Is this just a bird board?

is this just a bird board?

Other urls found in this thread:

I'm going to dump some lewds, probably. Just ban me if that's not cool.

This is Scathach, I like her more than most Fate servants. Then again Fate is a pretty shit series and the Nasuverse is retarded.

This is Kaga. She's easily the best boat but people are really weird and worship the tiniest boats and the biggest boats without even trying to attempt a happy medium and I think this is one of those exceptions where the grey area wins. While Kaga does have huge titties she's still not a cowslut. She has a nice slender build and a dandere personality. I like that. It's much better than full on loli or moo-whore

idk who this is but look at that ass, that's alright


>_< too lewd!

also you're not posting in the 'Main Thread' ???

This is a new thread.

too early
and you didn't link it in the previous one.
we only use one main thread at a time
and it's wayy to early for a new thread.
around 250+ image we make a new thread.. but till then we usually just stay in whichever is the main thread.

so... it's not really ' new thread' yet.

What if someone makes a new thread. Is it new then?


it mostly goes ignored.

since it's not the current 'active' thread.
that' just how we do it on this board in our little community.

Something tells me this bicycle girl knows she's showing off her butt

Does everyone have a trip here? I noticed most posts are trips or names

Tripcodes aren't required.

people just use them as our name, our self identifier.

I'm not trying to shitpost or anything, but isn't it a little strange for most people on an anonymous image board to use tripcodes? Traditionally trips are used to identify someone who's had credence or reason to identify from a previous thread. Maybe even one from ages ago, to prove a point or identify a culprit. If everyone has tripcodes here, isn't this nothing more thna a glorified forum?


we really arent 'traditional' around here on our board
we are a cool 'forum' as you call it.
...not all that glorified...

you sure have some strange ideas.

Identities are traditional though. Moreso than anonymous posts.

Yeah. we are mostly a collection of identities from all over, here.

just telling you how i've observed how things work for the past many years that ive been around and seen.
no malice, just trying to inform you.

Alright I can respect that. This place is pretty cozy. If you see an anonymous or two pass by, one is probably me.

All are welcome, despite any drama you might see. :3

if you find yourself in the active thread during the daytime.

It's a cozy way of life here, some people are bully tho :3
but the most of us are personable~

Good luck!

i'mma pass out now.

Neru, coddle me.

whatdoes it meanto coddle
Iam gong bed now I even toothbursh I just beed to change nedsheets because I forgot to change them for 3 weeks

The fuck is this?

Ah, never mind. I will follow your lead. Slumber peacefully.

What a weeb, who draws blushing on stickfigures. Can't use this. Terrible!

ta I try hopefully no build order starcraft dreams

I am at school.



Hey I tried my best.

Who are you ?

it's so rare to see you here what a delight
much better here to talk than the other place it seems, it's so slow and im super not used to it
so whats new what have u been up to my friend and also whats up w/ ur steam

Should I sleep?

I suppose it shall suffice for now


I'd like to see you do better.

Just drew this


what's up bard?

No you didn;t

Battlefield is pretty fun! am having a good time as a healslut in ww1
wat arey ou doing tonight?


I made sure I unlocked the animated cat girl cards......don't worry

idk just thinking about ways to kill myself~~~♥

dicc succ

sorry but its important for me to preserve human life so you shouldn't do that

I wish it was

I wish to ask cupcake to dump his collection of papi screenshots, I have only collected papi fanart at this point.

why not

i'm pretty worthless

You would trouble the people who found you, the peeople who had to move you, the people who had to clean it up, and the people who have to dispose of the body.

bard talk to me or ill kill myself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

don't worry, nobody will ever find my body :D

I have far too many screenshots to dump. you'll just have to save them as I post them I suppose.

my love!

alright, i'll just cap my own set in 1080 peas

bard talk to me or ill kill myself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Rolled 2, 3 = 5 (2d6)roll says what i will do with my life

You will five with your life.

Good job.

You aren't the all mighty.


Insurgency is 2 yankee ducats, but I have no friends to play it with 😢

ban i am feeling confused



what's up buttercup?


no reason

I was playing a weeaboo card game but now i'm bored.

I was a Necromancer loli but you could be a vampire loli if you wanted.

you shoulda been the vampire


Lol, it's this pic again.
I'mma save it just to bring it up at some random time again.

it's my new favorite

I like it more every time I see it.

