So celebrate why you still can 'cause any second it may end

So celebrate why you still can 'cause any second it may end.
And when it's all been said and done, better that you had some fun.
Instead of hiding in a shell, why make your life a living hell?
Have a toast, down the cup, drink to bones that turn to dust.

'cause no one, no one, no one, no one, no one, no one, no one, no one lives forever!

/Cupcake OP

Other urls found in this thread: Gundyr



i'm just having fun
i hope they don't either

that's about it

i miss cup caek ;~;

oh sweet, I'm free. and I can stay late cause I start late tomorrow.

but it used to be russia




Grim you still didn't give me a number.


The supermoon is amazing tonight

I said 12

But that was already given.

Mr. Mime already looks like a sex offender.

is 23 too old to suck cock for a living?

send help



you noticed me today! ♥


i wonder when i'll get to see it

3 hours from now

6 is also good

some nignog made a new thread without linking

Fair enough.
Sorry, I'm not actually good at small talk.

Do you finish late as well?

neru, did you do a data mining module at university?

He did link it thought ???


that's ok
how's life for you?


WELL I saw nothing

and russia is eastern so alaska is east too

I can send a new mirror

Yuh, won't be home until in the evening.
but I find it relaxing, makes me have dinner with classmates etc. fun fun.
wanna be in discord in a bit? or's headset too annoying


is that East coast time or my time?

You're a boosted nug but I can't help it

i regret my decision to enroll on this module
its literally just firing up weka, running a couple of tests, then spending the next few hours filling in fucking spreadsheets ;_;

the mirror aint the problem, the 3 or so stone i put on after going to uni is


boosted wat

wats a nug

Things are going alright.
I still have Tokai, and I have DnD on the weekends.
A lot of it is spent being lazy, since most of my friends are either too busy, or just don't do anything.

Clean the pastry out of your eyes.

I'm just thinking.
Because you shouldn't ignore sleep schedule just 'cause one day is different.

Did you get a new schedule, or is it just tomorrow?

your time

aha 90% of data science is cleaning data

no amount pf pastry can makeme not see stuff that is not there

Clearly that's not true, because you missed something that is there.

do you think 1.5 months and 2 ACW pieces into it is too late to switch modules? because fuck me is this some tedious bullshit

is not

Ask Neru

I don't know exactly

idk Ican not into this stuffs

but the east coast is new amsterdam and florida sing song
it doesnt make sense

go sport're right.
humm, I'll send you what times I got now.
I think numbers give a better indication than my weird brain.

Maybe you should turn your filters off?

i wish i could properly relax and just live my life, but i keep fucking up school

I made my PS4 picture that nun girl or whatever



nope Idonot want to read trash


i wanted to take up fencing, but it requires me to do 3 fucking months of foil fencing before i can touch a saber, and the sessions are at 8pm.

yay ultra moon!

can i adc

I wanna spend time with yah, but I know that if I'm not a big meanie face you have a habit of not sleeping until it's too late.

I wish I could help with that, but I think it's out of my hands.

Then don't say someone didn't crosslink when you're objectively wrong.

No you're supping me :c

nobody did

itmight be a bit late

i fear that may indeed be the case

This post is a crosslink, you ignorant tool.

i wish i had never made that promise not to kill myself
i'm gonna go now
probably post when i'm in bed

lets paly

good evening everyone

east coast best coast

you seem not very patient

..true xc
mhm I sent you it.
make of it what you will.
I'm pretty glad with it



Florida sucks.

I-I can't right now

foil fencing is not exactly what i want to do, and 8pm is kind of a pain in the arse


Good bye, Revy.
I hope your night is well.

Whoever made that schedule is a fucking sadist.



am i not good enough for u?

I just got in a game


I hear it's people are orange

no sport is fun in the beginning, but you gotta learn.

schedule makers tend to do that.
I'm just glad about not getting up at 6 on Monday anymore

im not exactly interested in sport fencing tho, im interested in proper fencing

Niggers and Cubans.


what do i do now?

ooook I tiootbrush and then bed and then

Fair enough.
I guess it's not so bad, since your Thursday isn't until the end of the day.

