What are your parents' political views...

What are your parents' political views? Does anyone here have cool leftist parents or does everyone have ignorant reactionaries like mine?

My dad is some sort of Mexican Nazbol Hippie who likes Castro and Chavez, rejects catholicism for Aztec pagan occult stuff and believes in the Jewish conspiracy. Reactionary Quasi Tankies are quite common in peripheral countries. Mom is more of a liberal with a crush on Justin Trudeau.

My father was a bona fide stirnerite.

Both my parents are liberals. Everyone I know is a maximum overdrive liberal. Fuck me.

My parents are neocons.

My mom is a socdem but still supports shillary because she thinks base and superstructure is the wrong way around. My dad is some sort of socdem as well but less concerned about identity politics.

father a soc dem, used to be a socialist, mom still a socialist.
used to be quite active back when

my dad is a blairite and my mom is in a weird spot between spooked as fuck conservatism and social democracy

Both my mom and dad are reactionary.

Parents are Islamic liberals :(

Generic liberals who support the social democratic status quo in my country.

dad's a socialist with reactionary views, I have no idea about my mom but she's pretty reactionary too.

My parents are conservatives, and my grandmother is literally fascist, she supports Pinochet and usually said that he should have killed more communists. (I'm from Chile).

Both of my parents are from Eastern Europe.

They just say "the government controls everything over there" never anything too bad I guess.

They didn't suppot Trump tho so idk what there political views are.

Will we have a freudian/lacanian revelation about the relationship between our ideology and that of our parents? Neato.

Mother: socialist, housewife and worker. Not really cool in any capacity, but left.
Father: nazi, worker. Obviously not a cool leftist.

I take after the mother - what does it mean?

fucking cool

Parents are ex-reformist communists drifting towards succdem

Father votes republican solely for abortion. My mother leans slightly conseratives but doesn't really think much about politics at all.

kek, thats awful.

Yikes, I have a friend who's family is from Chile, they all love Allende, or at least see him as unjustly deposed.

My pops is conservative, his parents think Obama was pure evil (like actually evil, like the devil evil).

My mom is liberal, apparently my grandad was a huge union guy, I really wish I could have met him.

both socdem
they are both from a crazy reactionary small town so the fact that they came out of that environment liberal socdems is rather odd. granparents are all conservative af and my grandad on my fathers side was a petite bourgeoisie factory owner. its sucks
did have a cool uncle tho who was a member of the local communist party and studied art in west germany but he died a bit before I was born

mom is a spooked as fuck new-age liberal, but a kind woman.
Father is a anarchist turned soc-dem, sort of. He thinks no one should be allowed to make more than 200 000 usd, because "thats enough for anyone", and also thinks the UN should have death-squads to kill the rich. ..But at the same time he thinks communism is to authoritarian. Teaches socioeconomics.

my father was a right-wing Labour guy with mild republican (Irish sort) tendancies, he worked for the Labour Party (he was more Brown then Blair which only put him a tinsy to the left of Blair), hates Jeremy Corbyn, but will Labour anyway, like he always does. My mother was a leftie cnd member Labour supporting NHS nurse, who in later years became a racist Tory voting Women's Institute Daily Mail reader. Both came from Labour supporting parents.

tl;dr - they both liberals and still pretty liberal.

whoops…but ^will probably vote Labour anyway…

My mother gravitates between being a socdem and a soclib, but really doesn't really give a shit about politics at all.
It's hard to describe my father. From one side he watches tinfoil videos about muslims on jewtube and on the other hand he's socially liberal to the point of arguing with TV when he sees a priest because he hates the Church so much. Economically he's liberal.

Mom: really no opinion traditional European liberal
Dad: american ex cop die hard conservative very pro Trump. Both devout christians.

At first I read that grrr as gimme. Top kek

My grand parents were born in 39 and 41. My mother was born in 63.
They basically are just on the opposite ends of the boomer period, so I can't really relate to boomer stories.

feels good

Father: Crazy fucker, member of the PIRA during the heyday and a strict communist. He unironically had a "Neither King nor Kaiser" banner which he put out on May 1st.

Mother: While basically apolitical now she was a massive fan of Kekalonia and used to be a member of loads of different Anarchist organisations.

Well that's an interesting idea.

Father is a porky but he's pretty left for one; very Keynesian economics focused. Wants political reform towards a direct democracy. He's be a socialist if he wasn't so cynica about corruption and people not being "good" enough for it to work.

Mother is a socdem but pretty heavy on the idpol but that's to be expected when my brother has (actual) autism and my cousin is gay. Voted for Bernie but got fully behind Clinton. Despite being more vocal about hating Trump and politics generally, she's further right than my father.

