Alpha Wolff Never claimed Co-Operatives are the be all, end all

i think its hilarious u guys talk shit about Richard D. Wolff. u wouldnt say this shit to him at his weekly economic update, hes jacked. not only that but he wears the freshest clothes, eats at the chillest co-operatives and hangs out with the hottest comrades. yall are pathetic lol.

He's the economist we all wanna be fuck he's so cool

For real. Laying the smack down on rightists who just say "LRN EKONOMIC LOL"

He's always rockin that watch/wrist chain combo with his shirt unbuttoned to show what an alpha he is, absolute baller

Imagine having Alpha Wolff as your dad and having him love you as only a father loves his child.

Richard "Big Dick" Wolff.

Richard "THICC DICC" Wolff

I went to a meeting of the Chicago chapter of his group and I was surprised as fuck to see all its members were regular working class peeps

No super autistic polysci members
No dogmatic old farts
No hipsters

Just awesome. I really feel he is able to speak to people who we scare away with our dogmatism

The point is more that cooperatives is all he ever talks about in terms of theoretical or practical political advocacy. Many Marxists think he's more of a Lassallean coop fetishist because he omits any mention of actual Marxist communist politics despite calling himself a Marxist. That last point – that he calls himself a Marxist – is the whole concern: that he puts Marx to his name and says his ideas embody Marx's philosophy. Nobody would give he shit if he used the guise of Parecon or other utopian bullshitters like Graeber.

I think anyone regardless of tendency will like his economic updates either way, which is most of what he does.

I get pretty annoyed when Marxists get all assblasted about Wolff and say Co-Ops aren't Socialism REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.

I don't think I've ever seen Wolff say Co-Operatives are the path to full communism. He's just saying they're a good reform under Capitalism and, beyond that reform, they open a door for consideration of alternative economic systems.

That's because leftcoms start massively screeching when you bring up economics, which is pretty interesting.

Because they're one of the few people here who've actually read Capital and know anything about the critique of capitalism…

the whole reason we're even here right now talking about leftism is because Marx screeched about economics

Bruh I understand that Co-Operatives =/= Socialism, but Alpha Wolff doesn't think this either.

It's low hanging fruit to go "HURRRR doesn't get ride of M-C-M lol" rather than critically evaluate what Wolff is proposing.


Yes he did.

coops are leapfrog

Curious to about Graeber criticism. Let's hear it.

I can understand why well-read Marxists take issue with him, but part of the problem is that awareness and understanding of Marxist thought is incredibly low, especially in America. 70+ years of fearmongering and obscurantist right-wing anticommunist bullshit have got the vast majority of people believing that socialism = government, communism = Stalin, and that leftism = gimme free shit. American unions have been dead for decades, democracy and political freedom is dying on the vine and no one actually reads Marxist literature from a labor/politics perspective. If you're in that environment, outlining how shit current capitalism is, promoting workers' organization and democracy, and trying to break down the basics of class and capital for normies is a good place to start trying to cultivate class consciousness to a spooked American public.

When you start listening to other left leaning economists you realise Wolff is shit

His programs are very simplistic and made for the uneducated, I couldn't bear to listen to them

are you trying to trick me user?

There's a video of him analysing Brexit, a lot of what he says is simply untrue. Very disappointing.

that's why Holla Forums loves him

What video and in what way?

Search for "Richard Wolff Brexit" or something and you should find it

because we actually understand them, unlike you

What's so wrong about it?