Holla Forums and Holla Forums mod team confirmed assblasted liberal SJWs

So from the events of this week, the mod team colluding with Holla Forums to undermine free speech and so on, there is no doubt in my mind that these guys are almost identical to liberal SJWs.

Other urls found in this thread:


How is this news?

I wasn't here for the past few days. Care to give a rundown to the uninformed?

Go back to reddit you stupid piece of shit.

Send the mods to the echo gas chambers

Yall know he is talking about the site mods and not the board mods right?

See bunkerchan.xyz/left/res/2882.html

Yes, I should've made that distinction more clearly.

Can you read nigger? Everyone knows this. I'm just pissed at people like this that act like this wasn't a big deal. Also it's pretty much confirmed that codemonkey was spying on all the boards and kept logs using that Sunshine program. I suggest we get a hold of it ASAP for when we need to send Holla Forumsyps to gulag and can show the normalfags their post history.

Just makin it known. We don't need idiots misunderstanding and start accusing our mod team of shit there is enough trouble as is

How? Get a hold of what? The program?

obviously, this website is owned by a middle aged right-wing tincoil hat nutcase and his two Thai ladyboys

not really surprising that we aren't welcome here anymore.

now the question is, where do we go if (when) this board is taken down definitively ?.
do we have a back up plan?
i would rather go to Holla Forums

We were never welcome, that's what made us stronger.

We have bunkerchan, but it needs some improvements.

Hotwheels was definitely more friendly

We have bunkerchan, bookmark it

Bunkerchan was too slow.

Holla Forums's mod team is pretty good from my experience. They don't delete bait threads, just bumplock them, and they are pretty quick to delete the gore and porn raids from the Holla Forumsyps.

because not enough comrades knew about it and bunkerchan's style was kind of bad
We will work to solve those issues soon enough

I guess libertarians still have some understanding of free speech at least.

The biggest advantage that Holla Forums has is that all of Holla Forums is under one board. One community.

Bunkerchan mods require strict adherences to subboards.
I don't think many people use overboard.

That is an interesting point
I was thinking about making a thread to discuss changes and suggestions to bunkerchan

sholdn't we go for somthing more normie friendly?

That is another issue to bring up
and I agree bunkerchan is too esoteric

What do you mean more normie-friendly?

If it's a chan its inherently not normie friendly

I don't know what this past week means in terms of userbase. Did the shutdown temporarily drive away the non-autists that don't lurk here 24/7?

Because I sincerely doubt that the majority of Holla Forums truly thinks that Holla Forums is some sort of true enemy. I was under the impression that a lot of people on Holla Forums were starting to get really tired of Holla Forums shilling.

The answer to that question is always no.

Well yes, they both serve one master.

If we were going to migrate I'd suggest a board that isn't explicitly a Holla Forums board but is explicitly under a an acceptable administration philosophy.

bunkerchan seem to autistic and will spread us across many boards.
we should stay in one board

Ok then, here you go. youtube.com/watch?v=mVh75ylAUXY

are u 4 real my man lmfao

Kel, is this what burgers have instead of history?

You should just make your own website, and stay off of this one. Sure, Holla Forums is retarded, but so are you.

They're called cartoons for a reason. Are you a child?

>my patriotic cold war propaganda cartoon is the hard truth
this is very funny

I dunno, are you?

If you're going to ignore something based on the medium it is presented on, clearly you're too immature to even discuss socio-economic philosophy, or even debate for or against your side.

this is getting funnier

Ah, yes, *sips tea.*
Red, white blue.
Red, white blue.

Louder, solider,


*clasps palms together, closes eyes*
The maker of heaven and earth, And of all things visible and invisible, one God the Father, Almighty, Christ the only-begotten Son of God, Begotten of his Father before all worlds, God of God, Light of Light, Very God of very God, Begotten, not made, Being of one substance with the Father, By whom all things were made; Who for us men, and for our salvation came down from heaven, And was incarnate by the Holy Ghost of the Virgin Mary, And was made man, And was crucified also for us under Pontius Pilate. He suffered and was buried, And the third day he rose again according to the Scriptures, And ascended into heaven, And sitteth on the right hand of the Father. And he shall come again with glory to judge both the quick and the dead.

