Shouldn't we be working alternative infrastructure and institutions for people to use once capitalism is in crisis?

Shouldn't we be working alternative infrastructure and institutions for people to use once capitalism is in crisis?




How do you do this?

Capitalism is the crisis.

well why aren't we doing it

We, as in the left, or we, as Holla Forums?
First case: it is being done in certain places, but it lacks volunteers
Second case: there is no place with enough Holla Forums

You do like the CNT used to do: you organise stuff like daycare, classes, etc. Only proles allowed.

A lot of Holla Forumsacks seem to be in the UK

Maybe 40-50 all over a 250,000 km2 country with over 60 million inhabitants.
I would say 20-30 is enough to start such a local organisation, but they all have to live close to each other, as in less than 10min of distance.

Anarchists are doing it, Marxists are too busy sitting in their armchairs.

Okay show of hands, Brits. Who wants to set up alternative systems in Britain for when the crisis happens, and who wants to pick somewhere without Brits?

I mean, making an exclusively Holla Forums organization shouldn't be the goal. I'm just saying they could probably provide framework

This is what the PYD did before the civil war started in Syria, and that's why we have Rojava today.
Speaking from experience, it does require commitment. But once you've made the step you don't want to go back to being a wage cuck.

Start a co-ops, or form other forms of cooperative organizations. The lack of managerial overhead and overall much greater committment give you an edge over traditional organizations.

Don't be afraid to use the porky rules against themselves. Worried about taxes? Just incorporate in a country like Ireland and only pay yourself dividends.

Teach people through the alternative, rather than only advertizing the alternative to people that are already "in".

I should probably do a thread on this

Capitalism is in crisis and has been for nearly a decade now.

stop saying bullshit just because you feel the need to say something
you know what I mean by crisis

We should be working on them regardless. Nothing gets you popular support like providing social services.

This. Left Wing Work Squads should be a thing.

Found the guy not from the UK.

I'm not, speaking from late 19th century low countries and current day Muslim Brotherhood examples.

Brits are so cucked in the brain the lumpens will attack and rip off foodbanks and the middle classes will have a good old chortle over it in their newspaper written under the ownership of a Lord.

The UK is about to become even more of a vast experiment in extreme globalized capitalism, it will be interesting to watch. Out of the EU, they will double down on gangster capital from Russia/China/…, and integration with the poor nations of the Commonwealth providing cheap (imported) labour.

Of course it will end in tears come any crash. Most likely of the ethnonationalist variety.

Hopefully enough Brits start clearing out to be paying special visits to the people who fucked it up when they also leave.

I feel we are the people can help to promote a non corporate internet, instead of using cable we can use satellites or radio waves.
Sadly we're not tech savvy enough to do it.

i mean we could do it with funding
money is the issue
thats so expensive its probably impractical though

Hope springs eternal…

That sort of sentiment evaporating is why I have such resentment for the Brits. Everyone knew the reason for 2008 and when they got jack shit the media gave them the nudge they needed to ease their conscience and start kicking everyone below them with steel toecaps.

There have been attempts to do that, but it never really works because it is too localized and requires widespread adoption to take off.

Don't be too hard on chav lumpernproles. They were dealt a really bad hand of political choices. Just as they lost the industries and welfare, Labour shifted to Blairism, aka suck the bankers with Asian characteristics. And Labour did so for good reasons; it's where all the jobs for people in the political class were (read: urban upper middle class). There really was no alternative.

Some of us are engineers, it's not a question of skills, it's a question of capital and means. That stuff is expensive, and you need licenses to use certain frequencies of the electromagnetic spectrum.

We need several divisions.
* Basic needs: providing shelter and food to those who need it
* Education: teaching new skills to workers
* Daycare: take care of children for those who don't really have the time to do it properly
* Civil engineering: fix and build shit where the government won't fix the roads
* Finances: interest-free loans and the like
* Security: neighbourhood watches, especially useful in working-class ghettos where the police won't go and wannabe gangstas make the place unliveable
* Transport: the name says it all
And probably more.

More how people hated the bankers in 2008 and by 2012ish you had the unemployed shitting on the unemployed and single mothers shitting on single mothers because the amount of cognitive dissonance is astounding. They all firmly believe the people they hate aren't a caricature of themselves and that there's a form floating around in the halls of power somewhere saying "[X] This one is not like the others ones, treat them nicely". When you point this out they'll normally erm and ah "Yeah but not people like me, everyone knows them. Like my cousin's step sister's boyfriend. He's a right cunt". As a country they're pretty fucking thick regardless of class, even our chancellor thought dismantling the welfare state was Keynesian, which is fucking stupid because A) It isn't or B) He was stupid enough to assume people would know who Keynes was. As for the middle class, the Daily Mail comments section is all anyone has to say about them. The only people I feel sorry for are the politically disenfranchised workers, and I still want to give them a slap because of their current change of heart on getting a Labour leader who doesn't cheat his benefits and actually has principles.

What I'm trying to say is that I don't just have beef with the chav lumpenproles, I think they're all their own unique brand of cunt.

Also maybe a parallel social security in places where it's too shitty.

Do please. I've been wanting to make one about this topic but didn't know how to word it exactly

Cheers, I laughed.

Please do thread



We should be building guillotines to kill all the neoliberal cucks

crowdfund it bro!