So all Holla Forums autism aside, what do you guys think about Trump flip flopping on Assad?

So all Holla Forums autism aside, what do you guys think about Trump flip flopping on Assad?

I'm not sure if he would actually go the route of military action, but I have noticed that this flip flop has created a riff between Trumpshills and the "based Assad and based Putin" type of posters.

Will he just talk tough and then put on some sanctions like Obama did?

Other urls found in this thread:


Trump has talked so much shit about Obama being weak and fashioned himself as a real military man to the point that his own bullshit is now forcing him closer to military action. It reminds me of Mussolinis attitude when Hitler invaded Poland. His logical side wanted to back away from Germany and remain neutral but the Duce image he'd built up with his vast ego wouldn't let him back down.

Trump will do whatever Isreal will order him

He will find an angle that benefits United States and Israel, thats about it.

Don't care. He can do whatever he wants.

All we care about is Rojava.

this is a good thing

I'm with Assad is this.

Seems like and American flase flag.

Any sources?

If i recall correctly Italy and Poland had healthy relations and Mussolini codenamed invasion of Poland
Also Polish ambassador in Italy has become a president of Poland for a brief period of time during the invasion

They are gonna get buttfucked by new turkey and their "FSA" lackeys offensive pretty soon

And then they'll go back into quiet mode and a system of dual power. I'd be surprised if they aren't getting ready for that right now. Their job is done - democratic confederalism has gained hegemony in northern Syria.

The hilarious/sad part of it is, a lot of people voted for him because they thought Hillary was going to be a huge war-hawk and start WW3.

Well thats democracy for you, some people always will be unhappy and feel that they have been lied too
Trump convinced both pro-war simpletons and anti-war conspiracists to vote for him, he cant please both of those groups

That's the absence of democracy for you

That's democracy for you

tbh this will just confirm what old/pol/ knew. ZOG Occupied Government. Every fucking time. The backlash is going to push Holla Forums to lvels of right that shouldn't be possible.

Wait i missed it
What Trump said about syria recently?

People can't be lied to about policy desicions if they themselves make the decisions.

If they don't, then it's not a democracy.

How do you imagine over 300 000 mil people agreeing on one issue?
Let alone whole set op policies

He's been totally chained by the kikes. I had high hopes for him, but this is the nail in the coffin.

Assad is a bro and it sucks to see the US get roped into another jewish war

Looks like somebody finally got bored of this stalemate



Probably because he has to. We thought he would have at least some kind of spine, but I guess the deep state is not really a conspiracy after all.

They wouldn't have do.
They'd arrange themselves in confederate municipalist democracies, and dictate their own laws, cooperating on those points on which they agree.
Just as it worked in the Hanseatic league or the Delic Confederation.
There's a rich historic tradition of such confederalist local-oriented democracies, in fact.


Well it could work, maybe, or maybe not
I dont really know

The fact that he cracks down hard on the only aryan/white people in the region - the kurds - makes it supremely ironic that Holla Forumsyps support him.

Not maybe, maybe not.
It worked historically for several hundreds of years before they were conquered.

In the meanwhile, we know that the absense of democracy has a tendency not to work and collapse really fast.

Also aryan/white is a meme, when it come to skin tone western coast Syrians are much whiter, turks are much whiter.
Also Holla Forums supported them for i brief moment iirc
Also Assad and k*rds relations are pretty complicated durring this war, wouldnt say that he

I disagree

What is this meme? And tehre have been few clashes between SDF and SAA recently. You're full of shit.

slow sarcastic clap.gif

You do realize the Delian League devolved into the Athenian Empire in only 20 or 30 years right.

If Trump supports Rojava, idk what the fuck I'd think of him anymore.

Obviously, he's been informed that he'll be assassinated if he doesn't go along with the pre-existing war plans. There was no gas attack in Syria, the whole thing was a false flag.

No this 10D Parcheesi :^)

Shoot yourself.

Israel is a puppet because of its useful geopolitical location. They mutually benefit from the imperialism.

Just because one side is bad doesn't mean the other is good.


