Can we have a thread of trumptards jumping ship? i'm enjoying this

can we have a thread of trumptards jumping ship? i'm enjoying this

Other urls found in this thread:

People annoy me with the whole "Daddy Donnie" like he has like five children with three baby mommas he's too bourgie to even visit



The tears are delicious

Jesus titty fucking christ this is great.

This was the day I was waiting for with Trump. I knew the liberal salt would occur, but the day I was waiting for was when his own side would start turning on him because he was ticking time bomb that was going to show his true colors sooner or later just like Obama did to me and quite a few others who were liberals during his administration. This was eventual, but the right buried their heads in the sand until the truth could no longer remain hidden. This is truly the greatest time line.


reposting both of these from an earlier thread.
Predictions on whose jumping ship next? I unironically can't wait to see Alex jones talk about this.

I have a lot of family members who are basically stereotypical trump voters and they are fucking pissed. Even normies are jumping ship.

Well you have to give them some credit, he did the ban, the ICE stuff. They tolerated the other GOP tier shit, but he betrayed them and they said fuck off. Liberals went and attacked the messenger and deluded themselves about Obama STILL.

I tried

Oh man, I gotta see Ben Garrison's reaction.

y tho

Commies are the biggest fucking morons, I swear.

You voted for a zionist who just started a war with russia.


Bernie's the poorest congressman by far, used to work as a carpenter, doesn't take big corporate donations.

He's a Jewish carpenter who wants to give stuff to poor people out of sympathy. You know who else was like that?

We really only supported him because he rehabilitated the word "socialist" in America, even if it now means social democracy alone.

In the Daily Shoah, the hosts are no longer in the Trump train.
They find out about the bombing at 2:01:15

What's next, you never supported the god emperor?

I'm not sure what you expected, it was widely reported two weeks ago that the honeymoon between Trump and Putin was well and truly over.

The Right is dead lol

I never understood why his detractors labeled him American Hitler. He comes off more of a metrosexual version of Otto Asser.


Isn't he going to blame the mainstream meteor?

too late for that, it's either THE JOOS or THE GLOBALISTS now, keep up when dealing with schizophrenics

This is ballistic to say the least.

The amount of asshurt on Holla Forums right now is fucking amazing. 60d chess.
>>>Holla Forums9646215

Wew lad.

I'm loving this I really am

Sargon might actually be right

That's the scenario i'm hoping for, i'd rather not die


I certainly is the position pro-Putin people here in Russia are taking right now, i.e. - everyone was warned, democratic process, all according to anti-ISIS plans etc


It makes sense, I doubt Putin would just let Trump fuck Assad up for no reason though.

I really wonder what he would have conceded.

U right

Putin will be hated by the entire Arab World if this happens.
RaHoWa doesn't seem too far off, wew.



many such cases!!


can someone please literally kill people like this? any time i see a normalscum pleb misuse the word 'leftist' i just want to smash their teeth in


Well said


This timeline is really getting weird.


Cool beans


This is what causes people to become tankies

Meant for


Such a tough couple of months for baked alaska. The alt-right don't want him either, he's gonna go full on Varg Vikernes at that pace

guise, dis is 255d hopscotch.

>>>Holla Forums9645509

the american ideology, people

I'm American, and a soldier. I know this is stupid. This is the Holla Forums ideology.

You have to give them some credit. I sincerely thought that Holla Forums and the aut-right would cuck and follow daddy Trump on everything but at least they stuck to their principles

your countrymen reelected bush after he invaded 2 countries. it's not a minority viewpoint

Most people didn't vote for him, and even most republicans only voted for him because he was their only choice.


Actually, Muslims like beef.

grow up, g.i. joe. americans like war and they want their country to rule the world



Most people don't like war. They think it's necessary, but nobody is happy about a war. It's usually stupid rednecks and psychopaths. Sure, some guys get addicted to getting shot at, but that's entirely different. They like putting themselves in danger, not other people.

nice ideology friendo

I don't even think you're trying to talk anymore. Yeah, people are blinded by ideology, but that doesn't mean they like war for the sake of war. People voted for Trump because they thought he was the peace candidate. Remember that.

Some would say that Islam was the straw that broke the left's back…. but an anti nuclear and anti imperialist movement could be just the thing to push the left back into society. Islamic Sandernistas when?

you're right. i don't talk to fantasists

i hope you have something to cushion your fall if you break out of your ideology. if

What ideology? That I don't think Americans are inherently evil, war-loving monsters? That I think they're people like any other? I think the one with ideology is you.

