Wants to create State based national communism

Everywhere I look it's the same thing with people praising the Union instead of their home states. This is why national communism will never work in the State Union that Holla Forums and Trump believe is so great.

I'm European and shilled for Trump as a red blooded American veteran. Baby steps.

Mississippi is a shit hole

That's kind of the point, the civil war fucked us up.
Also yes I am aware I messed up the title for the thread with my name but eh

We must support the confederacy in it's struggle against yankee imperialism

this picture triggers me

you have no idea how far this goes mate


those trigger me less, IDK exactly why. I think at the time it made sense. But if we had a communist revolution, it would be best to burn all the confederate flags AND the USA flags.

fuck that the rebel flag is among the best flags

That's just rude.

They're​ right about that nigger.

States as in smaller adminstrative entities within a federal systems are inherently projections of that system.

The people on the in Jackson county have little to do with the people in Monroe despite sharing a state.

In addition to being economically and politically suicidal, (lol Mississippi can't survive independently of the union it's built into) the individual state is as inherently capitalist as the union it is a part of. The Mississippi government is the same porkies that live in DC, and the state government is no more representative of the populations will than the federal government.

You seem spooked, even by the standards of Stalinism. Your distrust of the federal government is justified, however your state based solution is the wrong prescription.

I imagine this will fall on deaf ears but try to read Bookchin. He explains in the next revolution why states are inorganic and false.

TLDR: states are spooks municipalities are cool

Fun fact the Young Patriots abandoned the Confederate flag later because they realized they couldn't reclaim it. So your image proves the opposite of what you think it does, namefag

WTF I don't even


Why is everybody so fucking stupid?

I never understood why people are more loyal to a state rather than a country.

It makes sense to be loyal to something more localized but why stop at your state and not your county or city or neighborhood?


Why not only be loyal to yourself?

Spoiler alert: you were already fucked up, Mississippi is the worst state and has been for a long time
- t. Louisianafag

I see absolutely no reason why you should give any more or less of a shit about anyone or anything simply because it exists within some imaginary lines within a country that itself is surrounded by more immaginary lines.

This weird fascination that southerners have with the state that they are from as if someone from the same shithole as you gives anymore of a fuck about you than some other faggot from somewhere else.

Class is the only thing that you should make you feel any sympathy for someone for being similar to you.

Im actually visiting Mississippi right now. One of the strangest places ive been in the US, taking highway 61 down along the river currently. A lot of the culture and scenery is beautiful but the place is very obviously economically ravaged. Also these are the most genuinely racist white people ive ever seen in my life. Literally advise me to stay away from certain towns that are "overrun by niggers" and then those towns are friendly and have great food. Tbh the black culture here seems much deeper than the confederate nostalgia and muh glorious heritage of plantation porkies, and I say that as an Appalachiaboo who thinks white working class people are unfairly suppressed by leftists and should be allowed to freely express some culture and identity (spooky as it may sound).

I've often felt that way about my state, Victoria, than the rest of Australia. We don't have the same history of states rights though. For me its just a cultural thing. Victorians are more progressive and less spooked by shit like right wing populism.

so the black in the deep south dosen't have the ghetto nigger culture?

In the more outback areas no, but inner cities like Jackson aren't the best.

Most of the racism is due to alienation within certain towns. Same thing can be said about majority white towns with blacks feeling the same alienation. A lot of people are looking for that nostalgic feeling of belonging that seems to be very absent in the south.

99% of the time well mannered uncle toms are huge classcucks

culture creates and is created by a genuinely different way of behaving and thinking that people share, sometimes its for the worst but often thats variety that makes life interesting. call me a liberal if you want but i dont want to live in a world with a single culture deemed acceptable by the workers council.

nigger culture was created by the CIA and FBI, It's literally cointelpro

Ah yes the unconventional revolutionary praxis of being a public nuisance

There are three types of black people in the U.S.

People who live in the inner city who struggle economically and occasionally fall into gang and drug life to help supplement their income, uncle tom sellouts who live in upper middle class neighborhoods and have white wifes, and forrest niggers who dont wear shoues, play banjo that they literally made out of garbage and strangle aligators to death with their bare hands.

All these redneckes like to pretend to be nature people but aint none of them got anything on these dirt floor shack niggas in the south who kill all the meat they eat.

Wait we have those?

Dude fuck no it isn't. It looks like edgy shit.

Also can you people stop trying to get the Mississippi state flag taken down, this is getting silly.

Don't let the liberal yankees keep you down redneck Stalin


now i get nostalgic flashbacks of me playing sims 1 with my sister.
life was so much easier

People in glass houses…

What exactly is "nigger culture"? Being loud, being sexual and dancing? Most of the world enjoys doing that outside of countries that have been fucked by spooky abrahamic values

If youre talking about consumerism and commodity worship I agree thats a horrible culture but its not at all exclusive to blacks

You are the definition of a classcuck if you defend bourgeois national flags.

Don't give me that shit, you're a part of problem.


Well I was more referring to the public drunkenness, loitering in public places and harassing random strangers, blasting rap at odd hours of the morning, etc

Often it's not even good rap, it's mostly the stuff made by Hollywood shills

States of the US are literally fucking squares with generic blue flags and 0 history whatsoever, are you even trying?

Thats what I thought, you have a problem with people living outside of the confines of state supported petty moralism. Yeah it's rude as fuck for your neighbors to be loud when youre trying to sleep, so tell them to shut up and take it from there. Also


So is every other country

got a sauce on that? that'd be great to have.

Yes because obviously anyone that has a problem with antisocial narcissistic lumpenproles is a "petty moralist"

Why do you have a problem with people living outside of the confines of state supported petty moralism?

Consider suicide.

We're gonna burn down the north like it's the winter palace

That's imperialism colonialisms fault.


There is literally no reason that the means of production can't be collectively owned in one country.

Wrong, look at a fucking map. Do you also eat burgers for breakfast?


Confirmed for being a troll.

O-k then

Hip Hop is better

Also rap was just an example, idiots blasting reggaeton, country, or classical music would be just as obnoxious

Fuck this isn't how I imagined it would turn out

t. Pennsylvaniafag

The revolution will be born in Bethlehem just as it was 2000 years before, except this time it will be born in Bethlehem, PA

dang yes ill be 20 minutes from the action hopefully i not dead and make it to see glorious USSA

Lincoln was a comrade, the south lost, get over it.