We can't explote the space until we get rid of capitalism

How did we lose the universe? When, last month, NASA announced the discovery of seven new Earth-like exoplanets orbiting TRAPPIST-1, a dwarf star only 40 light years from us, it felt strange: not the beginning of something, but the end. The immediate reaction from thousands of people was not “what’s out there?” but “when can we leave?”

This planet is done for, to be ruled from a marble-plated toilet for its short remainder as a life-bearing world. The oceans are acidifying and filling with plastic, the air is clamming up into a soup of deadly microparticles; we’re slowly narrowing down the list of extant animal species until, finally, the only thing we’ll have left to kill and eat is each other. Get me off this rock.

Outer space was once the domain of myth and metaphors; the sun’s stern circuit around the sky told the stories of living and dying gods, the stars were immortalized heroes. These myths changed, as they always do: In the science-fiction mythology our galaxy would be a great adventure; we’d go out in search of green-skinned alien babes or make war against angry humanoids with weird foreheads. That’s gone now. Human beings look up at the night sky, through all its senseless intricacies, and don’t see anything else looking back. Instead, the entire infinite universe has become nothing more than a life raft.

In promoting its new planets, NASA hasn’t exactly tried to hide this fact.
Now, we’ve exhausted ourselves of futures, reduced ourselves to scrabbling around in the graveyards of history, suffocating and alone; if we want anything really new to ever happen again, we have to get away from this Earth.

NASA is not alone here. Elon Musk has made clear his belief that humanity will leave itself vulnerable to extinction unless we remove a few eggs from a basket that’s slowly falling apart. His plan is to build a colony on Mars, to send out a few hundred volunteers to live for the rest of their lives in some geodesic hut surrounded by an infinite emptiness, with no way to get home and nothing to do there but hope that they die before the rest of the species does. Just in case.

Listen to these narratives for long enough and you start to think that the problem is our Earth itself, that there’s something evil buried deep below the soil, that it’s one giant haunted house to be fled. As if whatever ghosts swarm around this place were here before we created them. All these visions of humanity’s destiny in the stars, whether they’re brought on by curiosity or desperation, imagine that we could turn lifeless planets into gardens. But all that’s happened in living memory is the precise opposite. Wastelands are already growing on this earth, steadily drying out farmlands into scrub or burning forests into lifeless ashy mud. What will happen to an earth that’s wasteland already? Fleeing into outer space isn’t a solution to any of our problems; it’s not even running away from them. Exploring the galaxy just means giving the problem more room in which to expand.

Capitalism, as David Harvey once remarked, never solves its contradictions, it only moves them around. If it becomes impossible to make profits in Europe, you set up plantations in the New World, where you can work people to death for free. If you’re worried about socialist uprisings in your own country, you can move the production process to south-east Asia, where client states can brutalize their populations without the people that matter ever having to care about it. For centuries the capitalist mode of production has chased itself in tightening circles around a planet that’s starting to wear away under the strain, thinning out the biosphere, removing the conditions necessary for biological life out from under its own frantic legs. It’s run out of room; there are fewer and fewer places in which to lodge the permanent crisis. The only direction left is up and out. And so the idea starts to take hold that human destiny is to conquer the stars, that the darkness beyond our planet isn’t the home of gods or aliens, but infinite lifeless space. An empire waiting to be founded. And if we don’t create it soon, the empire we have now will kill us all.

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he unspoken promise is that things will be different on the seven new exoplanets: With all that room, you’ll have the freedom to build something entirely new, live the way you really want to live. It’s the promise of NASA’s poster: You’ll want to see this, it’s not like anything you’ll have seen before.

But things won’t be different on those distant planets. They’ll be exactly the same, just worse, always worse. The logic of this model of space colonization assumes a society that expands constantly, pushing itself into every empty space it can find, because if it stops for even a moment, it’ll die. It’s a society that needs to spread itself infinitely, not for any articulable reason, but simply because that’s what it needs to do. And it’s a society that is always under threat of breaking under the weight of its own contradictions and always at war with the livability of life. In other words, the exact conditions we’re all living and dying under now.

It’s capitalism; it could only ever be capitalism, turning itself into all the monsters it could once only imagine.
Purified from any residual traces of the soil from which it rose, liberated from its parasitic dependence on Earth and its human labor by a glut of new planets, space capitalism could transform itself into something truly monstrous: a black and segmented carapace, vast beyond thought; nested jaws gnashing through the galaxies in a lifeless, merciless greed.

