Anarcho-Nihilist Reporting In For Duty

Ask an Anarcho-Nihilist anything. (start this playing as you read)

Through a combination of nihilism, materialism, and gnosticism I reached the conclusion long ago that sentience is an abomination when it takes form in this god-forsaken universe and the highest ideal we can strive towards is the complete annihilation of the universe or at least its capacity to support sentient life.

In one sense I am the ultimate egalitarian; in another I am its antithesis. I want to reduce the whole of existence to nothing, but do not embrace the happy-go-lucky attitudes of regular egalitarians who assert that all is equal or that there is any kind of good in the manifest world. We should not have been born; and we must prevent this calamity of life from continuing.

While others feel the deepest horror as the possibility some CERN experiment or other will rip this world asunder and swallow us all into some terrifying blackhole, that in messing with highly unstable particles and things we don't understand we might destroy our universe, I welcome the end.

I do not value any of the things the masses hold dear. I pray for annihilation and fear only my rebirth. This nightmare of existence must end; and to this end I embrace a war on reality. This is why the next and most natural step for me after the complete despair and abandonment of all hope that accompanied my transformation so many years ago into an anarchonihilist was to embrace chaos magick. When I learned about the efforts of the DKMU to wage war on reality, I knew they were true comrades, although my contact with them has been limited and I did not make any special effort to conform to their founding texts or any of their memes I found myself none-the-less working towards the same end. I wish to tear apart the fabric of reality, be it through some disastrous experiment I need only let happen, or my complete mental rejection of reality and if possible a war upon reason as well.

There is one divine principle that should, does, and must govern humanity; chaos. Only out of madness and despair can we evolve enough to have a chance at escaping this spacetime trap. Every day the forward momentum of my consciousness is unstoppable. The nightmare of life continues; we awaken from sleep and it just goes on. Like everything else in this universe, it is an endlessly repeating cycle. A stable, happy society is stagnant and disgusting. The human is a mockery of his true potential. The love for the world is a sickness.

The only good is the dissolution. You can not make the world better. All you can do is refuse to let it contain you. To be unbounded from it. The world must burn to crush the illusions held by its sickly lovers. The formal embrace of "evil" as known by men of worldly attachment, lets you see how perfectly sinister you and the world are, and to feel joy and pain mixed into one continuity until everything rests between equal weights and the awaken will is made free to choose.

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It is too bad I can't embed this here but it explains my political views as an anarcho-nihilist pretty well; in so much as such an unexplainable contradiction like myself can be understood at all.

The life of the worlds is a roaring river, but Earth’s is a pond and a backwater.
The sign of doom is written on your brows- how long will ye kick against the pin-pricks?
But there is one conquest and one crown, one redemption and one solution.
Know yourselves- be infertile and let the earth be silent after ye.

Why are you such edgy faggots and can you suicide bomb n1x?

why are you the way that you are

I don't see many ideologies flourishing in the future, but anarcho-nihilism is definitely one.

It is evident from the onset that this universe is flawed on an existential level. And it's as if the unfortunate accident of civilization serves no other purpose than the complete annihilation of sentient life.

I say we embrace it, onwards, together, towards certain desolation. Let's laugh in the face of doom and hold hands as we dance our cosmic Tandava.

read Buddhist literature and stop with anarcho-nihilist non-sense, that's for teenagers with depression

I'm sort of trying to learn more about anarcho-nihilism. Do you have any recommended works?

Please leave us alone Mr. Biopower

Will you stay out of our way when we do revolution or will you obstruct it like anarkiddies always do?


Do you know the anni coopfag IRL and can you please kill him?

Of course. The proliferation of civilization can only accelerate the end.

My mother created me and I was subject too all kinds of abuse and had to witness horrors on the level of someone being lobotomized and watching as their killers pretended they had not destroyed the man, gloating with their sickly love, thinking everything was alright, telling me lies. It was not a lobotomy but that man is a drooling vegetable all the same. For years and years that cursed creature has not died. I don't want to speak more, I am deeply disturbed by the forsaken lineage I am born into, I know everything about torture and how to endure it. I want to be anywhere but here in this body, this mind, this mess of a life I don't want. I don't want these memories. I will not say "it shaped me, it made me what I am, I don't regret a single moment of it" – it is all for nothing and I hate my whole life and the memory of myself. I want it all wiped out and the universe that permitted the nightmare as well!

This tbh

My mother murdered me the the moment she conceived of me. She is responsible for it all, for my death, for my life, for this whole mess. I did not ask to be born. I have had this whole life thrust upon me. All mothers should be killed.

The question is. Is it better to extinguish life on Earth, or do we need to dedicate ourselves to suffocating the flame of existence itself?

Life is hell and birth is a tragedy. That's why I am this way.