Brietbart is claiming that military action against Assad is confirmed

It is Breitbart though so I wouldn't hold your breath

They're just going off what Trump implied

Remember to archive clickbait rags.

That's a big fucking writeup. I knew tat Bannon was a neo-con shit. There's a reason Breitbert used to get called called Kikebert.

Have you actually met Kurds?

What clashes? That one in Hasakah ages ago?

What do you lads think of this video it seems pretty damning but its also totally out of context? I saw on Holla Forums ignore the stupid title.

Its about the attack being a false flag btw.

Clearly acting up for the camera. There's a pic up too somewhere of a kid lying face down in a pool of blood then the next minute he is sitting up and laughing. In the second picture you can see a bunch of slaughtered chickens.

that video is from months ago

I would assume the action would be bombing the shit out Syria's airbases.

Not sure if this one is Paliwood or Jihad productions.

Russia has never particularly cared for Assad himself, they're more there to preserve the existing Baathist government. But I gather they wouldn't be against Assad leaving when this is all over.

IIRC during the Astana talks they didn't have a problem with him leaving, they just want a stable non-US puppet government in place
It's the Iranians who want Assad to remain in power with no arguments on that point

We'll see what happens, Trump may go full fucking retard here

I've met some Kurdish girls that I would like to impregnate, yes.

Some are pretty attractive. But they generally look more Iranian than Southern European/Mediterranean.
Though I guess that would qualify as "white" if you consider (non-arabized) Iranians white as well.

You say that like it's supposed to soften my dick.

Good luck with that

They are full of Russian planes

Russia has never particularly cared for Assad himself, they're more there to preserve the existing Russian naval bases in Latika.
Fixed for you

Well iranians are white

Trump is a political weathervane, that much is obvious. What is probably going on is that the MIC/deep state establishment is working to isolate him in such a way that he'll only listen to them and consequently start parroting what they want, after which they have free reign. Hence demoting Bannon.

This triggers the JonTron

Erdo's itching for it

From what it sounds like, a Bannon resignation is in the near future, within weeks

Burger intervention just got confirmed
Steps are currently being taken to form a coalition to replace Assad+military strikes

I really wonder how Russia&Iran possibly also China will react
I hope that Russia wont pussy out from this
But i still hope that Trump isnt confident enough to start shit with another nuclear power

Or maybe we will see eternal proxy war but with Russian and US troops in syria setting their own influence zones

This way both Russia would be happy because they dont have to abandon theirs naval base and regional influence and USA will be happy because Trump will prove that he is a "tough" man

world war incoming

Trump needs to boost his popularity, rally round the flag is the best way to do that

It was either gonna be Syria or North Korea
Maybe we'll roll snake eyes and have both

Taking on Syria 99% also means attacking Iran and Hezbollah
And im not sure if USA can pull this off
Also this wont be as easy as 2001 Iraq,
But maybe if enough amerifats will die people will turn away from this mad interventionism

What fucking hurts me is that my country is a total bitch to the USA and we will probably happily send thousands of our soldiers to die for foreign interest again
This sucks

rip assad.

kek.all this dude wanted was to be a computer scientist but his brother died so now he's in power.


Dentist not a computer scientist
Also i really dont envy him
Not only you are forced to rule quite bit important country, but also your and your family life is in constant danger, your whole lifes work can be destroyed by just one mistake, and world powers just wait to fuck you up

Shit is probably pretty stressful, i wonder if he is already addicted to some anti stress drugs

Holy shit kill yourself. Real life isn't the vapid online flame wars that frame your entire political understanding. You stupid motherfucjer never post about Syria again

The push for war is 100% lead by bloodthirsty interventionist liberals not macho posturing

He has been forever. It was probably turkish gas that was in that depot

Don't believe AP reports about Russian statements

But how did interventionist liberals gained so much power in Tump cabinet to dictate his foreign policy?

Kurds are indo-europeans and at the very least Aryans.
That is the only meaningful definition of "white" outside arbitrary socially constructed communities.

Thus it is pretty ironic that Holla Forumsyps support a semite supressing aryans.

