Some shit's going down in Reddit

For those that don't know r/Anarchism on Reddit is at a stand-off with the Reddit admins over using the term "BASH THE FASH"

Other urls found in this thread:

Anything that weakens socialism on reddit and brings users to us is a good thing tbh, I'm all for this and hope the sub gets removed

Oh and OP here. Just a reminder that the cat-Stirner is a nod to the whole r/Soc drama that went down

We already have a thread about this:
Regardless, we absolutely do not need more cancerous Reddit radlibs here.

bogpill me on what happened here

r/Socialism mods banned any images of Cat Girls because idk, oppressed people or something. Just look up "political cat girls r/Socialism" for more info

They banned catgirls

Do you have any screencaps?

This. Reddit is constitutively incompatible, as a center for discussion and organization, with leftist politics.



I can't think of anything more pointless than Reddit drama.

"BASH THE FASH" is inciting violence, but calling for war is allowed of course.

isn't this /r/socialism?



are they kidding?

Tbh this is only good for the broader left's public appeal that shit like this gets banned on reddit.

Unless you're one of the few edgy LARPers here, you should know that edgy LARP vigilantism does more harm for the left than good. Working people who see that shit feel alienated from politics when everyone to the left of the academic left consensus (hard to call it the left anymore) or having a different opinion than them is considered a reactionary or even a fascist.

Subs like r/latestagecapitalism and r/socialism sometimes make it in the popular reddit posts, and when people stumble on that shit and they see that shit they'll immediately turn the page on radical left wing politics (or left wing politics altogether) and permanently add fuel to the hegemonic anti-socialist sentiment.

The most important thing for us is that in the event that some of those idiots flock here we properly tell them why they're not welcome with their edgy bullshit and that if they don't comply they are to fuck off and kindly fuck back off to Tumblr or any other platform that will accept them.

Yeah, they're clearly just money grubbing inept faggots.

Except from the SJW language policing, what exactly is wrong with /r/latestagecapitalism? I just browse it casually once in a while so I'm not up to date with all the retarded infighting.

PLEASE stop with the ecleb threads!

I've been reporting links to the admins.
I want r/anarchism and r/socialism banned.

fuck off armchairfag

This. Everyone go do reddit and do this. Also if you have reddit accounts with significant history on /r/soc or /r/@ send the admins death threats and reference the current drama.

This thread goes here -

wouldn't that be enough?



speak for yourself genosse. I've never met someone who wasn't a full koolaid-mode liberal fuckwit who disagreed with punching fascists.

this is a good thing, we have to be carefull about our pr and never advocate for violence. We are peacefull unlike those fascists.

Plz lurk for like 1 fucking week newfag

Agreed. I think we should be like Zizek and make the left the upholders of decency and social values, because it is today the right that is increasingly vulgar. By glorifying mindless violence we just give the right free ammo.

Imagine you're a Redditor who has a vague interest in Leftism. You decide to go to /r/socialism, and what do you see? A bunch of insane Tankies with a picture of Mao in the sidebar who'll ban you for saying that capitalism is "stupid" because it's supposedly ableist, and seem generally obsessed with hating on white people and doing a whole lot of nothing to deal with economic problems. Would you find that an encouraging introduction to Leftist thought? Or might you perhaps be inclined to conclude that maybe the Right is correct after all and Leftists are a bunch of insane SJWs? The very existence of the Reddit "Left" is harmful to the movement because of how big Reddit is and what a piss poor introduction they over to all those visitors.

We need somebody who's with us to make videos about this. The more we can push the idea that every single sub on Reddit is a corporate-controlled shitheap that says what corporations want them to say, the more we can discredit both Holla Forums and SJWs.


Hopefully they get purged and then come here so we can see exactly what it looks like when Normies try to into Leftism

I'm looking at a lot of comments acting like Marusama is a revolutionary Martyr or something. If some of these are jokes, they're not very funny. Tell me we didn't treat Catgirl the same way when she got banned. These guys are such liberals trying to roleplay as socialists.


At first I thought it was the subreddit's admins, not the Reddit admins. Crazy stuff.

I'm pretty sure it's just redditors being redditors, thinking that being banned from their forum of choice is literally the end of the world. Political alignment doesn't play into it. (They are still liberals for other reasons, though.)