white and to be honest I don't find white girls that attractive. However the worldview is the only one I've ever found that makes sense and appeals to me on a fundamental level. Reading the autobiographies of famous Nazis made me even more devoted because I felt a connection and empathy I've rarely felt before. Everything they experienced and thought on their path to awakening was exactly what I've felt over the years. Life is about more than sex and other materialist concerns.

yeah yeah but how will that work if the jews control all the things, I'm assuming there's no stromnigger version dialectal racial materialism, Hitler came to power with the support of the old German Aristocracy, German Industrialists who were heavily cucked by Versailles and the mid-ranking members of the military, so you're telling me that your meme nazi party will get the seal of approval from the Koch Brothers, Boeing, Google, Apple, General Electric, the pentagon etc convince all these groups that turning 40% of the citizens into second class citizens and gassing the jews is in their interests or will we have to have a nihilisitc stormnigger revolt against the state and the dominant capitalist class?

You can read enough books about alien abduction and end up believing the world is hollow too.

It's worse because these are far less well written.

Holla Forums can't even argue about the facts, it can only distract by shifting the focus to something else

It cannot face the fact that the consequences in the long term of another war are just as real as Lybia if not, knowing Trump, Iraq.

All they can do is talk about jews and race.

That's all they are capable of thinking, they don't want to change. They want to humiliate themselves.

How did Hitler ever seized power? Oh yeah because the bourgeois were scared of the soviets, anarchist, communist and the working class in general.

This is all the more reason not to go to bunkerchan right now.with increased visibillity from being third board and recent events our numbers are likely to up.

You realize this group is what we refer to when we about the Bourgeoisie/porkie. We aren't talking about the 1%, being a porkie isn't about wealth but whether or not you are part of the parasite class. No one here has anything against doctors, engineers, scientists, architects etc. whose wealth comes from actual creative production. If you agree with what I'm saying about the parasite class you are like 90% of the way to being a leftist you just need a proper theoretical framework to understand who is an exploiter.

The anti-capitalist mindset can best be summed up as people should gain from the fruits of their labour and see the benefit of our production. The issue with Capitalism is it relies on the existence of this class to coordinate production. Unless we seize the means to create wealth for ourselves the parisitic owners will always use their leverage to fleece the workers.

Does anyone have a good video on the Marxist theory of exploitation to show this dude?

At first I thought that, but even my poor jewish relatives have that subversive attitude and general elitist disdain for gentiles. They all have the same attitude, but some have the resources to act on it.

I understand the degenerative effect of capitalism, I've slightly referenced it throughout the thread as a focus on materialism rather than higher ideals and virtues that society should be focused on attaining.

Here's one that may be relevant to you. During McCarthyism it was going swimmingly until they realized all the communists they found were jews. They didn't want to be called antisemitic so they hired a jew, Roy Cohn, to act on Mccarthy's behalf. He went around making an absolute fool of himself and ended up discrediting Mccarthy when he was succeeding. Then the Jewish press went into a frenzy and said McCarthy was doing aimless witch hunts and that's the narrative we know today.

It won't work, why do you think I'm on an imageboard surrounded by weebs and gamers passing the time until I die? The world is fucked, the capitalists won and none of us see any way forward. I think for the most part we want the same things and see the same problems, we just disagree on how to solve them. I feel more empathy for you communists than I so basic bitch conservatards and liberals.

You mean materialist concerns such as preserving your "race"? Your whole worldview is sex.

We're at war and I have no fucking clue what any of you are bitching about but you should shut up

but thats capitalism, user, you can't get rid of it without getting rid of capitalism - and for the record, Nazi does not get rid of capitalism at all

where's the reals user, show me the reals.

I agree with the revese of this but with Fascists. I hate the people who see nothing wrong with the way the world is the most. Their entire world view is just based on being blind. Nazi's see things are fucked they have come to very wrong conclusions on how to fix them imo, but at least they aren't brainwashed enough to think everything is OK.

This better be a fucking joke. McCarthy threw around communist accusations to silence his political opponents.
Give me names. Also, doesn't this pretty much cause a divide in your worldview that all jews are evil commies that want to work together to destroy western civilization? Isn't it time to hang that up and admit that some jews are decent people?
In what way?
Which was true, and he only stopped after finally going after the military, the most retarded move in recent political history.