Go back to facebook faggot


Please name an Emperor of Athens.

trumps cabinet is full of hawks who are not necessarily interventionists. But there was huge rankling among the press and liberal wing when he said he wasn't going to intervene and you can feel the terrifying bloodlust in every liberal commentators call to war. What you should also note is this: the executive does not have the power constitutional power to attack Syria, but he has received it through the liberal interventionist Obama, who stated that he did not need congressional approval to attack Syria, and he was able to ignore congressional refusal to destroy Libya.

Never trust a jew.

This could be end times we're looking at.

You could as well say that Holla Forums hating Iranians is also stupid because they are aryans but it is stupid
Also have you seen the skintone of average k*rd?
Doesn't look very white to me

Good, Ba'at party is the the only legitimate ruling party of Syria
Anarchists can fuck off

Wow whodathunkit

Yes. That is stupid, even for Nazis, since the Hitlerite regime actually considered Iranians and Punjabi-indians white exactly because of this.

Skin-tone is not a very good indicator of genetics, kinship or culture.
Take for example the fact that Italian and German people have much closer genetics and culture to each other that for example Dravidians and Bengali people, even though they both largely look like each other.

Beyond that, both turkish and arab people belong to a whole other primary cultural branch, than say, the kurds do in comparison to Europeans.

Kurds are indo-europeans, whereas Turks are Altaics and Arabs are Semites.

That's not saying there's anything wrong with that, but from an ethno-nationalist perspective, it makes no sense for a Nazi to support Assad.

It's a bit weird seeing Trump and the media that hates him so much drop the act for a second to unite to demonize Assad. A textbook example of class solidarity. Reminds me of Germany doing France a solid and agree not to take Paris so they could crush the rebels.

Thats wrong

Then what primary culture/language families do they emerge from?

Athenian empire is a term used to describe Athens and it's overseas territories, colonies and vassals

America is a hierachal society with a head of state. Most attican city-states were not.

What colonies and vassals?
Even when it degraded, it was not like Athens was a Rome-style capital of an empire.
No, it was still a confederacy, where Athens simply misappropriated the resources it was supposed to use for maintaining it's fleet.

That's the reason the Peloponesian war broke out.

Nobody could've predicted it!

perhaps it is not the best of examples.
Even so, going as far as to compare it to Empires, and to nitpick it to try and disprove the clear tendency of functional confederalism, that existed for centuries, even a millinea in Europe, is perhaps a little dishonest.
Even if the Delian League degenerated into an oligarchic empire (which I do not contend that it in all fairness did) 30 years of functional democratic confederalist organization is still a long time to exist if "the system doesn't work".

Turanic, central asia

That's a subset of the Altaic primary language family.

I severely doubt Russia will chicken out once US-Airstrikes start. Interior policy of Russia is dogshit for Putin with the recent protests but if there is one thing Russian liberals and conservatives agree on is that the USA is their archenemy.

A lot of it depends on the French election imo. Besides Britain France is the last remaining military power of Europe and was helping the US with Libya. If there is really going to be a war between Turkey-USA-FSA on one side and Russia-Assad-Iran on the other side it'll be the end of the West as we know it.

Iran's stakes are probably the highest since Israel and Saudi Arabia hates them to the guts.

yeah, assad hasnt used chemical weapons before or anything… oh wait, guess those were false flags too. seriously how delusional do you have to be to believe everything bad that happens in the middle east is somehow the us's fault?

you know that other forces than SAA can capture stockpilles af chemical weapons or just create them themselves and use it just to provoke international reaction?

Assad has nothing to gain by using chemical weapons, rebels can gain a whole lot by using it

lmao Molyneux weighs in

Nusra was caught a couple years back with precursors for sarin by Turkish security forces.

Agreed but it is possible an SAA officer acted autonomously. There's a lot of bad blood between that area and the state. Like most things in Syria the truth is slow to come out.

They will get rekt the second Assad and Russia are gone, which means U.S. supports dries up and Islamist will fight the "evil communists slash PKK terrorists offshot".

Putin seems to be flipflopping and siding with Israel now.

