The Anarchists #3: Anarcho-Potholers, and the Decline of Centrist Politics

Fresh out now! We cover Portland's anarchist pothole repair crew, and analyse the decline of the political centre in the rise of the right and left wings. The recent Dutch election is covered, as well as recent union events in Finland and the dynamics in their election. We also cover how the UK Conservative Party stole UKIP's momentum, the rejection of austerity economics, and how much Jeremy Corbyn sucks.

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Your guys flow and discussion is getting better. What is the song paying at the beginning?

Oh nvm saw in the video description.

so i live in portland, how should I link up with these guys


Why would you delay the collapse of an untenable system by fixing its deficiencies in your leisure time?

This is actually the most perverse and servile expression of capitalist Stockholm Syndrome I have ever seen.>>1505302


PK here. To be honest, it's nice to have usable roads. Accelerationism is fun if you're LARPing as a socialist, but I like having a decent standard of living and I think we can reconfigure society without having all our infrastructure and resources destroyed along the way. In other words, if your revolution doesn't include regular meals then I'm not interested.

That all being said, as mentioned in the 'cast I'd probably spend that money on fixing up squats for people in need to move into, or making cheap meals for the hungry, instead of fixing potholes. But I'm not going to tell anyone how they should help their community, that's hardly anarchist of me.

Marxist are unironically this autistic

What is it with colors on Holla Forums? Grey and yellow are completely distinct in real life, but on this board they seem to be almost indistinguishable.

PK here. Thanks. If you like it please spread it around, we're trying to grow which can be difficult for new 'casts.

Were you dropped as a child?

Do you often drop your child slaves, ancap?

Reddit pls go

Stop sniffing glue already

Stop raping children, ancap. They aren't your property.

I'm pretty sure the joke went way over his head

Yep, sounds like an ancap to me.

DiaNat>Diamat, OK? Google Murray Bookchin

Please stop being so fucking retarded, an individual can understand Marx's contribution to political economy and agree with it and at the same time understand that his diamat garbage is bullshit, which was pretty much proved wrong in WW1, and several philosophers hold positions similar to this

You are just proving the fact that Marxists have created a cult around him

Besides, property is theft, not a natural right, so stop calling me an ancap you potato

Way to backpedal

Diamat isn't "garbage", it's merely outdated/incomplete. Much of which Marx predicted did come about, but it didn't lead to the end of capitalism as he predicted.
none of this means that cooperatives are the end of history btw

Notice the fact that I am pointing out that blindly believing that increasing class tension is fucking retarded because never has it actually managed to predict a movement that can or could abolish the law of value. Of course lets not forget that Marx also stated that instead of achieving communism the revolution could end up killing both parties involved

I totally agree whoever said it, MLs are garbage

If I am compelled by the State's inaction to fix potholes I have already paid them tax dollars to fill, who is being empowered, and what sort of institution am I building?

Anyway, dual power is useless when the public is neither educated nor motivated enough to build "institutions of empowerment." Even if they were, such "institutions" would rapidly become useless or corrupted without continuing public engagement and oversight.

Rebel here….would just like to note that not all anarchists…especially not all anarchists involved in this podcast, consider themselves Marxists, or even get down with communism and socialism.

You don't say.

Carlgon is already pissed about this.

That's some pretty whiffy reactionary trash, user. Watched five minutes of this idiot equivocating about his de facto support for Trump because "everyone else is worse" and "MUH SJWS"

Who the hell is that moron? Are they going on a sort of rant about ancaps and roads, not realizing that real anarchists are completely different?

He is a retard tho

Who do these assholes think they are? They better stop this before I contact the union. The union calls the shots when it comes who fixes what in Portland, AND DONT YOU EVER FORGET IT BITCH

I'm glad the comment section isn't completely retarded.

>One comment from a source that claims to have expertise. I'm disappointed in you Sargon. Here's a more believable source that disproves yours:

But it is.

you need better quality mics

good commentary though

I would be inclined to agree with you here, but things like this serve a good purpose, that is, to show that we dont need the state to run society.

Wow this video fucking triggered me hard.

Why does this pathetic loser go out of his way to mock anyone trying to do good?

Hopefully he gets fucking twatted by antifa at some point.

thought the same thing.

pretty good podcast guys