High levels of classcuckery thought unreachable


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Interesting times, we live in.

What's with rightists' obsession with work, anyways? Aren't they supposed to be all about "efficiency", or does that only apply to money?

It's a characteristics of the capitalist economy. Accumulating commodities and image is the only thing that counts. Your only purpose is to produce, and consume, at an ever greater rate.

It's a runaway vicious cycle that's going to destroy civilization and this planet.


Shit, I guess the US is Japan now, only with poorer working conditions.

How is running on black coffee and sleep deprivation a good thing?

Produce, consume, reproduce. You forgot an important step.

When did the New Yorker turn into Jacobin?

The author must be one of us. Either that, or the libs are finally starting to wise up to just how bad thing've gotten for the average Burger.

I think the latter falls under the first.

It means you're more productive, so you can consume more, which creates an incentive to produce more, etc.

On hindsight, it was inevitable.

How long until one of these poor "gig economy" bastards loses a limb during a "gig", sues the app maker for whatever, and loses in a landmark case that will set the precedent that virtual "gig economy" companies have no labor obligations whatsoever?


dramatizing much, burgers?

at least Japan has housing that isn't horribly expensive…

kys third worldist

This is some excellent material for lulzing normies.

kek, so buttblasted
most of you are a rent seeking parasites, degree is your welfare certificate
STEM graduates at least are expected to actually do something productive when porky hires them

This is embarassing. USA is third-world tier in some aspects.

They'd lose the case for sure, it's the concessions that keep capitalism in place.

Jason Unrhue isn't as irritating as you

As you can see, the third world is way ahead of America in many ways.

don't you have some poor patients to drug, ms inquisitor psychiatrist?
how does it feel when your profession is at the level of bloodletting?

Would you rather people in emergency rooms not exist for people with mental health issues?

So your priority of labor here is compsci majors are more valuable than health majors.

mental health?
kek, so give me that sweet statistics about the percent of full recovery from mental illnesses

Well yeah, but ever since 1991, they have had to concede less and less, haven't they? Slowly but surely, Porky keeps trying to get away with more every time. It's in his nature.

Who said anything about CompSci? CompSci isn't STEM.

"Efficiency" is just a euphemism for "profitability". I live in old textile country. We have all the machines and facilities we need to make our own clothes, right down to soil ideal for growing cotton, yet I can guarantee you that the clothing, and the raw materials and textiles used to make them, in the stores over here are from everywhere but here. Capitalist "efficiency" is goods from everywhere circling the globe multiple times before reaching their an intended market that could easily have produced said good locally. The only thing it's efficient at is making money for Porky.



Give me the statistics about full recovery from a leg with a compound fracture that needs a complicated procedure to fix, but the fix requires constant Physical Therapy and you can never run again

That is where our understanding of treating the mind as an organ of the body is at.

Its not perfect, and shutting it out is only going to make it worse. Simplify shit, and you get old fixes in medicine.

It's not something I think you're going to easily understand.

….yes it is, the fuck?

Don't you know what STEM stands for?

Speaking of classcuckery does anyone have the pic of the ex marine who says he proud to work for 8 years with no days off and no health care to get through school?

killing yourself for your religion is okay as long as the religion is capitalism

Oh mate, in the UK the gov is already passing legislation that allows uber drivers to get the same rights as regular cab drivers with regards to labour laws. And this is with a One-Nation-Conservative government.

I thought it was the enemies of the people in the supreme court that did that?

Capitalism has become the most spread lifestylism.

indeed, the proper way is produce, consume, die.

let's look at pros and cons, shall we?
side-effects of medication vs benefits of medication
how about Tardive Dyskinesia? Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome? Psychiatric drug addiction? Chemical Lobotomy?
how about destroyed liver and countless other ordinary health problems?

and benefits?
well, patient is no longer shows, for a time being, symptoms listed in the DSM for his diagnosis

The worst of it is that this is the kind of things liberals are selling us, are hyping as the future. At this rate, we'll look back fondly on 11 hour work-days because at least those ended after 11 hours!

rare af porky.

I think your critique of credentialism is valid though a bit…

How the fuck is driving while pregnant in any way admirablr? You're putting yourself, your children, your passenger and others in traffic in danger.

Why does porky constantly make propaganda glorifying this retarded shit, of people working themselves to death for shitty jobs? Even when it's been proven empirically that people who work fewer hours a week are far productive than those who work more, it makes no sense.

How is driving while pregnant significantly more dangerous? Unless they're going into labor most pregnant women can function normally.


I get your overall point on pregnancy, but working within a week of your due date seems extremely risky

Are hormones a factor?

Quit shitting up STEM, you autist. (You) are literally why a fifth of the board thinks we're losers.

Oh totally but it also looks like during the second trimester there is a 42% uptick in accident risk. Still less likely to crash than a teenage male tho.


Don't worry, the more idpol we get, the more likely it is that we will lose these in Europe too.

Welcome to the C my lad

Why do so many refugees want to come here? Not bashing them, this place seems like literal hell.
I think I want to move to Canada just to escape the fucking hellhole that is the labor force

The woman literally went into labor as she was driving: labor means heavy abd painful contractions of muscles in the body in order to expel the baby from the uterus.
It's highly unlikely that someone could maintain proper control of the steering wheel whilst being in labor, so the chancd of a car accident is extremely high.

Humans have a 9 month gestation period.

You have this problem more so with actual pain relief pills prescribed by other parts of medicine than Psychiatry.

Your problem is drugs, no? Literally all drugs come with the risks you mention.

That's pharmaceuticals. They can be dangerous, but again, if you need them, so is life without them.

Literally what the fuck did he mean by this

Most people who have a doing a STEM education are losers who think they are better than others. Why else would they want a job in comp. sci.
t. chemfag