Westworld is really good edition

Westworld is really good edition

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dude i know

Are you reading mainstream media? We both know who's tryin' to further rifts between groups if ya do. Or really, we tried giving plenty of rights and equality to the "opressed".
Its result was those gits believing that they are much more "equal" than the others. Second world war ended like 71 years ago, we still stuck there?
I really wanna hear your solution to this. How to satisfy those "people"?


I disagree.

Why'd you tell me to watch it then?

You ruined my subterfuge.

Shut up Darwin


Shut up Darwin


Discrimination objectively exists.
The media reporting on it with sensationalism doesn't discredit its existence.
One group panders to them in ways that don't really benefit or inconvenience either. The other just masquerades "everyone's problem is their own fault" as a way to justify policies that ensure them and the people paying them stay rich.

If Spinarak gives 1 EV per KO and being in a chain doubles it, I get 2 EVs per KO.
So if I want to get 252 EVs, I need to KO half as many Spinaraks, which is... 146?

Whoa, is that an echo in here? :^)

No, 126.

He is sucking dicks in League.

The pun was that Emma repeated me, silly.

Yes, but I will take the opportunity to denigrate him.

They are literally reporting left and right, if you watched CNN you could feel some manipulation tinglin'
I have to agree with you on the big scale but you still didn't tell me a feasible solution. Surely, if you are aware of the issue you have clues of the solution.

Liar, you didn't catch the pun.

Did you get good yet?

No, am suck.


Is it another episode of foreigners talk about the US?

I am having the best time ever on League playing in bronze. Are you jealous?

No, just a shitty rerun.

I am.

I am

I've never been able to get that high of a rank before.


I guess I can still get there on Flex queue.

Those feet though

Who invited you to the conversation, nerd?

Okay I want to play games now
Who will play with me?

I let myself in.

Echo will do it.

I did already: address the inequalities. It's pretty much the only way to shut those groups up. Regressivism just makes the reaction to be even worse to pander to the group.

Depends on the game.

That's alright, Darwin got bored.
Are you drinking tonight?

I want to play SC2, WoW (US), or maybe some shitty MOBA. Might be tempted by other games.

ur 2 gud

I only have a small amount of rum left and its raining outside.

Dozens of governments and dozens of different policies are trying to adress them, tried to adress them, and the results we arrived to is practically a decades old setback. Can't balance the trays of this scale by the known methods for sure. So unless by shutting them up you meant closing them in and make them slaughter each other, I still don't get it.



Do not post a strawpoll like that one again.



I'm worse than you

The rain outweighs getting drunk?

Because they're problems that require a generation or two to sort themselves out.
Saying "it doesn't work" then gutting the program and trying a different approach and/or just further going against them just ends up in the quagmire that we're in now where nothing is anyone's fault on either side.

I see no way that this is possible.

Why do I need to get drunk so badly?




That last piece shouldn't have stayed up.


You seriously believe in that? Are you willing to shape your life according to it? Didn't take you for such an optimist.


it freezes soon after the game ends

I'm actually silver5 but matched with bronze. It's why I keep losing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I dunno, maybe you don't

Do you wish to play flex queue so you can boost me to bronze?

Wow, you lied to me. What other things have you lied about? I wager you are not even a girl in irl real life.

So rigged.

Sure, although I'm probably low gold since I don't play often.


the game is kind of glitchy though like it sometimes changes its mind

You were Master in SC2; that is like challenger anyway.

This is better

The idea of drinking rum makes me wanna gag.

I was never as good at LoL. Too many things that are based around game knowledge I don't have.

Anything you know may be the opposite!

There are also less elements to pay attention to at least.


You underestimate my ability to a click my army and pretend micro doesn't exist. But yeah.

Who are the hot adcs nowadays?


Eww. Try again.

Is Jungle Annie viable again yet?

Twitch, Jhin.

Fap before bed y/n


Teemo is better at it

y not?>>1488090

Isn't Teemo just cancer, though?

Karthus top
Good lord

Eat my ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No Teemo jungle is top tier in the meta right now but its actually balanced.

Trust me I got high silver with jungle Teemo

It is settled.

Good night.

High silver doesn't sound like an accomplishment.

I was high silver in BnS with super mega shit lat, unable to beat even things that I naturally hard countered.


Auf wiedersehen.

wow it's 9pm do you know where your children are

Silver is pretty much the hardest rank to play in because your team mates always hold you back.

I play at like a gold level but I can't carry my noob teams.

I was plat in BnS and I was playing the super weak Blade master before the buffs

Which, for the record, was everything except BM and BD.

At least, when I last played.

In bed.

You probably just got a bunch of FM matches.

Cancer dancers, though.

I almost had a breakdown once because I got matched against something like 10 cancer dancers in a row, and my lat was bad enough that my skill seal would never land, unless they were doing absolutely nothing at the time it'd hit.

