What is the difference between anarchism and communalism?

What is the difference between anarchism and communalism?

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One is a lifestylist meme ideology, the other has its followers only in Kurdistan and on Holla Forums

Communalism thinks that democratic institutions are an important factor that makes true freedom possible in the first place. While not all anarchist currents are anti-organisation few embrace it like communalism. Ansyns are in pretty pro-organisation but they focus on workers organisation, while communalists focus on organising the community. Also communalists are fine with voting(but not with representative democracy) and having a professional administration(often staffed by drawing lots) that gets directed by the communal assemblies. Anarchism is such a wide ideology that there are quite many communalists that consider themselves to be anarchists and others that think that communalism is just statism in disguise.

Communalism specifically oposes individualist anarchism, anti-civ anarchism, wide swathes of green anarchism, thinks that ansyn anarchism has no future and thinks that ancom activism is not useful.

Should I try to convince my local Green Party chapter to see the light of communalism? GP USA has officially adopted anti-capitalist platform but has no positive program.

fuck i didnt mean to sage sry

Why not, as long as you don't just say google Bookchin, you should be fine.

Both are shit

With anarchism you get Robbed, beaten, and humiliated by Chad, and his friends on a daily basis only being allowed his half eaten scraps until the day you chose to leave, and end up starving to death in a field somewhere. With communalism, you'll just be raided by Chad & friends, your commune will get destroyed, and you'll end up in squalor back at square one again.

Oh look, it's the Reddit IDPOL version of the meme.

The first didn't read Marx, the other completely failed to understand what he was actually saying.

Maybe, doesnt make Communalism less true though.

Bookchin explains the differences between Communalism and Anarchism here:

We also accept that you can't get rid of or remove power from civilization. Unlike anarchists that believe power can be atomized into non-existence.

This also means we accept the need for leadership, at least until we reach FALC in which case the difference between any leftist ideology is irrelevant.

Most of this is spot on, but
What? I believe a professional administration should be put in the hands of democratically elected and recallable professionals.

Recognize the green party USA is a bunch of useless lifestylists that Bookchin would despise.

Jill Stein is a microcosm of what's bad about green movements

Why not both, I think mass participation of citizens in the administration is necessary to create informed politics in the assemblies. The delution of administration with the wider citizenship is necessary. Most buraucratic work is not something you need professionals for and these posts shoul be staffed by random citizens.

hello i am making solarpunk t-shirt can someone please translate "social ecology" into japanese for me?

I know what GPUSA is but I am talking about trying to shift the Pacific GP towards communalism.


Pronounced: "Shakai seitaigaku"

Communalism is post-modern in its definition

You can try but I doubt that will work, most parties even the small ones are completely focused on party politics and not setting up and empowering citizen organisations and local politics.



thanks. are you supposed to put the characters horizontally or vertically? does it matter?

No it is VERY much modernim, often explicitly so in Bookchin's case, with its philosophical roots emerging from the Enlightenment and its tradition of German Idealism.

*modernism I mean

Either one is fine.

Wouldn't vertically look a bit off though?

Maybe to us, but japs are just fine with it. Hell, arabs write from right to left. It's cultural.

The former is slightly more distanced from utopianism than the latter.

That works too.

So deep

this meme is such shit. that flag is the Iraqi Kurdistan flag ffs

Delete left communism.

I was thinking about that t-shirt than the script writing itself.

Communalism is more authoritarian, it's like a decentralized state with direct democracy. I think they are pretty close, Bookchin was an anarchist after all.


oh god what am I doing

is solarpunk lifestylism?

I gotta sage harder.


Get crushed roach

Elaborate. Disagreeing with him is not the same as not understanding him, though I understand that Marxists like to treat Marx as some kind of infallible state

Truly ebin cooperativeeconomy.info/the-economy-of-rojava/

dank gomrade

Bookchin became a communist at the age of nine, started organising and agitating for the communist party in his early teens, before only starting to drift towards anarchism near the start of the 50s.

Bookchin very much understood Marxism.

Uh, I think you missed the "学" symbol at the end there, comr8

What are the advantages of communalism compared to anarchism?

ty very much

One isn't afraid of power and participation in municipal election, the other is.

Wrong, ancoms can still have elections but their democratically elected "officials" hold no real power, their job is as representatives to travel to other communes to request resources that their home commune needs. However with technological innovation like electronic communication this point has become moot basically.

There is some dominance of the majority in communalism within small municipal assemblies.

the idea is that this will allow the development of liberatory technology and sustainability better than full anarchism

whoops forgot a layer

ty for the translation again

Looks nice

bretty good

Fan mail in the back.

Sorry, wrong pronoun.

Sorry, hurt feelings.

Try tippy toeing, the water is shallow: troploin.fr/node/83.

Ebin indeed. See above.

Trying to change a political party is futile, even if it's a regional political party

Communalism needs an organic "party" that suits our praxis. You can't co-opt the party politics of the bourgeois

ty. would u buy this on a shirt?

Is it made by a worker's co-op?

Meme tier article remains completely meme tier.


Is it ok if it is screenprinted by a petty bourgeoisie individualist

I unironically would

One is based on class struggle, the other on class collaboration.


See you in five years buddy. Let's do a stopgap analysis of the Rojava Revolution (upper case!) by then, alright? I'm sure there'll be a lot of proletarian and socialistic successes to talk about.

Sounds preddy gud, tbh.

Can you find no independent or co-op to do it?


Implying that you cant learn from a failed revolution.

From a revolution, sure. From a civil war and the most progressive faction's national liberation project with red rhetoric gone wrong gone sexual? I'll be all ears in the recliner.

I dont want to disturb your dreams kiddo


imagine for a minute, being this spooked

Despite extreme posturing at the hands of the most zealous proponents of Communalism, it's not significantly different from anarchism from any functional perspective. Both ideologies are anti-hierarchical, taking upon themselves the task of organizing society on principles of direct democracy and horizontalism when possible. Both ideologies advocate for the most direct ownership of the means of production possible given the circumstances of the society in question. Both ideologies stand for federalism and decentralization over centralism. Both largely reject party-form as the primary body directing their respective movements.

The biggest difference is really that anarchism (at least in its communist varieties) operates at least partially on a materialist philosophical basis. Bookchin on the other hand explicitly rejected materialism in favor of naturalism, even going so far as to re-adapt the dialectical process around it. Other than that, Communalists generally are more willing to partake in pre-revolutionary political structures, but even most anarchists today don't entirely reject such measures if they are done so pragmatically.

can you guys get new reaction images please? I'm tired of seeing the same bookchin ones over and over again.

still better than buying from a corp

Basically communalism attempts to create a small scale decentralised state with direct democracy while full anarchism is hostile to even such smallish attempts.

Bookchin was essentially an Anarchist who got so annoyed by all the lifestylist memers in the anarchist movement that he went out of his way to disassociate himself from them.