Nazis are afraid of minorities that's literally it. The world is fucked because the current system embraces a savage darwanian competition. In a lot of way the alt-right is a consequence of outsourcing.

First step redirect your anger from minorities to the 1%.

Sure but Nazis believe the reason the world is fucked up is because of attempts to improve it, while Leftists believe the world is fucked up because of not enough serious attempts to improve it.

new video lads youtube.com/watch?v=E33wcOQaQZ8

top fucking kek

I agree 100% with what you're saying, the major difference I've seen is that Marxism is about destroying everything beautiful and forcing equality by lowering everything to the lowest common denominator while Nazi believes in striving for higher ideals and beauty and the improvement of mankind. Economically we agree, culturally our factions tend to be bitterly opposed.

Race is a small factor, it's more about becoming the Overman through discipline and struggle and the benevolent rule of the spiritual elite over the blind masses, leading to the evolution of humanity. Europeans simply have the highest potential to achieve this ideal.

I've tried reading Marx years ago but it didn't resonate with me at all. The experiences of Nazi leaders and thinkers of various nations that led to their worldview closely mirror my own experiences and thoughts.

That's exactly what I think

Yeah that was a mistake

Most Holla Forumstards are simply right-Libertarian nationalists who believe themselves to be Fascists and idolize Hitler. they would have been considered subhumans even by Hitlerist Nazi standards, as not even they went as far in their shameless and and slavelike support of Capitalist moguls. Hitler may have decided to tolerate the existence of pureblood German bourgeois, but it was little more than a practical arrangement. Holla Forumstards, on the other hand, have created a peculiar cult of personality around Trump. The epitomy of Capitalist kikery and self interest.

So you're gullible?


The cruise missle attack was empty posturing if it sways you either way you have room temperature Autism Level.

I must've missed that when I was reading Das Kapital. How could I forget Marx's most famous quote?

"Destroy everything beautiful" - Karl Marx
Point out an actual tenet that says this.
Worthless abstract buzzwords. Define what they mean.
Surely you can't be THIS ignorant? Nietzche fucking hated your kind and denounced religion. Stick with Julius "Ebola" Evola

You think this because you are too engrossed in your meaningless gut feelings to form a coherent worldview about anything. Pic is probably related.

There's plenty of information available about the Jewish nature of communism. I guess that makes them your allies, or should I say makes you their tools for world domination.

Like that one time when Hitler started sucking the dongs of German industrial magnates after taking power and when the actual national-socialists in his own party(like Asser) started to complain about that, he knifed them all in 1934?


You are wildly off mark with Marxism. There is no 'enforced equality', marxism is simply more concerned with positive freedom than negative freedom. It frees the people from the accumulation spiral and allows the people to apply themselves and improve themselves.

Ending the pol.

Good luck with that

Holla Forums is eating itself

somehow I can tell that you're from reddit, likely r/the_donald

Don't remember reading anything about that in Nazi literature, seems to me more like Italian fascism. Regardless, explain to me what is a "Overman" and whats the point of it?

I have a similar view (I am an anti-democracy leftist), although we have different standards for said elite and I would replace "blind" for "selfish masses".

Socialism is an attempt to abolish the classes. "Class collaboration" is just a different way of saying "I'm in favor of a small group of people owning everything, as long as they're nice". It has nothing to do with socialism, it's benevolent patriarchy. It is the same ideology that has more blatantly defended slavery and lordship because the patriarch will take care of the land and people. And also, the people are retards anyways so the patriarch is needed.

You're fucking socdems that want an ethnostate, that is it.


There's plenty of information about the Freemasons too

It's from an older time on the internet though, conspiracy theories rise like fads

You don't care about being invested in fighting the power

You're stuck believing in things to simplify a complex world in the face of universities because you never grew up

You didn't even specify any of the points I asked of you. Sad.

Meaningless selection bias. I can go around collecting the number of figureheads who trace their lineage to celtic origins. This means nothing. No connection. I still don't see how this is shilling for judaism.
How can a gulag have anthorpomorphic traits? A pathetic fallacy. And again, selection bias.
Wow jewish parents have jewish children. What a shocker! What does this prove, exactly?
Low energy.