The bane of the region Saudis, Qatar, Turkey and Israel all back up the regime change in favor of total destruction of Syria

It's not just that Assad has nothing to gain– the war was all but won. With the U.S. president giving up the ghost on Syria just days before, it's actually extremely obvious that the rebels deployed those canisters. But it won't matter. In 10 years, when Syria is still in rubble, the international investigation will release its findings to little fanfare, the non-interventionists will have another thing to point to, but there will be more false pretenses, more lies, more murderous imperialist apparatchiks urging immediate invasion, more quisling liberals say "yes, sometimes intervention is the wrong policy, but how can you say that now?"

I'm loving this.

I would not trust anything the associated press says about Russia. They are trying to build the case for war, which means downplaying Russian commitment.

Yes why?
Could you explain it?

Why did Assad's forces start slaughtering peaceful protestors, kick starting this whole mess? Same reason really.

He's completely right. It doesn't make sense for the SAA to use sarin gas when ordinary bombs are more effective even at just inflicting terror. The U.S. doesn't need to use chemical weapons (in the last 40 years) to inflict worldwide terror, does it?

And if you were going to go full Sadam why not drop gas on Idlib proper where the bulk of rebels are located?

I don't follow the logic. Are ordinary threats and use of force not enough? They were working perfectly.

how can one man be so retarded?

They were provocateurs, no soldier fired to a peaceful crowd, army only returned fire

That specific town is a Muslim Brotherhood hotbed and harted of Khan Sheikhoun is enshrined within SAA/SyAAF

No really.
The more severe the terrorism, the more severe the terror, the more effective the repression.

The fact that so much has been done of the propaganda front to help the rebels for years that results in real, military support for them in the form of American bombs, that it's ridiculous to deny that they dont think consider the struggle for or against intervention it is own front in the civil war



Don't be ridiculous. This kind of thing belongs 40k fluff, it's not real and it doesn't reflect real government or real means of control. The taboo over chemical weapons does not mean they are actually useful for you amateur terror/repression paradigm.

I know the history but if you're going to drop chemical weapons why wouldn't you take the opportunity to gas the rebels you're actively fighting who are only 10-20 miles away? Killing ~100 civilians offers no strategic advantage and only dashes any international favor the regime was able to cultivate.

That's why they have Turkish supplied gas there.

i`m hearing this was a military mistake,
that Syria and Assad really did do this,
but the difference is they bombed place that had stockpile of chemicals(or chemical weapons)


Doubtful. They're about to kick the hornets nest of the Kurdish nation, Iran, and Russia. Russia has threatened WW3 if they enter the region and I don't think much of NATO besides Turkey is hyped about their war of aggression.

oh no

lmao jog on tankie

Whoops, didn't mean to delete my post, sorry guys. Here's a sage repost.

Can the Trump admin dodge The Curse?

Not delusional at all because that is completely true.

Yes. So I guess you can still call for a brutal war of aggression over that anyway. I mean, wgat are you a tankie


I actually listened to trumps speech that all the News was praising as presidential and it is actually one of the most meandering stupid things he's said as president. Shows what the media really means when they say shit like that. And did they all forget that the first thing he did when he got in office was kill a 10-year old?


We cant let tragedy that was Aleppo happen again
Assad must be stopped and democracy must be brought to syria just like it was brought to Libya and Iraq

NatSoc here. Trump is a zionist puppet. Literally got banned from Holla Forums by the crypto kike moderators for pointing this out. Trump and all his supporters should be tried for treason.

That was the last cat in Aleppo.

So is Holla Forums just /neocon/ now?

Its /x/ merged with /r/donaldtrump

I abandoned it in 2015 when they started to descent into idiocy

t. other user

Pretty much.

We've been also saying similar thing even during the Republican pre-elections, but it was met with a strong denial by most Holla Forumslacks coming here.

True Fascist denounced Trump right from the start

So, ignoring tankies who support Assad.
As leftists, should we support American imperial intenvention in Syria?

Would we still use the Kurds in this intervention?

I know. I was one of you before I became Nazi.


Sign me in fam

Maybe, but that doesn't change the fact that most Holla Forumslacks are literally plebbit liberal-tier when it comes to political knowledge.

No. Oppose America no matter what.

Asserist or a Hitlerite sellout?


Strasserist. Still am actually.

