The Constitution is a meme

Is there any way to make regular Americans see how shit the US constitution is. It's literally handcrafted for the interests of porky

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You need to refute the "freedom & liberty" meme that's the core of the American national identity.
Yes, most people will acknowledge that it was written by wealthy slave owners, but they get uncomfortable with the notion that everything they grew up learning has been a lie and so they believe in state and capitalist propoganda.


Not really. If so there would be no free association right, or gun rights, or free speech right. Not defending the USA or anything but a lot of the document is pretty good.

Its a little sad that we have to look to a piece of paper to find our "rights". I'm simply trying to point to a mythos that people have in the US, that the constitution is something of a holy document while its root ideals are based on capitalism and that initself should warrant serious criticism and a shit status.

I'd prefer to have my rights be on a piece of paper as opposed to amorphous and open to interpretation by anyone who wants to oppress me.

American constitution is solid and the founding fathers pretty much did everything they could to stop America from becoming exactly what it is today.

We do this with Das Kapital.

Fair point. But in an anarchist setting you probably wouldn't be oppressed by an another individual, your "rights" would be a common understanding with your group.

What parts of the constitution are crafted for the interests of porky in what ways.

Bill of Rights is pretty top tier actually, with a few exceptions.

Different guy, but the system is based off rule by an elite enlightened gentry. The founding fathers abhorred democracy, since they were all at the tops of muh privileged hierarchy.

Except 1A and 2A are the greatest things any people have had in a Capitalist society.

It's true. The American revolution was a bourgeois revolution and the constitution literally handcrafted to accompany the mercantilist-capitalist mode of production. The liberties and rights it grants are worthless for communists in the context of a capitalist mode of production unless you foolishly think you can atomize them and "take the good, leave the bad". Communism will not work on a constitution, because the constitution by definition was created to mend contradictions inherent to the problems it faced, and communism by definition is not to be localist but universal-internationalist, which also means post-nation.

The bill of rights is chill, but the actual governing structure put out in the constitution is literally designed to generate a quasi-oligarchy. Leftists used to recognize this all this constitution worship is a result of liberals ideas becoming hegemonic.

See -→

I mean, it had some good ideas, but I don't understand the complete fetishization of the Constitution. It's 250 years old, don't flip your shit just because people don't rigidly adhere to it anymore.
Libertarians in particular are awful about this. If they could waifu the constitution, they would.

Jeffersonian Agrarianism was excellent. Fuck {{{Hamilton}}}.

The Federalists were essentially counter-revolutionaries and quasi/wannabe aristocrats and the only thing Jefferson did wrong was not starting a civil war to exterminate them.


The constitution is shit but largely shit in almost completely separate ways from the desires of porky. Serving porky is largely assumed… which is why it didn't require a constitutional amendment to expand the franchise past those with property, just a bunch of state laws.


Welcome to the club, comrades. I've been advocating for this for a long time.

Most males owned land at the time. Wealth inequality was low with the 1% only having 7% of the wealth.

A few women actually could vote as well as free blacks. The women who vote were mostly widows, who owned their property.

Property ownership was easy to acquire since there was so much land. Of course, Jeffersonianism also has issues in the modern era for this reason. We need syndicalism/mutualism/guild socialism to create an industrial/urban equivalent to the yeoman farmer, which would be the burgher worker. This does not mean that we neglect the interests of farmers and let our agriculture centralize though.

Unemployed lumpens, housewives, and immigrants, if they aren't deported, should not have the right to vote. (Neither should former porkies until they take a citizenship test and fully integrated with the workers.)

Which everyone is supposed to be in Jeffersonianism
I'm not aware of any law preventing free black landowners from voting. Women's suffrage was unheard then; ideally it wasn't supposed to be the male voting but his entire household.
IIRC JEfferson was against aristocracy.
Jefferson was likely a civic-nationalist and most Americans probably didn't think of the US as a nation-state.
The man being imperfect doesn't say anything invalid about his ideas.

America has lived longer than any commie state so whos the real meme here?

god damn son you are dumb as shit

Feudalism lasted several times longer than the entire history of the United States.

I agree that feudalism is a great system that hopefully will return

This individual understands.

The US constitution, while quite flawed, is not all that terrible. The bill of rights offers some very important protections within the state system. It also isn't quite accurate to say that it is based on capitalism, as it was ratified in the late 1700's, and capitalism as we know it didn't really originate until the industrial revolution.

It would be more accurate to say that it is based on classical liberal ideals of private property and natural rights. The private property meme certainly needs to die, but there are some parts aspects of natural rights philosophy that have some utility, as long as we understand that they are fundamentally spooky.

That way ttskysm will finally become relevant and everyone will regret not having bought our newspapers!

I dont know what this means but sure

Trotsky advocated a direct transition from feudalism to socialism. This contrasts with the typical Marxist view that the role of capitalism is a useful intermediate phase between feudalism and socialism because it encourages rapid development of infrastructure. As there aren't many feudal societies around these days, a lot of Trotsky's theory is irrelevant. If feudalism returned, this would not be the case.

Also, trots like to sell newspapers, and no one likes to buy them.

I believe new jersey had actually already had women's suffrage for a period of time before revoking it shortly before the revolution

Actually no now that i actually check the new jersey constitution of 1776 had women's suffrage and further voting laws actually specifically referred to the voter as "he or she." It was 1807 when the revoked the right of women to vote.

>literally tying your value as a human being and your rights to your property ownership

Fuck off capitalist shills

Jefferson, 1770s: Dear diary, I idolize a time when property was used to define people's rights and slavery was rampant. I went to try to convince the others that we should also embrace having property define people's rights and use slavery in large amounts. Also, today I just bought my three hundredth slave. Nothing about my inspirations, ideology, or actions suggest I want anything other than proprietarian elitism and slavery.

Jefferson shills, 2017: But that's not what he meant though.

Say what you will about Jefferson or capitalism, but land distribution and agrarianism is a pretty tidy solution to the means of production problem.
U r a fgt

The point is that the workers would be the property owners.

We ARE nothing now. In order to be something, we have to seize the means of production. There can be no freedom if we don't have property.

Jefferson feared capitalism BECAUSE it will rob the American citizenry of their land and make them into landless proles, subservient to the capitalists.

He also was anti-slavery. It was just that he was a hypocrite with his personal life, and he took a reformist stance. He attempted to actually abolish slavery in the western territories (which worked in the Northern territories) and even tried to abolish slavery through gradual emancipation. He also banned the slave trade into Virginia.

But yes, he's a hypocrite. He's hardly even the most radical person in that era either. The Antifederalists were far more radical.

When rights that are already outlined for you in the constitution are denied, there's a responsibility to make sure they're respected.

Saying "lol we don't believe in the constitution" is retarded. Fuck off with that - if it comes between you not giving a shit about the constitution and the established government not giving enough of a shit about the constitution to stop shredding the rights of citizens, who do you think most people are going to side with?

People aren't even going to understand you. They'll think you're rallying against arms rights, free speech, free press. And you need to fucking support those things, and if the government isn't upholding those things it is YOUR JOB to step in. Thinking you can "accelerate" the system into a revolution by allowing all-or-most would-be revolutionaries to be disarmed and watched and gagged is genuinely fucking retarded. I know I've said retarded twice so far, but I think it may just be that appropriate. Don't give away what little you already have just to make a statement.