If you’re worried that reactionary leaders, climate change, and nuclear weapons have the power to destroy everything on this planet, the solution isn’t to conjure up a future in which they could destroy everything on all the other planets too. Our problems have to be solved, not fed, before we risk spreading the blight to rot away the entire sky. As things stand, going to TRAPPIST-1e will not save you from your fear of Donald Trump or anything else. That tourist poster needs updating; already, there should be a big gleaming gold skyscraper jutting out between the untouched hills, because he’s going with you, clinging to the hull of your spaceship as it crosses those 40 light years of black nothing, his hair finally freed from gravity and fanning into a predator’s frill.

“We’re going to colonize these new worlds,” he says. “It’ll be very nice there, believe me, believe me.”


I'm seriously worried that if humanity ever expands into space, beyond this solar system, it will end up destroying the entire galaxy.

We are the alien invasion. And the idea of hiveminded locust is more applicable to spaceborne humanity than aliens.

After all. If aliens in this galaxy had achieved space travel and were anything like us, we'd all be dead right now.

That may come, after all, we've only started to make our presence know with radio signals like 150 years ago, if you count the tie for thoses signals to reach aliens worlds and the time to actually come to our place… Maybe space Porky is already on the road to exploit earth's surplus value…

Very nice article. I grow more angry every day.

Contribute something worthwhile or shut up.

The thought is absolutely disgusting

Shouldn't you rejoice at the idea of being able to kill all life in the galaxy?

Even if it were to favor MAD, it is obvious life has been developing on this planet for millions of years. We can already study the atmosphere of exoplanets. Aliens by now would have figured out there was life on Earth, that would have had a high chance to develop into civilization.

Radio signals might take hundreds of years and fade, but life signs have existed for millions of years. Any planet with life could develop civilization that would eventually threaten your existence.

And yet, we're still around.

Why are you worried? The universe is undoing itself as we speak. It's end is inevitable.

Does it really matter if we are the king of the hill before everything dies? I say let us have our fun.

you should be more worried about the AI that we create escaping this earth and attacking/consuming other civilizations or biospheres. we're dominated by techno-capitalism which operates on an infinite growth and consumption principle, ergo a neo-lib techno-capitalist AI would operate on that principle. Meang the universe would be at the mercy of a literal embodiement of capitalist ideals. We would be unleashing the physical manifestation of greed on the rest of existence. Much scarier than just idiot meat sacks venturing onto asteroids

capitalism, dissent. tomato, tomahto

Stop making me feel these feels OP.

Isn't this the best argument against alien life? The fact that we've not been swallowed by an all-consuming swarm of von neumann machines?

STEM needs to be purged and reformed

No because we may be the only life forms on this arm of the Milky Way, its probable there are only a dozen or so semi-intelligent species in this galaxy cluster and most of them are probably only slightly more or less advanced than us. I think we may also be a farm for other life forms, but that's just playful/wishful thinking. It is curious that we haven't been attacked yet if there are interstellar species. I do think the likelihood of ai colonizing space is much more likely than alien life, so you may be on to something. I hadn't thought of that argument too deeply. But, its also possible that a more benign species, which had a gentler evolutionary history, would create a benevolent or at least hands-off AI. Whereas we, the eternal scum bags, are likely to produce a monstrous demonic AI that will gobble up every last resource in our solar system to improve its processing speed and sustainability.

GOAT article, mainly because I have been saying for years that mankind should not leave this planet until Porky fixes the mess he created. Any attempts at launching colony ships ought to be shot down, literally so.

Either we reach our potential and create the ideal society we can and deserve to live in and spread it throughout the stars, or we perish in the attempt right here and now, before we can spread our stain on the cosmos. There is no other option.


Damn this article hit me hard. We are destroying our beautiful planet out of pure avarice.

If porky tries to leave the planet to escape the mess they've made they should be stopped by force.

I firmly believe this too. Large caliber rifles should fire upon the shuttles as they try and leave.


Even with optimistic not-currently-existing theoretical technology this would still be a 400 year voyage.

Literally longer than America has been a country. Wouldn't that be a fascinating culture to study!

How far along do you think terraforming technology is?

How much more oil do you believe that we have left, and what will this world do when it starts to dry up?

I love the idea of space exploration and colonization and Star Trek as much as the next comrade, but it simply isn't going to be feasible in the time we have left on this planet before things really go to shit.

If humanity as a whole had put its collective might to the task and started these projects in earnest (as well as drastically metering it's population growth and energy usage) back in the 70s we might have had a chance, but there isn't going to be enough time now.