I know.
My friend helped me test it.

wait you have children

Would it improve your opinion of me if I said yes?

Because I can't promise to be entirely truthful if it will.

No it was more like I had to fight 30 assassins in a row every time I played ranked.

FM was like my only match up I won for free

I could beat Cancer dancers but I had to wait out the whole "I can't be hit by CC crap"

posting on animus

Also i'm not really a silver teemo jungle player

That was just ironic shit posting

Cancer Dancers were the only thing I could count on a 100% lose rate against.

Because as a FM with shitty lat,
they could spend literally all their time cancer dancing, and I'd never be able to do anything.

BM were a bit better for me, but those were a rough ride too.

Anything else though were ezpz.
Probably because I also played the only other things that should give me trouble on FM.

Be like Erio and say everyone's your children.

You had arguments and relevant discussions which means at least you care about the subject enough to research it, lad
Why the sudden silence? Being naïve is nothing new around these parts


I do a lot of sitting, and sometimes it's hard not to think of those kids as my own, tbh.

Lol if you tried to hit me I would just stun you for free.

I would hate to deal with that

Hey you

Do people still play BnS ?

I kinda wanna cut up some Crimson fags


6-1 on it


Well, that's what parry is.

But, IIRC, BM parries are all 180 forward, no?
That's usually how I beat BM.


Bronze is a magical place.

I'm kinda wasted so only comfy with mystery heroes

the game in general

No, I'm not allowed to be a mommy?

They are plats mid gold apparently.

True. we need something better to play.

How about arcade.
I still haven't played it with anyone but myself.

NA is a magical place.


Its in arcade. I'm game for whatever random shit tho, just lets switch to american server and game client. They are surprisingly easy to beat.



1v1 me fgt

Why do I get the feeling you think I have kidlets now?

A shame friends can't challange each other

Yes they can.

Its fuckin' on


football coaches are real modern day slave drivers

Do you still play?

What server are you on ?


Grimmmmm I'm hungry :(

Can I shove a toblerone up your butt ?


Wrong person doing carrying.




Who did you make babies with?


Not really.

I don't remember.


I'd say come eat this dick but that's too cliche

No nutritional value and I'd end up being more hungry afterwards.


I guess the games probably died at this point.


But I dun wanna play adc.

Nu-uh. I pressed R when they were really low. All me.

I ganked your lane twice before teemo hit level 2


I leashed the shit out of RED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think someone in my old guild is still playing,
but it pretty much seems dead.

next level pout

okay !

Is Nunu really a threat?

This is sad news

We both know how cranky I get when I'm hungry, Grim...

Who is who in this?
Am I the little girl?

Rin pls responce pls


Now I ate ass

If they are using the Nunu Bot skin, yes. that shit tilts you.



when subtle and I erp he likes it when i eat her booty


You eat his ass

I'll eat your ass

and he can eat my ass

Darwin I assumed you'd be playing yordles

nice skin tho


I guess I can.

h-human centipede ?

I didn't think to take it so far

I just cooked and ate an amazing omelette with onions red peppers and tomatoes

you do that too

Unlimited power

Can I be the little girl who made dinner for her mom?

I showered since someone was coming over.

It's not really naivete to say that problems exist and addressing them is honestly the only way for them to not be an issue.


There is no food.

I can make some toast with apple jelly I suppose...


whatevers there
whip it up into something good


tfw no chinese

I won't lie, this actually bothers me a little bit, because I always click it expecting the animation.

I want pizza or chinese food though :(


it's too late for that now probably grr

Be that way.

Get chinky food delivered.


I swear to fuck I didn't save all my gifs off Tumblr.

I think it's too late though.

Trigger count: 4


I wouldn't go that far.

My younger brothers friend and a friend to the friend of him died today
That's pretty crazy in a small town
some frinds of mine are friends with him

he was on some stupid shit though from what I hear
not so smart to tempt fate like that but god damn
That's pretty crazy

have to go. bye

He wasn't even talking with anyone.

see you

I don't think I have a waving bye gif so pretend Plank is waving bye in this one.

Yup, bye.

I had a ketchup and mayonnaise sandwich I should be good now.

send help

does it get any whiter than that

What the fuck?

Actually, I'm going to head to bed too.

Maddie, love yah.
Sorry for being a shitter, I just wanted head pats.

so does ecchi

you poor souls

oh I see how it is

Idunno! I'm just hungry.

We had some gherkins in there too so now I'm eating those.

Why the fuck didn't you say so?

I'll prolly borrow the car after he gets home for some T.bell maybe iunno

Yup, bye.

Fuck, let me actually leave, I'm bad at this.

I didn't know how to carry that conversation.

I'm an autist who's bad at communicating.