Optometrist not a dentist.

This guy is so ridiculously dramatic, the fact that anyone can be so pretentious and ridiculous continuously blows my mind.

I like the comments on that video though, people from all over the political spectrum are done with the interventionists. If Trump attacks Syria there will be mass riots in the US.

Good enough.

The mods should add a Asserist flair. When I see the Nazi flair I just assume its a retard, but I'll respect anyone who is anti-capitalist regardless of social beliefs.


It's not gonna happen. I've been banned from here for being a Asserist multiple times. I might even get banned for being here. idk.

Never post on Holla Forums again

Why is America invading Syria considered a nuclear-level event for Russia?

Best way to convince Trump not to bomb Syria is to remind him that that's what Hillary wanted

Have you tried the National Bolshevik flag?

not worth bothering with anymore. people here see me as a basic bitch nazi so that's what I'll post with.

Who ever wins will usher a ruthless cyberpunk dystopia.

The Tartus naval base. It's one of their few warm-water ports.

JFC yes I came from reddit during the cat girl drama, take it easy pal.

That sucks mods are fags. My only problem with Straesserists is that they were stupid enough to align themselves with elitist right-wing reactionaries who they should have realized would back-stab them in the long run. I doubt they'll be making that mistake again.


Just stop posting and lurk more you colossal faggot from reddit

Make no mistake, he is a cult leader, and if you will threat him like one suddenly his actions will start making sense

RIP Syria. ;-;

Nazbol flag is good enough

Oh you meant like literally nuclear. They aren't launching nukes over it but they will perceive it as an existencial threat.

They have only one naval base left in the Mediterranean that happens to be in syrian latika province
If russia doesn't want to lose its regional power status it has to defend if influence zones, same thing happened with Crimea

Calling for Snowden's execution for treason was a major red flag. I'm surprised none of his detractors brought that up with the exception of libertarians and some anons on this board.

Russian foreign policy has basically been been a mission to access and maintain warm water ports since Peter the Great.

Why not? I'm starting to think nuclear war is the only way to end American hegemony. Maybe Posadism is actually good.

Well if you dont have carriers then you have to rely on ground bases

Bashar ou bas. I would love for Trump to prove my worst fears to be unfounded by not deposing the regime that presents the only possibility for lasting peace in the region. Don't let me down, Drumpfy.


Aww ol' Smokey! At least you tried.

why so black and white? a US intervention is not necessarily bad in every single aspect. right now they are supporting YPG with airstrikes and I'm very pleased with that. what's good for Rojava is good for gommunism, no?

I love how so many retards on here will use neocon talking points just because they don't want to come off as a tankie, its fucking hilarious

Rojava will be fine with the status quo. Assad being in place doesn't mean they will suffer for it. Turkey on the other hand…

tankie false flag fuck off

US support for Rojava isn't perpetual. It can be cut off at any time. A military intervention opens up too many variables that I honestly think it will result in Rojava losing support. It's also a fucking absolute clusterfuck that will pit the US against Russia, Hezbollah, and Iran. It's literally the worst idea.

There's no such thing as a good US intervention

but a Russian or Chinese intervention can be rationalized away, amirite?

Russia is there at the request of the Syrian government. Two completely different situations.


The requests of Assad are more legitimate than those of the YPG.

The YPG has never asked for a US military intervention.

here we go lads

we all gun die now.

Who would have thought???

Also, US only contacted YPG after they had lost any other "moderate rebels" and at the cost of Turkey being mad.



don't care, Holla Forumsype have been eating each other since trump got elected and i can't stop creaming my pants over it.

oh really?

so I guess the Western YPG volunteers in this video are just talking to themselves when they say "any help, especially air support, is much needed and much appreciated" (4:05)

or "(we) need more tactical support, more heavy weapons, and the airstrikes really help. any help would be appreciated by us" (4:50)

yeah I'm sure YPG would prefer if the US military stopped helping. those guys in the video were probably just going off script.

Rojava can't be good if it's supported by the US.

Agreed. Every the US does is pure evil and goes against the workers interest. There has never been an example of the state/bourgeois shooting themselves on the foot.