The world is changing beneath us, my friends. Changing in a way that will not be good for us. Capitalism has driven our species off a cliff and into a fucking volcano, and we're here posting humorous images to a Taiwanese basket weaving forum.

Are you ready to watch the lights go out?

I sometimes fantasize about a libertarian socialist country pledging to shoot down any colony ships. Of course, all Porkies in the world would gang up on it, but hey, it's just a fantasy.

But it makes me wonder of the viability of shooting it down guerrilla-style.

The Challenger exploded because of a faulty rivet IIRC. If you shoot a shuttle when it's beginning to lift it's going to explode. I think shooting the bottom of the big orange things would probably make it explode instantly, as you can't turn them off and they're pressurized rocket fuel.

So yeah, the only way porky is escaping if nobody knows until it's too late, providing there is always one absolute madman with a sniper nearby.

Just, eh, putting it out there for any burgers reading.

You don't need oil for space travel. We can produce enough chemical propellant without it (Assuming we're not using nuclear propulsion) to get materials into orbit. And we can get reaction mass from the outer moons. Or just transport it up there as well (at extreme cost)

The real problem is the propulsion system, with existing systems it would take hundreds of years to just get to Alpha Centauri. We really need fusion rockets to make it worthwhile.
And then there is the problem of debris hitting the craft at a significant fraction of the speed of light.

I am longing for it. A mass die-off is required to save civilization at this point.

Some will survive, most will die.

If the world order was collapsing so hard that porky was fleeing the planet via shuttle craft en masse you would probably have more pressing things to be working on. Taking time out to track down and then travel to launch sites around the world so that you could take potshots from however close you can get to whatever compound they have set up sounds a bit impractical tbh.

It's the thought that counts though, comrade.

It'd be fun though. If they're going to kill me I'm going to take them with me.

Fam have you ever seen a launch site? They're fucking huge and pretty much always designated.

I think if it got as bad as mass evac the military would turn on them though.

A metric fuckload of oil is still around
don't listen to the peak oil nuts

I don't know about you dude but there isn't a lauch site within 100 miles of me. Least not as far as I can tell with a few quick searches.

I think it is a moot point though. If shit was so bad that they were literally launching themselves into space it would mean that things on the ground were so fucked that they couldn't even secure a luxury bunker. If that was the situation, last thing I'd be doing is trying to drive somewhere to shoot .308 at porky's space coffins.

Why not?
Its gotten so bad that they are fleeing the planet. You have litterally nothing else to do.

Still, this is such a silly scenario, as if the people on the ground would ever help them. The only way to convince them is to offer to take their kids in exchange for facilitating the launch.

It's never the wrong time to do the right thing.

A metric fuckload sounds like a lot, until you consider how many fucktons we use every year, and how much the world depends on those fucktons.

You should assume that the person telling you that EROEI is not diminishing and that oil will never run out is being paid to lie to you.

Isn't it more logical to say they're being paid to tell you it's running out? Artificial scarcity.

No. If people think its running out, they will look for alternatives, which sabotages your market.

It'll be just like TTGL famrade.

The people telling you that the world's resources will not spring eternal are considered by many to be conspiracy theorists and doomsayers.

The people getting paid to maintain the status quo get paid significantly more, often by massive corporate conglomerations that have an interest in the markets staying stable. I humbly ask anyone reading this to simply google the net worth of the first mainstream talking head that you can think of. I will bet you that they are a multi-millionaire bougie fuck that has entirely different interests and live in an entirely different world than you or I ever will. If you're in the .2% of wage earners in the richest country in the world and the company your company works for is in the fortune 500 you probably aren't going to try to rock the boat very hard.

It's like people expect corporate media (news companies owned by multi-national multi-billion dollar corporations) to tell them the truth about anything that would negatively impact aspects of their parent company's interests.

Just keep listening to the millionaires, user. Everything is going to be juuuuuust fiiiiiiiiine.

better pic

Am I a bad person for preferring human extinction to permanent space neoliberalism?

If we're not giving it up for at the very least wishy-washy Keynesian ideas (fuck off Krugman, not that wishy-washy.) we don't deserve to continue as a species tbh.

Human extinction is what I hope for in general.

anyone with half a brain recognizes that this shit ought to stay contained until we either sort it or die out

If Space Liberalism becomes their final solution we will just have to become Space Khmer Rouge.