I don't know how to play her though.


I wanna eat that cake

get good

Why don't you get the game and show me how its done then?

Its free

I guess I would, too.
Just because it looks so good.

because I think card games are shit

of course it does when it's presented so nicely ^^

It's a pretty unique presentation, for sure.
Imagine her keeping that same look on her face as she watches you eat the cake.
Ehh.... that's a pretty good thought. I'd feed her some cake, too.

needs more lewd

I'd rather she just kept feeding me cake tbh


Don't make me wet
Never never make love in the shower
Just make me hot
Gimme gimme good love in the sun
Just take me high
If you wanna be part of the power
You must wait in line

...with her feet?
Nah. Girl needs some cakey lovin', too.

yeah sorry babe

of course with her feet
that's the whole point

Will you just eat it like that, off her feet?
...That can't be easy it all, though.
Nice challenge.

Wait, Fortune didn't die?!

My life is over

I would
it's no challenge

*gives phoenix down*

My internet went down for two weeks, and before that, I wasn't around much either.
Two weeks of internet really makes you want to get back here, and so I am. Quite actively, ever since.
Heya, Amy. How ya been?

How is it not, though?
You either need to have no shame, or really good teamwork.

I've been really rather well, thanks. Been playing videogames and hanging with irl friends.

Aside from your previous internet deficit, how things been on your end?

Didn't work

i'm just a spooky ghost now instead

Not telling

gay af

Pretty good, best I've ever been, probably.
Not all the time, but most of the time.
Still being a NEET for an undeterimed amount of time, though... which really is boring.
But I mind boredom a whole lot less, nowadays.

That implies shame, eliminating the former option.

Rude af

I hate boredom. Makes me angsty.

Used to get me that too. Way less now, though.
Though the isolation of not always talking with my friends+boredom was not a fun combo.
But I made it. Probably because my friends invited me over more often than they usually do.

Brain problems make it a lot harder for me to tolerate being bored and make it a lot easier to actually be bored.

So keep yourself occupied, ideally productively.

Define 'Brain problems'
I've got ADD and somethin' else, meaning my mind is really active all the time. Even more so when bored.
My mind being bored used to mean self-reflection... and as someone who really coudn't stand themeselves, that was not a good thing.
But that's mostly in the past, now. I got help.
I can't remember much of any of my old feelings.

I do, to the best of my abilities.

My psych diagnosed me with in-attentive ADHD (I think combined type would fit better) and he mentioned wanting to test me for autism.

Never stop learning.

Of course not. The day I know everything is the day I'll have to start killing people.

Oh. News to me. guess I have that too, then? Alright.

Yeah. my "Somethin' else" is autism, but a mild version.
Still fucking hate saying it though.
I was semi-surprised they diagnosed me with just ADD/in-attentive too. But I was just energetic as a kid, not actual ADHD.

You guys are really strange.

But then you need to learn how to kill people and what your victim's schedules are so you can do it as long as possible without getting caught.

Hyperactivity can be entirely mental. Racing thoughts, needing to fidget/bouncing your legs etc. are all minor symptoms of the "H" part in ADHD.

You can't say stuff like that about me, my dad owns Nintendo.


Racing thoughts all the time, but no real physical hyperactivity, for me.

Doubt. I'd still say that even if he did.

Hi FourToon ♥

I already know how to get away with it - I just don't have a better reason for than I have against serial homicide.

Hey hey~
How ya doing, Noamy?

Oh. I do not at all like being still. I need to get up and wander, fidget my legs, move things around my workspace... But because I wasn't bouncing off the walls as a kid I wasn't diagnosed then and when it finally came up last year he was like, "Eh, it's probably inattentive type".

The doctors here are shit.

I'm great. I think about you guys all the time.. I hope you're all doing well y'know, but I never have time to check in.

if blood chan stays gone for too long i will die

It's alright - apparently I'm in that kind of mood. Maybe I can be your BC tonight~ ♥

Yea, where did Blood go?

Oh what? How come? Busybusy?
I'm doing better than ever before, probably.

i figured it out

no one can replace her

Ha! Fucking homo.

Always keep learning tho.

They were posting on Holla Forums kinda recently

I'm hurt...

in the waifu threads?

