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True we should import nonwhites and let females do everything so we can live in a utopia. Thats truly what the elites don't want!

This is Holla Forums overkill

t. $$$pol$$$


But thats what I've said, importing immigrants is good for everyone as they are intelligent and responsible citizens. On top of that they even improve the stagnating birthrates of the countries which is something the elites really fear.

oh Holla Forums, you just don't know when to quit, don't you?

No. The only thing the elites fear is their capital disappearing.

Exactly, and importing immigrants and empowering women will do so. That will be the final blow to the elites.

To do what exactly?

To be free and smash the patriarchy.

I mean sure, all power to em but "the patriarchy" is a symptom of capitalism as well.

And they will destroy capitalism, obviously. Then they will seize everything everything from the elites since they will not be able to resists power of the females as they are not susceptible to any form of propaganda nor the nonwhites are.


Look, $$$Holla Forums$$$ comes here to try to derail discussion!

This is not how it works. Read Bordiga.

I know you try to do ebin reverse psychology, but the shitty logic you apply, the one both SJWs and Holla Forumstards share, make you stick out like a sore thumb.

What do you think we should forbit women to do? What is haram?

Its the only way to work otherwise Trump and racists in general will win. If only females realise their power…

I don't know what you're saying but if you're not with us you're against us and so we will kill you for the sake of hate speech. We are way more than your specific group and actually fight for equality which means that you don't matter.

I don't know where you've read that. I said that women should be able to do whatever they want(and even a bit more since they were oppressed for so long).

weak bait, use a shitposting flag next time

(until we abolish bourgeois democracy.)

Somebody please link me to the article on CIA reading french theory


Is Iran really imperialist? Honest question. The only people I know who think that are the Iraqi baathists who still maintain their hostility to the American invasion.

any capitalist country has to become imperialist at some point, there is no such thing as an anti-imperialist capitalist power except as a competitor to an existing imperial power aspiring to imperial status

I forgot to say, "or become an economic vassal state of another imperial power".

It's funny that you think immigrants are "imported". They are let in, you idiot. Importation only really applies to slaves.

So is Iran an independent player or vassal? They do a lot of business with Russia, China and part of the EU if I recall right.

Even the DPRK can be considered a vassal of Russian/Chinese imperialism, though they can barely control Un in my view.

Now this is some of the most horrifying shit I've read in days

Get woke.

Go falseflag somewhere else polyp.

don't do this. read Bookchin. Or even Zizek for that matter.

The best thing about Holla Forums is it's so obvious they have no clue about any of the ideas they mock. They just do an impression of a tumblr teen when they try to impersonate a leftist. Truly all reddit-tier

Don't even give them the opportunity for a back and forth.

Take the ICC pill.
"In other words: all nations are imperialist today, from the biggest to the smallest, all are pushed by the constricted conditions of capitalist accumulation to expand at the expense of their rivals, to use war, massacre and terrorism to defend their own economic and diplomatic interests. As for patriotism and nationalism it is nothing “but a cloak that covers imperialistic desires, a battle cry for imperialistic rivalries, the last ideological measure with which the masses can be persuaded to play the role of cannon fodder in imperialistic war.” (Junius Pamphlet)"

I think at the moment Iran is an aspiring Middle-Eastern imperial power in conflict with the Saudi Arabia-Israel axis for control in the region. China and Russia are useful for them at times, but they aren't a grand anti-US alliance like twitter tankies and other "anti-imperialists" claim.

The DPRK is basically a vassal state of China and it is unlikely this will change in the future. Its sole purpose is to troll the US but as you said the Chinese are getting tired of their shit.

Listen man, i'm just a regular joe, salt of the earth man, just an everyday bloke, 'avin a nice cold pint at the pub. I'm not a 'NaziWhoWantsToKillSixMillionJews' if that's what you're thinking. I just don't want my beautiful white children to live as 2nd class citizens in Sharia Transgender Dystopia. Is that too much to ask?