You can't "break out of ideology", you ding dong. At best you can exchange it for another.
At least read philosophers if you are going to refer to their thought every other post.

Funny, his speech a couple of hours ago made me like Trump for the first time.

calling it now

In all fairness, at least they're owning up to it and standing against his actions. This is something Obama people haven't done.

only replying to tell you this was not a very good troll attempt.

it's not a troll. i genuinely hate americans and their apologists


What did she mean by this?

Is this the same woman who made a bunch of Twitter searches linking Corbyn to anti-Semitism and later thought those were like google autocompletes?

grade-a cunt

The only people I've seen celebrating this bullshit are the centrist libs in the media class. Will they be able to subvert what seems to be unified dissent from the public into support?

Blows my mind that smooth brained idiots like Mensch and Trump can be elected into office and people still believe in representative "democracy."

this is the same woman who said that Putin assassinated Andrew Breitbart.

hes a good boi

ann "we should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to christianity" coulter

any civilised society would have had her committed or euthanised years ago

If it makes you feel any better she has no offspring.

She sacrificed them all to Yog-Sothoth.

Because almost no one knows about Asser off of this website

He's an obscure political figure that accomplished next to nothing

Nobody cares about him

i keep forgetting

I love how she tacitly admits Trump a shit, while simultaneously shifting the blame.
What an amazingly devious cunt.


I think it's even funnier watching people flounder to damage control what's happening.

kill yourself


I beg you

retarded shit, can't even differentiate between bombing ISIS and syrian soldiers

The GG thread are also on damage control.

>>>Holla Forums12296050
>>>Holla Forums12295832

I love that aut-rightists always blame outside forces like jews, SJWs and SA posters for the shitty state of their schizophrenic boards

Don't forget Holla Forums, a userbase that just wanted every board on this site to have lax moderation.

Holla Forums BTFO

Fucking same. I went to take a nap right as the attack was launched and woke up during the brunt of the internet shitstorm


Okay so, what I'm getting is the mainstream Neocon/Liberal media is all in on this while the hard Alt-right, Nazi, and libertarian-leaning alt-light types like PJW are condemning it. The former because of muh joos and the latter because of non-interventionism. Is this accurate?

Unrelated, but does anyone know what the music on this webm is?

Polite sage.

dies irae

Sounds aboot right

Yep, Nazi alt-rightists are for peace
Liberals for war.
I like this timeline.
Praise Kek!

remarkable digits (41:14) and (88)

If only anybody could have seen this coming. Trumptards truly are Autism Level89.


Bernie is literally Jesus

So what do you think Ben will do? Will he finally get off Trump's cock or double down?


lmao spot on


Now this is one of the more interesting questions for tonight. Place yer bets comr8s. If not tonight, when will Ben "Suck Trump's Dick Until Orange Juice Comes Out" Garrison break?

Pissed at what exactly, what has changed recently? I haven't been following burger news as much lately.

Trump attacked Syria

trump bombed assad like we said he would and now everyone is freaking out

Based Giraffe of Damascus

Nigger, read the thread

Why are they freaking out? AFAIK merica has been in more wars during Obama than ever before. I though merica was all about spreading freedom and democracy. That's why I don't get it what's so different now.

one of the things that set trump aside from the rest of the gop crew in the 2016 primaries was the fact he called iraq a disaster and bush a retard for supporting it. the american right is falling back into its pre ww2 isolationism and trump just upset quite a few people because they thought he would keep america out of middle easter wars

because this might spark WW3 and liberals are too stupid to see it

Who could possibly seen that coming, it not like Trump openly bragged that he would do something like this or anything.

I'm guessing that supposed to be a part of the 360 dimensional chess?

Who knows.

It's not that Americans are evil monsters, it's that the ideology of American nationalism did a great mindjob on the average joe.
Even your peace loving hippie get's second thoughts when exposed to war mongering propaganda, when the sensible thing is to question.
This has been engraved in the American psyche since manifest destiny, your people might not be aware, but they certainly have a boner (even if hate-boner) on war.

Yeehaw motherfucker.

This is all Trump's plot to make Hillary-tier liberals even stronger, while the left will continue to be dead. You'll see. It's fun to watch Trumptards whine and cry, yes, but I wouldn't be so optimistic long-term. The left still needs a resurrection and it won't happen because of external causes alone.

Leftycucks once again showing they lack principles.


We have principles AND we knew that this would happen while you got fooled.

go back, scumbag


I heard that most German neo-nazis are Starsserists


Wow, such inconsistency.

There's this one idiot who posts under the LeftCom flag even though he hasn't read basic texts like Critique of the Gotha Programme. It honestly triggers me.