You should probably still be getting in bed around nowishly, though.



nana hufs ♥


woa thats me

someone picked gueroes champion so he left to play OW instead

lonely sadface

stay cute

what's the difference

they mixed and made orange
I know my colours

tbh I just hate friday, having to be so early for so little.

mhm.. I suppose.
15 minutes, I'll wrap myself in


Yeah, that's what I was commenting on with the sadist thing.

Just gotta get to bed a bit early on Thursday, I guess.

*twiddles my thumbs and fidgets impaiteintly*

one is a game of tag with flimsy metal twigs that evolved from french dueling tradition, the other involves two people fighting with swords.

hahahahahah get fucked

I'll go brush my teeth, rub my face and get blankets ready. bai threados

I blame that all one that course on friday, all those teachers are nutjobs. nazi strictness and no fun.


you can't go actually fight people with swords silly

I hope you get buzzkilled


♥ sweetness and Lightning!

My entire day has been a buzzkill motherfucker, try me

am i a meme???

fuck me

*tries you

I'd try an Oobles ;)

1v1 the enemy grim

to find out who the real Kayle grim is

yes you can, you just have to wear protective gear and use blunted swords

u guys gotta get in line sheesh

Bitch I'm cutting in front

Can I cut the line ???

YOU ARE NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 A!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11


I finished toobhrush

Iwill put in bed now nana bedtim then


ian is the prettiest girl



im home

Hi home, I'm Ian

i-i mean... no

hi nezibb

how was your day?

You don't want my big vagina? ;~;

hello oobles.

hello ian.

ok i guess

n-no... i have guero's big dick that is fine enough

you're straight u gross faggot


woof woof

been at work?

lmfao good one fam
smashing dat mf like button

What gender on the left

Hey turbofag

I demand proof of this wild accusation.

ur killin me

They're all girls
including myself

Shut up Soto you spic faggot motherfucker fuckin shit ass bitch

no ask him???


woof indeed

Yes, you said hello already.

Wanna go out sometime

You are the one saying it, the burden of proof is on you

No, I said hello to Home

You're Nezi

Another day.

ian do you want to see my dick

N-no, I never said that



its not gay if i show you it as a friend


The only one concerned about whether or not it's gay is you, friend


After you fix that atrocious hair of yours

Love ya bud

can someone post ians triball dick again for oobles sake


Nigga you drunk?

Tristan stop this


NO Yes




/me touches ur butt


Wtf what's atrocious about it

It's atrocious that you're a faggot


I cant believe youve done this


i want to see subtle

his face man
every fucking time



I suppose.



Man, Im so triggered I only took like 12 pictures this AX compared to the almost 300 from AX '15

I'm just fuckin with ya bby
I don't think I've ever seen your hair anyways

Your ears are a different story tho

I like the point emote
basically says "sit the fuck down"

I just started DS3!

You were too drunk this time lmao

Am I gonna have to pull a double Van Gogh

He never finished his Kai training and didn't even know who Beerus was.

It kinda makes sense


I don't even remember getting to Israels truck
Then we ended up in some shitty hotel

u rly rekt enemy sub par kayle grim death
if only you were kayle 2 and became friendly with them in a mocking manner told them in all chat how to play kayle

PS4. My PC isn't strong enough

Then I took acid


I'd totally do that D.Va.

this aint blinds


if only you turned them into ur freind.


the diana I ripped into shreds last night added me this evening and asked me for tips

does that count

close enough u~u

who here knows shit about cars
i need to buy one soon and i know less about cars than the average downy

It's a pretty high form of flattery


My stepdad knows a ton, go for it


I'm partially sorry about that for like kinda peer pressuring you into it
I also blame Matthew for selling it to you

There were so many D Va's this year at AX

go to /o/

I know how to haggle, that's about it.

Naw, I asked for it totally my fault

what do i do now?

pose and send me the selfie

click dis

and press full screen ( or f11 ?)

what's up


and a bowl of rice

Shoulda tried coke instead

It's the white peoples drug anyways


Welp. I am not bored.

Yeah no


i just watched kewl youtubes of weird online stuffs

and now i'm just sitting here staring at thread...


Okay, fuck Iudex Gundyr or whatever the fuck

Why do his attacks hit me from a mile away

Why can't I roll through is overheads

Do you have prior DS experience?