*Devlin - Watchtower (Instrumental) plays*
*Cut to intro of HBO's "The Classcuck"*

You should probably go back to 4chan or whatever other imageboard if you expect 8ch of all places to ever stop being filled with dumb political bullshit.



you lack so much self-awareness it's hilarious



wtf are u a brainlet or s/t ? u cant discuss my cartoon for children ? i win again !!

Thanks for the laughs




holy shit i didnt notice that
this retard is a mine of laughs


This guy is going all out.

I know right? He's a total retard.

he is

He thinks he's winning. Guys, this is pretty pathetic. I think we should pretend to let this poor sap have this one

He probably got BTFO'd.

Stupid capitalist pigs.

You're posting a propaganda cartoon from 1948 that argues against strawmen leftists while arguing for a non-existant humane capitalism

When you post that cartoon you prove you have no idea what you're arguing against when you come here and have no idea what the criticism of capitalism is.You probably don't even know what capitalism means

10/10 got me to respond

apparently getting a lot of people to laugh at you for being an idiot is winning too

I blame Antifa's apparent lack of awareness about themselves.

ya im sure some guy supporting capitalism must be an antifa

wait actually he could be, a lot of antifa are mere liberals lafffffffff

Well a lot of them are anarchists, and also strangely communistic…two conflicting ideologies.


I know right? XD


Didn't you just argue earlier about cartoons being invalid points of argument?

You are enabling the shitposter.


You pseuds are so fucking obnoxious. At least Holla Forums knows that they're retarded.

I agree with you tbh. This is really shitty Holla Forums-tier level of arguing. A cartoon scarcely deserves an argument but that doesn't mean you should put yourself on the same level by acting like a smug asshole while mobbing the retard. If they can't or don't want to present a counter-argument then don't decrease the quality of the board by responding.

To be quite honest I woudn't have minded civil discussion of the faults, if any, of the cartoon's theme itself, but apparently you guys went full retard.

Holla Forums's right, Holla Forums is literally furfag tier.

Before you carry on replying to yourself, please see

I assume most people feel the same way as I do about the video, and if you honestly expected anyone to take it seriously, you're retarded

What do you think would happen if you linked the full text of Das Kapital on Holla Forums in lieu of an argument? You can't expect everyone to dive into some lengthy source material and try to explicitly refute things there at random and without any sense of what the poster himself is actually arguing. The implication is that as long as there's one point, however minuscule, glossed over, refuted improperly, or ignored, the people on the receiving end are "wrong" and "have lost." This is why you have to actually make an argument, and not hide behind some film to """argue""" for you. Raise specific, salient points addressed in the film which can be debated on their own merits, whatever. But this approach is intellectually dishonest.

Choosing overt propaganda is badly curating sources, too, and belies a lack of seriousness or rigor. Thus, a limit on what you can achieve by arguing with such people.

This is why nobody's wasted time on it. And, since ignoring it means "you win by default" to Holla Forumsacks, it's also why people have smugly dismissed it - to point out there's a problem with the whole setup. Go harass xexizy and see if he'll do a lengthy refutation if it's so important to you.


Your head really is that far up your ass, isn't it? Is it THAT hard to believe there are dissenting voices in this shithole?

And your counter-argument consists of

What a fucking intellectual titan you are.

Neck yourself. Pseud.

Actually, fuck it, you know what?

If you don't, it means I win.
Ha ha

Said the person that filled a thread replying to himself.

Thank you based BV

You do know that there are more schools of Socialism than just Soviet Union-style "Socialism" ?
How reliable can it be ?
It will obviously be biased against the USSR

This is what someone should've posted to begin with. Give a reason why it doesn't deserve a counter-argument. Acting like a smug fuck doesn't help anything, doesn't make the poster change his mind, and doesn't sway any lurkers.

Except I didn't do that.

Why are you lying?

I look at this girl and it makes me sad that I could never have her exclusively because monogamy is a spook and the nuclear family is the corner stone of capitalism. I am bound to watch her fuck other dudes forever or else I'd be a hypocrite.(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)

Fuck off back to Reddit

Lol stirnerposters don't even understand stirner. Don't engage in monogamy for monogamy's sake but if monogamy is pRt of your own happiness sure why not?


What did this faggot mean by this