What I need to learn is how to ignore the urge to start new projects a few minutes into the current one.

theres no reason to be hurt it's just that she is perfect


Does she even like you? I mean she likes practically nobody.

maybe it rly was her i saw earlier...

if course


Ah. I am glad.

Wow, that's rather.... whatchacallit...
I guess you could say the doctors are inattentive
Dismissive, I guess? I know doctors like that too. I've had intestine problems my entire life, and it was always "drink more, eat healthier", until I was 18 and they actually checked inside and got a glimpse of the real problem.
Not that there's a fix, but at least I don't have to hear the old mantra again.

Yeah just real busy. I've always lead a pretty active life, full time job dominates my shit posting time.

Can't help it. I meme about how shitty it is, but this community will always have a place in my heart.


Nice self-reply. I'll take that one for myself~
What's the job?

You should kill yourself if you don't have a good reason for ending something you wanted to start badly before.

I work for my towns parks department. I thought everybody knew this.


I'm pretty sure I never heard that before, really.

I blame the media and my teachers most of all, though. I was always just a "daydreamer" who needed to "focus more" but because ADHD has this stigma around it and I wasn't disturbing anyone elses' learning it was ignored until report card time. Even after teachers flat out stopped asking for my homework (or joked about how it was a meaningless effort to) I fumbled through the cracks.

Turns out being a shittier child would have made me a more productive and happier adult.

That's... at least somewhat worrying to hear, about a schoolsystem.

I been doing it for years, like 4 years now. Although I only became full time 2 years ago.

I think I'm going to make a career of it. Already going to school so when my boss retires I can take his job c:

It's much the same story here, I suppose. I don't even understand what it is about these people that draws me in on quiet days.

I have reasons to; I also have reasons to start something new and exciting. New and exciting has a stronger pull than weird and interesting.

gnomes these caps are rly bad im def stealing mama mia

I was too clever and too reserved and they didn't connect the dots.

I don't have many quiet days, certainly not enough to waste on more of the same. Despite that I have people from around here in the back of my mind constantly.. Place kind of changed my life y'know.



It's good to drop things. It's bad to drop things that are good.


Slow responses cuz I gotta clean.

I don't think we ever discussed it, if we have, it musta been years, sorry.
What exactly does the job entail, then?

I had something similar, I suppose, but that still kinda sucks.
I was rather intelligent in middleschool, so I kinda flew through it without an issue, except one bump in my 3rd year (age 14) where I failed spectacularly on almost every subject... but they told me 'no worries, just retry'.
I kinda made it with low grades, even my exams.
Then I crashed hard in Highschool, and I've never learned to come back from that.
And now I'm a NEET. Woo~


I think I forgot to make a point.

im good

ur too cool gnomes i couldnt bring myself to do it

Is that my Naomi-onee-chan!?

I'm a parks worker. I do lots of stuff.. Last couple weeks I've been putting up Christmas decorations.

If you got embarrassing caps feel free to post 'em, I don't care.

literally whoo? :3

i dont have any embarrassing caps

gracias ms sombra

How've you been, Naomi?

Ooh, that could be pretty fun.

smonk wed

I'm super confused then

It's the end of november.
The advent season is about to start.

i was saying ur caps of mamimi are bad so i would gonna cap her and use her as an avatar myself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


that's actually a meme
my bad


semi meme


Pretty good. I got a very good job, they really value me so that gives me daily validation that I desperately need.

Yeah at the end of November you put up the Christmas decorations.. it takes couple weeks there's only 4 of us putting up decorations all over town.

oh yeah I've always had trash caps sorry

no dont say that ur caps are fine the way they are

This might seem a little rude but I honestly don't care.

That's good.

yeah well cuz ur actually cool thats the way it is
what can ya do

That's way more early then here.
Actually, I'm not even sure if/when they do it here.
Ooooh. That's pretty heavy.


Guess kuudere are actually the coolest.
Does that make dandere cool too, or just pretend cool?

They don't just put themselves up, or go up in an instant.

Hmm.. I have something I think you'd like to see. Do I have you on Steam still?

yeah it is what it is

You don't know when you do Christmas??

Fuckin weeb

Sure, but I expected it to go faster. Didn't know it was 4 people, yo.

I don't know if the city does decorations.