I got up to Sen's Fortress in DS1

Other than that, no

what do

Nigga calm down, you act like you get full on addicted the first time you try it
This ain't heroin fam

Besides you don't have anyway to get it so there's no way you could honestly be addicted
you need a supplier too btw

Kite his flank that has no weapon.
Should help.

What's this?

I have an addictive personality

This means nothing to me

Give that guy $15 for that Cadalac

See that big as polearm he has?
Move around his side that doesn't have that. Takes longer for him to swing at you. Less likely to hit.

tristan just get a 2000 camry for a grand


remember to leave enough stamina for a roll

That does not work

Just tried it

He just hits me with that fucking retarded wide swing

roll towards him

where the fuck u seeing a camry for a grand

git gud

I drive a 2006 Uplander I got for one hundred.

i know this feel

Aybsal underlord so OP ;~;
i try rolling and he just knock me down...

huurrrrr parrrying durrrr

Rolling towards him does not work

those miles though

also youll have to come down to the city to grab it


your timing is just bad

Don't tell me this person still makes videos




Fuck off


You can't fuck me, bard.

they are right you know

same thing applies in monster hunter

Ian is as bad at DS as he is in Leeg lmao



it's my favorite wacky canadian hey there you goofy canuck haha


the game is all about timing

*logs off

what did she mean by this


What game?

Soto uou're a faggot

derk souls


[so much can be said with this dogs faces]

My god, why?

Put that tongue licky....


you spent all that money

just to find out it's just timing simulator 2016





It is your timing if dodging doesn't avoid attacks.
I-frames are the time in the dodge where you are not able to be hit in any way. The only thing that can get you in those frames are poison clouds and shit.
Using I-frames lets you dodge into an attack and miss the connecting blow. That's why you dodge INTO an attack. If it's coming from the left you dodge into and past it. It shortens the amount of time the attack is going though you and leaves you connected for fewer frames. Higher agility would dictate the amount of frames you were in this state, but I don't recall what governs it in DS3.

What's wrong, love?

That's right.

Now come over here and gimme a kiss before I head off to work


eating pizza

But that's the TUTORIAL boss!

Can I have some?

yeah i killed gundyr with my dick in my hand

DS does not have tutorials.
It's just the FIRST boss.

its mine

It took you like 9 tries the first time.

I can give you something in return....




And I am trying to help you learn.

now i do it with my dick in my hand


Well, it is meaty...and soft...

back to starving myself

oh gosh

It literally does, it's the part with all the soapstone messages on the floor that tell you how to move your character and roll and shit. It's not a proper boss really. Just like asylum demon isn't really a real boss.

If they do horizontal blows, just roll towards the strike. You have a set amount of invisibility frames so moving in the opposite direction makes it take less frames for it to pass through you, obviously.

A warm embrace

Damn, Uchi guy is tough


maybe uh wanna get a coffee first ?w


They are bosses. Nothing about them makes them not bosses.

Don't bother arguing, they're in a tutorial area and they are not as difficult as actual bosses. You don't even fight asylum demon at full health. It is pretty much just there to hint you on how to cheese taurus.

What? Not good enough?

M-maybe we could, husky-kun.

Push him off the edge

it's on me

Yes, I know how that cheese works

I'd rather actually do it tho

Well aren't you a smooth operator?

stark girl!

DS3 Firelink firekeeper is qt af

How retardedly arrogant.

No shit they wouldn't be as hard. They are the first boss. That is the point of progression in difficulty. They are classified as a boss, have a boss bar, and drop boss items. I'm sorry they don't fit into your odd classification.

I guess Taurus and Capra aren't bosses either because they are just normal monsters in Izalith. Is the Fire Demon not a boss either because it's just a bigger Stray Demon?

Wait until Yorshka.

love u manders
but not in a homo sex way

Or are you just trying to be difficult because you're still mad that Darwin told people I had his number? :^)

Are you really this bored?

You seemingly never really understood that thing to begin with.

I have seen the whole game tho

Anri is bae

Love you to, bardo. That dog is awful cute, by the by.

I can only assume you don't have a valid argument as usual.

people get so autistic over dark souls

It's the boss in the tutorial area. There isn't really a counter argument on the table.