Trumpists are the worst manchildren.

There are a couple of posters here using the Leftcom flag as a shitposting flag, probably all tankies.

Holla Forums has become /trump/. This is my home now.


This implicitly incestuous language is disgusting. But somehow it's 'okay' because he's gay? How can anybody tolerate this filthy kike?

It's hilarious how trumptards now virtue signal about their 'values' to hide that they got cucked hard

Woops, looks like you posted under the wrong flag, here you go comrade

you are now nazbol

i'm feeling it too, although i'm more of an authoritative centrist.. kinda, I don't really know.
everyone picks sides.

god damn I hate this faggot
He lives in fucking Malaysia lmao

You know this confusion is the fault of leftists, right? Left wing ideology suffers from an unwillingness or inability most often the former, I'd wager to drop the academic lingo and speak to the common man. If a working class highschool grad wants to learn about politics, who are the people writing about politics at their reading level? The Bill O'Reilly's and Ann Coulters. They are the ones who produce wrong but accessible political analysis for common men who don't have philosophy degrees.

is just one manifestation of the attitude that underlies this problem.

Holla Forums might have retarded tankies and anarkiddies, but it's still the best *chan to discuss politics. And at least when dealing with Leftcoms you're dealing with non-retarded leftists for a change.

Absolutely retarded.

No, this is the right flag for me. Thank you for your concern though.

The current generation of leftists are dropping the academic jargon and embracing vulgarity, look at Chapo and leftypol, two of the biggest influences on young leftists.

That may be so, but I think the damage done by older generations of academic leftists will likely persist for many years.

I mean they're still a cult. It took multiple broken promises for them to finally notice that Trump's just part of the big old swamp while leftists saw this coming miles ahead.

Easy there fella, don't want to go too fast on the delusional train do ya?
Maybe someday Holla Forums will be as big as let's say 4/pol/ but for now it's just a tiny drop in the ocean.

my comment is about how the retarded masses believe liberals are leftists, e.g. they call clinton a leftist, i.e. that they have no idea what 'leftism' means, i.e. that their entire political lexicon is completely false
boo hoo. if you don't want to be called stupid then don't say stupid shit. read a book or shut up

Not even 4/pol/ has a serious influence on young people and you're out here trying to claim Holla Forums does? WTF

You guys love your objective beauty, right?

I wanted Ron Paul, not Trump. He's only less worse choice than CLinton.
Paul would have sent those missiles onto Federal Reserve and IMF buildings instead.

relating to this, how did you all come to the idea that the ideological movement you feel apart of is the one that you actually are?
for me, pretty much all ideology has a decent point to it and I incorporate it into how I feel about how things can improve.

as I am at the moment I feel that within private property it is up to the individual who owns it/is in charge as to what is socially acceptable, where as public space should have a strong authority prescience and laws should be strictly obeyed and enforced.

I think democracy is the most ethical and just system for appointing rulers, etc. but society at large isn't educated right to be responsible with that freedom. (maybe a democracy where only politicians can vote because they have a better idea of what is going on and the rationale for those actions - although it would be easier to corrupt).

As for war and conquest and the matter of sovereignty I am conflicted between an idea where the strong should prevail but also where each to their own to make their own ideals.

basically if I had an ideological name it might be confused lol
do any of you know where I sit?
Holla Forums occasionally sees me as a classic liberal or a right libertarian but I don't think that is right.

Where did I say young people in general? I said young leftists, particularly those online.

You guys shouldn't undersell yourselves. If nothing else, the Holla Forums name is widely known.

Looks like a qt. I also believe in gender roles though; women shouldn't be political.

I don't understand myself as part of an ideology, but I view Marxism as the only fitting lens through which we can describe the evolution of society so far. Perhaps this makes me a leftcom? I don't know. Personally I would describe myself as some form of ethical egoist who tries to avoid to attach himself to labels too much, not to appear edgy or anything like that, but because I believe that attachment to ideologies inevitably leads to defensive and irrational thought, as you can see with tankies.

And it is hard to tell where you sit because you, without trying to insult you, don't seem to formulate any concise ideology at all, just stating how you "feel about things". To me you sound like a typical liberal who is not well-read tbh.

what is that?

nah, that's cool. I'm not very well read.

Yes, I understood that. The "retarded masses" get those falsehoods from the thought leaders they follow. Real leftist thought leaders are typically inaccessible to the "retarded masses" so instead they listen to shit like Fox News.

The left has a brand management issue caused by their elitist refusal to associate with the "retarded masses".

Yeah you're right


Free yourself of your spooks.

