Why is fascism so popular in Russia? There seems to be so many nazis there as of late...

Why is fascism so popular in Russia? There seems to be so many nazis there as of late. Religious fundamentalism has become really big too.

Their imperialistic tendencies are concerning. When Putin annexed Crimea his approval ratings went from 60% to almost 90%. In light of this I don't think Putin would lack support from the people if launched an invasion of the Baltic states for example.

Especially now with Putin and Trump becoming best buddies, Russia is probably more inclined than ever to live out their infantile nationalistic fantasies.

Russia is the biggest threat to western stability. Any loosely held together desert sects pales in comparison.

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Putin is a Machiavellian genius, he's playing the country like a fiddle honestly.

He'll probably pull some shit honestly, Trump has literally never said a bad thing about him.

Honestly i don't really care.

Where do you think you are? Death to western stability.

Hopefully this will occur. Those (literal) Nazis need to be taught a second lesson.

The US installs holocaust revisionists by a coup and you're worried about Putin. Really makes you think.

I guess he should just have ignored the referendum and let the majority russian population of crimea be discriminated by the russophobic ukrainian government

t. CIA

The relationship between Russia and Ukraine (and Crimea in particular) is miles apart from that between Russia and the Baltic states

The idea that Russia's involvement in Ukraine is some Red Alert-tier prelude to an invasion of the Baltics is a lazy fantasy spun by intelligence fabulists with too much free time


I sure hope so.Russia's national budget is going to run out this year.


Russia doesn't have imperialistic "tendencies" or aspirations. They want to be a regional power with control over their "sphere of interest".
What is this and why is it good?

Maidan can hardly be classed as a "coup".

The referendum was a joke and Russia's invasion of Crimea was illegal.
Can you link some recent instances of the Ukrainian state discriminating against Russians? And can you explain why this is worse than what's happening to Tatars and Ukrainian-speakers in Crimea?

This. Big sp00ky Putin has no interest in invading Eastern Europe.

One of the first things the new govt. did when they got into power was remove Russian as Ukraine's second language. They also gave quasi-fascist anti-russian group members leading roles in the new govt. (by no means were they in charge though.) IIRC a member of right sector was made minister of defence.

M8, Crimea was Russia's for like a hundred years before it was handed over to Ukraine during the USSR. It's full of Russians and they didn't take back anything more than that.

Any normal commie desp. Work.Part. of Rus. and Work. Academ. Found. in Russia recognise it as imperialistic country.
CPRF are soc.dem., not commie>>1482073

"Especially now with Putin and Trump becoming best buddies, Russia is probably more inclined than ever to live out their infantile nationalistic fantasies."

It's United States & it's the stupidity of Trump what concerns me. Russia is not relevant to this continent (America) as of now. All we know about them is that they're dumb, cold, have problems with Ukraine & are selling gas cheaper to them so they calm the fuck down or something. Which is fine by me since the Ukrainians at Kiev are White Supremacists/Nationalists.

Putin is not a Nazi, he dislikes the alt-right with a passion, going as far as banning anything Nazi inside the country. He is a dictator but not that kind of dictator. Still. Sucks for Russia.

Agreed. If Russia has done things is prevent war at least. I don't like them, they're another breed of Porky but watching them block the way of my enemy is great & I hope it keeps happening.

Fascism does't have an Idology.


If you think legality plays into great power politics then you're an idiot

You know who I want dead like right now. Nationalists. If they're gone a big portion of the cancer keeping individuals back is cured.

For centuries, Russia has been subjected to authoritarian rule. It's an ingrained part of their culture.

Russia has never collapsed in its history. Every 100 years or so, it sheds its skin. Russia is a 2000 year old plutocracy.

Authoritarian rule is good for Russia imo.

They are already beyond the point of salvation

One good Purge and this would be fixed.
Miss Stalin yet?

Lennin's revolution has been the best thing that ever happened to Russia. Everything else has been another type of slavery.

Crimea was a conquered territory of the Russian Empire. The Russian Federation is not the legal successor of that Empire, and their occupation of Crimea was an act of imperialism anyway. The rightful population of Crimea are the Crimean Tatars, who support Ukraine and are discriminated against heavily by the Russian authorities.

