Of all the dystopian collectivist societies used in science-fiction to attack and satirize us, which is the coolest?

Of all the dystopian collectivist societies used in science-fiction to attack and satirize us, which is the coolest?

I'm a The Many guy myself, I'm playing System Shock 2 again and they have some really underrated dialogues.

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The borg sound comfy as fuck tbh.

But I'd rather go for a mind-to-mind interface that preserves the self.

to be fair the many were technically the equivalent of authoritarian primitivists

I recently read a French dystopian sci-fi novel called "La Zone du dehors" (The Outer Zone). It's basically about this terraformed hub world on an invented moon of Saturn. The society in the hub world is a sort of super-technocratic society in which everyone's basic needs are met and they can do whatever as long as they don't conflict with the social fabric of the society. It speaks of markets and labor, so it's not communism, but it sounds comfy. The plot centers around a group of anarkiddies called "La Volte" (not sure how to translate this to English) and they basically escaped from it to live in a weird shithole outside of the terraformed hubworld and plot to overthrow it even though everyone in it is content with how things are. Really annoyed me how these fucks couldn't just live their own life where they are and leave otherwise happy people be in their technocratic society.

That plot sounds like one of these in book form.

She was supposed to be Mao, right?


Bump of interest

I feel like dystopian novels tend to glorify the revolution? Isn't it American(hollywood) to think you stand for anti-tyranny?


She did nothing wrong. Fuck Katniss

The Hunger Games was based on the Roman Empire. Not Maoist China.

So who does the leader of an insurrectionary rebellion represent?


A new Roman leader of the empire.
Power corrupts.

It's the spirit of 76, but it's often coupled with manifest destiny, and a bit of pax americana, so it gets complicated.

Yeah I'm aware of the intention. But the presentation was basically "paranoia + believing everything the openly malevolent current dictator says".

yeah. IMO, dystopian fiction at the present moment is largely about catharsis, a way of getting revolutionary fantasies out of your system without actually doing anything revolutionary. on some level, people understand that the current system needs to change, but they have nowhere to channel that angst, so hollywood redirects it into something that is not only harmless but helpful to capitalism, because it reframes the problem not as capitalism, but as a generalized "tyranny"

How do we change this pattern? It should be possible to redirect the anger against real problems, as long as the problems are being explained by someone charismatic.

Do we have to clone Jimmy Dore fifty times?

Not really, because usually it's a revolution back to the status quo of the present-day. The movie you posted itself needed to recreate an entire Old RĂ©gime aesthetic, because if the revolution happened against CEOs, bankers and capitalists it wouldn't feel as righteous. And most movies/novels will usually use Fascist or Soviet aesthetics for the same purposes.