Just put yourself in solitary confinement for an extended period of time until you realize your senses and the stupid chatter in your mind torment you and you just wish you didn't have to feel the body or think another thought.

Otherwise there's Derek Jensen: End Game and the writings of Ted Kacynski and so on which are anarchoprimitivist or anarcho-green or whatever you want to call it but it's closely related. You just have to overthink everything and you'll reach nihilism. Look at a corpse rot or look at your old haggard mother and her stupidity and her evil. Play lots of noise, random tracks of people talking, etc. together. Download this archive if it ever comes back online and listen to it all: Starve yourself and burn yourself and bleed. Find evil people; there's plenty of them everywhere, and attract their attention and their abuse to you. Read up on left hand path texts and cia torture manuals and shrinks who cloth their evil in garments of light and cleanliness. Reel back in horror from the whole world.

It helps if you have parents that do weird shit like force you to sit on a stool for hours and hours and scream at your and beat you if you get off of it while they play loops of television traumatizing the shit out of you or they drive off into the countryside and just dump you somewhere and you're forced to wander all the way back home and all as a child just to give on example of the weird and fucked up shit I was subjected to. Also helps to become so acutely aware of everything that you notice your own heart-beat, the lyrics in any music playing near you, every thump, and everything else… and when you're not emotionally dead and feel anything at all phantom music and pieces of the future come flooding into your mind and you know when people are coming to the house tens of minutes or hours in advance, basically as soon as they intend to come, and with no ability to hear it and no foreknowledge of any of it and yet you realize they're coming. These are the side-effects of your soul being torn asunder.

We need to be friends.

If there's killing to proliferate and illusions to be shattered and innocence to be sacrificed then you can expect one of us in the death camps brother. I've had my finger nails torn off. They grew back. It was all pink underneath. Once the adrenaline kicks in there isn't much that hurts at all, these things tend to hurt later, but I don't remember it hurting much. The fingernails off of both my middle fingers were removed, pulled backwards off. I think I was like… 8 then. When you think too much why others do the things they do to you, their abuse lives on even longer in their mind. The whole equation is simplified by the understanding is it their nature. It is in the nature of these people to crush your aspirations, to drag you down, to destroy your sense of self-worth, to degrade you… the best mindset is one of no hope, expect all the worst will be done to you, that you will be mutilated and your every horror realized. You know what's the most fun thing also? Being passed around. You'd think it would be limited to just your family. You'd be amazed what a piece of meat you are, how you can just be passed around, and your word means nothing and the police mean nothing and the doctors mean nothing and the government means nothing. They are all complacent. They are all garbage. Under the cover of civility, sanity, and progress there is only depravity, apathy, and madness.

your mind*.

Speaking of your mind, the people you meet have a horrible way of living on in you, gaining immortality through you. Their whole character and form preserved in your mind. Their accent, their secrets, the whole sham. I fear to see my family on the other side. The accounts of "loved passed ones" fill me with the greatest horror. When I speak of nightmares, I mean visions of my mother, and my broken family. Their whole being is preserved in my mind. My mother just created me as a vessel of pain, my soul bleeding and being infected with her own. Parasitical thoughtforms shaped out of the darkness of my thoughts. The eyes register the lightwaves; the mind registers anything the awareness is directed towards. To know is to embody; to embody is to force the awareness into. In this way all things are known. Higher acts upon lower, the gods change you, you not them. The pain, ignorance, and suffering; the whole blasphemy that is the world is the mindlessness of God. His love is our only salvation; but we are damned by weakness and inferiority. I don't need to relive this live and there is not a soul upon this Earth who I wish to meet again. I pray that I am taken in my sleep, this filthy cluster of abhorrent energies purged from my being, the memories loosened and dissolved. If anything be preserved of this life; let it be a natural revulsion to this world so strong I don't awaken again with a new life.

My mother speaks of her love for me. Her repulsive counterfeit love is only an attack upon my soul, a festering memory, a blighting presence. I wish I never had a mother. The vessel that today houses my tortured consciousness should have been destroyed!

Don't worry. We'll kill you swiftly.

That is the indeed the big question. Can we accept half-measures?

One the one hand, just as the mage imitates the act of creation through ritual, we can do the same for destruction. We can make our lives a worship to death, decay, and dissolution. This is in our individual capacity. In our own microcosm.

On the other, we seemingly need to wait for the foolishness of others to sort out the whole problem, or failing that we must achieve an expansion of consciousness so immense we finally find it in our capacity to solve the nightmare of life.