Spook is a spook.

You need to stop feeling and start thinking m8. Ask "why?" to every belief or viewpoint you have and ask "why?" to that answer and so on. Find what the very foundation of all your beliefs sit upon, see if it makes sense, and build from there.

For instance my foundation is happiness, specifically the idea of Eudaimonia in Greek philosophy. I try to think what is the best way for happiness to flourish; one path is through freedom, and I realized that freedom would be best realized for everyone, including the people who are supposedly at the top of the system, with anarchism in general and socialism specifically.

Globalism doesn't work. Diversity doesn't work. Multiculturalism doesn't work. All they do is destroy and make populations desperate and easier to control. If these are your principles then you're wrong in every way, and the collapsing globalist New World Order is confirmation enough that nobody wants any of this.

Hey wow it's as if Trump got elected on that very platform. Maybe we aren't blindly loyal to him and are willing to abandon him because we have real principles that he failed to uphold. The smart ones who voted for him expected this, but there were no other viable alternatives. And no, Bernie Sanders was not a viable alternative because of the reasons listed above.

What this shows is that even Trump, one who argued against getting involved in Syria, is beholden to powers beyond what the public could ever be aware of. Instead of mocking each other, maybe it's time we all start bring our guns to government buildings.

He did it because he wanted to

We're not globalists. Try spending some time here before you insult is with terms you circlejerk in your alt-right safe space. We're going to get a lot of these guys in the coming days, aren't we?

that's not true at all, since the actual left is the ones working with ordinary people in church groups, soup kitchens, indigenous activism, environmental causes, and other popular movements. they're regular people working in their own regular communities. the "brand issue" you mention is the result of a century of antileftist propaganda from the state and business sector

your idea of "the left" as some sort of arrogant elite is inaccurate, and a favourite lie of the propagandists i alluded to

Jesus, actually read something for once.

Then let's hear your explanation for why the "retarded masses" have so many misconceptions about the left.

thanks, I think I should lurk here more often. this is the first time I have posted on lefty.

I think my foundation would be safety but I haven't spent enough time thinking about what is the crux of "me".
I'll look in to Eudaimonia - I haven't heard of that before

thanks for being cool with a board newfriend fellas

lurk more


i just gave a cursory explanation dude

Wow my dude, did you hear about this thing called the Cold War?

Yeah, Fox News, Ann Coulter, etc. And where has the left's propaganda been? Get your act together.

How many of the retards on the_donald do you think are old enough to remember the Cold War?

If you are not a nationalist and like the idea of open borders then you are a globalist.

Yeah well so is The Actual Right :^)

I tend to not read things that are based on a delusional perception of reality because its a waste of time, but thanks for your suggestion.

forced into obscurity since it's not allowed to be heard in the business-run mainstream

No. I don't want to catch whatever illnesses you people have.

No, actually you're a globalist when you advocate for such policies as increases in immigration, free trade, lowering tariffs, interventionism and global governance. It is a liberal ideology.

just fuck off to Holla Forums

Yeah, I can't believe the left isn't taking to the airwaves. It's not as though porky owns all mainstream media outlets.

go away then. this board isn't new. you think any of what you've said hasn't been heard a million times before?

Then just remove yourself and don't pretend you understand Holla Forums.

And you think they allow Not Socialist propaganda? Stop giving yourselves excuses. The fact is the left is content to preach to the choir. University students and social misfits are the only demographic they consistently target.

no. not the racial stuff anyway. who said otherwise?

I understand it better than you know. I live in a leftist dystopian hellhole where people are made homeless and can't afford indoor heating because the taxes make it unaffordable. Leftism is the death of everything good. You are my eternal enemies and even now you're being used like tools in order to antagonize the sane functional people who want to live normal stable lives. You are going to suffer on the day of the rope.

that's nice. kill yourself retard

If the government robs the workers or allows homelessness, it's not leftist.

This is what pisses me off the most. You are the kind who lives under these harsh tyrannical leftist regimes lead by gangsters and will think the solution to the leftism that created the problems is more leftism. How many more people will your retard ideology have to kill before you realize maybe your dogma about equality is wrong and will always lead to a tyranny of the worst kind of humanity?


Which one? Make my day.

How many more of you will come in here thinking we haven't heard the same liberal ideology a million times before?

The liberals seem quite happy with this because muh justice for war crimes

You could not be more clueless.

Would be pretty fun tbqh

Since you recognize that government is the problem, and the government uses leftist slogans to justify its own expansion, then why can't you make the connection? All leftism results in a bloated, over-reaching, expensive government, because its fundamentally about control.