Now you're getting it. America is the engine and guarantor of global capitalism. There is no difference between anti-capitalism and anti-Americanism in practice.

This idea that if NATO supports a group they must be the devil is retarded. The US supported communists in WW2 when they were useful then betrayed them. The same thing is happening with the YPG.

We're talking about an invasion of Syria not air support and equipment.

They get air support from Russia too. The YPG will take whatever assistance they can get. That doesn't change the fact that a full military intervention is a terrible idea.

Is this really happening, this is fucking terrifying. If the US invades Syria how exactly is conflict with Russia going to be avoided?

We don't, we have a nuclear war. Invasion of Syria is viewed as an existential threat by Russia that could be met with massive nuclear retaliation.

Guys I just looked at Holla Forums and theyre actually defending this

people linking to his tweet about not attacking syria are b& and deleted

its hilarious but also maddening that people are this pathetic

Holla Forums getting cucked at astonishingly high speeds. Look who's really behind Trump's intervention in Syria.

I used to turn my nose at the twitter tankies batting for such a regressive government but fuck, at this point I'm basically a Ba'athist.

It's not about being Ba'athist it's about anti-Americanism.

is this sarcasm

are you mentally disabled

do you know no nuance

No, I'm serious. There is no scenario of capitalism being replaced that does not involve the downfall of America.

Major troop movements at nearly all Syrian airbases
The Russians and Syrians are acting like a strike is imminent

There's also rumors that the Iranians are pulling assets out of Syria under Russian orders

Agreed. During World War II, Stalin initially supported the Nazis because he was anti-American, not pro-Nazi.

there is no scenario with capitalism being replaced that doesnt involve the downfall of all current major nation states

or do you not know what capitalism is

America's downfall will crash the global economy with no survivors and bring about a revolutionary moment, since American currency is basically required for the functioning of the economy.

Reminder that Phil Greaves was a inforwars paranoid nutjob and basically still is

Reminder that the mentally ill have no place in organizing leftist movements

No, when America falls and it's replaced by China or India, capitalism will have finally been defeated. Only then can the proles realize they're being oppressed.

and being anti-Rojava will had literally no effect on that

find a cliff and walk off it

people actually believe this

and have the gall to call themselves leftists

woops wait, whats the formatting for italics again?


Reminder to everyone here that if the US does commit strikes, they have to be massive in scope given the huge increases in modern air defenses the Russians have installed
There is no "limited" strike
A US strike against Assad will likely result in attacking the Russian Military


Hell no, this just empowers Syrian reactionaries and lines porky's pockets

Putin and Assad are not porkies. They are anti-imperialist freedom fighters!

When a so-called "libertarian" shills for a authoritarian leftist president in the middle east

Stalin offered France and Britain a plan to send in the Red Army in '39. It was turned down because they were waiting to see what would happen and Poland wouldn't allow Soviet troops to cross their territory. The Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact was only signed to give the Soviets some breathing room while they built up the military. Stalin had no love for fascists.

So Stalin had self-love issues? :(

we're all driven by self-loathing in one way or another

I have a tankie friend who unironically believes this.

"How can a developing country, itself the victim of imperialism, simultaneously be imperialist?"

What makes you think Assad is a leftist? I know Ba'athism claims to be socialist, but from what I can tell he's just a nationalist and very enthusiastically capitalistic.

hatchets between the eyes


Because he's standing up against American imperialist. Every good leftist dictator kills his own civilians once in a while.
Do not question these poor oppressed leaders. Always anti-America like any good uncritical leftist!

t. Trot


A communist society will permit hot bears like these?

Because being a Social Democrat in the middle east surrounded by crypto-nationalist religious nutjobs, is a leftist stance. He's anti-Imperialist as he pisses of the US. He protects minorities. He upholds laicism. If you really are supporting the neoliberal stance against Assad you have no idea how geopolitics work. If such bulwarks against the neoliberal hydra fall, we can bury socialism once and for all.

Stop lying. This was Fake News.

And before you bitch about RT, source is a study of the MIT.


Yes because he is a legally elected president of Syria where as k*rds are just a bunch of unwashed tribal savages