Time for work.
Smonk wed.

explain all of those anime things

Pay attention, Fortune. I bet they do and you never even noticed.. Those poor fellas that put up those decorations.

Have fun.

That might just be the case, really.
It might just be that I've never been in the city during Christmas, though.
But I live in the heart of the city now, so I guess I'll see.

I believe that you should.
My name is set to Lostalgia.

Apparenlty, quiet and often anti-social, even if they want to be social.

And who'll lose their social inhibitions and become much happier once befriended and in private.

Kuudere is basically the character who appears outwardly emotionless.

Dandere is basically the same thing, except they can grow out of it. Usually only in private.

From anything I've found on either of them.

Dammit, Subtoe, Lurking should be illegal.

Like 80% of my job is things people barely notice, I actually don't mind. The thing is if I don't do my job properly somebody would complain, so when there's no complaints all year I know I've done really well.

well then no being emotionless is not rly cool and hiding emotions is like the opposite of cool

get rekt

Sounds semi-common.
The kinda friend that's good to have, too.
Hard to get, I guess.

I suppose most jobs are like that. Things like the mailman and stuff, you know?
The tertiary industry or something like that workers that people don't directly interact with.



I think hiding emotions because you don't know how to deal with them, or can't deal with them, is kind of lame.

But hiding emotions because they aren't relevant to the situation at hand is something else altogether.

How did I get rekt?
Now Subtoe and I are cybering on steam.


It's just that lurking is horrible, and should be a banable offense.

I guess.

burking curking durking furking gurking hurking jurking kurking lurking

Holy shit.
I channeled my full Sobo there.

I'm sorry guys, I should just never do that.

O-Oh shit


Got a guess. Slow replies for an hour, if any.

Would KS-Hanako be an example?


dude wtfdont steal my ideas i hate that



How's your day going?

Whose legs?
Some internet bitch.

I suppose.
Some people use Nagato from Disappearance as an example of dan.

Which idea?



but I'm watching monster gurls

'lurking should be a bannable offense' ive said that exact line like a billion times before

Did you listen to the new Theophany album yet?


Yeah? Well, so have I.
And Cupcake.
And literally fucking everyone.

So get fucking over it ???


I need a tripcode

yea no u havent it's my idea and i made it and i wont get over it be original u dumb whore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't even know who that is

spoilers you stop this. you stop this right now.

what trip do you want? I'll add it to my search.



I post so many random pairs of legs so that when the day comes that I post mine, everyone just thinks that they belong to another internet bitch, and I don't get teased relentlessly about my perfect legs and people wanting to hot glue them.

Hell, I may ahve posted them already and no one would know.
Except the ones who would.

Like, fucking kill yourself ???

He's the guy who made the terrible fate album way back in 2012, and had the brilliant marketing scheme of making a website with a countdown timer and album demo to the whole end of the world thing.


I wanna say it in stem

Lovely, I had a meeting with my project supervisor and I managed to convince him for another week that I'm much further ahead than I actually am ^^

what cuckery is this

like let me make this clear for you, dude. if u pawn my ideas off as ur own again i will kill u!!!!

I don't know anything about this, gomen

okay okay geez, lemme finish this monster girl episode

spoilers NO



Nice desune.

But what if you don't catch up to where he thinks you are?

Very clever self-defense cuckery.

Fucking try it, faggot ???


posting sad mabel should be a bannable offense!

I only listen to like, real music so I don't know anything about your video game and weeb music people LOL

it's wrong. wrong!

admit u stole my oc or i rly will!!!!!!

not seeing the truth should be!

Gaben... that's...
that's a bit more than 75%...


It's also wrong to tease someone because they have nice legs, and to comment about hot gluing them.

Literally, just
kill yourself.

I'd never say those things out loud

I MADE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You wish, tho ???

then that's two times you'll be banned!

believe which part?


The part that's blatantly lies.

Some people here don't have filters.

w/e u big bully... u know in ur heart that u stole my oc and it was wrong ;;;;;___ ;;;;

I'm not much of an ass person.
But this is a really really nice ass.

You have no oc, sci.

I don't need them

gosh damn this is a good episode tho

so none of it, gotcha.

flat out lie!

Yeah, well.
I don't want their attention.

Yeah, you're right.
I believe none of it,
because it's all blatantly lies.