No, I think the solution to the problem is to do the exact opposite. In what meaningful way is your government leftist? Because of the propaganda it spreads to make people complacent or what it calls itself?

Such as?


Milo is a fucking fraud and a fake journalist. He only backed Trump because Trump hates women. Megodown is inferior to men like Hunter S. Thompson or Walter Cronkite.

Buh-buh-but he's killing Muslims like his supporters wanted! I don't see the problem here!

Read Asser

The only fags getting BTFO'd are retards that thought drumpf fags were blind idiots. You really thought people that supported drumpf were a bunch of retards supporting a candidate like the left? Like the retards that supported sanders and switched to clinton, the complete opposite? Drumpf supports are patriots. America first. It doesn't matter who it is. If they fuck us, we're revolting. Nothing pussy 🍀🍀🍀leftists🍀🍀🍀 that couldn't get shit done.


It identifies a problem that doesn't exist. (oppression)
It makes itself the champion of said problem.
It creates a bureau to get involved in said problem. (unions)
It then prolongs the problem instead of solving it which creates new regulations and demands more taxes.

This is the same scheme the left has been using for over 100 years and it always ends up in life becoming too burdensome on the average person even though things were just fine before since there was no real problem in the first place.

The worst thing is that they're basically saying that "Trump isn't a Trump supporter", ie. that they're position as "supporters" is in some way more significant than what Trump actually does.

If only there were some method to recall an elected representative…

no, it's because of "people" who think like that that people become tankies

take your pills

You must admit that there was established a personality cult around GOD EMPEROR TRUMP.
Just lashing out at us won't change that.


Yeah, we do have the issue that our discourse happens books and University circles instead of the mainstream media. Then again, that's not just by choice, the last thing the corporations that own the media want is genuine economic leftists views getting a bigger platform.
There's a reason that the SJW part of the left got a platform after the crash of 08, it's not threatening to the powers to be as it doesn't target the economic system and also serves as a perfect tool to discredit the left as a whole.


Now i'm really curious about the country you live in.

The government is the problem cause It receives handouts from the very companies literally taxing and loaning families to death. They are being twiddled between the fingers of globalist porkies whose arms reach all the way from the USA on to the Middle East. Those are companies controlling states. Not the other way around. Wahabbist mosques are being built and Israel is being defended in my liberal mess of a country (which sounds really similar to yours) just because of economic interests. That has nothing to do with the emmacupation of workers, therefore, it's the opposite of leftism.

And I'm glad you reject government control like I do. Now all you need to do is start rejecting employer/boss control and we'll be ideological equals. But I'm starting to suspect the only freedom you care about is of the monetary kind.

Empty idpol, I bet.

Terms like "The Worker" or "The People" are used not to describe the average person but the people who work in the unions or the government who are really just middlemen and bureaucrats. The entire Leftism establishment is a con and you guys fall for it because the words they use are deliberately confusing. YOU do not benefit from Leftism. "Workers" and "People" who are not really workers or people do.

So if government is the problem, why would you want more of it which is the natural result of leftist policies?

what is anarcho-communism, council-communism, communalism, etc.?

True unions are just workers organizing and acting as a united entity. Modern labor unions are corrupt, quasi-porky ran controlled opposition
Taxation is theft, and socialism is against theft, including the theft of surplus labor. Regulations exist to serve the major corporations, it's ludicrous to think a bourgeoisie state would actually create regulations for the good of the people.

What about a thread of lefties rabidly screaming to invade Syria?

Unachievable utopia
Nothing that will last for long
Part of christian economic doctrine

I hope i helped you to clear thing out

I want my popsicle to be succ'd like that

Tell that to all my co-workers in the hostelry business being shafted off pay and unjustly fired on absurd claims who can't do anything and could have easily prevented this if they had the possibility of unionizing in this neoliberal paradise, where only two ir three actual, malformed shells of a union remain.

Tell them that their bosses, who replaced most of them with a single, underpaid migrant worker for several of them need to wield even more absolute power. And then start telling the owners of the myriad smaller businesses I've seen crash and burn they were not strong enough against the porkies whose boots you're licking right now.

And of course, blame the government for all that, and nevermind the fact it's regulations are geared towards the benefits and abuse of those companies, who keep demanding, pressing, and blackmailing for more, from atop their anglo-founded think tanks.

A childs delusion.

An immature dream.

A naive fantasy.

Any more?

Why are Malays so cancerous?

How is Communalism a fantasy, when it is the reason states even have to pay lip-service to democracy today, and when it lead to things like the communeros uprisings, the Leveler's movement in England, the Hanseatic league and the French revolution.

