A large Belgian slaughterhouse was apparently closed over this undercover video taken over a month or so...


A large Belgian slaughterhouse was apparently closed over this undercover video taken over a month or so. Pretty nasty stuff, about 20 minutes long showing pigs being brutalized.

Whats your opinion on factory farming etc? Should a socialist state make it a priority to make farming more humane and transparent?

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I'm sure steps can be taken to improve conditions in farms or slaughterhouses but when you actually think about how much beef and pork is eaten in a day I wonder to what extent this is possible given the current demand.

Why should it be more humane? Animals are not moral agents, thus they don`t deserve protection of morality.

We should focus on improving the human quality of life.

Meat should be banned tbh.

It's only possible if you're willing to completely fuck over the environment.

The only actually viable not pure fucking ideology options are 1) Biotech (vat meat, genetically engineer the animals to enjoy it, something like that), 2) go vegan, or 3) live with it.

factory farm humans imo

A socialist society should make it a priority to

1. move towards a largely vegetarian diet and
2. develop lab meat and especially milk

I'm not a strict vegetarian, and not even a loose vegetarian so much for the immediate ethical reasons of being partly responsible for inflicting suffering on a living being (which is also why I do eat meat on occasion), but all the other reasons are basically screaming in our faces to move away from our insane meat consumption.

It is absolutely possible, the demand for meat is in no way rational or a given and can be easily shaped. Look at India, the average person in India consumes 4.4 kg meat per year, in contrast to the US which is around 120 kg meat per year. Americans make me fucking sick.

yeah but india is malnurished…

yeah but that's irrelevant to the point I was making

but if you want an example of a country without the burden of malnutrition, look at Turkey. They're around 20 kg meat per head each year

Animals are my property because they can be materially controlled. They taste good and I'm hungry. If factory farming gives me more meat, then keep it up!

Eh, they ought to be treated as humanely as possible, but it's not exactly a high priority. Halal and kosher and similar barbarisms however ought to be outlawed like the spooky bullshit they are.

The priority should be that people are well fed.
I don't condone the terrors that happen on slaughter houses but it is what it is. If you are mad about it go complain to god he is the responsible for this retarded system where living beings have to eat living beings to survive, although since he is all knowing it's kinda obvious he made things like this because he enjoys the way things are.

People are easier to feed with a vegetarian diet than a meat based one though.


Most Indians are extremely poor and also can't eat beef for religious reasons

I disagree, unique one. Animals are my property, and it makes me feel bad when they are harmed and mistreated so fuck factory farming.


India is poor as fuck, but getting better. That figure you quote is from 2009. The most recent UN estimate I can find is from 2011, and is 5-5.5kg/cap. Indian press started going nuts right after that about a drastic increase in meat consumption (like 67% a year). Might be a moral panic though.


would be p lit tbh

Factory farming is a disgusting practice and also very unhealthy and unsanitary. If profits weren't the aim then animals could still be raised for consumption in a humane way.

thats literally all human emotion. as long as their beliefs and actions are authentic then why should they care?

fucking kek.

I feel sympathy for pigs but I do enjoy pork. I want to stop, but I just can't. My willpower is too weak. I do meatless Mondays, but it doesn't help, I know.

Just buy ethically raised pork. It's better that your money goes to a porky who's in the "ethical" market and who might also care about the animals then a porky who is in the "get as much meat as fucking possible" market.

outlaw mass animal farming and make stud guns more than 99% efficient because skinning animals alive for no reason is so weird basically all the workers there need to be put into closed asylums.

If you aren't interested in ending all forms of exploitation then what the fuck are you doing on a leftist board?

Lets commit suicide, we are exploiting resourses of planet Earth. Humans are an apex of evolution so we can use animals for whatever we want. But not to destroy ecosystems of course. Most of thems don't even realise themselves like humans, dolphines and some apes do. Everything they do are just reflexes


Remember that unwanted animals are killed en masse, like goat kids because people aren't used eating goat meat anymore, and egg laying hens because they work best for egg production and don't taste like broiler chickens. There is an immense overproduction of food, meats included, because of capitalism. But lots of it just goes to waste because it's not marketable in the retarded market capitalism has created or because competition forces overproduction but not distribution, so foods go bad before they can be consumed. Also a lot of fruits and vegetables are just wasted because they don't look "right", like crooked carrots.

Reduce meat production in a classless society and you also reduce amount of meat in diet. Should be solvable.

We use animals for a lot of things; including testing medication before it goes to humans and other animals like dogs.

Vegetarians, explain to me why you feel spooked about the suffering of animals, but not plants or microbes? What about inanimate objects?