This is a common misconception about Marxism. When Marx talks about equality he is talking about class equality not everyone conforming to the lowest common denominator or rejecting human excellence. Class equality is about people having the same relation to the means of production ie. people working together on equal terms. This is opposed to capitalist class realtions where there are a class of wage slaves and a class of parasites.

Communists don't understand basic stats and proportionality, who knew.


Like you and every other play pretend Internet nazi?

You're not even in college, I doubt you made it above fucking pre algebra in high school

There's a reason you're at the place you're at in life right now

You are literally exactly like an SJW who dismisses someones opinion because they are a white male rather then engaging with what they said. Just like an SJW you do this because you have a weak understanding of the world and need ad-hominen to win arguments.

Finished college long ago sweetheart, why are you so proud of going to college you dumb gook whore? It's really not that big of a deal in the us.

When I talk about spirit I mean the character of man not the Holy Spirit or anything religious.

My experiences with Marxism are relegated to modern cultural Marxists who compose the people who promote modern "art", want to destroy everything their ancestors created, view functional families as oppressive, destroy their bodies with drugs and modifications, and in general act like degenerated savages worthy of Slaanesh.

You've discovered the Hibernian Conspiracy. Damn subversive Irish :^)
There's plenty of reports about jewish communism from contemporary people, just search "Russian revolution jews".

It's part of the endless quest for improvement. Very similar to Buddhist enlightenment and similar ideas. The Nazis were very inspired by Eastern philosophy.
"National Socialists believe in the quest for excellence and constant improvement. National-Socialists believe the White race, and particularly our own people, must be the vanguard in the never-ending struggle to achieve humanity’s ultimate physical and spiritual potential. "

Ahahahaha another loser fuck pretending to be a graduate

It would be more pathetic you ended up this way if you were

Try to just fit into my stereotype it's less humiliating

Especially because everyone knows you're full of shit

Is okay, you first family memba not to work at family nail salon, good for you!

When I think of people who improve themselves I think neets on Holla Forums

lol Asians am I right

Also this looks like the living conditions of any neets room with their mother who wishes family court made daddy keep them

Hoochie you forgot your trip put it on so I can filter you. You literally just the board look bad. We were having an adult discussion about political theory and you come in spouting off elititist adhoms about how they didn't even go to college. We are supposed to be on a leftist board and you think accusing people of lacking a college education is a good argument. Neck yourself you dumb gook skank.

It's definitely given many neets a new drive in life and a reason to live.

But that's wrong you nigger.

Gee, who could've guessed such shit boards were so shit?

ffs lad


How can communism be jewish?
Hitler was jewish too. HOLY SHIT, naz.ism is actually a jewish ideology!

How am I butthurt

Please put you trip back on.

Wow you single handedly just derailed this thread and turned it to shit.

They will never live. Because they refuse to grow. Saying and doing are completely different.

You say you are, you're still fighting the man be it the masons or the Jews or the lizards, uncovering the truth about satanists, whatever new Internet fad and snake oil self help is popular at a given decade

You can not compare 12 million Jews and 90 million Irish men and claim they are equally represented at the upper tiers of society you dumb drug addled shit for brains idiot, go squat in some soros financed diy space and cook yourself to death.(USER WAS BANNED AUTISTICALLY SPERGING)


Hitler did meth

This thread was already derailed

We aren't even talking about the impending war

You know when your parents die they usually hand off their property to their offspring. Ever think of that, you dumbfuck?
Not a communist. Thank you for proving your idiocy.

Eastern Europe and America where the areas with the highest jewish population, not really all that surprising that many of them were communists.

Nope, it's completely opposite, Buddhism wants to end the cycle of life, death, and rebirth, it's anti-endlessness.

What's the point of this?

Go fry up some duck vaginas for me, keep your toothless grandma away from the pot I hear agent organge persists in the hair.

I'm sure you know about the pogroms and purges. The first groups of commisars were largely jewish and many of the first leaders who weren't jews had jewish wives.

Uh no, I'm guessing you also think he was gay, had one ball, a scat fetish and a heroin addiction

lol Asians am I right

What about the Freemasons tho ….

Well let's give it a shot. Do you think it will escalate?

You're not a nazi. Give up the ghost


What's the point? You'd rather we wallow in mediocrity for all time or would you like to see real progress?