For a naive fantasy, it sure has influenced western civilization significantly over for about 1200 years now.

You're the worst kind of shitposter. You can't bantz and you can't argue either. The only thing you exist for is to make everybody else feel as shitty as you do.

any more non arguments?


At least stick to criticizing it instead of pretending it doesn't exist.

the user is either baiting or just doesn't know what leftism is because his idea of leftism comes from whatever "leftism" his country is. Not to mention that he still hasn't answered what this country is. He also seems to think leftism is big government and that it's done as a way of taking advantage of the people and whoever isn't in on it or a part of this plot only believes in it because they are chasing a childish fantasy of equality which they deem impossible.

forgot to take off shitposting flag

Will those on the non-ML Left ever grow up and stop blaming the Stalinist boogeyman? This is your own damn fault leftcoms you saturated this board with shitty forced memes about Devito and Pancake and posted "read Bordiga" in reply to every other post on the board and you're surprised you've picked up retards along the way who get into political currents via memeing

I think most of these turds were waiting for a "legit" reason to jump off the Trump train for awhile now, tbh.


Your the type of person who responds to shitposters.

You're the type of person who responds to persons who respond to shitposters ad infinitum.



More of those who deliberately misuse language to mislead about their opponents' beliefs and intentions as a political tactic. You wouldn't claim that the perception of Trump supporters as rabid nazis is "the fault of Trump supporters, who don't make their true intentions sufficiently clear," would you? Gee, I guess Trump and his supporters were wrong to even use language as sophisticated as they did. We should all discuss politics through a series of guttural moans instead.

I'm down for that

Leftism is about which of the six gorillion genders you are and whether you identify as a disabled polysexual transkin or a you sexually identify as an attack helicopter.

Fucking christ, do none of you fags bother to read the faq?

Does the FAQ tell me which pronouns I should use for the ten million genders on leftypol?

No matter how often I see that picture, I will never understand it

No, but it'll help you avoid saying dumbshit.

Why not?

the how it is section is all like:
people are obsessed with commodity U and are alienated from the placeholder product i like to call "green spiral dildos"

the how Holla Forums sees it section is like:
idk orcs vs humans and shit
green spiral dildos come from fucking magic and the orcs have them

I'm not so sure I want this luddite in the white house anymore

My foot is dangling of the trump train, push me off


heh bepis

Hurr durr socialism is when the gubmint does stuff

is a natural product of capitalism. It's a symptom of the underlying disease. We want to overturn "globalism" by overturning the real social forces which cause it, and not by merely electing those who offer some tokenized "opposition" before carrying out its dictates.
may or may not "work," ultimately. We can reach whatever level of "diversity" that does work, whether high, low, or none at all, only by resolving the economic factors that cause immigration for reasons other than genuine appreciation of a culture and its people and sincere desire to assimilate into it. Don't you agree that the forces behind economic immigration, which push religious fundamentalists into incompatible cultures in pursuit of a better standard of living and so on, are inhumane to all involved? Wouldn't those who like shariah law be more comfortable in places that already have it, all else constant?
Laws ending immigration are simply not practical if you understand how the state works as a device of class rule. Porky will not allow such laws, because it interferes with his own economic interests. Mass immigration and the threat it presents to your culture are symptoms of capitalism.

Hot take: virtually no Trump supporters are "blindly loyal." His election was a distorted expression, provided by the capitalist apparatus, of genuine intractable discontent with the existing system. He can't fully and genuinely express through politics the sentiments which got him elected, because his role is to serve the bourgeoisie and administer class rule.
People have instinctively understood for the longest time that politicians do not serve the public good. What they miss is the reasons why.
I think abolishing class rule is the viable alternative. Don't confine yourself to status quo thinking when trying to solve problems that the status quo demonstrably cannot solve.
But not for those reasons. He's not a proponent of neoliberal capitalism or "diversity" for its own sake, aside from a bit of racial/identity pandering he engaged in to counter Hillary. The issue is with the nature of the office, which requires its occupant to serve Porky's interests, both if they get it and to get it in the first place. Capitalism absolutely relies on reincorporating dissent into safe existing channels makes it profitable for people to do this, anyone can carve a profitable career for themselves out of politically misdirecting discontent towards various pet causes and sham political movements. Sanders is subject to the same shortcomings as Trump in this sense. The vast majority of posters here don't think he'd have been able to solve anything for these reasons, and most object to even calling him a "socialist" because his program is one of ineffectual reform.

