While reading this article

While reading this article.


I was contemplating an obvious but also, I think, dire issue facing the left in the United States when it comes to winning the culture war.

Weather it's trumps election, fucking with Shia and his art project, putting MAGA hats on feminist art, harassing women and feminists online, recruiting into fash clubs like proud boys, or in this case reporting "crimes" to the state. Reactionary civilians in the U.S. are ruthlessly leveraging social media and other such platforms all within a legal framework.
Sure some of the things that come of this activity ends up illegal (such as stick man's arrest or the guy who shot at antifa at a milo rally).
But it's always with a safe level of plausible denyability with regard to its being facilitated online, and chan sites allow for citizen to citizen anonymity.

I've also been thinking about these NSA leaks.

The state KNOWS you are an anarchist/socialist w/e.

The whole nice try FBI thing is surely important to keep in mind, but why do you think that they aren't privy to the NSA's hacking tech?

Do any of us really believe the DoD/FBI/CIA/NSA doesn't have our address, porn history, eating habits, tattoos, shoe size and bank account and current location on an info tap ready to be read at a moments notice?
Do any of us in the USA think we can do ANYTHING illegal without them knowing if they care to look?
Sure maybe they can't prosecute without some kind of way of saying they nailed you without resorting to these "omnipotent" haxor tactics. But that doesn't mean they didn't know you did it. It doesn't mean that if you were a substantial threat they (the state) couldn't just kill you.

Imo then there are only 2 things we should be concerned with regarding OPSEC.

1. Protect your identity and personal safety from civilian fash.
2. Don't post or communicate any illegal activity over electronic devices or state or capitalist controlled mediums.

This brings me full circle kinda.
Why aren't we leveraging civilian to civilian anonymizing platforms to "organize legally" like the fash are?
Or are we? Idk, I haven't been on an image board on the regular in like 5 years.

Other urls found in this thread:


valid points man

honestly the best way to operate is probably person to person in some sort of cell, but that's not always possible for everybody (myself included). If shit starts hitting the fan I think we need to take a serious look at OPSEC. Admittedly I've been too sloppy with that shit.

Waiting for shit to hit the fan is not good praxis.
We should be organizing now so that when SHTF we have tools to clean the shit with.

yeah leftists seriously need to get into doing this sort of raid nonsense (like locating Shia's HWDINDU flag or the border webcams or w/e) – not so much because it'll have a huge direct material effects, but because doing this shit builds teamwork and collaboration (how the fuck are we to organise a post-capitalism society and all the infrastructure if we can't pull off something like the HWNDU flag location and capture??) and also because it gets positive press.

Like, "Alt-righters on a Chinese cartoon message board track down (and steal) flag by looking at contrails and stars in a webcam" gets press and functions as like, a pretty cool recruitment tool.

The closest I can think of is the portland anarchist potholes thing but…that's not nearly as impressive or coordinated as stuff Holla Forums pulls off. We need to be better, we owe it to ourselves.

That gives me an idea.
What if we organized a gofundme and pay a couple of comrades to go find the flag and hoist AnCom and ML/M flags along side it.

If we could get enough doe we could pay them to guard it.

Then we could advertise it all around the net.



Holla Forums did it for free. We can too.

I was talking Gass and snacks but I won't stop anyone from doing it for free.

Lol I would love too amd appreciate the meta humor but I think it's gotta be a team endeavor.

So how would we go about Just Doing It(tm)

We have lifes, jobs and hobbies outside of shitpoting on an assyrian cuneform art forum

I guess building popular support for revolutionary ideas to help build an actual left in the modern age of fascism isn't as important as getting grandmasters rank in overarching and jerking off to traps in the bathroom after you smoke a dab.


My bad.
Autocorrect really fucked my snappy comeback.

ahh. it's ok, user. i still love you.

Nyet comrade everything is fine please join the discord

I am an illiterate goon and I've been off chans for a long time.
Didn't know there was a discord.

Also there is this if we are actually considering this thing.


We can let them do the work of locating it and then jump on it ourselves.

That image is stupid.
But yes. OP is correct. I am a programmer/hacker/information rights activist. The NSA records everything. They have everything about you and your life copied and strung together automatically. Anytime you become a problem they can root you out easily, because you commit a felony a day without knowing it. wired.com/2013/06/why-i-have-nothing-to-hide-is-the-wrong-way-to-think-about-surveillance/

You're in a cyberpunk dystopian movie without all the neon lights and hologram aesthetic. Use I2P, Tox and Signal. Tell your friends to.

Seems like it wouldn't really help.
I start using that shit now and in 5 months it will be obsolete.

If one of us finds the flag, we need to mention Holla Forums and socialism on the stream.

Can you send me an invite


situationism 2.0?