Why is 4chan pol more easy going while 8pol takes itself super serious to the point you can't even have any opposing...

Why is 4chan pol more easy going while 8pol takes itself super serious to the point you can't even have any opposing thoughts?

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I disagree. 4pol and 8pol are ideological circle jerks and you get dogpile for having a different idea. This place fosters discussion from diverse points of view.

This is true, but you also have to understand that Holla Forums's Holla Forums is a stormfag torture chamber, and stormfags are many, many times more impulsively autistic than the "LE PEPE TRUMP XD" redditfag neocons on 4chan

I love this spicy new meme.

Founder effect, Holla Forums received a population surge in the form of right-wing gamergaters and nazis too autistic for 4/pol/ or 4/v/.

They don't call this shithole redditchan for no reason.

4chan have slowly been returning to their lolberg roots so it makes them look like tories compared to the RINO in charge.

Not really, they just go along with whatever Daddy says until the next Republican comes along in 4 or 8 years.

8pol has lost it's sense of humor. They actually used to be funny. And not just in the sense of being subject to ridicule.
You had people able to actually make fun of themselves, the board, etc. And it wasn't just edgy. Holla Forums genuinely had witty humor. And It was part of the whole appeal that led people there in the first place.
Especially at a time when most 'leftist' forums were these humorless ultra-orthodox affairs, plagued by snowflake narcissists with assburgers and their petty power struggles. (I.e. r/socialism, RevLeft, etc.)

Nowadays it's all super serious as you say. No one can "insult" (criticize) the Emperor, the immaculate subject of their fanatical reverence.
Nor are you allowed to stray from the hivemind consensus. And then there's this pervasive sense of paranoia that leads everyone to accuse each other of being shills.

The place just isn't "fun" anymore. Outside of purging a lot of the intellectual content and discussions, that have dumbed the board down to the level of the_donald.

What Holla Forums is now is pretty similar to what Holla Forums used to be, though obviously with a focus on socialism rather than white nationalism.

This is false, though. the Holla Forums exodus happened months after Holla Forums's exodus, and during the time Holla Forums had plural political discussion and wasn't taken over by stormfags until much later, although good luck trying to discuss leftist politics on it back then. Hell, it didn't even become the largest board until subreddits like /r/coontown were redirected here.

8pol has really shitty, autistic mods

But yeah, traditionalism is Holla Forums's old new thing.

It's not just its sense of humor that is lost. The entire imageboard "I don't give a damn lol" attitude is gone, too. They've gone from going out of their own way to be offensive, to going out of their own way to get offended and cry.

Kind of activates my almonds when I look back and wonder what Holla Forums could have become, had there been effort to end hotpocketing and subversion of boards.

what's hotpocketing anyways?

Because 8pol mods are political and have less impulse control over dissenting opinions.
They think only leftism stiffles creativity, while in truth it's butthurt authoritarian sociopath mods, where you must watch, that your clever witty OC doesn't offend the mod's political views sense of humour.
In that regard they are no better than reddit and tumblr.

4chan on the other hand has lazy mods whom you can barely motivate to do shit. Usually it's the janitors who check if everything's in order. Usually local board legends. If they see something they disagree with (like the communist general) all they can do is tattle to the mods. They see it is not worth disrupting their fap session and tell the janitor to not waste his time.

Only if you really piss them off will they mobilise in force, like /int/ uprising or Gamergate.

Holla Forums is a shadow of its former self.
Hotwheels still knew what made imageboards good, but he's gone now.

Hotpockets are shitty board volunteers and owners, often people who have more of an intention of making sure they aren't offended than keeping the board functional. They do it for free.

I'm a fanatical white nationalist and I get banned off of 8/pol regularly. We just have awful mods who are likely non-whites and/or controlled opposition.

It was an excess of central control that killed Holla Forums, not a lack of, it was the removal of Hotwheels and Josh and the takeover by unknown unpopular porkies, it was the fash infiltration of Holla Forums against friendly pedos, it was the politicisation of /bane/.
None of those would've happened were the userbase more self-sufficient and willing to create alternative boards instead of requesting admin intervention, often on arbitrary grounds.

The privatization of Holla Forums would've done wonders for this site.


This site really wasn't the same after he disappeared, you know?

This is also the exact reason why moderation here needs to be as lax as possible and not go much further than bumplocking except in cases of spam.

Moderation killed Holla Forums just like it killed many of the other boards.

Precisely. Especially removing board control for arbitrary reasons.

The first year this place was magic. And it's sad newfags will never get to know that. The difference between the discourse on places like Holla Forums then and now can be compared to Evola and Huxley versus pic related now.

Well, first off, 8pol requires you to have a certain number amount of text in the OP to make a thread there.

haha holy shit

that's just fukkin embarrasin

Some men are born with an intense inclination to defend the tribe and homeland from enemy incursion. This inclination is strongly correlated with testosterone output and is a perfectly natural part of the human condition.

Couldn't have said it better myself. There was a revitalization of quality imageboard posting that I hadn't seen for years upon years and there was so much genuine optimism and hope that Holla Forums would stop the downturn of imageboard quality.

What a shame we have what we have now.

Some men are also born with the intense inclination to fuck other men in the butt.

I made an anti-vaccine post and got banned.

Yeah, it's an alpha/domination kind of thing. Something you low test faggots wouldn't understand.

So if you want to be logically consistent, you must afford the same deference and respect to white nationalists as you do to homosexuals.

Is that the official polfaggot stance? Aside from head down, ass up I mean.

Unfortunately for you I'm a tankei, so both get gulag.

Yeah, it's no different than raping women or kids. It's not sexual in the way you think.

So it's not different at all is what you mean

Are you saying both homos and nazis are mentally ill?