Why assume it must be something beyond our comprehension by default? We can explain this entirely in terms of objective social relations. Occam's razor bruh

We only have two genders here, male and trap

U got Triggered snowflake.

We only have one, and it's spook.

besides we have some females here

do you guys ever imagine how trump and trump supporters will be remembered in history? what a hilarious historical legacy.


Not without active effort on our part. Without us intervening only liberals will gain from this.

They attacked ISIS, you conservative clown. Obama sought congressional authorization to go after Syria after the other phony gas attacks in 2013, but congress said no.

Tomi Lahren also doubled down.

That's pretty much what he made


I agree. I give some credit to guys like Ramzpaul and all of the other people who publicly dropped all support for him, but they were brainwashed for embracing him so enthusiastically in the first place.

That's apart from political ideology: Trump is simply a clown.

That is perfect.

Just think, a few different encounters and she'd be on the Brazzers set.

I like how Rand and Neocons are labeled.

It addresses the most meme-tier ideas one can have about Holla Forums, like the one about this board being some SJW paradise despite the fact we're hated by plebbitors for letting people say mean words like nigger and faggot.
Why are almost all Holla Forumslacks such fucking newfags full of themselves?

Christmas come early

Are you the real milo yabbadabbadoupolos?

He's not milo yogabbagabbaplus, he's the other milo

Holla Forums's condition is that of perpetual newfaggery tbh

i couldnt help myself

Holla Forumslacks had so many opportunities to see Trump is not a 14/88 God-Emperor and they still fucking failed to get the memo. Sad!

At least readjust it.

How can this deluded faggot still think Trump can do no wrong? Does he not remember how embarrassing the last eight years were, witg all those retarded progs choking on Obama's dick?

For the first time I'm mad instead of laughing at him. How can he think anything good can come out of a personality cult?

he thinks he did wrong, so it's a start
also who cares, if it wasn't for the fact Holla Forums made him into a meme literally no one would care about him

Now's a very good time to introduce Holla Forumsyps and aut-rightists to Baudrillard.

"Mainstream politics" has little room for self-awareness on "both" sides.

This entire thread is hilarious and I responded to them.

It is hot when Women are political but only if they believe the same thing as you.

There is definitely some truth to this. We need to drop the jargon, even in Jacobin they use words like heuristic and jouissance which people are just unlikely to know unless you've done a degree in philosophy or are very well read. Part of it is definitely a signalling thing.

It is also an issue of anti-capitalist views not being exposure on major media though. Why would media conglomerates owned by companies like General Electric or Disney ever allow an ideology which calls for the confiscation of their assets to be given air time.

I am surprised that this simple act has finally shaken their undying faith in Glorious Leader. It is no more blatant than any of the other times he stabbed them in the back.

We have media but it isn't being funded by billionaires because its against their self-interest, we have magazines, blogs and internet views but it takes a lot of capital to break into the cable news front. As the internet continues to grow in popularity it will make is easier and easier for us to develop alternative media

That dude is an Asserist but he uses swastika flag for some reason. We need an asserist flag, also mods need to stop banning asserists (he said he was banned). Holla Forums needs to become more welcoming to asserists its a good first step for Holla Forumsyps to become leftist.


I know what it means mate, but because I took a philosophy undergrad. There is no reason to use a word like that in that context besides confusing ordinary people.

They already have a socdem flag.

I'm one of them. to be honest, I was suspicious as soon as the general election. I could tell he was shifting away from original plans even then which is why I didn't actually vote for him. this was the last straw though

You think that after supporting Trump for the last six months you might realize you have misconceptions about some things. If you thought trump was an isolationist God Emperor maybe it should occur to you that you might not really understand what leftism is either.

Is that the girl who posts threads about escorts? damn what a babe.

I gotta say I don't really know shit about stasserism but I was under the impression that he believed in seizing the MOP.

the thing I hate most about garrison is that he labels fucking everything

Wasn't suggesting otherwise. This is just what I've done ever since I was a kid when I come across a word or concept I don't know in something I'm trying to understand.
The barrier is cosmetic. It takes four clicks, you don't even need to type.

He believed that the workers would hold parts of the MOP (perhaps a third at minimum) but managers would own another part and the state would own another part like some kind of weird version of market socialism.

sage isn't a downvote

sage for linguistic prescriptivism


That's some retarded shit.

He had a lot of weird opinions like believing people should democratically elect dictators.

Even worse, a lot of them are actively supporting it.


The fuck? Doesn't democratic election contradict, in theory, the point of a dictator?

