Who here can easily and quickly explain stalinism?

Who here can easily and quickly explain stalinism?

Other urls found in this thread:


State Capitalism in One Country.

its best forgotten


peak democracy





It's not real, you easily tricked dolt.

The sad thing about that post is that he is actually right if we are talking about the communism many leftists imagine.

The revolution cannot be successful unless the material conditions are proper and it is international.

pretty sure the 30-50 million dead was pretty real, uneducated dick skinner


Who are you replying to? Did you click the wrong post?

ead de fuging salad :^DDDD

for anybody wondering what the real numbers are, they range from around 3 to 17 million

Now this is a gulag with a human face.

Social democracy run by communists run by bourgeois technocrats. An attempt to salvage the gains of the october revolution and outlast capitalism.
Unfortunately what went unnoticed by the broadly well intentioned communist leadership was that the state had long been infiltrated by vulgar materialists and technocrats with no basis in marxism who eventually overtly took over, looted the country before surrendering it to the western capitalists for an extra dose of pillaging.

Nazi numbers are around 6 to 20 million btw

Nazis literally just had to run Germany. It's not fucking rocket science.

Trotsky can

Taylorist corporate state run by bureaucrats featuring a lot of social services. Had almost nothing to do with Marxism and little with Leninism.

For Stalinists (or "Marxist-Leninists", as they call themselves), a planned economy which is managed by a vanguard party already is socialist, and all it needs is post-scarcity of all goods to become communist. They see the law of value as transhistorical until post-scarcity. Add to this a bunch of mythologizing of the figures of Marx, Lenin and others by consequence of all the contradictions of this system and you have yourself a basic Stalinism.

Many socialists reject this on several levels. The idea here is that private property is an emergent property of commodity production: the fact that goods are produced for exchange. It is wrong to view private property in a false dichotomy between individual and state. The important feature is exclusivity: as long as there is an instance restricting free access to the means of production, private property exists. It doesn't matter whether that instance is an individual, a state, a corporation or a cooperative. As long as commodity production continues, you have varying "forms" of capitalism and nothing else. You reproduce wage labour as a consequence of reproducing capital as an automatic subject. Because of this, Stalinism is often called a form of state capitalism, or simply capitalism.

Also, as Engels said in Socialism: Utopian and Scientific:
you can tell that Stalinism and its adherrents are at the most basic level in conflict with many of the figures and understandings they supposedly build their idea of socialism on.

Are you paid to make a new Stalin thread hourly?

Why are you polyps such brainlets

Read this. Guaranteed to make tankies screech autistically

You know how some people believe in secret Jewish cults that drink blood of Christians? Well, it's the same thing.

Some people believe in some omnipotent Stalinist conspiracy that wants to starve everyone for lulz.

Excellent strawman, you almost came remotely close to making a point.

Yes lets get rid of order and become tribal retarded fucks, this is almost as bad as an caps wanting the world to be run by corporations

How the fuck will you do that? Get rid of the Idea of commerce? Of property itself? If I am to purchase a new computer will I have to barter my flatscreen tv?

Either this means you are advocating slavery, or you are advocating getting paid for nothing, I despise many aspects of capitalism, but the idea of getting a fair pay for ones work is a good idea.


The only order the State watched over is that of capital, that is: the bourgeoisie. All else is subsequent of that and for the well-being of capital.

The abolition of all aspects pertinent to capitalism with a proletarian revolution.

Under capitalism, compensation for labor is never use value, but exchange value. It is then with these exchange values that we enter the market and obtain use values. Under socialism, exchange as such does not happen, and we are compensated for our labor directly with the use values we produce.

You don't have the slightest idea of anything. Take the quiz in WEBM related and if you fail, watch this playlist: youtube.com/watch?v=dGT-hygPqUM&list=PL3F695D99C91FC6F7

Ur dumb lol

A basic introduction with a lot of referenced material that should be studied afterward:


Give me that triple gulag deluxe

Further read this on Stalins post-war economic principles, these are his remarks on a discussion for creating a textbook on socialist political economy:

the textbook itself, second edition from 1954

Fascism with Russian characteristics



Do I really have to respond to this?

Is an apt description on any non-Capitalist economy. Only AnCap and crypto-Liberal MarkSoc would get agitated by this. Which one are you?

Reject what? Non-Capitalist economy? Are we talking AnCap "Socialists" here?

You sure it's not the other way round? As in - necessity to produce goods within the framework of private property gives rise to commodity production? Cause and effect? No?

It's reality that restricts "free access", you lunatic. You don't have enough for everyone. Period. This doesn't mean everything is suddenly "private property".

You are basically claiming that killing people in self-defence is no different from killing people you don't like. Because, you know, MURDER.

Except you don't know what you are talking about. Your definition of "commodity production" is absolutely retarded.

No. It's called State Capitalism because political prostitutes don't want to admit that they are the only ones who defend Capitalism. That's why they claim everything else is Capitalism too and everyone is just the same as them.


Commodity production in the Soviet Union was but a small sphere that was ought to be overcome through socialist development.
- Economic Problems of the Soviet Union, by Stalin

Just read Marx and Lenin.

State and Revolution
The economic basis of the withering away of the state

Marxism Leninism in a developed nation looks very different to what the Soviet Union had to build first.


revisionism of a revisionism

I need more Stalin-chan!