I can't even read your post. Stop being 12.

I think it's regrettable that Ukraine doesn't support a bilingual policy, but it's hardly hardcore discrimination to expect Ukrainians to work in Ukrainian.
The power of groups like Pravyy Sektor and Azov is limited outside of the military. Fascist groups have almost no representation in the Verkhovna Rada.

I was replying to a NazBol on the topic of whether or not Russia's annexation was ethically acceptable. International norms are a fair starting place for discussing that, and Russia violated those norms.

Speaking as a nationalist, national essentialism is silly. National identities are constructed, not inherent or immutable. There is no centuries-old Russian "essence" or "spirit" of authoritarianism.

fucking dropped. your opinion = shit

What is he saying at the start?

fucking retards don't realize that there grandfathers / great grandfathers fought and usually died to literally kill fascists

some denial of heritage right there

"Suffer with us, die with us, kill with us … love with us, hate with us so that with us you can be reborn and be part of the Great Russian Easter".
Or something close to that. My Russian ain't great.

They get around it by not calling it "fascism" and dressing it up with a bunch of other concepts like patriotism and religion.


A lot of small groups hate the people at the top in Russia. The problem is it's a huge meme country with so many disparate groups that they cant coalesce into a popular resistance enough to challenge the power.

Russia still doesn't have a highway system. It doesn't have high speed rail in lieu of that. Yeah it has a few important trains here and there but getting most people around the country is still a hassle. People often talk about how far behind America will be with increasing internet speed but Russians still rely on satellite phones and other archaic shit in a lot of areas. A lot of Soviet infrastructure was spent building dams and power plants, but making things easier for people to get around or spread information would make it harder for party bosses to stay in control so they didn't do that. So you cant collectively get together except in the far west and the far eastern parts of the country and it's hard to share information to plan anything. This is why Russia sucks.

"suffer with us, die with us, kill with us, march with us, fight (together) with us, repent with us, confess with us…" and other crazy shit like that. Guy's name is Alexander Dugin he's apeshit insane

doesn't matter, their grandparents / great-grand parents were literally commies under Stalin, their heritage would most likely give them the fucking wall

traitors of the revolution

Speaking as someone who is in my 3rd year of Slavic studies, no. Authoritarianism is ingrained in the Russian Empire /Soviet Union's history and culture.

The Russian people don't have a choice between "democracy and dictatorship" but a choice of "order or chaos". The Russia people have always sided with order over chaos.

Not to say that that Russian traditional Liberals and Conservatives don't exist, but they all understand this fact of Russian history.

Speaking as a postgraduate in Russian Studies, that's bollocks. Most developed countries had millennia of authoritarian leadership, from plutocracies, tribal kingdoms, feudal kingdoms, juntas and so on. The idea that this metaphysically infuses their "culture" is ridiculous.

This is nebulous to the point that it belongs in a fantasy novel. Order and chaos are factions in Warhammer. They are not actually existing entities.
Russia doesn't even exist in a state of "order" today: the law is negotiable, military deployments are unpredictable, and Kremlin insiders get arrested.

What does this mean?

The population who have the strongest claim to collective ownership of that land. It's the Tatar homeland and has been for centuries.

Isn't that the OG Nazbol?

They're reactionary conservatives but I wouldn't go as far to call them fascist

Besides the real fascist party of Russia is the liberal democratic party of Russia

Russia's foreign reserves are increasing every year and it is out of recession. Sorry Trotskyist Soros cuck.




Why do Rightist need to bring up fantasy and Warhammer (humans vs orks) everytime they lose a debate?

Are you this cucked.


What a weak lie.
You are not fooling anyone kid.

Not the OG, the OG is Eduard Limonov, who seems like a pretty well rounded individual with a rebellious streak. Dugin was a very early member though.


I don't think it should be that surprising. My views are, for the most part, very much in line with the mainstream of academia. National essentialism, Putin as an imperialist, or Ukraine as a junta aren't ideas that are taken very seriously in the academic community.

We all know who is behind this post.

