What is the most common political philosophy on Holla Forums? Post your ideology down below

What is the most common political philosophy on Holla Forums? Post your ideology down below.

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I don't give a shit at this point. I will pray to a statue of Stalin 5 times a day if that's what it takes to avert this catastrophe of climate change and private automation.



Market socialism with a strong welfare state.

The state provides a basic income.
The workers own the companies.
The workers vote on leadership.
The leadership competes in the market.
The profits go back to the workers.

Communization (current of Marxist communism).

Since the very beginning and until today, the board has always been a rough split between anarchists and Marxists, with the anarchists generally outnumbering the Marxists by a little.


If you look at the most recent post, anarchists are outnumbered by quite a lot, even if you count all the communalists as anarchists.


By which I mean I don't think anarchism is a good idea. We'll still need a state to keep the tragedy of the commons under control even after capitalism is eliminated.

some sort of ultra-left (Marxist and not Bolshevik)

You think? Latest poll to my knowledge had anarchists outnumbering Marxists. I'd say communalists and other Bookchinites are a minority though if you don't categorize them as anarchists (and they're certainly not Marxists).

Other minorities that are neither Marxist or anarchist include with market socialists, national Bolsheviks, social democrats and the few non-leftists who post here. Their presence on the whole pales with those who generally categorize themselves as either Marxist or anarchist.

Yeah nah

this and ideally im left libertarian but i dont want to live on a desolate desertified hellhole planet

n4zb0l g4ng bruv

National Trotskyism with syndicalist characteristics.

Market socialism with telecom, infrastructure natural resources, and finance nationalized. Also a jobs guarantee and massive state directed investment in automation, AI, and renewable energy.

Eventually introduce labour vouchers as we move towards post scarcity. -→ FALC within the next century.

kys sectarian

Anarcho-Posadist-Agrarian Democratic Market Socialism with Chinese characteristics.


There was a thread about this already and even a poll, anarcho communism was on top, at the bottom were trots and everyone had a good laugh

Market Socialism

Leninism. Not the Stalin kind.

these guys know what's up


Yugo tell 'em!

I sure do love unemployment and IMF loans.

No reason we can't learn from the past. There were several systemic problems with the yugoslav model that probably wouldn't be a problem in future market socialist projects.

Like being capitalism?


The Dictatorship of the Proletariat would also be capitalism if you're using strict definitions. But, as Zizek has said, Socialism has pretty much lost it's meaning. Might as well put it towards something useful in the popular consciousness.

I know communization is the transfer from state owned or public industry to a truly socialized production (atleast I think thats what it is). So to me this sounds like an important step in achieving communism, but what makes it a current of Marxism and not a process? what seperates it from other Marxist currents?

ancom so far. I need to get around to reading bookchin though.

Social Democracy/market socialism

Pic not related, right?



Even beaten by the Mutualists? Ouch

Someone must have invested in wheels for their armchair

These are some excellent… 'wheels', indeed

Actually AnPrims were on the bottom if you want to count them

treatment from the state and their leaders move on to be leaders in the state
you're a failure

People buy what they want.
Profits go to the people.

The problem is…?

With worker's actually in control of the state, marketing would be greatly limited. Not to mention, "leaders" would only get paid what the worker's decide.


based Luxemburgism

Pan-Europeanism with mixed economy(preferably military kenysianism)

You clearly have no Idea what market socialism is read a book.

non-sectarian libertarian socialism, main influences are Kropotkin, Marx and Bookchin

but I read Lenin aswell

You clearly have no idea what socialism is. It's not socialized capitalism.

tribal primitivism

Marx literally says that socialized capitalism is the first step to communism.

I'd say this is more or less a good assessment of our demographics.

That is: a dictatorship of the proletariat. That is not socialism (yet).

Paul Mattick, a very based based councilcom, explains it here using Marx's own words from various sources: marxists.org/archive/mattick-paul/1969/marx-keynes/ch22.htm.

It's a possible step but it isn't socialism/communism. Why would you subscribe to an ideology whose most lofty goal is simply a restructuring of capitalism?

Titoism with leftcom characteristics


Who says if you're a market socialist you see it as the end of history? Market Socialism is just the best current course of action, of course it should be done within a framework of further abolishment of private property and a transition to communism.

this is gonna trigger someone

Totalitarian, pan-scandinavian, national, market socialism with anti-imperialist caracteristics

Communalist political model combined with syndicalist economy.

Each commune develops its own local economic plan with the help of neighbourhood deligates and worker's councils. They relay that plan to the relevant syndicates, who then produce whatever the plan calls for, coordinating with factories across the country. For example if commune A has a plan that calls for 2000 tons of steel, and commune B has a plan that calls for 5000 tons of steel, they both give those plans to the steel syndicate, which would coordinate with steel mills across the country to produce 7000 tons.

