Cultural Marxism = critical theory = bastardised Marxism

Sounds a lot like cultural marxism tbph

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since it boils down to criticism of everything and against anyone just to tear down status quo…
shows how useless and meaningless it is

yep. it's basically this pic. this is critical theory

Read Adorno.

A fat black guy eating a giant burger represents Holla Forums pretty well though.

Pretty much. The things in your pic are supported by {{{them}}} because they oppose the dominant cultural values and expectations. As such their warped minds see this shit as leftism.

And unfortunately for you lad the group I describe above outnumber yourself bigly in the broad church that is the modern left.

Yes, burkas are totally leftist.

That there are so many non-whites on Holla Forums says more about the state of their opponents IMO.

Cultural Marxism = cultural Bolshevism = right wing conspiracy theory

I wonder what you guys did before that piece was published? Well actually it was generally practice to tell me kill myself.

Cultural Marxism is a crude term to describe the actions of those employing critical theory and related thinkings to try bring about societal change in the west. Deal with it.

It still is.


aay lmao

Its basically just a scary sounding term for all the things right wingers are scared of, regardless of whether they have anything to do with each other or are inherently contradictory. ie. islam, gays and trans, pizzagate. The nazi term Kulturbolschewismus captured a similar sense of all encompassing paranoia.

You are not proving your point at all classcuck.

The ones who force them to wear those things are religous zealots that are far right. Liberals who fetishize their culture are not the same thing.

If you support "refugees" and open borders, you support burka. Lefties are the ones who let in

Correct. They're the 'cultural marxists'. They have been indoctrinated to see anything novel and contradictory to the western cultural hegemony as good.

That 'we the people' poster is a classic example of liberal nationalism, nothing but a superposition of empty symbols.

The far right's disagreements with Islam are for the most part aesthetic, we all know you don't actually give a shit about muh liberal values

but critical theory was made by the frankfurt school who were students of Marx

Well, you can say that liberals aren't the real left, but it is the only left that has any power in politics. It's in your best interest to marginalize and subvert them, before Trump or his family member gets voted in for third term (second term very likely at this point.)

That would be true if race and nationality were only "skin deep" as liberals would want you to believe; it isn't. I also hate abrahamic religions with passion.


I would very much like to know what was the criticism of phenomenology

pic related

can you post the PDF OP?



The frankfurt school

literally killed my own dad and made israel

They did him a favour.

Can we focus a little on this and how very similar that sounds to the idea that cultural marxism was 'marxism' that shifted focus from the economic to the cultural realm?

I was imitating you, sorry



Because it's another conspiracy theory next to cultural bolshevism championed by people who can't argue their point even if they wanted to try

Go back to your home.

post arthur

what, the shift in focus of marxist academics from economic to social issues? Fuck all to do with your cultural cultural bolshevism.

First of all, """"Marxists"""" aren't a hive mind, not one can control what the other does

Secondly, this is the result of not the """'Frankfurt School""""' but other philosophers who question power and its relations, philosophers like Foucault, etc

Thirdly, it's really a response to history as it is today.

There is no connection that can be made to the Frankfurt School as they oppose the very same things you seek to oppose with similar reasoning.

You cannot just take a gigantic swathe of whatever study, even if it's loosely based in reality, and call it a conspiracy for hamfisted reasons.

This has been thoroughly debunked, and you need to stop trying.

If 'cultural marxism don't real', then how do you explain THIS?!?

If Cultural Marxism is fake, explain these quotes:

Their are weird people in the world who now have the resources to do what they want.

Wow. What a conundrum. A riddle inside a mystery inside an enigma. A conspiracy.

Get fucked, Holla Forums.

You already know our answer to this.

That which can be presented without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.

I didn't suggest otherwise. Just saying that some 'marxist' academics have shifted from economic focus to cultural focus and the core of this analysis is that the west is a shit in that its culture re-enforces Capitalism. Do you agree that such people exist?

Who even cares

Oh fuck you got me a stereotype exists everything is confirmed its all a conspiracy its all a conspiracy

So you're claiming that Marxist academics abandoned Marxism. Okay.


Evidently you do. A lot of leftists seem to spend a lot of time denying the existence of it which raises suspicion too. Just check out the YT link user above posted. 700 views, most comments by leftists in basically the same vein as your replies ITT. I didn't know there were that many of you. Look at the wikiwar over the cultural marxism page.

