Do you often try to argue with your liberal/normie friends or do you just silently soak in their spooks like Stirner...

Do you often try to argue with your liberal/normie friends or do you just silently soak in their spooks like Stirner did?

I don't have friends.

I just take it in or give them a bit of info proving them wrong.

I'm just waiting for someone to say some exceptionally stupid before I explode

I tell them they're spooked if they're being spooked (yes I tell them about fictions of their minds) and I try argue properly if I feel annoyed enough to engage especially since one is a
Just kidding he just calls himself a """centrist"""

A few of my friends are on the Right wing spectrum, with one being an outspoken "MAGA" kind of guy. He's a cool guy but my god he's insufferable when it comes to politics; believes in Daddy Trump, has lived rich his whole life, and Ayn Rand can be found everywhere in his home. We've had multiple debates before, with some other friends present, and after all is said is done, I'm normally decided as coming out on top (mainly because all he spouts is reactionary drabble). Another one of my friends is somewhat of a Republican, yet he's way more lax with his political beliefs, and lately he's been feeling off about Trump's decisions since he took office, and he's also been hearing my ideas and agreeing with some of them.

You're willing to say that you're anarcho-communist in public? I normally just say that I'm a syndicalist (because everyone thinks anarchism = Mad Max, communism = Stalin, and no one knows what syndicalism is) and that it means believing in employee ownership and management, direct democracy, and strong unions.

Actually, I kinda do what you do, too. I'll give them the details and what ever else they want to know about it, just without actually "Anarchy" or "Communism". (I've noticed that a lot of these points actually stick out to some people, it's just whenever anarcho-anything or Communism is brought up, the whole "USSR didn't work!" argument comes out.)



i never talk about politics or religion outside of interweb.
doesn't matter who wins, it always end badly

Do you think you could take all your liberal friends in a fight? I think I could. The old right has some tough fucks in it though (yet to be impressed by the alt-right).

When will they be leaving us?

There's just a lot of gore and debris the meek have to clean up, no need to be alarmed.

I'm not eloquent or knowledgeable enough to convince anyone.

They're about to hit retirement and make shitloads of money from investments and pensions. They're easily within the top quintile of US income.

Usually I just don't comment unless it's something that's just too retarded not to say something about, usually it's a democrap who says it

all my "friends" are left-leaning, but almost all of them are spooked by bourgeois democracy.

Yep. So then I cite a study like this and in response they just crucify the US and declare that Europe does not have these problems at all…

I usually obliterate them on a theoretical level, but statistics are always helpful in our post factual world.

Read The Revolutionary Catechism

I try arguing and every time I forget that spooks exist

It's a hard life getting to the point and not wanking each other off over talking about your individual hobby ghosts.

I getting more and more tired of doing it every year…

Depends, lot of power in the way you use words

this "centrist" liberal bullshit is literally the most infuriating thing about discussing politics.

Yes. Probably why I dont have any friends.

Listen here you cretins. You must realize that you aren't actually much more intelligent than everyone else. Wanting socialism isn't nearly the same thing as redpilling, you aren't "awake" in some way, those "bluepilled" "normies" aren't sheeple

The best way to go about introducing socialist concepts is NOT argument. Most of my co-workers are already quite leftist or at least they aren't classcucks and most people are in general

For example I recently was talking with the maintenance guy where I work, he was telling me how his boss really inhibits his ability to do his job, he won't let him reorganize the tool room or expand it and if he wants some part most of the boss will say no because it's too expensive, and then buy some expensive other useless piece of trash for the facility he thought was needed.

Another woman, a CNA was telling me how the facility gave her so few sick days that sometimes she had to come when she was sick which of course is extremely dangerous

For both of them a slowly introduced the idea of workplace democracy, and both agreed with me complete. Imagine if I instead started to argue and started to spew das kapital. Would I have been able to get through to them? No

Spreading political concousness is not about being a smartass and trying to win arguments. When you argue you put people on the defensive, and however good your arguments are the person will be inclined not to accept them, even if it is a friendly argument

What you should do as a socialist is to simply listen to a person's problems and offer a solution


Is "workplaces should be democratic" actually a solution though, or a nice thought everyone can agree with? I get what you're saying and agree, and have had similar conversations before, but I've normally pointed out that's socialism and the reason it's so vilified is for old bossy tits' sake at the end.

Hell yes, this. We have to meet people where they are. Most people harbor anti-capitalist sentiments without realizing it. Almost everyone, even those who identify as right-wing, have some sort of grievance with their workplace, their employer, or other such things that capitalism imposes on them. A lot of people are dissatisfied with the cost of their health care and the limited service they get from it, that is, if they can afford health care at all. Most people hate their bosses. Most people are unhappy with their pay. How many people do you know are one missed paycheck away from losing everything? These people can be won over by listening to their problems and talking about it. Once they trust you and feel open to talking about these things, you can branch out to other lefty subjects. Before they even realize it, they'll be open to leftist politics.

Big mistake pal. Mention any ism at all and most regular people will immediately shut out everything you said or will say. There is no value brand naming these ideas you know.

It doesn't make a difference whatever name they know the ideas by, just that they recognize these ideas are legitimate and would drastically improve thier lives

To what purpose you massive pussy? They're the socialist, spouting socialist rhetoric.
You or your backslappers haven't provided a single valid reason how informing people of ideas they like is going to help the situation. People do not remember minor conversations where an agreement was made, but they might remember the time someone called them a socialist.

wow it's fucking nothing
and standard practice in germany

It isn't effective. Let them find out they are socialists themselves. If you call them a socialist it's very likely they'll be less inclined to accept those ideas. It's like if you were having a casual conversation and the other guy started saying Nazis also believe what you do

If only the labor movement wasn't dead in the US, we could bring dissatisfied and disgruntled workers into unions that are closely associated with socialist organizations. Imagine Walmart employees, one of the largest workforces in the country, most of whom all hate working for Walmart, joined a strong union that was associated with an organization like the DSA. You bring them into the union to fight for better working conditions and introduce them to socialists who are fighting to improve their lives.

Yes, it's a psychological trick that works. You lead someone down a path where they make a conclusion, then you tell them the name of that conclusion like it was their idea. This is how clever people get shit from their bosses.

Obviously if there was an existing labor movement I'd be shilling hard, but you gotta make do