Why, are you worried you're mentally ill?

Im a nihilist

As mentally sane as you can be

Good riddance. The not-giving-a-damn-ideology is one of the most powerful forces of capitalism there is.

the idea of 'muh race' and 'muh nation' as your 'tribe' and 'homeland' is completely fabricated. its not natural or real.
trust nazis to vehemently attach themselves to manufactured fantasies.

The question of what is and isn't "mental illness" has become surprisingly subjective and political. It is my personal belief that men who are inclined to protect their women and children from rapacious foreign hordes are more likely to be a result of evolutionary selection rather than an illness, and I believe the converse to be more likely in the case of homosexuality.

On the contrary, ideologies aren't real. Race and tribe are very real.

So not very

Well yeah, fascism is idealist


Depends. There's lots of countries which never really developed a true national identity. Former colonies i.e.

and they are shitholes. What a surprise!

your 'tribe' would be whatever band of other humans you were born in and grew up around. your 'homeland' whatever land you grew up on.
the constructs of "race" and "nation" are artificial. humans dont give a shit how genetically similar other humans are unless they're actual family members. they didnt evolve a hard-coded understanding of genetics and a desire to pass on their genes and ensure the propegation of genes closer to theirs. They just developed to prefer the people theyve spent alot of time around and people who look like everyone else they've seen, because for 99% of human existence this did that job perfectly well, given that people were born into their band and roamed around with them till they died, or later, were born into their village and lived there till they died.
Saying we need to embrace xenophobia and tribalism and reject artifical ideology is an argument for anarchism based around villages and towns with a strong sense of community.
wtf i love anarcho-communism now.

It is really very simple. We are genetically programmed to distribute our loyalties according to concentric circles of genetic relatedness. Family>clan>tribe>nation>race>species. This is really straightforward, I find it truly hard to conceive the functioning of mind which does not take relatedness into account when assigning loyalties, this is almost as evolutionarily maladaptive as homosexuality.

This is incorrect except in the case of Northwestern Europeans, who have been subjected to strong selective pressure against tribal affiliation by the medieval church. This is why Northwestern Europeans will likely go extinct within the next century, nature cannot tolerate such a defect in the age of mass global travel. Slavs like me are destined to inherit the earth.


You just keep fucking embarrassing yourself by saying the most stupid fucking shit.


artificial implies that there is real version that is being imitated, what then is a real construct?


Can't tell if Holla Forums shitposter imitating Holla Forums for kicks, or an actual faggot from Holla Forums.

dude, they really don't at all. Thats not how evolution works. It doesnt burn 'PROPEGATE YOUR GENES' into the psyche of animals subject to selective pressure.
It burns any psychology, instinct, or behavior that happens to lead to the passing of genes into them. With humans its preference for those who look like what their mind is used to as an "average" appearance(see how they also think something closer to their 'average' face is more sexy), from the people they've seen before, preference for the people they grew up around, and preference for their immediate family and progeny.
They only care about relatedness when they can actually see that someone is their parent, or their parents siblings, or their parents siblings children, or their own children, etc. There is no abstract understanding of complicated population genetics inbuilt into the human psyche, or that of any animal.

preference for ones social group(tribe/band/etc historically) for the first one. Preference for places one is familiar with or grew up in the case of the second but im really not so sure about that one.

then we can just as well put race along side that because naturally prefer those who look like them

like how there being no evidence for the Illuminati proves how good they are at covering their tracks

It did into mine. I guess that places you at a profound evolutionary disadvantage to myself.

Healthy human minds are also programmed to see racial relatedness, race simply being extended family.



Obsessing over propagating your genes can actually be disadvantageous to the propagating of genes


It didn't. You believe this shit because of memes you've been exposed to. Its a fairy tale. a spook.
theres a reason diverse cities have more liberalism.

You can't make this shit up

4chan has /lit/ which sometimes comes around Holla Forums to tell them how dumb they are because they actually read fucking books. Thats why.

Both Holla Forumss suck through. Hard.

That's Trudeau tier reasoning.

Non-European are genetically incapable of liberalism, they are fanatical ethno-nationalists who tactically vote liberal until they achieve dominance.

Now that Germanics have cucked themselves onto the verge extinction, Slavs will inherit the mantle of master race.


Find me one example of a non-European colonist in the Western world who supports liberalism out of a conscientious ideological disposition rather than out of naked tribal self-interest.

Jerusalem stone. In my mind it's like cubes of raw meat in the sunset. Lit and polished red, the bones of my homeland are beautiful, bloody, hard. Arik my heart isn't sandstone, I'm not yellow and full of pores; I'm pink and glistening. My body is in the desert. Its ancient tombs my internal organs, the tunnel that Jesus conquered on the third day… my vagina. I'm a mother. I'm going to be a mother. A child grows in my belly, and it grew from ghostly sperm and sunburnt eggs. Its ghostly heritage shows in the translucency of its skin like the finest porcelain, so fine it can't hold water. I can see all its innards. I scream and my clitoris crawls, blinking, into the light. Kiss me! Kiss me, you fool

The comment about wanting to propagate your genes actually has some merit. If you sperg about how you want to preserve white children hard enough you will most likely repel most people.

then let's look a tendency that has been present in all of history and all over the world, the preference for those of the same race

attributing this to anything but ingrained nature is like believing cultural marxism is the reason why there are gays

you never can, Holla Forums is indistinguishable from parody


Daily reminder.

sure, happy merchant was made by monsanto and the exposing of soros is done by boeing, holocaust revisionism is done by mcdonalds and the black crime statistics are posted by berkshire hathaway. it all makes so much sense, it's the only theory that does not compromise one's philosophical understanding and logic.

i wish i was an effeminate pan-faced ant-person so badly ;-;

Why tho?