When people cheer on the pro-EU government of Ukraine for tearing down statues of Lenin even though they replace them...

How do you maintain hope that there will ever be another chance to overthrow capitalism when normies are this dosed up on ideology? blabla plebbit is evil, the point is the normie reaction to Lenin

Maybe they shouldnt have married Lenin to Russian nationalism.

Ideology won't fill your stomach. I imagine when they can't find work and start to get hungry they'll come to reconsider some things.

I think a lot of Russian nationalists associate Lenin and the rest of the bolsheviks with jews and see Stalin as their nationalist hero which is ironic since he's Georgian.

Ukraine is ours now, you cannot do anything about it

At last, you show yourselves as the Merkel cocksuckers you truly are.

I don't think it's ironic, there's a good assumption to be made that Russian nationalism wants to return back to Greater Russia, which includes George and some other bits on its periphery under its thumb.
And let's not forget that Stalin stayed with the Church, it's well known amongst Russians that he spent his youth in an Orthodox monastery in the mountains.

The whole ethnic issue amongst Russians is an interesting thing, the only ex-Soviet ethnicity they truly look down upon are the backward countries like Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.

Doesn't Holla Forums idealize Putin and Russia anyway? I thought Ukraine was whoring itself to EU and the Jews?

We just need to step up our propaganda, information and educational game until those objections you're raising reach their ears more often tbh fam

Yeah, it's THOSE people that Lenin hurt that others are upset over.

I don't.
I also have zero faith in the revolution form.
I would still try to help if it were to happen though.

What other "form" is there for radical leftist change?

The descendents of the proto indo European peoples are inherently fascistic and anti egalitarian this is why all civilization stems from us.

congratulations, that was retarded even as a shitpost


feels good

this activated my almonds

Bandera was not really a nazi. He worked with nazis first but then he stopped because nazis didn't wanted to let Ukraine to be independent state. So he fought agains them too for a bit.

the bolsheviks were shit, good riddance

t.Alberto Barbossa

So why do you complain about the jews ruling above you?

Btw they are still the best of leftist regimes

then this tells us that they were worse. vietnam failed because they couldn't into not killing each other

cuba failed because they were blockaded, and NK failed because authoritarianism is fucking cancer

He was happily ethnically cleansing Jews and Poles until the Nazis backstabbed him. He was only not a Nazi in the sense that he happened to be on the Germans' hit list also.


People are literally crying about kulaks in the comments and presenting Lenin's encouragement to the small peasants to attack them as a hideous crime.

It was old hostility on national grounds. Especially to poles. And jews often were bankers and moneylanders so ukrainian villagers disliked them. He was nationalist but he never said that ukrainians are kinda superior nation.


Leadership of the Russian nationalist party is Jewish, ironic.

Poor Zhirinovsky.

Nazism is fascism but not every fascist regime is nazism and they differ between each other. Not every Axis country was literally nazi

*Charges straight to your face*
*Disembowel you with chainsword*

This planet…is OURS, Witch!

This is bait right?

I have no hope. Hope is for suckers.

What's needed is a plan.

ITT: Stupid tankies in this thread that still religiously defend a man who killed peasants.
These so called "kulacks" weren't rich, they had a few more cows than their neighbour.
When will you ever learn that the Soviet Union was a massive defeat for the Left and defending it is no different from nazis defending the Holocaust.

No way can you denounce all of the Russian revolution. Fuck off with this bullshit liberal revisionism

t. liberal

lmao imagine being this delusional.

why is ukraine opposed to communism? its jsut such a mystery. don't they know that the holodomor was fake? why would they trust the lessons and opinions of their families and communities who lived under these regimes, doesn't it make so more sense adopt the opinions of a bunch of neets who read revisionist history?

I keep saying, all of Eastern Europe is a lost cause and will remain so for a long time. They still believe the lies they've been told 3 decades ago about how "all capitalist countries can be as rich as France and Germany! Honest!". As before, things will have to become a lot worse before they can get better.

Lusitania is the Last Red Hope.

Back in 1991, 71.48% of Ukrainians supported remaining a socialist republic under the aegis of the USSR in a referendum. The only reason this capitalist, fully independent Ukraine ever came about was because of Yeltsin's antics. This anticommunism is a modern phenomenon based on nationalist propaganda, not an enduring trait from the Stalinist period.

At this rate, the only thing they'll be reconsidering is whether or not they should murder all the "foreign leeches" or some such nonsense.

Actually when they can't find work and start to get hungry it's exactly when they deepens even further into trash ideology.

Remember, the Baltic SS soldiers were patriots and heroes. Being Nazis is fine if you fight the greatest evil ever to exist: communism.

You can honestly keep that shithole. It's not even nationalist it is ruled by extremely corrupt oligarchs who are in bed with The West and Russia with a 50/50 split. The nationalists there are private funded militia Shabbos goyim for a Russian Dnepropetrovsk Jew called Kolomoiski who uses them to attack the interest of another Oligarch called Renat Akhmetov

The oligarchy treats the Ukranian population as subhuman bydlo while trying to rob everything while they can before the fucking regime collapses. They are at war with Russia and at the same time Russia is by far the largest foreign investor into the Ukranian economy which is followed by Cyprus and Austria both of whom are Russian offshores. They are at war with Russia while the remnants of the Ukranian defence industry sell all their weapons and spare parts to Russia, while the Ukranian president owns factories in Russia and Crimea that pay taxes into the Russian budget. They are at war with Russia while they have a friendship and cooperation treaty and visa free travel treaty all in effect while the population lives on like 50 dollars a month and gets taxed on everything including pensions (the only country in the world) The EU and America all know this and that's why they have rolled back support significantly. Fucking America will provide lethal weapons to the Kurds to al Qaeda but not to Ukraine. The EU doesn't even invest anything there anymore but it should because of that shithole crashes the EU will have a Somalia tier country on their border with 100's of Nestor Makhno's running around with 10 nuclear power plants.

If this shit is nationalism then cannibal Ugandan warlords are an upgrade.


There's literally nothing wrong with being part of the SS.

hello fellow portumoor

portuguese century confirmed