Baader Meinhof appreciation thread
Baader Meinhof appreciation thread
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These people would probably have ended up as Islamists in this day and age.
My wallpaper
The film is great and made me want to blow up some capitalists
Maoist action in a First World country is retarded. I admire their determination though, but their goal, for the westgerman bourgeois state to drop it's mask, never happened.
Watch this
I'm not such a big fan of the RAF at all, but come on. A blockbuster movie funded by the German government?
Horst Mahler actually became a Nazbol later in life interestingly.
THIS is why nobody takes us serious anymore
Idk man I watched a documentary about this group and they seemed kind of retarted to put it mildly. They had readings from their manifesto and it just seemed immature with gratuitous use of the word pig, fascism and just really poor theory in general.
Don't get me wrong what they did was brave, but its seriously questionable whether they actually accomplished anything. In general the use of small group terrorism to trigger or heighten the chance of revolution has been a failure. It might work in an unstable third world country like Cuba, but in the core capitalist states all it ever succeeds in doing is causing a spectacle and crackdown on the rest of the movement.
For an account of the failures of these type of tactics see →
Also considering your flair you might be interested to know that Lenin would not have approved.
Whoops second link should be:
Eh, like most would-be terrorist organization, they were honestly rather basic. I mean killing the occasional cop and shit helps absolutely no one, all it does is turn the public opinion a little bit against your cause.
Bagging actual Porkies and high ranking government officials however, now that's impressive.
If anything the group spoiled a golden opportunity to go gnazi hunting with public approval.
Huh, I thought Horst Mahler became a regular Neo-Nazi. He was also a member of the Deutsche Sexpartei. Guess this happens when you read too much Hegel.
The only person who appears to be the using that flag is a Stalinist, so what Lenin and Marx would have actually approved of can't be too high on his list of priorities.
Good movie, but there are a ton of inaccuracies. I agree they were retarded, but generally a big step up from the average new left faggots.
I always wondered why they didn't just move to the DDR instead?
Because they were Maoists.
Because of muh revisionism. Same reason people set up the KPD-ML and whatnot.