Nobody said he was smart


Yup it's no wonder why we dont live in the timeline where Asser led Germany. basically it works on a system of council democracy where a supreme leader is elected once and rules for life while the economy works on the weird Asserist system i described. The theory is that if the leader has absolute authority. he won't betray the people since he will have so much power he wont be swayed by bribes.


This guy seems more meme-tier than Evola.


The only theoretical question left to be answered is who would win in a fight the Nazbol gang or the Asser pack. I lean Nazbol those lesbians look tough.

someone blow this guy's dick already jesus christ

More than that, leftists are at times speaking in a different language to the majority of the population. This is not having a go, just saying leftist lexicon is esoteric. So you'll end up debating two close but distinct ideas.

Nazbol because they existed at some point irl.

honestly if you don't take the time to google a word you're not interested at all in whatever you're reading. you could be reading dr seuss and it still would be too challenging.
when i was a kid if i didn't know a word i had to look it up in a big-ass book and if the big-ass book didn't feature the word i wouldn't know what the word meant. nowadays all you have to do is literally click your mouse twice.

i agree that a lot of the jargon is unnecessary and a bunch of pseudos out there are just signalling but this cyclical bs about "the masses" not being enticed by cherrypicked texts that are usually not aimed at them anyways is just lazyness apology.

Nobody ever complains that you have to learn things to become a plumber or an electrician, but when it's politics suddenly you're a dick if you use technical terms.

Shit just got weird.

Abu Ivanka al-Amreeki


You guys just have to realize that if there was one thing that white males do not tolerate then it is military adventurism in foreign nations.


Holla Forums we know it's not tumblr

No they never did and Hillary's people wouldn't have either.

What does that have to do with the inherent objection to foreign adventurism by white males?

Are there any people other than white males objecting to this in great numbers?

No one here cares if it's white males or paraplegic Muslim black lesbians. The class war is the only war.

I tried to warn Holla Forums about Trump on numerous occasions. I tried being subtle and only posting light criticism inside of threads about Trump or indirectly being critical of Trump. Got banned every time along with being called a shill and the reason for ban being shill.

I've gotten so fed up with Trump that I began to resent him. I felt so isolated and stifled. Now I feel good. I feel vindicated now and this is only the start and Trump will continue to betray his supporters in worse ways than this. I want to see Trump's presidency crash and burn in such a way that it delegitimises the system.


Syrian civil war?

More like Alt-right civil war.

>inherent objection
Opposition to neocon foreign policy is not in any sense fundamentally white or male, and there's certainly nothing about the cultural phenomenon of "whiteness" that leads to it. What, were the Clinton, Bush and Obama years the result of nonwhites secretly conspiring to make "anti-white" policy through murdering other brown people while supposedly locked out of the halls of power?

Members of the pro-FSA 'Abu Ivanka al-Amreeki' brigade prepare for a military offensive against the 'Giraffe of Damascus' loyalists
-2017, centre city of /r/The_Donald.


How could we have been so blind?

This is what leftists really believe.

Pfft read a book, it's all there in Carl Marxist's hit novel Der Kapital.

Doesn't exist. It is all biology.

This is Holla Forumsspeak for "it's not my job to educate you sinner!"


Skin color is biological, sure. "White" isn't my skin color, however, but an ascribed cultural identity because my skin color and/or looks fit within a certain range of resemblance to what is considered "white."

one poorly planned missile attack on a sh*tskin air force-runway in a country where there are no good guys isn't going to derail this train-ride you stupid fucking lefty shills. Only people getting off the train over this are 14yr olds who projected a cartoon-like god complex onto Trump. They'll get back on the train just as capriciously as they got off. This shill-storm is pointless.

You people are too Holla Forumsarised. It doesnt have to be all or nothing. You vote for someone/thing because you agree with the majority of their policies. You are still free to dispute things later on because that's democracy. Only Koreans live in North Korea.

It was a joke you autist

I'm sure both of Trump's other supporters remain unfazed

I made an epin video

Yep, the two of us had a meeting and cried about how this event ended his presidency… just like it did to Obama. Oh, shit… actually he launched thousands of missile attacks on shitskins without it fazing his ability to be re-elected. It's been 24hours, and already people are losing interest in this story. Few more days, and it'll be as if this never happened. You're pissing in the wind.

i think its more higherarchical than investous

Lurk more, Amerilard.

polack here banned from pol so shitposting here in the meantime as you guys are not neolibs or cons so bearable. Anyway - looks like war is back on the menu.

Well, that's true. His chances can't get much worse.

Of course the Democrats are leading the charge. It amazes me that people are still able to pretend that there is any difference between the two major parties.

Holy shit. It's happening.
