What is it with nationalists and wacky creation myths?

What is it with nationalists and wacky creation myths?

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well unfortunately Actual Existing History places white people on the periphery of the start of civilization AT BEST so if they want a history that prove's how inherently better white people are they need to make shit up

Reactionaries tend to embrace mythopoesis (i.e. myth making) and the irrational, whereas the left has historically tended to embrace rationalism. There are of course exceptions to these generalisations though.

Hm if this is true why do modern reactionaries jack off about the intellectual superiority of muh STEM

Cuz fuck history and science and shit if it does not make me personally feel superiour to others.

This is one of the exceptions that I was talking about, in that a lot of neoreactionaries are also crudely positivistic and biologically reductionist. Still, though, despite this posturing they're also influenced by irrational tendencies in the right such as Evola.

Stemlords arent intellectually auperior to anybody tho

I don't want to hear another reactionary bitch about Lysenkoists ever again.

Strict technical education with little literary background makes ideal breeding ground for mythification of the past, for you end up believing you're immune to manipulaton.

read Sorel faggot

Syndicalism became obsolete the moment we became capable of providing for all people without forcing all of them to work.


Because creating some idealized past to work towards that never existed gives them another reason not to end their shitty lives

Gee, I don't know.

Because otherwise sacrificing your life and labor to help the state would seem silly under capitalism (which always goes hand in hand with the nation state.)

STEM, especially tech, is a cult. They want the upload their brains to computers. I hope they try and end up doing the world a favor by frying their brains.

Tech is filled with irrational bullshit though. Just look at how class cucked a lot of them are.

Sorel was a completely spooked retard who only NazBols and Fascists would unironically like. This is a guy who Mussolini cited as one of his most major inspirations in developing Fascism.

The theory of evolution is inadequate for their purposes. Traditional religious creation myths are too. Neither draws the racial distinctions they want.

Therefore, they've gotta make shit up, and they come up with stuff as wacky as you'd expect given who's doing the creating.

Dude was totally spooked but I think his ideas on myth making and oligarchy have merit.

People do respond to national myths because they are spooked. If you want to spook people in the "right" direction myth making is a useful tool.

Avoid his anti rationalism and generous understanding of socialism and you can avoid much of his incoherence.

Sometimes to gain insight into spooks, you need to peer into a head full of spectres!

STEM types aren't disproportionately rational. Reactionaries jerk off to it because they see STEM labour power as a hot commodity (which it is) and therefore as being more rational and intellectual instead than other professions, even those with similar educational requirements. Most of them are indoctrinated into this mode of thought from childhood, but it's especially convenient to their ideology which sees capitalism as rewarding intelligence so that they can see themselves as super intelligent rational objectivists.

STEM workers are usually very prone to ideological disintegration during market failures when they realize the value of their labour power is totally outside of their control. Unfortunately many of them come out of experiences with unemployment etc seeing it as their own fault and becoming even more servile as a result.

Currently there are attempts to create a large IT worker's industrial union in the United States, if they are successful they can sow the seeds of class-consciousness there.


What's leftypol obsession with the right?

Did you go to a public school? If so, did you ever visit the classroom reserved for special needs students and watch in fascination as the mentally retarded and severally autistic children bumbled about?

Holla Forums btfo

Crippling German autism

Their ideology is unscientific, so they make up facts to support it. This is unlike Marxism, which is science and subject to revision any time new facts come to light.

I was reading about falangism yesterday, actually its pretty interesting, fascist Spain was allowed to live as long as it did, but thats another story.
Anyways, i was reading what the propagandist for the Franco thought of German fascism and he referred to it as mystical

On German National-Socialism:

(February 17, 1935, at the Alhambra Cinema, Zaragoza)

It is necessary to examine with a lot of deliberation the two attempts [at totalitarian government] essayed thus far: Italian fascism and German national-socialism, and point out the differences that may exist between both ideological movements. The Italian movement is above all classical; it tends to the classical. It operates subject to a way of thinking, to a framework of the mind. A brain is at work and the result is projected onto a people.

The German case is entirely opposite. It starts from a Romantic faith, from a race's capacity for divination. Hence it is fair to affirm that Hitlerism is a mystical movement, very much tuned to the German psyche. Moreover Germany is not, as believe those fond of broad generalizations, the country of discipline, despite appearing to be so outwardly. The Germans are a very special people. They sing very well together in choral groups, they march to the same martial step; but every movement of indiscipline, of rebellion in the world, reminiscent of Spartacus, originated in Germany.

If you haven't noticed, they all but own this website.

Its a creation myth, Romulus and Remus were raised by wolves dont you know

Sorel's writings about the power of myth actually explains reactionary's obsession with their own made up history pretty well.

Franco was a bitch who betrayed the National Syndicalist cause of the Falange

Read Trotsky.

Nationalism is a tool of the bourgeoisie to protect itself.

I just found this channel after I watched vice report on the Luciferian Temple of Colombia.

I don't even know what to say about this but the guy is a Holla Forumsyp conspirational paranoid.

That is only partially true. Certainly our modern view of history is much different than what was observed by Nazis (damn your wordfilters). For example, if you read Evola, Rosenberg and other authors you will notice that their interpretation of history is somewhat different (as about Himmler in OP). Many traditions, religions etc., carry a memory of the Great Flood where only few of the Aryan race survived. It is believed to happen in two cycles.

North to South being the first one. In the North (what would-be North Pole) was quite a different land called Hyperborea (pic1) and all notable civilizations carry a myth of this place (from Zoroastrians to Hindus etc., even early Egyptians to my memory). This land ended with a catastrophe (flood or whatever). Prior to this event the civilization was supposedly governed by gods that mixed with men and that is where the questionable parts come in. If you think that the whole story of such lands is insane, I would point you to the factually known-to-exist area of Doggerland around Britain.

Second cycle is East to West, where those who left after the first settled in mythical land called Atlantis. This is where the troubles came into picture as in Atlantis itself the Hyperboreans started mixing with Southern Races (which contributed to Lunar rather than Solar religions, worship of Woman rather than Man etc.). The memory of this specific land was carried by either Mayas or Incas (probably both). Also see El Dorado. The location of this place (the one of this cycle) is located roughly somewhere around Central America. This land was also submerged in water, or otherwise suffered bad fate.

As an example of this see Laws of Manu (see Manu specifically) which was according to the myths taken out of the water (see pic2). Similar references you will find in Judaism (story of Noah) etc.

So in a sense, is right. To our knowledge it is a myth and will probably remain so because it goes way beyond our recorded history. However, it is important to note that this does not go against the concept of evolution, it only implies that white man is not so modern as it is implied today. Constant migration of whites make either interpretation somewhat tougher, as does the constant controversy over measure of age of ancient structures. The part that does go against Evolution is the part that the Northern Land of Hyperboreans was inhabited by gods and this is where the choice of interpretation leads to fallen angel vs rising beast dilemma. In either case, the survivors from supposed lands of Hyperborea and Atlantis were few, and even fewer left any records surviving today. It's a very interesting subject in general.