Of course it's discrimination you retard. It disenfranchises everyone who doesn't speak Ukrainian, which is the majority of Russians in Crimea and the Donbass. And it's these regions which have claimed autonomy and/or been integrated into the Russian Federation. Some coincidence!

Different universities call it either Slavic or Slavonic studies. My degree is specifically in Russian Studies.

Did you even read what I wrote? My point was the world is nothing at all like Human and Orcs.
Jesus, Holla Forums a shit today.

Kill yourself shitposter.

Dugin is a fucking nobody youtube personality. He got kicked out of his university after he chimped out in 2014 calling for an invasion of Ukraine. His worldview was picked up by Western aut-right personalities like Spencer and that's why he's considered some ideological grey cardinal for Western aut-rightists and Fascists directed from Moscow by Western mainstream meteor.

There are thousands of actual Russian Nazis and Fascists and nationalists all of whom are anti-Putin ranging from "liberal-nationalists" of the Navalny wing to more xenophobic nationalists top full on skinheads most of whom never heard of Dugin or think he's some kind of faggot

This may be the worst thing I've ever heard of.

Have you ever heard of Napoleon, George Washington, Giuseppe Mazzini etc?

Fascism is popular because of
1.a sense of inveriority due to sudden fall in the quality of life and loss of clay.
2.people loving socialism for the flashy parades, the space flight, the success in sport, the lower crime rate and sticking it up to the Americans while detesting central planning and the lack of foreign wares.
3.You not being able to just move to a city without having a job or a study place there in the USSR. As soon as the Soviet Union collapsed the cities were flooded by the bydlos from the countriside outraged about the cosmopolitan middle class found well-established inside.
4.Radio Liberty bombarding Russians with Ayn Randian rhetoric throughout the Cold War era. Russians trusted it because the native alternatives were intellectually on par with Glenn Beck but also about as exciting and lively as the corpse of a cat.
5.Desparation about getting pushed around by the gulf monarchies (which essentially won a proxy war against Russia in Chechnya), China (which bullied Russia into ceding land in Siberia) and Germany (supporting open neonazis in Croatia and nowadays in the Ukraine)..
6.Victorian cultural norms which had suddenly been overturned. If there is the occasional "communist" who wants the Soviet sodomy laws back it's not quite the main issue of their party.
7.a sex tourism industry (for racist Americans) and, consequently, AIDS. The bride drain and brain drain will pay a part, too.
8.The commies are considered morally bankcrupt. There's scarcely any person in Russia who didn't have relatives sent to the gulag or executed. what's more, all the renowned 19th century Russian literature is about how materialism is morally bancrupt and dissident literature sort of continued this theme.
9.as with Texas and Saudi Arabia, Russia's economy is dominated by raw materials exports extracted by a handfull of corporations. Putin, himself being an oligarch and a shareholder of some of them, tried to channel these popular ressentiments into, well, blaming the Jews. He did start his reign with a show trial against Khodorkovskiy and Berezovsky was turned into a horned demon Jew by gazprom media who somehow robbed Russia all by himself.
10.The habit buying off all indepedent media (and murdering critical journalist) resulted in a patriotic retard olympics in the public sphere which sort of forced the kremlin to play along.

A people who feel besieged and is too poor to have the time to delve into the nuances of geopolitics and foreign policy will eat up any garbage authority figures throw at them, especially if its coated in chauvinistic, nationalist nonsense.

I mean sometimes in some placed it does.

Nice to see ShareBlue shill doing it's work here.

The second two were me. "Western stability" is a retarded idea.

nice to see you not even trying to deny being a shill with a standart anti-Russian script

I'm not a shill. I'm a postgraduate student of Russian Studies in the UK.
You are quite likely a Russophone, because you spelt "standard" with a "t", which is how it is spelt in Russian.

Then it's even sadder if you are doing it for free after being brainwashed by your politicized neo-liberal "academics".
Still everything you said completely follows the current liberal anti-Russian agenda, with all it's lies and truth twistings, so I'm not convinced you are not a shill.

So, if someone disagrees with you, then they're de facto brainwashed? That's stupid.

They have a great deal of academic rigour, and there's plenty of disagreement and debate. Anyone who published a paper that was just liberal propaganda would be criticised heavily.

