Why do leftypolacks hate actual Not Socialists and pretend their variation of socialism is some kind of capitalist...

Why do leftypolacks hate actual Not Socialists and pretend their variation of socialism is some kind of capitalist spook? I fully embrace socialism but I think ethnically homogeneous societies with common histories function better than societies with many ethnic and religious factions which take a toll on solidarity. Actually, a Harvard study more or less concluded communities which are more diverse have lower levels of trust.

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I like genuine Asser style Nat Soc fags. They are interesting, a lot of them are extremely well read and high intelligence. I just think the idea is bound to warp into Racial Imperialism and ultimately a bloodthirsty totalitarian dictaorship that self perpetuates and destroys its sustainiablity and population over time.

Because almost every Leftist suffers from pic related re: virtually every other Leftist ideology

Reading the Eng translation of Decline of the West atm


Spengler actually declared that all other socialists were not really socialists and only his Nazism was true socialism.

So maybe that's why.

Just do NazBol fam.
Most people hate Nazis because of what Hitler and his party did, not because of their theory (which was lacking tbh)

Actual nazbols are CIVIC pan-nationalists and so they are shit

Because your definition of socialism has nothing to do with, and is indeed directly opposed to any actual socialization of economic activity. There is no common ground to be had here.

Similarities and dissimilarities exist on a person-to-person basis. Whatever community they believe themselves to belong to will certainly have an impact on how they interact with others, but this abstract idea can be removed.

I hate it because i'm not white and i'd rather not get gassed

Because Socialism is the the negation of Capitalism and through this process the creation of a classless and stateless society, anything less then that is just more Capitalism. National "Socialism" is essentially a version of welfare capitalism where one's access to redistributed wealth is predicated on their race, ethnicity, or religion. Which is retarded.

Racial Nationalism usually involves ethnic cleansing, I don't see how you couldn't make a civic Nationalist anti-immigration state which respects minorities like the USSR under Lenin did.
Eventually you could even let them secede and form fully homogenous states.

This doesn't happen because most Nationalists are Porky's puppets and they invariably look for material expansion through imperialism.

Strasserists and Nazbols recognize the evils of private property and Capitalist exploitation.

Absolutely nothing wrong with this

I promise I wouldn't gas you, just deport you. We could even have a Havara-style agreement and set you up in a new home with some staring cash among other devious low Autism Level shitskins.

oh so you're just Holla Forums.

But you weren't asking whether it was wrong or not, you were asking why actual Leftists reject it. Also there's the fact that most Leftists are anti-rascist. Hope this answers your retarded and obvious troll question user.

are you a burger?

It's getting from capitalism to socialism that's the problem. Is a transition state necessary? Is a vanguard needed to front the revolution? Can socialism be achieved through democracy instead of violent revolution? Who will manage the communes? A class of managers or worker's democracy?

aaaand that's exactly where any display of unity falls apart and everyone starts accusing everyone else of being liberals, revisionists, smashies,…

They recognize that Capitalism has the capacity to sever all social bonds and patriarchal hierarchy, that doesn't mean they want to abolish Capitalism, they certainly don't want to abolish the enormous State, nor it's monopoly on violence, as this is pivotal to the racialized violence that all Fascism is predicated on.

Implying East European Socialism wasn't exactly the same. I'm pretty sure Jews were massively over-represented in Soviet politics and academia to the point they were 60% of the secret police with the second most over-represented group being Armenians, that is, until, the Prague convention. The same more or less goes for modern capitalism. Look at any top university in the United states and observe that it's around 45% "white" and 30% Jewish. It just goes to show all forms of multicultural socialism and capitalism will be manipulated because of nepotism within certain groups and differing common values.

easier to create a classless society when you don't have different religious and ethnic factions with their own traditional loyalties imo fam :\

Basically this
The needs for resources is always a factor and will drive for conquest which means genocide or it would just be exploitation of "lower-races" which corporations already do but with no liberal two-facing. Socialism is suppose to end the exploitation of the proletariat not create exploitation based on race.

Please respond to this

Why would you favour the destruction of other nations instead of peaceful coexistence?
What do you think of Lenin's promotion of nationalism for Russia's ancestral ethnic minorities and why would you be against it?