Not asian, just Viet namese! The uncontested subhumans of Asia.

keep conspiring like the rats you are

lol Asians am I right

Uh yes
HAHAHAHAHA Holla Forums BTFO forever

This the thread that definetly kills my simpathy for the left

I would like to end this meaningless existence.

If the Vietnamese are the "subhumans of Asia" what are Americans to Europe lol

No you are wrong, stupid subhuman Vietnamese thinks she's human, I hope the Chinese canabalize you all

You definitely graduated


Why do the Vietnamese have such disgusting shovel faces? Why don't you emulate the more civilized Koreans and get plastic surgery en masse? You are offensive to see!

Vietnam is pretty cool. You're just mad you'll never be good them.

What is a shovel face

Pictured the ideal image of European prosperity and power

Maybe this is why you don't have a girlfriend…

You know ;)

Hoochie is mai waifu :3

They come out with new "shocking revelations" every year. Either way it doesn't matter because as I've said throughout the thread race is a small aspect of the worldview. The media strawman is rarely applicable to real life.

Ugly people? Yeah they exist.

I think someone who randomly lies about being grad is probably really

Just outstandingly handsome

Vietnamese are disgusting subhumans and should get more plastic surgery like the Koreans.

It's fun to shit on Hitler because he killed himself

What was your major

What does that have to do with Vietnamese being disgusting subhumans?

Ever Asian has plastic surgery he's right we all spend thousands we don't have to impress people who lie about graduating from an unspecific college that isn't given a name for a degree I will not disclose

Alright I'm out, I don't know what these retards are arguing about but I had a nice discussion with you guys. Nazis aren't necessarily your enemies, we share many ideas and enemies. Peace.

You're Vietnamese

naz.ism is a jewish ideology by your definition since whoever espouses an ideology has their genetics cemented in it. This is what happens when you base identities on concepts, faggot. Eat it up.

kekles bro let's not waste time here with these freaks lmao shills are infesting Holla Forums with their false narrative we need to stay united and BTFO the shills for daddy he just BTFO libshits the alt-light, Putin and the cucks with 14/88 chess lmao PRAISE KEK, FUCK SHILLS IF DIGITS 1000 YEAR TRUMP REICH! MAGA!

Hitler's dad/granddad may have been a jew, there is no proof that he himself was a jew

The fact this irritates you shows measures about your devotion to self improvrment

Which is not at all self help for the sexually repressed like it's always been

Really get the gears turning.

wrong thread my dude, I was just pointing out that the theory that Hitler was jewish is unsubstantiated. There's little to no solid evidence that he was fathered by a jew. He may have been, and he was a short, dark haired, dark eyed man. But, that's circumstantial evidence at best

I was pointing out you're in a downward spiral and not helping yourself st all despite claiming it's a core part of the stitched together bullshit ideology you cling to for dear life

I mean you couldn't be wrong, that's ridiculous

"Self help is actually a healthy part of nazi ideology I really respect" says the boy who never worked a day in his life

You're ugly and pudgy you fat gook skank stop giving advice on the internet and go back to memorizing shit for your o chem class, i hear premed majors consider it killer >__


what? in reference to what? what posts are you referencing?

i don't even have an ideology, I don't fucking subscribe to any of the beliefs on this board and I don't subscribe to any of the beliefs on Holla Forums

i come on here to discuss alt-politics with people who aren't liberals or nazis

You're acting more histrionic than me. Take a break.

Are you the same poster who was all on about how they read nazis and fell for their bullshit?

The entire thing was a fucking joke, Nazi politics was an endless rerun of fucking Benny Hill.

Forget alternative facts, you people are living in an alternative reality

She nuked the fuck out of this thread. I'm more impressed than anything. I wonder if she takes shitpost-enchancing drugs or if she's natural.

Holla Forums loves you. fucking faggot.

Is Hoochie the star autist of Holla Forums?

I'm not Holla Forums and even I want to kill you, lad.

WEEEWWWWW, you are ridiculously close to going full on Evola and whining about "profane science" and about feels>reals like a complete loser my dude.

Their board is dead so they come and shit up ours.

Holla Forums actually seems to be more active than this board….

Conspiring? By posting an open message on board where anyone can read it telling like minded people to spread the ideology they believe in. Where is the conspiracy?