Gonna find food now

crunchwrap supreme hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

I dunno why people do that.



with a hug

good night

Dude chicken crunchwraps.. I'd probably shank somebody for one they're so good.



The replies give them some kind of acknowledgement or something

hey pretty kitty



But they are leaving, so presumably they are not going to be here to even read the replies.

wan ?

I think we all know they wait to read the replies before leaving.

thank you!!

Kyyyaaaaaaaaaaaaa~ !!!

Being acknowledged is essential for a good nights sleep.

It's just fishing for neenees.


more pls


Neenees matter.



Jack, stop posting that bear. It makes you seem adorable.

Post Karin or something

Recommend me some movies boys

Play the game, it won't.

Sir Billy


zombie beavers

August underground mordum


Magnolia is great

what's happening



please respond ?

not feeling so hot today
how aboutyou


why not?


lot of death around me today
also feeling pretty sick
what are you up to with your day?


Everyone is adressing issues but I don't really see anyone having a reasonable solution to it. Which gets us back to the much detested subject of "whining"
I think I know where the problem lies





blunts and vidya

i ran out of weed today :9
Gonna scrape up some vape ressy and toss it on a bowl of already vaped buddha :(
What kind of wraps do you like?



I like this song and all but every time I listen to it I make sure I say out loud that I love God and and really don't talk to Satan lol



shiny hair!

The answer to your problem Tsuchi, is a different kind of humanity, "If the mountain won't come to Muhammad then Muhammad must go to the mountain."
So we just gotta restart society and approach this from a different angle.
Considerable change never came without blood or sacrifice and you could always draw a linear equation between the magnitude of blood and the positive effect it had in our history.

wew lad
Someone never got through high school.

-pets thread-

I hate sand


I finished it in hungarian te szerencsétlen baromarcú hülye gyökér köcsög.
You should get the general idea, if you don't, I don't think you even got through elementary.


It's coarse and irritating

The world isn't always teetering on catastrophe.

You know not history either than, which is even more sad.

So much irony in these posts its hurting me.


Darwin is so heavy

I don't think I have time to stop arguing history with an american. Anyway, fuck off, eat shit, die.

Seems to be the only way to fix anything tho. Sadly Trump won't deliver.

Go sleep.

he was AFK at some points too.

the rest of the world hate us because they aint us

Damn, really got me with the ad hominem.

Forgot how stupid eastern europoors were.

But I am going to cuddle and do indecent things with senpai :^)

You're no better inting with Azir


Eating me a fat burger right now
w/2 burgs and 2 cheese and large lettuce

We already had a kingdom and religion at least 700 years before your ancestors could even step on your continent
How is that for starters on history
Don't even start to brag if ya have none lad

I remember when Mordin rage pinged me in aram

I will never think of him the same again.


I'll take that as a "I learned my place" and go with that.
Good boy


Rage pinging in league is nothing compared to rage pinging in dota

what did you do today

He is bad! And I did the shuffle thing a couple of times. I was useful.

You did that to me all night.

I'm actually an Azir god like easyhoon and you're bad if you think he's bad :3

I made Mordin ragequit a few times, though.

I haven't even been a little upset at league in almost a year so that seems unlikely.

I was playing with the new pings though because I had never seen them.


Nunu. .////.

thats different.

Seems like it's not difficult, you've done it twice when playing with me.

also its not been a year since you played yasuo

8 months

not much...
just some laundry and lunch.
now i'm just watching youtubes.

The logic behind quitting is that I dont play on NA ping because I enjoy the game being borderline unplayable, so if he's going to be an asshole and suck the fun out of it then I'm better off playing on EUW.

really had to defend yourself there huh
couldn't just admit it

Yeah, Dardar is great at sucking things out of other things

Admit what? I'm not denying anything.

What have I done in league that makes me an asshole?

I don't get it

buffalo pls

I totally forgot that icing from the cake

Only assholes play mobas

I'm talking about darwin

Nice ID colour MFF


i love casper

Johnathan Toes

Going to into figuring out how to play SC2 again, does anyone else even have LotV?

he does have good toes. fast fucker.

cul our

I am exceedingly bad at it but I do have it.

i'm so hungry =w=

go get some McDonalds.

Yes, but I am awful.

Yes, but I am awful.

time for worries of unpreparedness to set in

Come to Chicago. I'll teach you how to be |_337.


I will! All you gotta do is watch and listen to me and do the opposite and you'll be Queen Bitch of Kitchener. All peasants will bow down and kiss your feet and other stuff that you want kissed.

But I only want my prince to be kissing any part of me.

I guess you could cawk tease all the peasants.