You are the bourgiest of bourgies. First you try the moralism argument, which is fundamentally unsupportable since it attempt to place animals on equal moral footing with humans. Then you fall back on nutrition, which is also unsupportable on both basic biological grounds for humans as an omnivorous species and on medical outcomes when all factors other than meat are controlled for. Then you fall back on environmentalism, in spite of the fact that any purely plant-based agriculture will be less efficient than a properly designed permaculture incorporating both plants and animals, much like the natural environment.

If you're triggered by meat, and you admit vegetarianism is completely irrational, but you want to be a vegetarian (or vegan, or ovo-lacto, or pisca, or fructarian, or whatever) "like, just because, okay?" then that's fine. I probably wouldn't insects, just because it seems kinda gross to me, but I don't get all buttmad if other people want to.

But please, stop pretending it's based on anything other than your own psyche.


no, it just says they shouldn't suffer
because they aren't sentient/can't suffer, obviously

Many animal "rights" advocates take this argument so far up their ass though to the point where they themselves expose why humans have rights and they don't. Eventually this will degenerate into manslaughter sentences for swatting an insect, protecting your home with ant-poison, or roadkill. The suffering argument stops at the slaughterhouse and needs to go no further.

Groups like ALF already subscribe to the idea of "insect rights" to a degree.

Neccecary to keep up with the demand on meat.

If we can make lab-meat im all for it, but im not going to sabotage human prosperity because of moralist arguments about animals.

The suffering argument needs to stop, period.

The only defensible reason to advocate for animal welfare (cockfights, bestiality, etc.) isn't because of the cruelty done to animals, but the cruelty done by people, and what similar things they might do to other people. If something is done to animals without any malice, no sociopathy is cultivated in the mind of the person doing it, and no moral argument against it can be made.

t. cardboard-stirner

why make a distinction between humans and other sentient beings?


Because they aren't humans. And not sapient.

how does that have an effect on the morality of their suffering? I don't suffer because I have human rationality

Animals are the only creatures with sentience.

Humans are capable of suffering in far more different ways than other animals BECAUSE of human intelligence and rationality.

That may be true, but doesn't invalidate the fact they feel pain and experience some level of suffering. I'm not necessarily saying human experience has the same 'value' as that of animals, but simply that since animals can feel pain, it's in fact wrong to make them feel pain (current factory farming makes them feel a lot of pain).


Neither are children or mentally retarded people

Jesus Christ. This thread makes me feel bad for pigs. I almost feel sorry that we're using "porky" to symbolize greed and capitalism, which is an insult to pigs.

What a heartless hypocritical monster

Children hold the potential to become people, while the dividing line between retards and healthy people is imprecise. Neither is true of animals.

who gives a fuck, do you oppose abortions as well?

Except in some cases the difference is very clear. Still not justified to make them suffer.

Plant farming is a prerequisite of livestock though.

The bigger piece of stupid is thinking that small operations don't pollute way more on a per-animal (or per plant) basis. All that stuff about waste disposal the video is spooked about is done to minimize the amount of active waste that ends up in the rivers and ocean.


A lot of conservative politicians are farmers. That's why they are getting farming subsidies like crazy, because they have proven themselves to be loyal conservative voters and supporter, unlike those commie factory workers, whose jobs got outsourced.

Bullshit. There is no such thing in plants as an understanding of pain. They may have a physiological response, but that's the same as with a brain-dead person. Animals are the only creatures to understand pain and suffering.

At the absolute dividing line, it is imprecise, allowing room for slippery slope issues. The gulf between people and everything else is not similar.

Like justifiable homicide, abortion is something unfortunate but necessary from a utilitarian standpoint, in the case of abortion because of our population limits. Also, it is confined to parents, and thus unlikely to creep out further. But drawing the line before postpartum infanticide is probably a good idea regardless.

Nobody believes you, because your entire line of illogic is nonsensical. Get your dog on here to shitpost with us, then we can talk.

This. Animals flee danger, scream in agony and try to protect their young, and actually have a brain. You've got to be retarded to think that's the same as plants. It's also a pointless argument since animals need to be fed on plants, ie farming animals leads to more plants eaten than just growing plants for food

I recall seeing something about another such farm, which had a bunch of smaller lakes instead of a big one and they threw pig carcasses into them as well. One employee fell into one, and couldn't survive the million infections he contracted.

Meat eating should be discouraged, it's a waste of resources. Meat production should be limited to marginal lands that can't support crops people eat. (and preferably not of the engineered, burning down rainforest for prairies kind).

Of course none of this flies as long as meat is a commodity under a capitalist system; production and consumption will be maximized, human and animal suffering be damned.