"Market Socialism", as it existed in Yugoslavia, was identical to the economic system most of the Soviet Union used for the majority of it's existence. The only difference is that Yugoslavia called it "market socialism" while the Soviet Union used state-wide cognitive dissonance in order to claim that their currency didn't function as currency, that wages were just a stand in for vouchers, and that the persistence of value extraction wasn't a form of exploitation because the State redistributed it so evenly among the people. You're literally a bunch of tankies by the most literal and oldest definition of the term and you don't even realize it.

glutenfree islamoretrocommunism with a hint of bolshewism in the corporate area.

obviously moderate islamism that is hallal to the kuffars


It is related, because M-L is social democracy at gunpoint.


Industry was nationalized in Yugoslavia you sperg. But limited amounts of private ownership did persist in both Yugoslavia as well as the USSR.


Libertarian Market Luxemburgism


if you really want to know, you should create a straw poll

As for myself, my views are just so weird I don't fit anywhere on the spectrum. I have no label for me.


Not op but I made one


Synthesis of Left Communism and Deleuzo-Guattarian National Bolshevism

Council Communism

I view market socialism as a transitory stage.

Market socialism=/=yugoslavia. Obviously very few people on this board want to marry their economic system with an authoritarian one party state.

Also worker owned firms had too little autonomy in Yugoslavia in my view. Read After Capitalism by David Schweickart.

Market Socialist/Titoist/Zizekian

I agree with you, in so far as a Socialist Republic, in it's earliest stages, would probably look like "market socialism". But "market socialism" is literally the exact stage of Socialist development that the entire USSR got hung up on and was never able to transition past. Socialism is the negation of Capitalism through a revolution waged in society's economic base, not the creation of an elaborate zero-growth Keneysian bureaucracy, and even though Tito is a meme on this board most Market Socialists on this board do uphold Yugoslavia, do talk about the creation of a welfare state, and do essentially describe a system that sounds eerily similar to social democracy at gunpoint. That is, of course, only if Market Socialists on here really think Market Socialism is an actual end goal, as opposed to actual Communism, which does seem to be how most of them act tbqh

Try "never even transitioned to".

Marxist Leninist with central democracy

The only difference between Yugoslavia and the USSR was the degree of worker's self-management, and while this is obviously a far superior set of circumstances, it's practically negligible in a discussion of these country's modes of production, which I would argue weren't necessarily Capitalism, but did ultimately fall short of Socialism in the Marxist sense of a movement within society that could abolish Capital.

Socialism isn't just worker's self-management of Capitalism, it's a movement towards the actual negation and sublation of Capitalism.


2d teacher Rosa is hot.
i really want to see a lewd drawing of her severly caning or spanking some naughty boy. I wish some drawfag could do it

State Syndicalist


Literally Totalism


hell yeah broseph

Blanquism with automated communism as a end goal.

Ultra collectivist anarcho third-worldist agrarian folk nationalism with Kampuchean characteristics…. Just joking, I'm actually a Maoist Third Worldist ;^)

Never knew I wanted this until now

cnt waifufagism


Private farming with socialist characteristics


Its from the book "Red Rosa." The book actually has some straight up Rosa sex scenes actually (none of which are fully online unfortunately).

idk how I feel about the art style

top kek, rosa confirmed as original smug anime girl



Unironically pragmatist

Freudo-Marxist Anarchist with Hegelian and Existentialist characteristics

pick one and only one


I ain't no expert on communization but since you got no answer I'll give it a go. From what I hear it's roughly that "the new relations of production must be established in the process of revolution." I think it puts emphasis on the importance of spontaneous, kinda decentralized proletarian structures of administration during the revolution (that might just be Dauve) and doesn't involve some long-ass period of transition that looks totally different from communism. If someone knows more here than me and thinks I fucked it up, pls no bully.

there may still be a lot of 'em, but anarchists haven't been posting much recently I've noticed. We've also been having fewer of those "tankies vs. anarkids" threads than I remember a couple months ago. I hate to say it, but I kinda miss those fights now.

Question to all Nazbols- if you've already adopted a dialectal class view of society, why do you still care about Nationalist spooks?

top lel

Flag related.

Anarchocommunist here

I like the content, I just wish she was drawn more attractively, like she was in real life

Try again, Mr Spook

I don't have a real ideology. I just hate every single kind of right wing ideology so much that enden up being a Stalinist because that's what right wingers hate the most

Apparently its an actual fucking quote from one of her letters, so that puts it on a whole other level.

Just when I couldn't love Rosa anymore.
Fucking succdems

Libertarian identitarian eco-socialist municipalist techno-progressivist

egoist libertarian bookchin

social democrat

socialism implemented gradually by an elected government subject to recall if they try starting a cult of personality

I kind of like the idea of state capitalism developing the forces of production and keeping the profits out of porky's hands until we can FALC


this is already achieved the moment you pull up Holla Forums

w e w lad you fools are sad

Post left
Idk why Im here


Luxemburgism with Maoist characteristics

what happened to those anarcho-nihilists that existed on the board for a minute

Anarcho-Communism with high respect/interest for Anarcho-Syndicalism