No ???


no u

well theres other places for that

you're not really making a lot of sense here but you do you


Ask Tokai if you want them that badly.

I make perfect sense always.



ur the meanest person ive ever met....

I'm determined to not let that happen
But if it does then.. it's not the end of the world


I need to watch this scene again because I don't even remember what's happening

yeah I don't remember it being this lewd but it's nice to revisit.

there everything fixed forever!



Keep not going outside then ???

Well, work hard!
Hard, work well!
Work, well Hard!
Hard, well work!
Work, hard well!
Well, hard work!

why do u need to? the show looks lame and that character is uglyyyyyyyy

don't want them from him

well not until I fug the cups silly of course, then it's all fiiiiine

wow baseless and hurtful accusations holy shit rin

should get on that then~

i love u

Well, you'll only get them from me, if he says it's okay, so you have to ask him anyway.


of course

so eager! I should

make sure to smack hard please

what you should do is sleep!

Oh my god, this Oath to Order.


She is not ugly..

don't wanna

best get to my bed as well then, pet

whatever u say sensei...

maybe I'm already there. did you check?

Sucks to be you then ???

nah cuz I'm neko

Oath to Order is quite possibly my favourite track from this game.

And they did it wonders.

But being neko won't get you rinLegPics.

i don't need them

I guess I should!

goodnight spoilers


night bae!

many many hmphs

I provided you with the method, you are not allowed to be petty just because you do not want to take it.

ultimate cuckery I refuse to partake in

u can see my legs if u want




Sci, no one wants to see your gross, ugly, man legs.

I mean.
I'm not sure how comfortable he is with me posting pictures of my legs online.

Then again, the one time he came up, he said their his, so...


dont u like guys tho?

Does Mimikyu learn Fake Tears?


yaneki pls

hmph times infinity


Never heard of the char or series.


Bad girls don't get rewards.

The series is The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya.

But they explicitly use the version of Nagato in The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya as an example of dandere.

what did you think about

good thing I'm not a girl
or bad

rin's not even gay what a sham


I just realized why my back was so sore.

You're being an awfully bad girl right now.

not sure I'd be into that

I'm not a girl




shut up mugen posting legs is my oc

Why's that, then?

But I've not seen Haruhi


Then stop acting like a bad girl.

I was shoveling more snow than I should have yesterday,

Licking feet and begging for your life?
Next you'll tell me you don't want to be roped naked and hung.

heres the one where i tucked my cock between my legs

Oh right. Snow is a thing.
I've not seen any in years...


I see it every year.

Of course. You're in Canadia.
I can't imagine snowless Mapleland, tbh

I almost want to go out and shovel again today knowing there won't be much, just so I won't have to shovel my weight in snow again.

I don't want that

Stop calling me one

Now how I can't help thinking how much "my weight it snow" would be.
Snow's really light, right? So it'd be a lot... depending on how much you weigh. Probably little.
ty mind

I don't even where to take this now.

Shoveling out a driveway is also quite a bit more snow than I am person.

How heigh does the snow go there now, then?

Depends on the year.

filthy sordid anons making threads on my board 😒

Good morning.


But... I said 'now'.
This week, then?

Hey Erin



hello fortuna imperatrix mundi, how goes?


i quite literally made this board

Oh, right.
It was maybe half a foot to a foot deep when I shoveled yesterday.

Fancy namin'.
I'm pretty good, feeling good, not TOO sick and good foods.
How's you?

as nebble say brontosaurus

it means fortune, empress of the world.
i am okidokie thanks

My friend Libby crocheted me some gloves once. She made those, but they are quite mine.

I just got a shiny cutiefly.

It's male.

I don't know whether I want to kill it and try for a shiny female, or just end my chain.

only if you remembered to say no takesies backsies

tito dick dickman baby

he raised phil and loves the ladies

jack's cool-ass lazy, but he's still learning.

...I can't remember that much snow, ever.
I'm kinda jealous, but realize what a pain that must be if it's that frequent... and this isn't even the coldest time of the year, yet.