There is no overarching liberal Russophobic agenda. Liberals aren't some spooky boogeyman out to destroy Russia, and the academic community spends a lot of time and energy debunking anti-Russian hysteria. I spend more time debunking "Putin is an imperialist Soviet dictator who wants to invade Europe!" than I do debunking "Russia did nothing wrong, the West is out to get us for no reason!".

Also, I googled ShareBlue. Apparently it's a bunch of Clinton-affiliated neo-liberals. I'm a left-wing nationalist, paren'. What would liberals even be doing here?

Great poster. I see u and appreciate u user

You seem like the most reasonable poster in this thread. Some users go a bit overboard here in their Russia can do no wrong shtick. I'm not sure if they're Russian or its just a backlash against the MSM's propaganda, but they have an incredibly naive view of Putin and Russia.

unconfirmed unsubstantiated bullshit, sure they have facists but no more or less than a few years ago, probably less since they are fighting bonafide neonazis in donbass, not too trendy to wave that shit around right now

crimea had a referendum you wapo cocksucker, you can debate the fucking transparency of said but the fact that you think russia would hand over their port on the peninsula because of a color revolution is hilarious and shows that you have no understasnding of geopol

You want to talk about imperialistic tendencies you should probably mention afghanistan, iraq, lybia, supporting mercenaries and "moderates" in syria, 160 bases all over the world, etc p.p

more rumors and bullshit from western liberal presstitutes, beyond a few token words that have sent faggoty like you into a tizzy there has been little to no cooperation so far, unfortunately, sanctions are still there, door is still open on ukraine, you are talking out of your ass, back to maddow you dicksuck, you dont belong here

the real threat to global stability are the fraternities and clubs that run the deep state, the MIC, and international finance

hilariously they are also the ones that made a creature like putin possible by trying to scalp russia in the 90s with "free market" neoliberalism, you are reaping what you sowed faggots, the tables are turning and a lot of us are kinda fucking enjoying it

I think ive run into you before faggot, your opinions are garbage, you are an idiot or being willfully stupid, either way you need to fuck off back to your sanctioned safe space where you can discuss the haxxing and the like

perfidious fucking albion ofc

Let's cut the bullshit, it's obvious who you are and what your agenda is. Saying "I'm a professional trust me guys" says nothing on the anonymous imageboard, and if anything makes you sound more suspicious.
The ideas of "Russia are persecuting tatars and ukrainians in Crimea", "Annexation of Crimea is against the "international rights" and therefore bad", "Crimean people would be good in Ukraine post coup", "Referendum was fake", "Crimeans want back", and so on and so on, are exactly that kind of liberal anti-Russian agenda that is being pushed right now. You repeating it word for word only confirms you being someone who pushes this agenda. Easy as that.
To clarify I'm in no way support Putin and agree about him doing many horrible things for many years, but at the same time these anti-Crimea shillings, as particular example of many other anti-Russian media attacks, are clearly politically constructed to push western interest and not really are consistent with reality.
Oh yeah sure, this is exactly what people like you who push it say. You must be clearly out of touch with reality for the last decade if this what you "really" believe.
Ask yourself that question.


Thanks. And I think you're right - a lot of the support for Russia online is just folk being contrarian because they hate the mainstream view so much.

I'm actually >flag , but I live in the UK.

It's not, read somting other than BBC and CNN.

lul you dirty snaggletoothed britfag cockswallow I dont know what that means but you need to suck on a fucking tailpipe, I wonder how hard it would be to find you nigger, i may disagree on a lot of things with a lot of the cosmonautists on this board, but I love how youre fucking beeb state intelligence narrative about muh russkis keeps popping up and is consistently beat the fuck out by pretty much everybody, we just had one of these threads like a week ago, probably one of the only things leftypol and pol agrees on is that your load of bullshit about the fucking ivans is just that

now youre just trying to push buttons, i hope you get your rectum savaged with a gas pistol by some rude boys on rollerskates

I would post a smug picture but I've left my hard drive with memes at home.

America is really undermining its own empire by caring about slavshits instead of China.