Have fun.

cause there's nothing more important for them to argue about right now? :^)

Darwin started the rumor that I call him to make me happy because I couldn't have the rest of his number past what I have now. You got pissy at him on Steam because he doesn't even call you and you still want to get back with him and have some weird jealousy issues.
I am well aware of the situation. He talks to me as well.

Holy shit. Stay consistent.


I found him on facebook and I think nthere is an instaagram for him
he is so kawaii i just wanna pplay with his whiskers >W



says you

that's why its valid

Where did I say that? I said it was the tutorial boss. I said it wasn't a PROPER boss, but that is not the same as saying it isn't a boss at all.


i never knew it was a big deal to have Darwin's number
I have it

You are trying to take the validity of them being bosses away. That is asinine.

I have made my point.

I want

Is it a 323? 310?

I won't

I'll roll you harder than a Dark Wraith.

I only have the last 4 numbers. :(

Oh well. Gundyr


I met Darwin in real life and touched his butt.

Are those actually his first 3 numbers?
Because I am legit not kidding.


The first one, yeah.

u tryinna get me bant?

that must mean that you're a sexy shota~

Can I be a sexy shota?

Also, Bard.
Please stop posting porn.

LA area is 323, 310 or rarely 424

No just gib

You clearly know shit all given from what you've said on the topic every time you talk about it. I was never under the impression that you two talk. I didn't get pissy at him on steam at all, I literally just asked him because you told me to ask him.

You're arguing semantics, you don't really have a point. Furthermore, you're trying to quote me on things I didn't say to try to make an argument.

I am not.

I need to go through my boxes to find the notebook with poster notes in it.
I have a list of names and one of them is his on it.
This might be happening.

I'm sure I'll hear all about it when you bitch to him later.

Yeah no, you're being foolish.

I bet you are a big bara man >///

Steam it to me

I'll recognize his voice if he answers :3

obby roll just like dat

I'll be sure to save the logs next time.

That is a breach of privacy.


I'm sure he'd appreciate that.

i want to know all about masters body >///


I am tempted to order pizza.

He does not care either way most times.
It is a give and take relationship.

He told me that I can't share the info I have.
It's the only reason I can have it.

who else misses this show

I have seen his eye and that's basically like seeing his dick.


I will Steam him, then

~y give a shit~


ready to play again

I've never gotten his E-cummies before

I;m gonna kill myself

He'd probably share a lot less if he thought you were going to use it to insult people rather than be his friend.

You know who's the one laughing at the end of all of this


Let me get my pizza ordered and consumed.

I'm not sharing anything personal, and you seem convinced I don't actually have anything.
So if that is the case there is no reason to worry.


Lesbians Got Bad Tits

I feel I am getting a fair amount out of this too



Sorry for the delay. a friend showed up here. I was gonna say

Stop saying brilliant things that make me wanna cap them for reposting.

I am here. Now.


thats just the way it always is

I dont think he's laughing, more like he's tired of it.

I was just telling you not to throw darwin under the bus just to throw shade at me.

You seem pretty tired of it yourself

i'm fucking done with my friends for a few days
take me back, internet
i need you in my life

It's fun and he says it doesn't matter to me.
I only do it out of boredom.


i am tired....

Is it really that fun though? Weren't you going to try to be nicer to people?


In general, yes.
But that does not mean I can't be a dick arbitrarily as well.

Hell, I use to detest Googles, and now we play games together. So I find I can make allowances now and then.

my friends are fucking idiots who don't know how to use emergency services properly
like, i'll drink and post, and i have screenshots of the times i was abusing sleeping pills and posting so i assume it happened, but they just don't know how to handle someone taking a pile of ambien
or, at least, one of them doesn't and the rest are just yelling at her

obvs you ust stick your finger down their throat

Time to go get pizza.

cmon man

what happened
did you try to kill yourself again

when they're passed out?
You know that can cause them to inhale barf and suffocate



bard is my favourite american!!!!!!!