Oooh, Latin?
Fancy Fancy.
Not entirely sure about the Empress part, but still, that'd be cool.


ban mugen for spam pls

number one cherry pie, still a virgin.

chita, meet da freak of da weekah

while I did not have build order dreams I had what I think was essentially a combination of dreams that made up an entire game of starcraft aaa

phil’s homegirl that jack wanna keep her,

but that’s not happenin’, either

shake it like a seizure, hold up,

The bleeding affect happens when you play a video game too much.

lemme spark this, take a breather,

breathe that reefer in my lungs

it's the name of the first and last pieces of Carl Orff's scenic cantata Carmina Burana, that should ring a bell. The first is the well known O Fortuna.


i got grapes, what you watchin’, son?


I know part of the Lyrics of O Fortuna.
Not the meaning, though. I can just sing along for a bit.

fortune knows his classics, how charming ^^

Selfawareness is important, dear.
Up to anything fun?

are we friends again today

naa, just chilling. hoping my hash comes today so i can spend the next week in a stuporous malaise.

i feel like every time you've spoken with me in the last year it's been to start shit, i'm not sure why we would be.

nerus a sweetheart and would never do such a thing

Holy shit im bored as hell. Monday cant get here fast enough.

tito dick 'dickman', baby

Whatever floats your boat, I suppose.
Not exactly my idea of fun.

aa I apologize if that was how it turned out

it's fun in the same sense a cup of tea and a nice sit down is fun.

not exactly exciting, but lovely and relaxing, some pampering for the soul.

dont leave me again

welp. life is short, so i suppose you are forgiven.

I will have to go later today. Ill be able to text as much as you want once i get to my moms though.


b-but I don't like tea.
I get your point, though.
But I only like idle relaxation with friends.

Ishall try to not start stuff again

neru x erin

neru ur #1 !


So whats up.

if you understand that a consciousness can never be transferred from one vessel to another, then you find something akin to the spiritual and religious ideas of a soul that does not require faith to exist. to pamper that soul is to make its vessel more hospitable and comfortable to reside in.

cannabis is absolutely idea for that, to make the chemo-electric element of self more at peace with the organo-material element of self.

lol i'm like a buddha of science right now shits cash

thank you my little sapling.


"Why are you buzzing!?"

more like the stoned 14 y/o of science

i am feeling rather bad. how are you. how is the new place

Well, it'll always remain in the same brain, I assume. I dunno my medScience.
I have no religious faiths, but I kinda hope for souls so that a heaven may exist.
But I don't see why cannabis would be better for a 'soul' than any other moral form of enjoyment.

Erin I sent you a very erotic pic

Whats wrong?
And its ok. I dont have food in here and im not buying any until i can pay rent. Going full time fucked my budget. So its potatoes till the 6th for me. I found some ramen and peanut butter in the abandoned appartment that my landlord let me pull shit out of.

I would have kept letting her sing.

Souls are only there to kindle the fire.
For the dark sign brands the undead.

that sounds really bad dude

because he does drugs so everyone else has to be a piece of shit like him

we'll see, imagine you copied someone to a computer. the computer isn't now the original person, it's like a forked repo, the original either still exists in the original body, or died with it, the copy is divergent.

so that lends to the idea that a person's consciousness is tied to their physical form, residing inside them kind of like a soul, unable to be removed.

is that you pooping

I plan to stock up on left overs. I just checked my acount and got one lat pay check through my temp place. Ill ask grandma for some cash

If, by surgery, my brain would be functionally transplanted onto another body, I would be the same person(for the most part), in another body.
The consciousness is tied to the brain, no?


Your body replaces cells every so often. So your brain is a di#erent brain than when you werw a kid. Old you is dead.

yes, but that still requires moving the vessel, or at least the vessel's cockpit, to download a consciousness as data and mapped connections would be a different story, it would never be the original, because the original still is, and over time they would diverge into completely different people.

Reminds me of this one:

That's true.
In your analogy, wouldn't that mean that you created a new soul?

like if you watch transcendence with johnny depp

computer johnny depp, with direct access to the internet, changes dramatically very rapidly

all along people tell the girl that it isnt johnny, and johnny died, but she is so in love with the idea of johnny she can't accept it

eventually though, she has to. the AI johnny is a monster by this point, doing thing original johnny would never have done

it became divergent, despite starting as a perfect copy.

yes, it would i suppose

good luck

I'm not sure I can go along with that, then.
What we're talking about are consciousnesses, not souls at all.