You know Palmer Luckey? Well he paid millions of dollars to have people shill the internet for Trump full time on chans and reddit and other internet forums.

THAT is conspiring

About that…


Holla Forums checks what the Jews are doing to decide what to do. Claim to be white nationalist but the Jew essentially decides all of their actions. Rationality and planning not needed!

Holla Forums checks what Holla Forums is doing to decide what to do. Claim to be anti-capitalist but constantly lets a bunch of irrelevent fascist NEETs decide their actions.

We alt-centrists get a lot of shit, but boy, do I love being right all the time…

This is such bullshit, I hate this revisionist shit, it really cheapens the dialogue here. The fact is there was a huge influx of redditors pushing Bernie here, and when me and a few other posters suggested Bernie was a waste of time, we would get spammed to death with "cool story polintelpro" and "fuck off" There was a time when this board was at least 80% behind him, so much so that the mourning threads took up half the catalogue after it was over, and his name had to get filtered.

I guess they showed him the film.

You're god damn right you got screencapped globalist scum

Oh no you caught us goy!

Whew now you can go back to being a good young twink for daddy. You invested so much of your autistic energy into it after all. Everyone anti-establishment who stumbles into your shithole will look at your hilarious cultish worship of a fucking neocon American President and get the fuck out.

Even better idea. We can now shill the fuck out of Holla Forums by acting as super cucked neo-con faggots who worship every drop of jizz that comes from sucking Trump's cock all day and they won't know the difference. We need to emphasize the 14/88D chess, call anyone who strays from the narrative a shill say that Trump was right to bomb a few Syria shitskins and post awoos autisticly.

That's the problem with shilling : you respond to other shills and read threads where shills discuss; giving you the illusion of a split board.

That's how you cucks were persuaded that /pol disintegrated at least 3 or 4 times just this year.

oh geez oh man if you faggots just maintain board unity then you can meme Trump to be the god emperur again, with beautiful white babies, aryan wheat filed women, Constantinople Soon through the power of Kek and ebin repeating digits!

Please don't interfere just let us solve this on our own we both hate the same people at the end of the day.

No this actually quite funny we will stoke your cultish paranoia levels to hilarious degrees


And you will just create a monster that will consume you all.

Cool. We will fuck you up psychologically and work to ruin Trump's presidency as an added bonus.

Moronic child you will do opposite. Why are leftists so fucking incompetent.


Nobody cares you fucking autistic faggot. We will fuck with you. There are literally two options: either you become a cultish group of faggots who will support every Trump policy and every war that retard gets involved in while the actual real world still hates the fuck out of him or most of you stick to your retarded principles you splinter become paranoid schyzophrenics engaged in infighting unable to afford treatment for your mental illness.


Do you see the little black flag I have? It means I only do things for personal fun and profit.


It's not gonna work on me Holla Forums I'm in your forum right now praising Trump's 7D chess manoeuvres arguing that Syrians are subhumans anyway and that Trump was right to show off his big military cock to the Russian manlet



I'm also half jewish so fucking with you goyim comes so naturally to me

So this is the leftist circle jerk huh? No wonder you are all so goddamn angry all the time. This place is depressing…

Agree, the color scheme alone makes me wanna kill myself


Nobody likes faggots

Yea with all the shit flinging in here it sure is a circklejerk

you're getting our nazi/lolberts confused with redditors

From a failed board and while looking like dork everywhere else on the internet

*deep breath*

Oh fuck, I even missed the "anarcho-junior-highschoolo-nihilist" flag

What are we gonna do ?

omnomnom enjoy the taste of Bibi Netenahu's cock faggot Shabbos goy cockroaches


I just can't wait for the wall.

Don't worry, Saudi-Arabia, Israel and Turkey have your back

Plenty of leftists want me dead, I don't really see how you can't understand those horrible nazis you're so scared of are deep down just as scared of you. That's why free speech matters so much, it's a truce that says we won't actually kill each other even though we fundamentally disagree with each other. Take away free speech and we go back to literally killing each other. Don't be fucking retarded and target the thing that is keeping you safe.


I just realized how pathetic anons are here.
This board went so shit and stale, that the only thing we can do to stay relevant is raiding Holla Forumstards with D&Q tactics…
Really made me think.