When at last you have snuffed me out, you will not be able to speak of swiftness, for my whole life up until that point was one long drawn-out death. Such mercy however is too good; I can hardly expect the blind god to arrange my death that way. The man who has no regard for love masters it; the man who has no regard for life is immortal. I have challenged many to kill me. Nobody will do me end. There also is a horrible something within the mind of every man, embedded in the subconscious mentality, an unreasoning thing which strives for life. When the noose tightens around you, this level of mind becomes active in the preservation of your life, and though you be unaware of it moves your arms and wiggles your body with perfect precision to save your life. This same, stupid, life-loving mind that so capably saves you from the salvation of death then decides to relax its powers and let you function as a complete mess. What a joke the subconscious mind, letting your existence be such a tortured mess, and only intervening to save itself. A pathetic beast it is. Something very different happens in men when you're not in training anymore and the intention to harm and kill is real. Intentions are felt throughout the whole universe. God decides who lives and dies. We are just slaves. Death will come for me only when the mercy of an indifferent God lets me be absorbed. This will be my last life; it threatens me with eternal life. I must let the Earthly nature sink from my soul-frame, so the spirit can be extracted and unmolested by the sham-life.

So what you're saying is that nihilism can be reduced to some personal trauma. Here's my question to you: are you a parody deliberately?

I like it.

What's it like being a slave morality faggot?

Are lolicore and speedcore the revolutionary music of our era?

le two-faced nature of the normies

Don't you have a hospital bed to lay in, no dignity, vomiting and pissing yourself normie?

That's your 🍀🍀🍀life🍀🍀🍀.

My existence is a parody.

Your solution is my continuity.

We need a formal right to die not bounded by any notions of life being sacred, worth living, pain, unhappiness… but this world is a soul-prison.

I would like some foolish demon to do the talking for me, this is tiring.

Sleep tight, normalfuck.

To calm your mind: this is my face of nihilism; did I ask for it?

Subversive nihilists will of course replace the image of despair with the image of indifference. Like the god that rules over us. Happy, indifferent; catastrophe.

At the end of the day normie, you have been condemned to life, keep yourself busy, and maybe you will remain fit for the work of life, but the deepest terror is waiting to claim you. You may as well pass that abyss sooner than later.

Fixate the notion that the difficult is easy, it becomes so.

ProTip: dehumanize yourself and face to bloodshed

Double ProTip: know the secret of the ascending spiral

Godmode Tip:


What are some good lolicore artists? I like goreshit, emray and MO.


Watch those edges, you could cut yourself

Union of egoists, confederated organizations that follow UNIX philosophy and KISS and only exist for as long as they are necessary, consensus/direct democracy, constant revolution. You're not just denying the idea that life is sacred you're positing another position, that all life must be destroyed. Wanting to destroy all sentient life and eventually the universe doesn't sound anarchist either, you seem like a fascist.

The only reason I'm not saging your bullshit is because it's creative

OP is an edgy faggot. top shitting up my flag you turbonigger.

Starducks Zombine, Lolishit, DJKurara, .sylCMYK, to name a few… but sometimes what you need is something jarring and which makes you feel sick and disturbed or agitated. It really depends on the effect you want. Best

u dun undastan

u kill every1 els untur ur dah last man standin'

then ur wrk is done and you kill urself!


Okay, but can I have a hot pocket first? Those things are hella good.

Not OP, but I feel that you've been shitting up my flag for far too long.

“I just found this world a hard place to be good in,’ says Bunny, then he closes his eyes and, with an expiration of breath, goes still.”

Why live?

I too have reached similar conclusions. There is no lasting happiness for people.
very true, and deeply saddens me to see human potential wither.

So you can be consumed by Mr. Pickles.

We all exist to be devoured by this frog who is the manifestation of our God.

Y'all need Buddha.

Anni flag can hardly get worse at this point. Its position as the most consistent source of utter trash is basically uncontested.

Yes you may. Then dehumanize yourself and face to bloodshed… or become an nihilist super hero and unleash the apocalypse.

Buddhapill me fam.

Any other Honorary Americans here know this feel?

Living is mandatory not optional. Thanks, Obama.

unironically the best spiritual movement

Fuck off. Stop replying. I was loving Holla Forums without the Schopenhauer-spouting melancholic nihilists and post-"leftists" shitting up the board.

Anti natalism is the ultimate redpill. Everyone shittalking OP is just scared because they know xe is right.

This. That cunt was insufferable.

n1x , is that you ?

n1x is into cyberpunk nihilism not gnosticism.

Brain damage

I don't even post here anymore. Why u still do this

As a mutualist, I find you Nihilist folks pretty okay in my book. I like your point of view. If I ever get sick of trying to make markets non capitalist, I'll probably switch over to your side.

You're an edgy faggot, but you're still not as bad as annil-ancap.

It's back online, grab it while it's hot.


Pic related. Everyone needs to stop pretending nihilism has any hint of positivity to it.

Become an ancap, they've got that covered without knowing it.