Found some anti-communist propaganda we can mine for memes

Found some anti-communist propaganda we can mine for memes.
Anyone got more?

Other urls found in this thread:

"Baah! Seems there's always a counter revolutionary around!"

I feel like this every day.

I unironically love the South American tango at the start of this video

Top kek, Fidel Castro sounds like Captain Murphy.

Heh, let's see what kind of macros we can get from this.

Uh, are they sure they aren't talking about the US based school of the Americas because it sure sounds like they're talking about the US based school of the Americas.


Blatantly and with full confidence reversing the relation between yourself and your opposition is a remarkably good technique,

People keep posting this fluid druid
Who is she?

latin american music is great, ofc you like it unironically my dude

Oscar did nothing wrong

Watched this
They tried villify people who were fighting HUAC, but it's nice to know who were our heroes back then.

Oscar looks like Tuco.

Holy fuck, the humor and animation style were decades ahead of its time. It looks like something that would belong on Adult Swim or Comedy Central.
Not really relevant to the thread, but WTF am i watching?

I love this image for some reason.

Old school PUA

slight modification

This art looks like something Sick Animations might make heh

It kinda reming me of it hurts! without the flashy colors.

I post him a lot, I just don't want to be a namefag.
Artists is Lightsource0

Yeah I love it.

Ma nigga.

These are interesting