I am just meming I wouldnt do that irl

or call poison control when they're clearly dangerously unwell
not fucking just film it

my friend took a bunch of ambien for fun and her roommate just sat there and filmed her and posted it on facebook group chat and i was like yo isn't that a bit fucked up and she was like "nah rose is fine"

God bless this beautiful country

I seriously hope so

Yeah you need new friends

I guess one has to blow off steam somehow. Not really much point in detesting people either, it's a lot of energy wasted on being angry I think.

yeah i know

sleep bae

It is astounding how stupid people can be

nahh bro j ust give them another shot theyll be fine haha

what a country america is !!

detesting people is good fun

truly impressive

people are dumb and i hate them

so very true



Such a strong gaze


im watching EP 2 of super right now :)

always thought of it as a waste of energy, also ban do you see gohan training after that strangely disgusted in himself look he had over himself not noticing trunks problems?

Make sure it is consensual.


can't, gotta watch my grandma

Got pizza. Need cummies.

All out.

I'm not crying.
Fuck you.
Shut up.

Who needs LOVE
when you have FOOD

oh well, aside from tired how are you feeling nez?

did you finish the series or something?

yeah... ;~;
i just watch final GF episode a few days ago

It's a satisfying end.

The devil tried to convince me not to post this for many reasons like it ain't good enough and I am too emotional though it but you know what? I am posting it just because I know Satan hates it. This one is for my Lord and God and if it upsets the devil .... GOOD!!!!!!
Hope this sing touches you all as much as it does me. Praise God and TFL'. Have a great day of the Lord everyone.




welcome to the feels train, we have a plethora of fun carts but you have to pay in tears to move from one to the other

it was, I loved it quite a bit it's rare a series end so nicely

about the same here, it's pretty shitty


It's more that it's rare to see a series stop when it should.

They'd never have gotten as satisfying an ending if they'd gone for a third season.

But I'm going to head to sleep.
My heart is a whirling flurry of emotions, and I just don't feel up to anything anymore.

Return to gravity falls when?

As I go, though, I totally ship Mabel and Pacifica.
Not for any real reason based on content, just because I think they'd be really cute vehemently denying there's anything there even though they're totally banging behind closed doors.



wanna form a suicide pact


Two years huh.


I remember this

I think I did a couple as well

Well thank you friend, I sure do appreciate your input ;)


Get it

I responded passive aggressively

sleep well rin! night

probably never and if it did? it'd probably be some timeskip scenario

is there fucking before the actual suicide? lol


What is this

Yes hello Mordin

O boi if u dunt

Fucks sake, charts are awful.


Bitch I'm still in the cut


That one's just messy

Just saying, in general charts are awful.

What a fucking mess this one is.

I'm sure I've saved more. I like going through some of the saved stuff I have in my massive folder.

It says kamuu's

yes but it's fun when someone's a faggot for liking this poster and something is wrong because he don't like that poster.


1 worst 10 best
mordin-5- league obsessed swedecuck. not really interesting at all. at least he says 'blue' funnily or something.
alchemist-7- good contribution to thread, funny, some retarded 'opinions.'
soto-8- dudebro of the thread. nothing really wrong with him he's a cool guy
her-9- brotier poster, not that interesting/noticeable but that's just his character, he's all good
scoot-7- grade B+ shitposter
mika-7- sweetheart and also a huge slut, got his nudes on literally my first day on /lewd/
sebastian-6- derails threads with furry crap/gayposting, is pretty chill though when he's not horny. probably shouldn't be a mod
isla-5- dumb as a fucking brick, thank god she's so attractive or she'd be heading nowhere in life
grim-9- brotier poster and loremaster. gets a little angry sometimes but wouldn't you if you were brown?
tokai-7- some unholy mix between man and female, but pretty cool/fun to talk to. would definitely stick my dick inside at any rate
hailey rodriguez-6- pretty nice person, huge liar/bully though. vehemently denies being mexican
david-8- funny, conversative, looks like a huge fag. nothing really wrong with this guy
sci-1- dsagjkdghauigua
fool-5- extremely antagonistic due to a lack of natural conversation skills. can be kinda funny. a little obsessive with what he's currently into (music, roaches, etc.)
erio-8- really cool guy. only bro tier poster i'd stick my dick in
loco-4- y-you guys are t-transphobic!
elma-8- great person to be around, funny, pretty passable trap minus a few masculine features
subtle-?- no idea
mandy-7- pretty cool, albeit a little weird/obsessive at times.
kittens-8- MAGA
ui-?- no idea, he's fucked more traps than i have though
desu-8- cuteposter who does his job well
revy-9- mai waifu ((NOT A BIASED SCORE))
griddles-7- brotier poster, /hm/ as fuck though
mañaka-8- another cuteposter who does his(her?) job well. dont know that much about him(her?) though
E-?- no idea, hope he's cuter
casper-9- brotier poster, based as fuck
colbert-8- bad taste in waifus, pretty cool guy though regardless of his opinion towards me
squash-?- no idea
chii-7- a little chubbier than a white girl should probably be, funny, good taste in memes
luka-6- sweet, cute, but a little uninteresting due to a poor ability to hold conversations
tsuchi-7- antagonistic poster but still manages to be pretty funny
cherub-6- feel the bern
fortune-8- typical bro tier poster, chill as fuck
honey-?- no idea
bard-9- top tier bro, good tastes in everything, good conversations also.
spoilers-6- meh. like sebastian without the chillness or furry posting. fine moderator though
erin-6- fine for a cutter, shame about the fiance though


