Talking to well-paid programmer friend


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China and India*


Yea some of my fellow programmers are retarded.

But if even retareds like them can be programmers, it just shows that its only a matter of time before we get paid fuck all. I give it another 20 years.

I am going to start saving up as soon as possible, and get as high as possible CS education as I can.

what's the source of that video?

I am a programmer too. My first gig was at a start up. Everyone is obsessed with quick money. It's disgusting. Money is all they talk about.

Dankon, kamarado.

What country?

You should explain to him how all socially-necessary labor creates equal value. It will really piss him off.

The United States of America.


Where did I say they're gender sinner

i hate STEMlords so much it makes my eyes and face hurt, i sincerely want to know what the effects of teaching a programming language are on the centers of the brain related with creativity, empathy and sense of self. guarantee they all atrophy as mathematical thinking expands

Well they called you bro and you didnt mention if it was your sister so i just assumed. Its not like your friend is a unionist or marxist who refers to all proletarians as brothers and sisters.

I'm just joking around
they're actually trans

Also, that they were taught it by a parent at a young age but still believe they are ethically deserving of getting paid more than everyone else because of how great they are
I even got them to agree communism is possible, that people would do hard/ creative jobs without material incentive in a post Capitalism world where incentive was things like fame and popularity and love of the work, but they think it's more "ethical" for some people to have more wealth than others because they have harder/more skilled jobs

Well, at least he supports basic income, now that's something.

I was under the impression that communism didn't mean "everyone gets paid the same"

Socialism doesn't, as people who contribute more have do be compensated to attract the right people to those positions, as well as prevent flight to Capitalist countries
But communism, everyone has equal access to goods

Yeah, they believe in capitalism with government regulation to avoid Monopoly, crisis, poverty, etc.
They aren't an idiotic free market worshipper

Don't make a frowny face, point out the contradiction in the combination of these two claims: 1. Many people one would never suspect of being socialists advocate basic income. 2. These same people make claims about how socialism is bad because it encourages people being lazy. Being diplomatic helps when talking to big egos, so don't say YOU ARE STUPID LAWL FOR THIS MISTAKE, but rather say something like: Isn't it weird how such and such issues are often presented together, isn't that contradictory.

Maybe petition the BO to wordfilter "retard" to "emotionally intelligent", as that will help with your blood pressure.

certain types of programming are already automated. literally computers creating instructions for other computers

you have no idea what mathematics are you buffoon.

Am programmer. Can confirm: Most programmers are autists, some are robots; and almost all of them are smug af.

Coding isn't even my passion, really; it's just somethin' I'm good at. If I could do it all again, I woulda become a psychologist instead.

this has always been around, it's called compiling

I don't think programming can ever be fully automated, because at the end of the day you need someone to tell the computer what you want it to automate, and even in its most basic form this is programming

Certain types of programming may become less common. However so far this hasn't been the case. Usually you can set up a Wordpress site or whatever to run your site rather than writing bespoke software. Or you can use a site generator like Dreamweaver (lol) where you can change some small details and it'll come out fine.

When people used to talk about automating programming, they were talking about having a compiler generate code for you. I can only imagine that we will step up another stage to get to even more high level languages which compile down.

That, or everyone suddenly decides that no bespoke software ever needs to be written ever.

Regardless, the main point is that most likely one day a huge number of people will be capable of doing it, a much greater silly than the exists demand, and many of them will be half-starving and willing to work for subsistence