Bizarre mix of left and right. Pro universal health care but also pro military expansion, Anti-war but also think the US should be the world police. My biggest issue with them is that they are very complacent, even when shit hits the fan. They don't think that things could possibly get any worse, and that thinking anything bad that happens is overblown. They just can't get angry at anything: "oh well the government was already spying on us anyways", "they won't get rid of the EPA that would be stupid, not even trump would do that", "automation isn't a big deal, they'll be new jobs created", "we've lived through worse", etc. It's so infuriating, even if they agree with me 100% they will never vote or take action towards anything, nothing is ever urgent enough to bother.

Father: social democrat with a sympathy for Stalin and a very real hatred for Trots, worked some years as a geologist in Africa and saw some weird shit in Angola, still he says the MPLA is better than the colonial government and the opposition. He also complains that Samora Machel was crazy but in the end good for the Mozambique.
Mother: getting tankier by the day with a weird mix of Catholicism. She helped to found the Workers Party in Rio Grande do Sul, nothing major but she never really have been right-wing not plans to.
I'm Brazilian and so are they. Both vote for the Workers Party.

My Dad is a retired doctor who co-owned his own business for a couple decades but ended up selling it to the nearby hospital and worked for them for a couple years, so he's a petty bourgeois . He's pro universal healthcare and pro class issues but he's slightly racist and slightly homophobic. He also believes the hard work myth.

My mom is a retired nurse and she's a classcuck who believes in the hard work myth and that employees should basically suck their bosses cocks. When I confront her about how wrong this is I get "That's just the way it is, gotta play the game" Other than that she's an idpol liberal who thinks Trump is a Nazi and that political correctness is good.

Old people are so gross looking.
I hope I die on my 60th birthday.

Your dad needs a de-spooking

One is slightly socdem and the other slightly centre right and anti-socialist.

Life with leftcom parents must be hell.

Mother: Pretty left wing economically, somewhat anti-immigration
Father: Left wing on everything, hates the rich, sometimes praises communism

Interesting life of a whiteworkingclass male tbqh

One is a Christian Wilsonite Labourite, the other is an old labourite (although is a mild Blair apologist). I am to the left of both of them; although I don't they know I am a closet Luxemburgist. They are both pretty class consciousness though, and I am pretty sure they would vote for my platform f I were just a rando to them.

Mom: Don't really know, since she doesn't make her political views known. Probably a Liberal.

Dad: Full blown conservative. Big Trump supporter. Also enlisted in the Army.

Grandpa: Mix between a Liberal-Moderate. Served in the Air Force for 26 years so he voted Republican. Switched parties when Bush invaded Iraq.

Grandma: Absolutely no idea. Doesn't care about politics. Hates Trump though.

The best part is that they are both self-employed, ergo Marx's vision of the 'artisan' and thus they control their own means of production.

It would also help to mention that my Grandfather was born in the deep south in the early forties. And my Grandmother was born during the London Blitz & immigrated to the US in the early 60s.

Does your dad call you a cuck?

Haha. Surprisingly, no he has not, or yet, that is.


Dad: extrot socdem
Mum: islamic nationalist monarchist

They're divorced

They hate fucked at a party and she got pregnant.

tea party reactionary muh human nature psuedo christian libertarian capitalists



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Mom is a christian reactionary. It's fun discussing politics with her.

My dad's pretty reactionary, he thinks minimum wage shouldn't be raised and unions are bad

My mom is more left leaning as far as I know

I love nigger dicks fucking white girls but i blame it on the left

Mother is a liberal succdem.
My dad is definitely leftist and seems to have some anarchist tendencies but hes not particularly well read. He hates corporations and the government but begrudgingly voted for shillary, mainly to oppose trump.

mum is prob succdem, but has drifted to green-left recently. I know she's a spooked reactionary at the core though, bless her heart
dad is humanist social liberal (succdem), well aware of the contradictions of capitalism though, just put off of proper socialism by a visit to the Soviet Union and DDR back in the day. into lifestylist green stuff too, but I'm doing my best to show that reformism as a means to truly fundamental societal change is extremely optimistic

my parents are muslim democrat liberals, no effect on me i'm a commie

Honestly that's a pretty common kind here in Latin America. Nazbol in the sense that they only really care for the well-being of people and "the nation" under chauvinist ideas

My mom is a hippie who is really into ecology, had minimum wage working-class jobs during almost all her life so she likes the idea of defending her rights on that front, and also like libertarian ideals overall.
Since the Green Party became irrelevant where we live, she wants to vote for the leftist socdems this year (i.e. Die Linke, Melenchon…) and that's pretty cool. She was way more apolitical in the past actually, but since a few years ago she started going at protests occasionally and getting more informed about how porky exploits us.
I love my mom :)

My dad supposedly was a member of the Communist Party, but I didn't have enough time to talk extensively about politics with him before he died.