I'm the 5th one I remember that

post moar


Good job.

I'm sorry 😂😂

No kidding, dipshit

Bitch what?

I forgot that was even my name.


that's boo's last list, mind you

post yer waifus

Boo is an autistic retard and I'm glad he is gone.

what squash said

time skip! yay

teenage or adult mabel~ ♥
return to gravity falls to discover new deeper secrets under all the top layer secrets in GF
alien ship awakening, revival of new time baby, bills stone statue dicovered by new shady secret mysterious enemy who knew about gravity falls buble and alein space ship tie in and revealed secret sub plot right under all grown up characters in gravity falls feets.
Adult version of the teenage kewl girl who dipper loved meets adult dipper romantic subplot relationship struggles they marry in the end.
adult maybel meets somone too...
and uh... all the characters do time skip stuff.
and uh...

i guess other stuff could happen?

I thought he was cool at some point. That lasted a few hours.


Yeah hi hello. I'm not sure whether to play video games or go to bed. Life is difficult.


Well you're also an autistic retard so that makes sense.

Would you guys be glad if I was gone too?

if anything they'dd be roughly 16 as that's the next age group up for the producers to aim for

So much hate for boo :/

This is the last one I did for goldie

Nobody would notice

Until he trows a bitch fit 'cause people don't give nudes.

Boo had no redeeming features



I found his ability to leave very admirable.

Boo was alright when we played OW with him on voice at first before something happened to that that I didn't really keep up with.

He did it to himself.

Erin spent.. a couple of hundred thousand dollars..?

Wouldn't you :^)

Lol, unlike SOME people here

I don't really care much about poster nudes.
I have the internet.

no u

around $200,000

the drama and trapthirst were too much

give nude of your waifu there :^)

i wonder what they would do...


He was also just a cunt.

same though

Luka/Spoilers should make a list

I know you dont want to spoilers but it would be fun



All these lists makes me want to make a legit list with actual effort.

actually MFF should make a list

now is not a good time

for obvious reasons


You won't do it.

Go for it.

Yes. You indeed have been pervervialised.

Tbh there's not enough good art of her.

i'm a searchin

yep. giving people a hard time for it is fun and provides for quality shitposting.

If I have a list of posters. Like a huge list of everyone.

Going to pull up paint or something.

A dick is a dick.

Maybe I'll play the last fallout DLC.

It seems like these lists change so often that putting lots of effort into it would be a wasted effort before long.

Dont you tell me what to do or I'll ask him to post the ogre feet in thread.

Do it squash

It is not normal to be sexually attracted to animals.

He doesn't have them so go for it you're bluffing anyway

So, easy trolling.

God speed.



You rate them in something related to gay animals.

He told me he did, he wouldn't lie.

I didn't get popular enough to get rated yet, nice.

It's not as abnormal as you think.

That could be fun.

to bad i can't make a Real genuine list with 'effort'

because it won't be perfect of satisfactory.

and plus i just don't have the memory to form one.

We are intelligent human beings. Using lesser creates for sex just because they do it is ethically and morally questionable.

y i no get???? ;-;