Why do you not feel well? We can call if thats better.

we can talk about it later

in this discussion, the soul is simply our term for a consciousness, and it's singular nature.

souls don't actually exist lol

Alright. Im leaving around 2 or 3 i think. Ill be gone about an hour.

rip dreams.


here is a picture of my adoring dog sleeping in my arms



Ooh, looks like a soft doggo.


Scottish Power are asking for my gas meter readings over twitter direct message, lol

I wasn't pooping, per say.


the 21st century is fucked

#23 please


This is really weird.
What if you don't reply?

it's cause i dissed them on twitter last night and they're trying to make me happy so i stop publically shitting on them



who is she?

companies will do a lot for you if you call them shit on twitter tbh

one of twitters most useful features

Twitter is good but only because the furry tony the tiger and chester shit.


I thought THEY approached YOU.
This makes way more sense.

twitter has over 317 million active users and you think it's good because of only two accounts?



There is no medical reason to drink that much water.

it is actually super, super good for you.

especially if you want gains.

you can get water wasted




I think it's nana from Orange Caramel.


Yan. Rapport is bullshit. It has made farming embers too easy.

did you really fucking report me 7 times

lol guys come on



I cant report on phone.

i didn't report you once, i expected you to acknowledge that you were spamming and do your fucking job and ban yourself, but apparently being a mod means you're above the rules, right?

fuck off, revolution is coming.

Not a thing

Well, yeah. But you don't use it for that.


Who are the admin/mods nowadays?

I mean youve kind of done it too on a more regular basis. And you dont get banned.

id probably have to ban you then for every time you go off on a trivia rant nobody cares about

we were doing so well yesterday why are you being standoffish

you are wrong hunni

science said so

when have i spammed? show me

I like to watch them fight. Spear guy is my fave knight to root for.

Tp moogs soto luka and grim.

i don't spam meaningless phrases, i talk about genuine events in order to spark conversation on the topic.

if you can't tell the difference, you should really step down.

I am on my phone. It is more effort than it is worth. Maybe when im on pc monday.

tl;dr can't do it

nice one kyle, you sure showed me


are you saying the nutshack is meaningless

No, Science says being dehydrated subtracts from your gains.
Drinking excess water does virtually nothing to improve gains.
If you just drink when you're thirsty, you'll be fine.

The Greatbow Milkwood Knights are the best.

all i saw was stupid phrases being spat out one after the other

if that kind of shit hit my message inbox, i'd be on to my network to sort out the fucking spam

Well no. I could but it is just an expendature of effort i dont care to put out. Its not that big a deal to me though id prefer less hostility.

Baby you belong to me
Yes you do, yes you do
You're my affection
I could make a woman cry
Yes I do Yes I do
I will be good

You're like a cruel device
Your blood is cold like Ice
Goes into my veins
I'm breaking my chains
One look and you can kill
My banner is your thrill
Your love is for me

i will prove you quite wrong if you liek

Also Erin stop being a twat to my furfags.

O shet im spaming
plz no ban

Oh shit. I should go try that with invaders.

ill be sure to let you in on the joke next time

*bans u*


It took me a while before I realized it was a joke.
At first I saw Soto, and wondered who was retarded. Then I saw TP and thought the same thing.
But no one would make those two AND Luka mod.




most of you say that shit not just sci

you couldn't because i don't spam

it would be very easy for you to go to the archive, put "Erin" in the name field, get a list of all my posts, and screenshot some spams, but you can't do that, because i don't spam.

nice try french fry


they earn what they get

*spams yo-

User was banned for this comment.

I am glad. Though it would be funny if for a day.

link to archive

To be fair all of us pretty much tried to get bebop to reban him. Forums/animus/

You're just being a twat tho
And encouraging hyponatremia.

I said try me
Take a chance on emotions
But now or never
Goes to your heart
I said try me
Take a chance on affection
We'll be together
All the time

(User was banned for this post.)

My phone can hardly load Holla Forums. Let alone a second sight of archives. I said i could once im on pc. Calm your taters.

bb trips don't lie

I need to make a luck character to farm on.

how fucking easy is it to prevent hyponatremia nick

salt your damn eggs

come on.

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

We must all go outside naked eatting salt and drinking water. We wont freeze to death by force of will.


I can never remember the difference between prone and crouch