Holla Forums thinks it can subvert this board

Your thoughts guys? Think they can pull it off?


That looks like boosting our traffic to me, not subversion.

Holla Forums subverted this board over a year ago. The only question is how successful reddit is at subverting it even further.

I came here from Holla Forums and like you guys more.

Holla Forums just blamed the jews and never talked about ideology.

Thanks 4chan user for making people post on Holla Forums and get us to increase our user count.

I'd be surprised of they were able to find us, remeber last time they shit on the decoy Holla Forums?

the fact this is like, a legitimate thread on /pol shows how out of touch with reality they are, like if i didn't know that /pol itself is a joke i'd have thought this was someone on here just trying to pump up user counts

Which one is it Holla Forums? Are we all mindless drones with one ideology or do we all have different views?

We have had some obvious polshills here trying to pose as Asserists and Nazbols here recently and their threads got deleted. No wonder that they are assmad.

I got this place on lock and they really can waste my time all day about topics they focus on

They're the worse for it

We need a purge on nazis and nazbols honestly. They are getting to be not funny anymore.

yeah, so long as hoochie is around everything else is just pissing into her mouth full of piss

No, we need a purge on liberals.

it is

It really makes you think

What we actually need is more sane socialists that can defend their positions because they read a few books and more standard responses to counter the rightwingers.

did some
body say ide-
tugs shirt

and Holla Forums couldn't organise a piss up in a brewery, let alone a complex subversion.

I'm for the subversion, it will get our user numbers up.

Just as planned

i'd b8 them about it but I got banned long ago

the war machine at work

can I gently urinate in your mouth???

Watch them try and subvert only to leave as marxists.

Bitches try to be me

Why do people rip on me for being incoherent when people like you exist


Like you did anything but be a faggot, you did was acting like a redditor and then acted like the borad didn't even know you were trying to bait.

hoochies the best poster tbh

That's basically why Zizek isn't against surveillance.

I actually gave them some ideas?
Why you would ask?
Because under pressure it would make us sort out our contradictions and move tovards the unified movement.
What's worse for the left now than the fucking echo chambers.

Not likely I was a right wing lolbertarian came here and ended up a lefty.

Never were. Everything of interest they ever said were said better by previous anarchist, marxist, leftcom or even tankie posters

meh, worsting that will happend is just a raid

haven't there been talks on Holla Forums about this before anyway lol ?

They don't even know the true way to subvert us. The only true shitstorm topics I've seen were during the Milo incident that devolved into discussions about pedophilia since some of us unironically hold that view.

Lmao they genuinely believe people are serious about nazbol, that it is the predominant ideology if the mods didn't have their way (the mods here don't really shut down anything, at most lately all I've seen is obvious bait threads getting bump locked), and do not realize that 95% of nazbol posting is memes.

I'm more worried about reddit honestly, but idpolism comes from almost anywhere that isn't here. Best thing to do is post infodumps TBH.

I bet that 4chan OP is Holla Forums himself.

wake up sheeple.


And they don't even understand National Bolshevism either. If you're Russian, using that flag makes no sense. Just use the nazi flag and call yourself an Asserite.

We just need to stop posting in those threads or saging them. Also, some of us need to stop being so autistic about idpol. We don't have a uniform stance on that shit despite the sticky and it gets us fighting with each other. Some of us are in the Fred Hampton camp and believe that stratification of people based on idpol is the work of porky to subvert them from acknowledging class, but that just because it is, doesn't mean that once we have the revolution it'll go away immediately. Others deny any sort of biases exist at all or that they affect anyone in Capitalism and that porky makes up narratives for it.

I meant if you're not russian

I don't think so


the heroine we need, but do not deserve

Both boards have their share of morons.
The anarcho-capitalists are slightly more intelligent than the other morons, but they're still highly unrealistic, thinking they can topple the caste system that is the modern world.

That makes them idiots, too.
Basically, you're all fucking stupid, but some people are more stupid than others.

Like we need their help to degenerate into pointless infighting.

What is this supposed to accomplish? Marxists and Anarchists already argue constantly without any need for them to be tricked into it, NazBols and tankies are already universally regarded as retards, and despite our supposed hatred for idpol, people keep bringing it up all the time anyway. Any Holla Forumsack who followed this guide would fit right in.

Honestly, fat people disgust me on so many levels.

Idpol is literally more impotent than the class struggle you fr*cken white males.

>Haha look at me, everyone is an idiot but me the independent minded unspooked genius of our times
[Tips fedora]

They have the literal opposite effect.

Being unspooked is hard, almost impossible even, but it's a goal everyone should strive for. No mocking her.


wew , sexi

Yeah it must really hard to take a step back for a minute and attempt to be objective when you have autism

Since when US constitution bans socialism?
πŸ€πŸ€πŸ€InterestingπŸ€πŸ€πŸ€ how both stickmen seem to agree on that in totally non-propagandistic way.


Redditors get out. Nazbols are a fucking institution of leftypol.


Which one?


The one that's hoochie

You don't have to be Russian to be Nazbol, mane.

The Rojava poster is Holla Forums

no idea lol