I'm awful too
On the brightside APM is back up to 110+

Mine is at 25

😂Wow😮 sounds like 👉someone👉 been 💦drinking 💦the 🔯fluoride ✡LMAO 😂🇺🇸 what a 🌎globalist


I desperateley wish to be a young pubescent girl in rural countryside Japan who desperateley longs to be a pubescent teenage boy in Tokyo

hmm... sure is quiet round here.


Sorry I'm busy talking to Satan


you doing anything?

why satan?

He listens

to what?

Gonna sue bnet for ruining my inject profile
"saved globally across all computers you log-in to"

rustle rustle

inject profile?


where all my friends tonight :(

Coming back is rough. 1v1 and LotV is more comfortable than the FFA WoL stuff though.

Hotkeys to be able to quickly inject my hatches without distracting me for more than a second.

i am here u can talk to me bard

Wrong pic.

Thanks oobley I was going crazy umu

its ok u can always message me on discord too fi you want

All that time supply capped.

Make me your student.

is this an invite to the kool kids klub?


You stay away.
I will be training to defeat you.


sure is!!!

Go find your own sensei

More like the opposite.

Am I being...kicked out of the kool kids klub? :(

do your homework NERD

no y ; -;

is that your cat irl?

I meant the opposite of the cool kids club.

I said I was going to SLEEP so I could do it TOMORROW


no it's just my favourite set of cat images

I saw him first.

oh :(
do you have anymore?
I have a thing for uh...
Orange and white cats

My youth makes me the more desirable applicant.

i do not have a cat anymore, i had 3 years ago

That's sad :(
I miiss my cats now too...

Test, do your homework.

He is not one of those.

you are an amazing mercy

tfw almost old enough to legally drink but also young enough to still pull pedo pussy

do not miss ur cats


I miss your cat T__T

just playing video games and being worthless ^^


oh... sound like a good time.

How unfortunate. I am not good at appealing to those who aren't one of those.

its ok my cats were good girls
i have to bed now so gn bard hav a good rest when u do

nini oobles you rock

I are bad
Play each other and I'll tell you how you're both fucking up in real time though
Archon mode might be good but I've never played it

I know how I am fucking up. I just have no practice and no game knowledge of builds, units, or counters.

I know how I am fucking up. I just have no practice and no game knowledge of builds, units, or counters.

when you spill cold water on yourself but at least it was not warm water

I dunno builds right now, but I know units. Also I think I'm still youth, at least I consider myself to be.


You are not attracted to youth, though.

I mean, not like pedo status stuff I guess. What do you define as youth?

Anybody wanna flirt?

Kissy's age.

Can it be overtly and in public for the purposes of making others jealous?

Yea, but not with you

That's cheating, give numbers




ifyour age is above 20 the youthtrain has left and final destination is emptiness nothingness

That is too young.

haha yeah youre tllin me

of course, isn't that the best kind?

ah ok, that's fine


I am older than 12!

oh haha right
i forgot
12 and a -half-


Stop spreading these falsities.

I want a gengar or a haunter to be my buddy in real life

Can't even set AI difficulty so just have to stomp it
Kinda feel bad


so she's a literal princess

this is interesting

tfw no abra to take you to the store soyou do not have to walk

lets have over-12 sex

Ihate it

beat one ai
struggle agains the next and lose
beat the same dumb previous ai just to try again


I'm 12 and what is this

tfw no tsareena to treat like a princess

You can in customs.

but customs are so

well I guess

We should all do 1v1 obs
EU or US?

Oh. Well 'harder' is a fucking joke.

I dont believe in ghosts or sex before marriage

The solution is simply to not play a shitty game.


I do believe in santa though. I've seen him.


I will win them all.

I see.
Marry me then.

I can throw
Or not play

Also if you cheese hard enough I might lose




Well, at least it is practice.


loneley :(

See I'm bad like you guys

I nearly choked on my granola bar

So ronery

omg you guise


this is my favorite meme of all time, I do beleive

lonely :(


I'm moving into a new house


for real? are you excited and is it far away?

You guys look really gay.


You may be one of the whitest people possible.

What a coincidence, so do you!


its like 5 minutes a from my place right now BUT all I have to do is cross the street and i'm at the beach.

I embrace it

tThat sounds amazing
is it cost effective?
I don't got

the cheddar

Is this a "name my boy band" meme pic?

White boys like you probably shouldn't be throwing around gang signs all willy-nilly like that either.

I refuse to watch that whatever it is.


i couldn't carry as a 27/7/24 Ezreal
against a immortal kayle

but at least i can carry as a ultra carry sg jinx 21/4/17


if you do the bloods sign upside down
it says pablo

Basically is, yeah

Also it's fine, my personality is cool enough to disarm most people

I'm sorry, my heart belongs to someone else.


Thats for supporting me daddy.

That was gross

What can I say, it's hard to hate me

*crawls up onto your bed*


That build scares me


Which one?

never 99 ;;