Socialism is a state of class warfare waged by the proletariat against the bourgeoise. So yes, it's necessary, it's only through this process that the social relations of Communism can emerge.

>Is a vanguard needed to front the revolution?

Honestly? Most political parties act as a vanguard. Are we really going to pretend that Democrats and Republicans aren't vanguardist? Now if your askinf whether this vanguard will take the shape of a Democratically Centralist political party? That's a debate within the Left taking place today.

Literally no Leftist believes this.

Workers. There is no other option.

Why are other socialist factions so hellbent on trying to prove Nat Socialism is actually capitalism in disguise through all sorts of mental gymnastics.

good argument

It wasn't mean to be. Socialism is not when the government does things.
You're not a third-positionist, you're just a racist social democrat, fuck off back to your own board >>>Holla Forums

I don't make this claim. Other socialists are still socialists if they accept the basic tenets, even if they're stupid. I don't go about trying to prove they're actually capitalists trying to fool me with their propaganda!

There is nothing socialistic about nazism. Fascism is another form of bourgeois rule.


I actually like threads like this where two massively opposed ideologies can talk about the finer points of their differences. I actually consider you guys well-intentioned extremists that I could probably find a lot of common ground with. The only things I can't really get onboard with are dissolution of borders, the nuclear family, and private property.

t. Holla Forums

Anime girls don't make you any less retarded.
Even phalangism recognises class, as do most others such as Anarchism, Communalism, Mutualism and so on.
I don't want Hillary Clinton to be part of my club so believing poor people should be given something to eat isn't enough for you to qualify.

I want a classless society where the proletariat control the means of production. I just don't think 70 I-Q nogs can really be part of this. So long as their cultural abilities and possibly intelligence fail them, they will always appear to be an oppressed minority concentrated at the bottom. Assuming we do mix with them, will the potential biological degradation of our national intelligence cause the disintegration and failure of our state? This doesn't even begin to address that different cultural backgrounds have different cultural understandings of how to function, what is to regarded as success, how to interact with others, etc.

Good, Hitler didn't and neither does
, there are quite a few people on Holla Forums who already oppose immigration, just stop masturbating about a Nazi masturbation fantasy and look towards reconciliation instead.


Nationalism is spooks but I'd theoretically be OK with nationalist socialism, if it was proper socialism, not social democracy with more racism. Class collaborationism is a fantasy.
I qualify it with theoretically because I'd not really be alright with it if/once it started doing nasty shit to people it deemed lesser.

They actually can, black panthers for example were very radical back in their days and understood that the real enemy was porky. Just now blacks drank the liberal kool-aid wew and went fucking retarded in the United States being concern with race blaming white men rather than class and blaming the inequality.

Being able to recognize a common enemy doesn't mean full integration within a society. Why are leftypol posters unable to comprehend this? Is thinking everyone in every community has the same innate abilities and nature a tenet of Marxist® Socialism? Does the typical socialist's hard maternailst/modernist stances come about from the fact they're all bourgeois manchildren living in ivory towers?

Except when people are able to solve their issues they become more open to talking rather then striking out at everything that moves.

Never stated that, differences are not being ignored it's that those differences are an issue when lacking needs. No one strikes out violently without reason. inb4 500 charts of middle class white women getting killed by blacks that live on food stamps.

Literally everyone in my family had been self employed and never partaken in exploiting workers, and neither do I.


The whole point of Oswald Spergler's Preussentum und Sozialismus is that socialism supposedly isn't about class struggle, public ownership of the means of production or anything even remotely related to economics. No, no, "real socialism" (as opposed to Marxism!) is actually about the Prussian people's alleged predisposition to discipline, hierarchy and self-sacrifice — in short, idealist claptrap with a hint of militarism. He also opposed nationalization of industry (which by itself is hardly enough to qualify as socialist) and he even plays the "the poor envy the rich" card at some point. When Spergler and his followers say "socialism", what they actually mean is "class-collaborationist totalitarianism".

It's funny that you would use him to prop up your ethnic nationalism though because Spergler was hostile to race understood as biologically-based ethnic identities. He even clashed with the Nazis over scientific racism and anti-semitism. His understanding of race was mostly cultural and spiritual (not that it's much better, but it's definitely distinct).