Nah I'm just repeating what academics are saying. All that txt in OP. Not my words.


Also not my words.

And no I didn't just create that page. It's almost ten years old. Better get your wikijews on the case.

Because you're being annoying and accusing everyone in the room of being a stereotype you made up in a conspiracy that doesn't really exist.

it's literally the topic of the thread

The topic of the thread is wrong.

lol the generalization meme

"haha not everysingle person in this group you are talking about has the exact same opinion, so you can't talk about the group"

this is typically done as weaponized stupidity to kill discourse, but i'm getting the feeling that you're sincere

The conspiracy of Cultural Marxism is weaponized autism so it doesn't really matter either way

not all marxists care about that
"the marxists you're talking about don't exist"
"omg who cares lmao"

ur cool

There are annoying social sci majors what the fuck do you want me to say dude

That it's a conspiracy to "make marxism less material"?

That's fuckin dumb. You're fuckin dumb.

ow bout about if we call {{{it}}} something else? Cultural Studies? Western Marxism? Neo-Fraudian marxism?

The {{{it}}} I am talking about is the focus of leftist academics on changing the dominant culture in the west.

Social sciences, especially Sociology are rooted in Marxist thinking (Social-Conflict approach) and 'leftist' academics are found in their highest numbers in these fields.

I wonder why the right has yet to establish itself in it

Maybe because the right is wrong on just about everything.

Right wingers typically get actual jobs.

Uh huh

The only right wingers who go into teaching are autistic math nerds who teach economics.

But you just finished saying sociology is bullshit?

Anyway, that Sociology is rooted in Marxist thinking explains the over-representation of leftists (even compared to other fields in an overall left-leaning academia). The loudest and most annoying advocates for deeply triggering and problematic/western IDPol tend to be sociology lecturers or students. They're pretty much the very people this thread is about.

I didn't. I said there were annoying social sci majors.

That is an entire league of dismissing an entire field that tends to factually overlap how the actual brain works in coordination with other human beings.

Maybe it's that Marxism tends to be correct, despite "conventional logic" you have on the topic.

Out of curiosity, did you know that the family of Amy Biehl were Christian conservatives?

I've skimmed it and got the gist. Doesn't strike me as highly scientific or overwhelming in its conclusions though. I mean if it was the same ten people playing the game each time then surely they get it after the first round and game theory kicks in as the one wit the hierarchy realises they have the best odds of winning should it come down to a lottery?
That said, I can accept the basic premise, that cooperation is more likely between equals. But I don't think this transfers directly to macro-economic models where sometimes coordination is more important than cooperation.
You could be right but I'd need real world case studies from businesses operating a truly hierarchy free model vs traditional setups.
Besides, my issue is more with those who are constantly screeching about 'systemic oppression' and muh privilege, and who's only solutions seem to boil down to creating new protected classes or punishing what they perceive to be the oppressor class (WHITE MALES)

I don't believe in economics being a fact of human life whatsoever. Whatever human nature is, is not the economic soup we live in, it's a dead end.

I'd pretty much agree that economics is Jewdoo but it seems to be working.

Did I miss the point of your previous post?

Holy shit are people actually retarded? Critical Theory which neo-nazi illiterates call Cultural Marxism is a critique of how capitalism has corrupted western values. Which includes the art, music and TV. When you take quotes, such as the stupid video one of the Holla Forumsyps linked, and replace their current presupposition of SJW's wanting to kill white males, with Marxists wanting to kill greedy business owners, the quotes suddenly make sense. Do you think Adorno wanted trans people to put themselves on display? Isn't that exactly what Marxism seeks to prevent in the first place? That the attention whoring aspects, which are inherent to capitalism due to alienation, are removed. Stop thinking with your dick for one second and use your brain for a change.

The copypaste in OP is from a book called 'Critical Theory: A Very Short Introduction' by a guy wiki calls a Marxist. Tis on Google.

And yes I suspect that some proponents of critical theory knew it should be used to challenge cultural norms.

If you're implying that the large presence of non-whites on Holla Forums means that your cause is more legitimate, then no. If anything, it just proves why tribalism is a crock of fucking shit because you actually made the tribe more inclusive (which is what happens over time)

Anyone who uses "cultural Marxism" outside of its original definition can be safely ignored on any and every topic, because no more can you expect something meaningful from them than you can expect a tree to fly.

this. it's the key phrase that when brought up lets you know that you are talking to a literal nazi

What's that then?