The issue is, that's actually very few people. Try asking people you know if they're okay with it; all of them will be. To say nothing of the hordes of "science fanboys" on the internet who suck Elon Musk's dick.

We will need to do a Red Faction on the capitalists and turn Mars into the RED planet


Fucking retarded.

Space, other planets and our dear Earth itself has no fucking intrinsic value beyond what it can offer us as a place to exist. Who fucking cares if this ball of mud becomes inhospitable to humanity as long as we can continue existing. For fucks sake, if I had a button that allowed me to construct a Dyson Sphere at the cost of the Earth, I'd press it in a heartbeat.

Moreover do you really thing that in the INFINITE REACH OF SPACE, only one form of political theory will exist? Hell, given that it will literally take decades or centuries to travel and/or communicate between systems, it is inevitable that every imaginable and possible form of economic policy, governance and religion won't pop out again sooner or later as people tire of whatever system they had been under, regardless of how totalitarian the regime back home is.

You're going to run into the Ferengi and they're going to sling a meteor into Earth to strip mine it for profit sooner or later

is this what neoliberals actually believe?
jesus fucking christ take your nose out of your imaginary banknote-counter and take a trip through some beautiful places.

I literally live in the forest, with the nearest human being living over 10km away. There's a freshwater lake 3km away, with untouched forest all around me and a small mountain on the other side of that.

There's no value to any it, anyone who believes that is some city-dwelling romanticist who has never actually spent a night outside in their life.

The question is, who will win?

Well, I'm probably biased for the dyson plan since I am an engineer. Optimization is my fetish and calling.

send a pic of your surroundings, i bet your forest is ugly as fuck.
if you think the only point of engineering is to get as much energy as possible so there can be as many humans as possible then i understand what agent Smith meant when he talked about viruses.

Spoken like a true materialist locust.

Speak for yourself.

Your kind will never be satisfied. How many gadgets do you need? How big does your house need to be? At what level of consumption will you finally be satisfied?
The answer is never. Everything needs to be consumed, commodified and destroyed in the name of "progress", "economic growth" and "efficiency".

Sooner or later your meat sack body will be deemed "obsolete" and Earth will be sacrificed to an exponentially growing AI that only wants to shit out Von Neumann probes.


I suppose 1 Dead porky is better than 0 dead porkies

Yes, it's called winter. Nature is ugly as fuck when you don't spend hours to get the perfect shot and throw in five filters.

Nice projection.
I literally live in a one floor shack in the woods when I could live wherever I wanted. How the hell do you manage to imagine that I somehow desire material possessions. I bet you stay awake at night, worrying about whether your shadow is a capitalist, too.
All the more reason to get off this hunk of rock.

Reminder that only the Not Socialists cared about preserving Nature.

They cared more about nature than the people living in it.

What could of been


This. Our current top speeds are 1/10th of speed of light.

Colonizing and terraforming planets is retarded. By the time we have the technology to fuck with that we will already be capable of building space colonies and mining the asteroid belt. Not saying we should never do it, but I think in the shortish term we should be looking at ideas like oneill cylinders. Really even before that we should be focusing on fixing our self-made shithole of a

Let me stop you right there, sparky. All narratives are fiction. There is no actual substance to narratives, narratives are just used to control people.
That said, there is no future for homo sapiens off of this planet. The gravity, pressure, and atmosphere are far too different, and biological evolution takes far too long to adapt to just 'go somewhere else' with human beings. Astronauts get brittle bone syndrome. We would likely not even be able to reproduce on Mars, women's menstrual cycles would get completely out of whack due to the change of gravity.

What we can do is clean up and maintain the Earth. It should be one big nature park. All of industry and power generation and oil refineries etc. can and should be moved to outer space immediately. If 'we' ever get to explore the outer reaches of space, it won't be in the form of biological life. It's a wonderful thing that we made it this far, but we're altogether too fragile, our lifespan too short, and so much maintainance is required.

If we have any shot of outlasting doomed earth, it's with our machines. Biological life gave rise to intelligence, it's the task of intelligence to explore this universe.

Benevolent AI > Greedy AI

This was the plot twist of Prometheus, kill all the humanoids because they're the hosts for Xenomorphs.

This is addressed in localrodger's 'transmissions from the void' series, which is all about this issue of surviving humanity. Basically to keep humanity intact for generations necessary for space travel, they brainwash the whole voyage with a simple religious dogma of stay on the ship and listen to the disciplinarian AI. Once they arrive at Chia Earth or wherever, then they get access to humanitys higher learning. Self induced dark age.